Silly Me

By Artist_530

868 31 6


Silly Me
Christmas 2012- I wanna talk about Egg Nog :)
Pee Pee Time!! :D -.- ... :D
It scares me when.. Part 1
It Scares Me When... Part 2
I Wanna Talk About Thanksgiving Dinner Although Its Over!!.
Today I'm Gonna Talk About Chin Hairs
OMG The World's Ending! OR NOT!
How I Fell Into The Tub/ 99 % Complete
Successful Writer(S)
How I Fell Into The Tub/ 99 % Complete
It scares me when.. Part 1
It Scares Me When... Part 2
OMG The World's Ending! OR NOT!
Successful Writer(S)
Today I'm Gonna Talk About Chin Hairs
Christmas 2012- I wanna talk about Egg Nog :)
Pee Pee Time!! :D -.- ... :D
Silly Me

I Wanna Talk About Thanksgiving Dinner Although Its Over!!.

6 0 0
By Artist_530

Sooooo. Thanks giving dinner.

All the good food smells wafting around.

Chicken, Peach cobbler, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, macaroni, ham, candy yams, cheesecake, banana puddng, all that good stuff.

The time where you eat so much you have to unbuckle belt -if you're wearing one-

And unbutton your pants before you put yourself and others in danger. Your button could just blast off at any second without warning and pop someone in the eyeball l leaving them with only one good eye to glare at you with. Is that what you want? For them to have only one good eye? Huh? Is it?!

Well that's  what's gonna happen if you dont unbottom your pants. I'm telling you now. Take heed to my safety precaussions and save an eyeball today.

It's not too late; Someone could still have both of their eyes.

Also, thanksgiving is the time when no matter what position you're in you can never be comfortable on the couch.

Cuz, if your button landed in the burnt chicken, I might just have to purnch you in the throat. I want my burnt chicken I dunno about u but I want my burnt chicken. Some people would kill to have butnr chicken and you over here blasting you buttons off into the good good chicken.

I bet you planned this .


Real life experience right there. 

I always eat more that I should. Every year this happens.

And I never learn my lesson

Man, food's just too good to waste!

This year, I stacked my plate to the heavens. 

Do you even wanna know how many inches it was from off the plate?

About... one two three four five six seven ... about seven inches off the plate. 

I ate it all.

By my self

Yes im fat

But i have a high metabolism. Or is it a fast metabolism? Oh, who knows. 

So, my weight takes a long time to show.

I dont exercise. We do nothing in P.E. walk 15 laps while were supposed to be jogging. Pshhhhhhh Jogg my rear end!

I'm a hungry hungry hippoooooo ..


I heard that if you stare at someone for more than 6 seconds, then you either want to do the tango -winks you know what tango I mean- or kill them '.'

-My funny deep Smooth mans voice-

Whether its true or not, i dunno *shruggs and holds up hands*

Hungry hungry hippooooooooooooo *sings*

The phone just ranged and I jumped ... I have to pee... lolllll hear my mating call . it goes a little something like this:

LOOOOOOOOOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLLOLL..... lolo... lo...lo.. lololo. no?. ok. ... lolololollolo  lol ok lemme stop.

Xx Victoria xX

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