Let's skip that and fall in l...

By LadyFaFa

34.3K 1.1K 272


Let's skip that and fall in love (Jalex)
Chapter two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
chapter 8ish
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
info about the sequel!

Chapter Three

2.1K 78 35
By LadyFaFa

A few hours later at lunch.

Jack's POV

We were at our normal table. I was sat across from Alice, Alex was between us. We were laughing and Alice choked on her food a few times.

"Jack!" An angry looking blond girl shouted as she walked over to our table.

"Yes?" I asked looking up from my lunch.

"Marie wants to talk to you. She's in the hall."

"I don't feel like talking to her. I have tater tots and cardboard pizza," I said as I continued eating.

"Can't you do something right for once and go see your girlfriend?" The girl asked getting pissed off.

"She's not my girlfriend anymore. I made it pretty clear yesterday. You can tell her I don't want her anymore."

"She's not going to be happy about this."

"And you think I care?" I asked getting annoyed.

"whatever," the girl said before leaving.

I returned to killing my tater tots in ketchup. Alice looked at me oddly and rolled her eyes. Alex was in his own little world with his own tater tot killing spree.

"So what are you gonna do when she tries to talk to you in the hall?" Alice asked as she stole a bite of my pizza.

"Run for my life and avoid her untill school is over. I might deal with her before we head home so she won't show up at my house." I said with a sigh.

"Speaking of your house. What happened last night?" She asked.

"Same as usual she slept and I woke up to them fighting about her life choices and how I lock my bedroom door at night."

"Damn, that fucking sucks dude," Alice said with a frown.

"Yeah I'm not looking forward to going home tonight." I said with a sigh.

"Want to stay over at mine?" She asked looking at me.

"Would your parents care?" I asked as I took a bite of my food.

"I doubt it. Hey Alex you want to stay over too?"

Alex looked up from his murder scene on his plate and smiled brightly.

"I'll have to call my mom and see if it's okay," he said and put a tater tot in his mouth.

"Yay after school we'll drive to your house and talk to your mom. Then we'll go to Jacks and get his stuff."

We all agreed to that and left to our classes once the bell rang. I waved to them as I made my way to biology.


I turned around to see who was calling me. I should have just continued walking. Marie was making her way towards me a grin on her face. I sighed and lent against the wall.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyance in my tone.

"We need to talk about what's going on with us," she said as she stopped in front of me.

"There's no longer an us Marie. I'm done with you."

Her face dropped and a look of rage took over her expression.
"What are you talking about Jack? We only had a little fight nothing serious."

"Nothing serious? You slapped me across the face. If I didn't know better that is a sign that we broke up. Don't even bother talking to me. I've moved on and I'm happier without your bullshit."

I turned around and left. She didn't bother to try and stop me. I've finally gotten it into her thick skull that I want nothing to do with her. I smiled proudly as I walked into the classroom. The teacher didn't look as happy as me since I was a few minutes late.

"Barakat, mind explaining why you're late?" Mr. Furgerson asked.

"I was taking out the trash," I responded as I walked to my desk and sat down.

Alex's POV

Me and Alice left the cafeteria shortly after Jack left. We were making small talk as we walked to our math class. As we walked down the hall we heard voices around the corner. Being the noisy people we are we turned the corner to see what was going on. Standing there was a very annoyed Jack and a very pissed Marie. I looked at Alice she returned my glance and shrugged.

"What are you talking about Jack? We only had a little fight nothing serious." Marie shouted angrly at him

"Nothing serious? You slapped me across the face. If I didn't know better that is a sign that we broke up. Don't even bother talking to me. I've moved on and I'm happier without your bullshit." Jack shouted back before he turned around and left.

Alice had a huge smile on her face and watched as Marie stormed past us. I chuckled and took her hand. We walked down the hall and saw Jack walk into his classroom. Alice and I stood by the door and listened to the teacher tell Jack off.

"Barakat, mind explaining why you're late?" Mr. Furgerson asked.

"I was taking out the trash," Jack replied as he made his way to his desk.

I looked at Alice and watched as she tried to keep from laughing. We stood there for a few seconds and made out way to our Math class. Alice pushed me through the door first.

"Gaskarth, why are you late? Does the bell mean nothing to you?" Our math teacher asked.

"I um..." I struggled to find an excuse.

"We were saving the world and returning the Pokemon team rocket had stolen. Sorry for our absense," Alice said as she walked into the room.

The class burst into roars of laughter. Alice smiled proudly and walked to her desk. I followed behind her and took my seat behind her desk. The teacher rolled his eyes and continued the lesson. I started zoning out as the teacher talked. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a folded up piece of paper hit me between the eyes. I groaned and unfolded the paper.

'I think you're cute. Want to get together? I'll be by the main entrance after school.'

I stared at the note and looked around the class for any sign of the person that tossed it. I reached forward and tapped Alice on the shoulder. She grumbled something enaudiable and sat up. I scribbled something on a piece of paper and passed it to her.
'Someone passed me a note asking me out. They want to meet with me after school. What do I do?'

I started doodling in my notebook while I waited for her response. A new note fell onto my drawing. I quickly unfolded it and read it.

'Find out who it is and tell them you're currently involved with someone else.'

I wrote a quick reply asking if she would come with me. She turned in her seat and gave me a thumbs up. I chuckled and went back to doodling.

