By Cowboy0928

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Officer Tom Hanson is 18, soon to be 19, fresh out of Police Academy, and on the force in his home town. He... More



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By Cowboy0928

Sydney and the kids and Judy were picked up by armed guards and driven to a safe house.  It was a very nice home.  The kids cried on the plane all the way.  Sydney said, "kids this is pretty nice huh" They wouldn't speak. They all three just wanted on her lap.  They cried all 4 of them.

Sydney said, "how about we get something to eat maybe. We should check the kitchen, see what there is" Judy said, "I can do that"

Madison said, "I want daddy" Sydney said, "I want him too baby" Morgan said, "mommy can we call him" Sydney said, "no baby I'm sorry. We can't talk to daddy on the phone" Tommy said, "Not at all " Sydney said, "no honey, I'm sorry, but his phone might be bugged."

Thomas tried not cry.  Sydney said, "Thomas, I know you want to take care of me and your sisters but it's ok to cry baby. Please don't hold your tears in" He burst out in tears. She held them all.

Judy brought the kitty and puppy out, the kids held them and cried on them on Sydney's lap.

Judy said, 'The fridge is stocked, they have stuff for sandwiches how about that" The kids shook their head no. They just cried.

Judy said, "Sydney if you want me to fix you something" Sydney said, 'no, I feel sick. Can you watch the kids" She ran to the bathroom.

Sydney was throwing up and crying at the same time.  The guards buzzed Judy and said that Tom's mom was there.  She came in.  Judy said, "Mrs. Hanson" She ran to her and cried. So did Tom's mom.  The kids had followed Sydney and were sitting in the bathroom crying watching her.  She tried get them to leave telling them that she was fine, but they wanted to be there.

Madison said, "Thomas we need daddy, mommy needs daddy she is sick" Sydney said, "honey it's the baby I promise. I threw up with you 3, it's all it is. It's ok"

Judy said, "Sydney is throwing up, she can't eat, the kids won' speak, they are just crying nonstop, they are scared and worried about Sydney, Sydney had to tell them about the baby because they were so worried, she was throwing up. And we are scared for Tommy. If he if something" She cried.

Tom's mom hugged her.  The girls came running out saying "Judy we need daddy mommy is throwing up bad she needs daddy" They saw Tom's mom They said, "Grandma make daddy come" She picked them up and they cried.  She said, "I know daddy wants to be here, but he needs make sure that you are safe. I will take care of mommy ok."

Judy watched the kids.  Sydney was on the floor crying throwing up.  Tom's mom knelt down and patted her back. She said, "I'm so sorry honey Tell me anything at all I can do to help you" Sydney said, "I'm scared for Tommy" She cried. Tom's mom held her and rocked her back and forth both crying.  She said   "I can't do this again. I lost him once and I just got him back, but now the kids are all heartbroken, they won't eat, I can't even hardly get them to talk, Thomas thinks he needs take care of me, so he is trying not to cry. I can't raise them without Tommy, not now, not when I got him back, and had him, why can I only have him a month."  She was crying.

Tom's mom said, "Honey I know, I'm just as scared as you are, but Thomas has a whole lot more help, special forces, he has too much to live for you your kids, your new baby. He's so happy about the new baby" Sydney said, "What if" She said, "honey we can't think like that. He will find a way to get you home. We have to pray and have faith."

She helped Sydney up and to the bed.  She said, "is there something I could get you to eat, cook for you."  Sydney said,"i just want the kids to eat" She said, "Honey you need to take care of yourself, get some food in you."  Sydney said, "I know" She said, "Sydney I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you when you were pregnant before, and you had to do this all on your own, but I'm here now. You're not alone, and Tommy will be back for you. He loves you and those kids too much to lose you now. Please just have faith and take care of your baby and let me and Judy take care of you and the kids."

Sydney said, "They are heartbroken and scared I can't help them I don't know how what to say nothing I say helps comfort them" She said, "I know you rest ok"

Judy called Dennis. She told him it's bad. Sydney is throwing up hon stop, kids are scared, worried, and nonstop crying won't eat. She's scared for Tommy. Dennis tried comforting her, told her he would make sure Tom made it out of this alive. They all would.

A few days passed, Sydney had been to the doctor, and the doctor started her on prenatal vitamins, and fluids, and something to help with the morning sickness. The kids would not talk. They just cried and wanted Sydney to hold them. They didn't want to eat.  Tom's mom tried cooking everything, but they would barely eat.

