The Tale of Timus : Book 1, t...

By Timxwrite

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{continues}This is tale that follows an well respected, adventurous and reasonable young man who. Has always... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

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By Timxwrite

As the company was enclosed in forest. They waked on. It grew on them, like mist , an white cloud forming above them and it didn't move and didn't rain. Wich was unpleasantly could. All it did stood still. Nothing of this made Timûs and other three companies feel pleasant, if any thing, it made them chilly. There on moisturizing ground was an windy path and it looked like there was no visible road. It was tangled with growing old wood in the ground, aswell, no one knew how old the wood in the ground was.

It was extremely moist, all the wetness came from the trees wasted water; from the non visible clouds and the wooden branches moved every second.

On every wood had so many infected mose, it wasn't any normal moss that log of wood would have in bog. The moss was infected with sickness, sickness that no human, elf or even dwarfs know of it and save only for the wooden Insects.

The Insects were part of the biological impact of the wood and the word around.

The impact that Insects brought to the wood was of poison. The poison was, as it says that, the wood intended to be dangerous for travels and even animals. If ones choses to go threw it, there, the road would be difficult to maneuver through.

Unlike normal dirt roads, it was soaked from the waters dew. Unlike, stone or pebble roads it had no solid feel to it.

As company went through the blocked road, the only and extremely dangerous choice was to fully understand the amount of poison that was near, front or rear of them and every step that they took was slippery and uneven terrain.

All they know that safeties choses was to hug the right and for that I wouldn't run the risk of falling. The mud, wasn't to worry about it was the trees. Even though they are poison from the Insects.

Continue the long and intense wood.

"Is there anything we should be warned about?" asked Josen
"The wood is poison, reason, the biological impact from the Insects" said Kitor. "From forest spiders to killer frogs, to needle bugs thats what the forest relies on"-
"Relies on blood, the Insects feed them selfs on it and feed it to the wood" explained Andor as he walked in front of the company.

As the company maneuver there way they could here the thick and the unpleasant growling sound of frogs, some crocked but growled more often.

The constant cricking sound of needle bugs sending out warning messages to the company. The louder it got, more worried the company was of growing sounds of the needle bugs. The utter most reason for needle bugs is to insert there needle in animals and feed the blood of it. It's only capable to kill in coming animals, as animal has been consumed by the needle it's soul and body rot on the mud so that the trees can feed on them.

To the company dismay the right became more uneven than the left, then left became even and however the left wasn't much help. It kept incensed more and more.

"Is this evenly geology correct?" said Timûs with an questioning the land. Timûs knew only little bit of geology, but, wasn't geologist or biologist. "I do believe the wood had its own mind and some corporate this part of the wood" said Andor
"How can you be sure?" asked Josen as he tries to place each footing on the mud without tripping.

Then to companies surprise, the path became even and more capable. Then the company stopped. There was road one leading upwards and it had like stairs formation.

"I do believe we have reached this part of the woods climb" said Kitor. There it hugged the part of hillside, over it there is one spot if travelers get that far would see away to enter it out. But none ever did.

The company now were now tiered. The wood had little logs to sit on near the stairs, it wasn't poisonous to sit on it. Each of them sat on log.

Then the wood around became more ominous. As the company sat. Timûs could only have thoughts fly around his mind but could dwell on it.

But the company were on their wits. Yes, the wood was could and poisonous, but, it said that it can play tricks on traveler's.

But Timûs , the company was constantly aware of the wood sounds and its surroundings.

Timûs could hear, an faint squishy sound on the muddy ground. It was squishing not just the icky ground. I was also savoring an disgusting food. As the sound became louder, there, were three of almost same sound.

But with out the disgusting sound of something horrible being devoured and eaten.

There was an bunch of them, they, crawled and crawled. They were that Andor warned to the company, Green Spiders and there appearances was more than ordinary spider. They were bigger than most spiders.

Their form was something that came out from the abyss of the world, all of their eight legs were bigger than there own body. The patterns on there back, white with stroke of green, hence the name; as for their eyes they bore roses red and there wasn't an once of pupil to been seen on them.

Then like holing cry Timûs yelled "SPIDERS!", then their fear kicked in like an remedy, the company armed them selfs. Kitor two hand held axes came out shining, alas, Andor with his long sword and with Josen shots sword. Then, poor, Timûs with his short cross bow; shaking his cross bow until he remembered what Gamble said, then, like sparks that have been lit. Timûs heart paused then, sparks of small bravery came.

Then as one of the foul spiders came for attack, they, shot an web and it flew past Kitor as he ducked.

Another web was shot at Jonsen, as web, flew it was met with Josen sword. Then like sharp knife on bananas. It sliced as web met its end, for Jonsen sword it sliced with ease. With Jonsen fortunes at his side, he, yelled at the army of spiders and they the spiders. Were not moved, but, only more irritated the foul and hungry spiders.

The spiders pincer kept knocking each other like wood.

Then few of them fought on their hine legs. Others kep shooting out webs.

Then Andor and his long sword priced one of the foulest spider, who was leader and huger in statue. The leader angered by the wound, scattered to Andor's right and tried to pincer him. Then, Timûs noticed Andor, shot an arrow in spider pincer. As the arrow flew, it flew with its point aimed to the spider pincers; there and then in hindered the spider pincer sack. With scream of terror, the foul spider leader was wounded and it backed into a tree.

Timûs laughing nervously, there, he shouted "you may thank me later".

Then Andor getting his composure nodded with his thanks. There as Kitor and Josen fought along side, the rest of the spiders still on there hine legs hitting and using brut force to bring Kitor and Andor down. They couldn't will Kitor abilities to doge in close combat, as long side, Josen abilities to parry an attack in close combat.

Then Timûs loaded another arrow, loaded it, aimed it, then, sling ,Timûs shot the spider that backed in a tree and there the spiders leader life was slowly draining. There Timûs breathed deeply to gain more stamina, then, he walked up to it. Both eyes were present, there, with Timûs sword, nothing but normal sword that was handed by his cousins(?). There, Timûs, grabbed the sword, shiny as it was, plunged it slowly in spiders head.

Timûs not knowing how to kill property, made his first an slow kill. Then and there the spider leader life was taken.

As Andor aided Kitor and Josen, the spiders were near there death.

There Josen made an swift slide under the body of the spider, then, sliding on angle. slices of the spider belly, there, the green gew came out .

There it died as for other two spiders, wounded, but staying up retreated. Then Andor placed his long sword in his back quiver, quickly switched to his long bow.

There it shown with blue & white paint patterns, the string made by fines craft; pulled back and then as arrow flew. It could be heard, then arrow injured the fleeing spider and their shouts of death could be heard. Then as Andor fired couple more, there, the fleeing spiders were no more.

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