Jack's POV

I walked out of my class feeling like a new person. I was finally done with Marie and all her bullshit drama. I made my way to Alice's locker. She was standing there with Alex laughing. I smiled and wrapped my arms around their shoulders. They looked up at me and burst out laughing. I had no idea what they were laughing about, but I found myself laughing with them.

"Why are you guys laughing?" I asked when I finally got some form of self control.

"We just remembered how you referred to Marie as trash," Alice managed to say between laughs.

I watched them confused for a moment before I realized what they were talking about.

"You followed me to my class?"

"Yeah, don't act so surprised," Alice said and grinned.

"Are we ready to go?" Alex asked as he flung his bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah, but remember you have to meet the mystery person," Alice said, slamming her locker shut.

"What mystery person?" I asked and raised my brow.

"I got a note in class today from someone saying I saw cute and asking if I would go out with them. I'm going to meet them and explain I already have someone," he said and smiled at me.

"I'm tagging along as support. You have to join us Jacky because it involves you too," Alice said as she put her arms over our shoulders and led us to the main entrance.

We made our way outside, Alice released Alex and motioned for him to go while we waited at the steps. Alex looked back at us nervously, Alice gave him a thumbs up and urged him to go. He smiled and walked to someone that was leaning against the door frame.

Alex's POV

I walked towards the door, someone in a neon green hoodie was standing there with their back turned to me. I tapped them on the shoulder and stared in shock when they turned around. Standing before me was the one person i never imagined would ever like me. Andrew Ace the school "bad boy". I stared at him in disbelief and waited for someone to come out and laugh in my face for showing up. Andrew stared back at me, he looked just as nervous as I felt. I sighed and sat on the steps, motioning for him to do the same. He took a seat beside me and waited for me to talk. I took the note out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"You wrote this?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yeah," he mumbled as he passed it back to me.

"You seem like a cool person Andrew, but I'm with someone else. I'm sorry..." I said, whispering the last part.

He sighed sadly and stood up. I looked up to see his hand held out for me. I smiled weakly, taking it and standing. He bit his lip and turned to leave.

"Hey Andrew," I called after him.

"Yeah?" He asked, turning around to look at me.

"We should still hang out. But as friends," I said with a smile.

"That would be great," He replied with a smile.

I walked towards him and passed him my phone. He took it and passed me his. We added our numbers and went our separate ways. I smiled and walked back over to Alice and Jack. Jack smiled and grabbed my hand, Alice grabbed my other hand. We made our way to her car, they asked questions about what happened and I explained what all happened. Alice wasn't too keen on Andrew and me becoming friends after he kicked her last year. Jack didn't seem to mind he was actually happy things turned our great.

"Alex call your mom and ask if you can stay the night," Alice said as she climbed into the car.

"Alright," I said as I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.

Jack and I climbed into the back seat, Alice started the car. The phone rang twice before my mom answered.

"Hey sweetie, are you just leaving school?" She asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if I could stay over at Alice's tonight. Jack's going to be there too," I said and smiled up at Jack.

"Are her parents okay with it?"

"Hang on one sec I'll ask," I said and covered the phone. "Hey, Alice do your parents know about the plan?"

"No, Jacky text my mom and tell her you and Alex are staying over."

"I'm not forcing myself on your mother Alice." Jack whined.

"Do it Jackery, or I will hate you forever."

"I'm calling bullshit," he said as he took out his phone and started typing away.

I put the phone back to my ear and chuckled lightly at the sound of my mom singing to herself.

"Jack is texting her mom right now to see if it's okay. We're heading home now to pick up our stuff," I said.

"Alright, I'll see you when you get home. Love you," She said happily.

"Loved you too."

I ended the call and looked at Jack, who was staring at his phone wide eyed. I chuckled and took his phone from his hand and read the text.

'Mrs. M <3: Jack don't force yourself on me. I'm married. You and Alex can stay the night, but try not to make moves on me Hun Mr. M doesn't like that. Ahahah'

I read the text and burst into roars of laughter. Jack pouted and snatched his phone away from me.

"Oh my god Alice your mom is coming onto Jack!" I managed to say between laughs.

"I knew she had a thing for a man in a skirt. Damn Jack I'm sorry I made you look yummy to my mommy," Alice said while laughing.

"That's gross Alice, it makes it so awkward since I have the hots for your father," Jack said with a smirk.

"Don't you dare touch my dad Jackery I will end you," Alice said as she slammed on the breaks.

Jack flew forward and hit his face in the seat in front of him. I looked at Alice then back to Jack. I couldn't help myself, I started laughing. Jack stayed there with his face in the back of the seat. Alice was smiling happily with her actions. She shut off the car and got out, I did the same. We left Jack in the car as we walked into my house.

Twenty minutes passed. We walked back out to the car with my bag to find Jack in the same position we had left him. I looked at Alice, worry on my face. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. I chuckled and got in. We drove a few blocks to Jack's house. Alice mumbled a few curse words and did a U-turn before turning down his street. We drove in silence back to her house.


Sorry it took such a long time to update. I've finally started getting better. Please comment and vote. i would love to hear what you have to say about the story so far. Do you think it was a good idea for Alex and Andrew you become friends? Anyone have any idea why Alex's mom is scared to leave him alone? I have some interesting things planned for this story. ^0^

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