Sydney ate but then would throw it up. Kids laid in with her and would not leave her side.  Tom's mom thought Sydney should just get bed rest. She and Judy were worried she may lose the baby. She's too worried about Tom.

Judy called Adam and asked him to put Tom on the phone. Tom was happy to hear from her. He asked about Sydney and the kids.  She said, "look Tom, I know you think you are doing the right thing, but you are not.  You are making a big mistake. Your family needs you. I know that you're a target here, but there has to be a way to keep you safe here too. This place has armed guards. Soldiers.  Tom Sydney cannot keep food down, your mom is worried she may lose your baby, the kids cry nonstop, they won't talk, not even to Sydney, they won't watch tv, they won't eat, they won't leave her side, so when she throws up, they are in with her, They are scared they don't understand why she is throwing up, even though we have all told them Sydney told them about the baby and that it is normal, that she threw up with them. Tom, she needs you. She can't take this stress of worrying about you, and try8ing to comfort the kids when she can't even keep a sandwich down. She may lose your child. There has to be a way" Tom said, "I'll talk to Adam. See what he thinks"

Damian told Tom that he thought Tom was making a mistake.  Damian said, "Hanson, I messed up. I took on this case. I left my pregnant wife and child. I stayed away but couldn't protect them. I wasn't there when she was kidnapped, when she was taken against her will, raped, as she watched our child and baby die, all on her own. Don't make the same mistake that I did. You have the chance to not make that mistake. Go to your wife. This is my fight. I need revenge. They took my wife, my children. You have yours. They need you. If you lose this baby, she may not forgive you. The kids may be so traumatized that they don't forgive you. And there is no way to know that they will be safe. You stand a better chance at saving them if you are there, not states away. I thought my wife was safe, staying away. I didn't even know she was taken. If you really think that these guys just want you, you are stupid fool. They want to hurt you. They will go after your wife and children first then send you a video make you watch it. Just what they did to me."

Tom said, "God you're right. I remember that day you came in the family meeting. They told you that they didn't want you dead it was better punishment better torture to leave you alive knowing you got them killed. Adam, I got to go."  Adam said, "I will get you there. But I have an idea, just in case you are being watched here." Adam said, "I think you're making the best decision, my guards can protect her, but if they found out, who is to say they wouldn't infiltrate the guards, like they did in prison. Then she would be at risk. Not knowing that one of the guards was bad."  Tom said "Damm it I didn't think of that. I need get there asap"

Damian said, "Hanson, I'm sorry I got you into this. But trust me, I will finish this, I will get those bastards if it's the last thing I do, and you can bring your family home. Go be with your family, and love your wife, tell her every day about how much you love her, kiss her every day, tell those beautiful kids how you adore them."  Tom said, "I will thank you" He hugged him.

Judy had managed to get the kids away from Sydney long enough for her to throw up. Judy went in the bathroom trying to help. She felt helpless. She sat and cried on the floor with her.

Judy said, "Sydney is this morning sickness worse than before" Sydney said, "yes, I'm scared what if I'm going to lose the baby. It will be my fault. I should be strong enough to get through this, but I'm paralyzed with fear. I can't help the kids, I'm worried about them, they won't eat, they don't want to watch cartoons, they don't even want ice cream. They won't talk I don't know what to do to help them" She said," honey, I know, I'm so sorry this is happening."  Sydney said, "I'm so scared for Tommy" She said, "I know so am I, but Dennis promised me they are guarding Tommy. He said he will keep him safe."

Sydney went back to bed, tried eating some soup. The kids wouldn't even take candy. Sydney begged them to eat, so they ate a tiny bit of soup. But the girls told her they feel sick. The girls started throwing up.  Sydney cried.

Sydney sat with them and rocked them, then got them to sleep. Tom made it to Arizona, but Adam said there was only one way to get Tom out of the station. Tom had been living at the station, because the house was probably being watched.

Adam had got a call, when he was making arrangements. Tom's mom's house, his dad's house, was set on fire. Burned down. Adam said, "Tom I have bad news. It's not your family. But I'm sorry son, your mom's house is gone."  Tom said, "What" He said, "Burned down this morning Bomb" Tom said, "oh God, thank God Adam that you got my mom out of there."  Tom cried thinking of all the stuff lost, that was his dad's. But most important thing was she was alive.

Adam told Tom only way to get him out of here, was if Tom dressed up as a woman. Tom said, "What the hell" Adam said, "it's only way., If this place is being watched, I mean your car is here, they won't be looking or expecting you to be a woman."  Dennis was teasing him, saying did Tom want to hook up. Tom was not happy especially with Dennis. Doug and Harry were blowing him kisses.  Tom said he was drawing the line at makeup, but they had him wear lipstick and makeup, mascara.  The guys were taking pictures.

Tom made it there, and to the safe house.  Tom's mom had left to go to the store. With an armed guard.

The guards rang the special intercom for Judy said Mrs. Hanson had a visitor it was safe. Judy wasn't sure she believed them. She said, "no one is coming in here sorry."  Tom said, "Judy" Judy said, "Tom" He said, "Judy open the door please" She did.  She was not expecting what she saw. Tom in a brown dress, high heels, lipstick, makeup. mascara. and a wig

He said, "ok get the laughs out of the way" She doubled over laughing.  She said, "Thank God you are here. I've never been more happy to see you" She hugged him. Kissed his cheek.

He said, "how's Syd" She said "She was throwing up, but she stopped and is lying down with the kids. They won't leave her side, nor the puppy and kitty The whole Hanson family has been in her room and the girls have been throwing up."  Tom said, "Where is my mom" She had come in. She dropped the sacks of groceries, broken bottle shattered.

She said, "oh my God Thomas Is that you" He said, "yes " She hugged him kissing him.  He said, "safest way to get me here out of sight is me in a dress" They laughed.

Tom said, "oh my God mom, I'm so sorry."  He started crying.  She said, "What oh no is it the baby " He said, "No but thank God you came because I'm so sorry, I don't know how to tell you" She said, "Tell me what' Tom said, "can you come sit down" She did. She said, "Just tell me" He said, "mom I'm so sorry, but it's gone" She said, "What is" Tom cried. She said, "Tom what is gone" He said, "your home, our home, all of dad's stuff' She cried no."  Tom told her about the bomb.  She cried "oh my God Angie" Tom said "What" She said, "Angie called she was in town, she needed place to stay, just for a night or two" Tom said, "Mom did you tell her she could stay there" She nodded.  Tom said "maybe she left, call her and see. I need to go see my wife."

Judy said, "I think it's best if you just see Sydney first, give you and her time alone."  Tom said<"Good idea' She said, "getting the kids away from her is not going to be easy. But you go on in my room."  She took him there.

Judy went in the bedroom.  Judy said, "kids why don't we let mommy have a little time alone" They said, "no" Judy said, "just for a few minutes, how about we go to the kitchen" They said, "no they cried."  Sydney said," kids please go with Judy you need to eat."  They cried. She said, "I know you miss daddy, and I'm so sorry babies, but I need you to eat, I am so worried about you. Please go with Judy, for me" Judy took them they screamed and cried we want mommy, no Judy we want mommy. They screamed mommy, mommy, mommy.

Tom broke down crying.  Judy's mom took them in the kitchen. Judy went in, she said, "Sydney, you have a visitor" Sydney said, "What oh my God no Judy it is probably a trap. You have got to hide the kids" Judy said, "No it's ok. I thought the same thing, but it's not a trap. I promise. It's a lady. She needs to see you" Sydney said, "The dr did she send her."  Judy said, "let me get her for you"

Sydney was standing there. Trying to wipe her face, with a washrag.  She had cried so much.

She had her back to the door.  Tom said, "hi baby" Sydney said, "oh my God Tommy" turned around fast.

But then was thinking that she heard him because she wanted to. I mean Tom wasn't there, but this woman was.

Sydney said, "I'm so sorry. I think I'm losing it ma'am. I miss my husband so bad, and I am so scared for him, I am hearing his voice you must think I'm crazy, did you bring those nausea pills that dr was going to send"

Tom smiled.  He said, "baby it's me" She said, "oh my God Thomas" She ran to him, crying, she said, "it's really you" Tom pulled off the wig. She said, "oh my God Tommy" She kissed his face, his cheeks, his lips, his head, his hair, his jaw.  Tom said, "I take it you missed me huh what a welcome" He smiled.  She cried. So did he.

She said," Thank God you're safe."  She kissed him. Tom said, "let's sit down How are you" She said, "I'm fine" Tom said "liar, I hear you've thrown up nonstop, and can't keep food down" Sydney said, "yes, I didn't want to worry you."  He said, "And the kids won't eat" Sydney said, "no Tom I'm so sorry, I can't comfort them, no matter what I say they won't eat, they just cry want on my lap." He said, "well I'm here now" Sydney said ,"They will be so happy to see you."  Tom said, "Adam thought best way to get me out was dress me like this."  Sydney laughed.  She said, "I didn't even recognize you. You are a beautiful woman" He laughed. He said, "Well it's been a nightmare, Booker kept hitting on me, but the bad thing is there was a freak on the plane sitting by me, and he was hitting on me nonstop even got handsy" Sydney said, "What are you trying to tell me you cheated on me after only a month" He said, "Syd" She cracked up laughing.

He said, "If I hadn't missed you so much, I'd be upset" he said, "So you think you might want to go gay and kiss me" She laughed. She kissed him.  She said, "As much as I want to kiss you nonstop, I need you to see the kids, they need the time with you, I mean since you are only here for what a day or two"  he said, "no"  Sydney said,  "Tommy oh please tell me you don't have to leave in a hour or two, can't we have you a day"  He said, "no I'm here for good, I'm not leaving."  Sydney jumped in his arms.  He said, "I'm sorry honey I thought only way to keep you safe was if I stayed there, but that was wrong"

Sydney said, "Tom why what changed your mind" He said, "Well Judy called telling me how sick you were, and the kids were, girls throwing up now, and Damian talked me into it. He said that if I think you are safe without me, I'm a fool, I mean he thought that, and they kidnapped his wife killed her children in front of her then raped her and killed her. He didn't even know. They want to torture me best way to do that is kill you and the kids. Leave me alive. And I can't trust your safety and the kids they could infiltrate the guards."

Tom said, "Baby this is all my fault. I'm so sorry. I should have never taken that case" Sydney sid, "Babe you had to, it was your job. I'm glad you are here safe. Thank you, Tommy, thank you for coming to us. Thank you" She showered him with kisses.  She said, "Let's go see the kids"  He said, "Syd I need to tell you first"  Sydney said, "ok"  He said, "my mom, I'm so glad she is here"  Sydney said, "me too, she has been taking care of me so sweet to me and the kids"  He said, "Syd you don't understand because of me it's all gone"  Sydney said "What"  He said Those bastards blew up my mom and dad's house. All my dad's stuff, pictures everything is gone."  Sydney said," Oh my God Tom I'm so sorry."  She hugged him, held him as he cried.

They both cried. He said, "Syd hearing Judy get the kids out of here broke my heart."  Sydney said, "Mine too" Thomas has tried so hard to take care of me, and he was wanting to cry, but holding it in, I told him he needed to cry the girls have started throwing up when I do Thank you Tommy for coming home. I know you feel that you should be there to help them, but we need you, I can't have another baby without you. Thank you" I love you so much" Tom kissed her.  he said, "I love you too baby. So much. So do you think the baby is ok. I mean you're so sick" She said, 'I was really sick last time, but I was worried I was going to lose the baby, I think the baby will be fine now."  Tom said, "Syd I'm not going to lie to you. We aren't safe until they are caught. Our kids aren't safe, and I'm so sorry, I know you're not going to like, and the kids aren't going to like my rules, but you have to get them to do it my way. It's the only way I can protect you" Sydney said, "As long as you're here, I'll do whatever you tell me Tom" He said, "I can't take a chance we can't leave this house. We can't trust the guards, to not be infiltrated. I'm sorry. I know the kids are going to want to play and go outside, the dog will need to, but we can't. I mean of course doctor appointments as you get farther along."  Sydney said," Tom it's fine." He said, "if Judy or mom go to the store, they will need to wear a disguise"

Tom said, "Syd first can I get out of this, I don't want them to see me like this."  She kissed him, she said "sure, but babe, can I take your pic and a pic with you" He said, 'Sure but you're hurting me loving this" He laughed and kissed her.  She said, "Should I be jealous" Tom said, "Syd" She laughed. She did, then in the pic with him she kissed his cheek. He said, "how do you stand these heels and a bra, that is killing my back, and my feet" She laughed.

Tom changed. Sydney went to the kitchen. The kids ran to her. They said, "Mommy don't let them take us away from you."  Sydney said, "kids it's going to be ok. I need you to go with Judy in the living room' They said "no" Sydney said, Thomas, Madison, Morgan please, I need u to mind me. Now go in the living room, I will be right there, I just need to tell grandma something then we can go up to my room and lie down" They did.

Sydney said, "I'm so sorry Tom just told me" She said, "thank you" She hugged her. Sydney said, "I know how bad it is, but at least you are here, and everyone is safe" She said, "Not everyone. "Sydney said, "What" She said, "Angie was in town needed a place to stay, I wasn't thinking the house wouldn't be safe" Sydney said, "oh my God, she was in the I'm so sorry"

She said, "You go take the kids to Tommy" Sydney took the kids. Sydney said, "we are going to eat in a little bit ok" The girls said, "mommy we are sick we throw up" Sydney said, "I don't think you will be sick in my room. Let's go" She opened the door. They went in. Tom was kneeling down. They said "Daddy" They ran and jumped in his arms, crying.

Sydney was sitting on the bed. With the puppy and kitty.  They were crying.  Tom was kissing them all 3.  Madison said, "Daddy mommy is so sick, she is throwing up" He said, "I know that Maddie, I hear you girls have been throwing up."  They nodded., " Morgan said, "is it because of the baby" Tom said, "yes" Thomas said, "I'm scared for mommy" Tom said, "I know son, but she is going to be ok. I'm here to take care of her."  The girls said, "Daddy please don't leave us, don't' leave mommy, please daddy we need you" Tom cried. He said, "I'm here to stay" He looked at Sydney.,

Sydney said, "kids come here" Tom put them on the bed, got by them. They got on his lap. Kissing him. Sydney said, "kids I need you to listen to daddy, he has some rules that we all will have to follow ok, so that he can stay here and keep us safe."  They nodded.

Tom said, "I'm sorry kids, I know you're scared, I am too, but I have to take care of your mommy and you, and make sure that we are safe here, so we can't go outside at all. Not to play, not to go shopping, or the movies or anywhere."  Madison said, "Why not daddy" Tom said, "Because the bad guy might follow us. We need to stay inside, safe ok" They said, 'But you are staying" Tom said "yes"  

Tom's mom came in, she said, "Kids are you hungry" They said, "Grandma we are starving" Sydney said, "I don't know why, I mean you have been eating so much."  They laughed. She said, "let's go down and eat, and let mommy rest with daddy"

They kissed Tom and Sydney and left.

Tom kissed Sydney.  Sydney said, 'I love you so much" He said, 'I love you so much" He kissed her.

She said, "Babe. I'm so sorry. Not just about your family home, but your mom told me Angie was in the house."  Tom said, "yes she just told me that when I told her about the bomb" Sydney said, "Babe, I didn't like her, but I'm so sorry for you your mom, for her."  He said, 'you are so sweet. She hurt you with her lies."  Sydney said, "Still I don't want her killed" Tom's mom had come in the room. She said, 'Sydney can I get you anything to eat" Sydney said, "maybe a sandwich" She said, "ok"

Tom carried her downstairs, so she could eat with the kids.  She said she could walk, but he insisted said he is going to carry her.

The kids wanted on his lap. They followed him if he had gone to bathroom and waited. Scared let them out of their sight. He told them he was not leaving.

He rocked them to sleep, and then put them in their bed, they were sharing.  Tom came in the bathroom. Sydney was taking a bath. Tom knelt down, said, "baby you want me to wash your hair" She said, "yes please" he did. She said, "Tommy are the kids asleep"  He said, "yes"  She said, "I need you"  He said, "Syd"  She said, "Please make love to me please Tommy"  He said, "ok, but what about the baby"  Sydney said, "it's fine it won't hurt the baby"  He said, "But you've been so sick, you need rest":  Sydney said, "Tom, just once please, then I'll go to sleep with youn holding me."  He carried her to bed and made love.

Sydney said, 'Tom, I'm so afraid I'm dreaming."  He kissed her head.  He said, "baby I know with all this the baby is wrong time, but I'm so happy we made another baby. I missed out on the kids, birth, but now I can experience it with you" Sydney kissed him. She said, "I worry about the kids. They are excited, but I don't want to neglect them, or make them feel like I don't love them as much, a new baby will need me. I hope I can do it."  Tom said, "Syd, let's be real, you raised 3 newborns alone, and gave them all love. You can handle this. The kids know how much you love them, and I will be here to love them and this baby and help"

Sydney said, "Tommy, I know you're worried about leaving the guys, your friends" He said, "I am, I hope nothing happens to them because of me But I need to be here. Now go to sleep."

The kids came in crying.  Tom picked them up. They said, "daddy we thought you left us when we didn't see you" Tom said, "you want to sleep with us" They said "yes" The girls both slept on Tom's chest, with Thomas in middle of Sydney and Tom.

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