Savour From Hell ➳ Scott McCa...

By greeniesdeadpool

12K 575 276

The fourth and fucking final. Who knew moving back to her old town would be one of the worst and best decisio... More

British Boy and Alex
Sibling Drama
Convincing yourself
The Bed Or The Couch
Blunt Person
I Miss The Chaos
Jet Lag
Not So Meaningless
Remember me
Riders of the storm
I care about you to.
You can cry
Carch up on sleep
Savour From Hell
Night talks
Family Reunion
Pretty Brown Eyes

Broken Promise

305 16 5
By greeniesdeadpool

(Bringing the gifs back for more emotion, good luck)

"Are you fucking kidding me!"
I screamed over the phone. And I mean screamed.

"If i didnt tell you, you wouldve killed me. And Scott's an alpha. You cant really kill him." Liam explained over the phone and my heart had instantly dropped faster than ever.

Brett's missing, blood on a fucking lacrosse stick, traps?! And my own boyfriend couldnt tell me?! You know how bad that freaking sounds?
"Liam Dunbarhand the phone to Scott, right now."

No, this wasn't a thing I was letting past me. This is not anyone, this is Brett.
"What if-"

"Dont you fucking dare say anything and hand the phone." I forced Liam knowing he didn't want to get himself in trouble and I heard Liam gulp. "She used my full name."

I heard liam whisper over the phone and I heard Lori next to him. "Oh shes pissed."

"McCall?" I called out and I heard him breathing over the phone.
"Maxine." He responded.

"Are you crazy!" I hollered and im so glad no one was home or stood near me because I'd use them as my human freaking punching bag.
But then again the neighbours would've heard me scream at this point.

"Where are you?" I asked not wanting any of the stupid bullshit. "The tunnels, water treatment plant." He knew I wasn't going to stop calling until he told me.

"McCall if he dies, I'm never going to forgive you."
I never ended the call so quickly.

I hopped on my motorcycle not even wasting time to grab my helmet. I had my hair tied back and i broke all the speed linits. As if I gave a shit. My dads the sheriff.

What if I arrive too late? Fuck what if he's seriously hurt? God what if he's seriously hurting right now. I can't lose him. Not him. He saved me. I can't have him go.

I arrived at the water treatment in the tunnels not even caring who could see me and who couldnt. I ran in racing as the adrenaline rushed through my body finding my way through the tunnels.

I heard a huge roar echoing through the tunnels the minute I arrived and I immediately covered my ears holding myself tightly. That wasn't Scott, that was Liam. Liams roar was always so much more aggressive but Scott's was powerful. You know the difference.

I ran through the water treatment plant and I heard voices from a distant managing to get closer.
As soon as I turned I saw Scott, Malia Lori and Liam all standing on the opposite side of the hallway.

"Oh I'm so going to kill all of you." I fisted my hands and Lori was about to run to me to hug me and I heard Scott immediately roar at her.

"Lori no!" Scott yelled and I saw a huge sharp metal arrow fly out immediately hitting Scott and my eyes widened.

"Scott!" I screamed and I immediately sprinted up to him.
He grunted in pain and my hands were shaking as I saw him and I held him tightly as the huge metal pipe was holding him against the wall.

"I'll heal." He mumbled and I placed my hand on his face caressing his cheek. "I hate you so much McCall." I had so many freaking emotions running through my freaking mind.

I hated him but god I loved right now.
I stepped out the way so Malia and Liam could pull out the huge pipe arrow and Scott immediately fell to the ground sweating in pain.

I crouched down to his level as he panted and I held onto his wound putting pressure feeling it slowly close. "I hate you." I whispered whilst holding him placing my head on top of his.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you to worry." He said holding onto my arm and I placed my lips on his head.

"I'm worried that you aren't telling me things Scotty." I scolded as I looked at the sweat wiping it away. "God I'm so mad at you!" I fumed stop him.

"They knew we were coming." Scott realised not listening to what I was saying and I hushed him. "Shut up. You focus on healing." I muttered to him.

"They've been a step ahead of us this whole time." He added and I looked at all of them confused.
"Who's they?!" I freaked turning my head to Lori and Malia.

"A hunter." Lori admitted and my eyes were immediately raised. Sometimes I question if they want to be punched.

"A hunter? A freaking Hunter was after one of my best friends and you idiots didn't call me?!" I whisper yelled at them trying to contain a whole anger of wrath waiting to be released.

"I'm sorry but I can't wait around, we have to go." Lori looked around cautious.
"We still have the numbers four to two now that Max is here. We're faster and we're stronger." Liam encouraged and I nodded along.

"Yeah I've been hitting the gym. I managed not to pass out whilst running through these tunnels." I muttered to them trying to bring a little humour for myself mostly because I was going freaking crazy inside.

"They're smarter." Scott objected and I scoffed.
"You don't know your girlfriend." I muttered and Malia took over for me by helping the wound stop bleeding by placing pressure as I looked at the blood on my hands.

"I don't care who's smarter or faster or whatever, my brothers going to die." Lori argued and I shook my head looking at her.

"No, no for once let me be the optimist, because he's not allowed to die." I stopped her from saying anymore bullshit.

"Somethings not right, the arrow the trip wire the poison. These aren't amateurs." Scott thought shaking his head as he slowly breathed and I thought to myself for a moment.

Wait wait wait hang on a second. "He's poisoned!" I yelled feeling my anger rage and Scott reached out for my hand trying to comfort me.
He's the one in pain and he's still trying to comfort me.
"No don't do that, don't do that because I'm so mad at you Scott." I scolded but I let him hold onto my hand.

My heartbeat was increasing rapidly trying to gather my thoughts. I'm so worried that I think my stomach has dropped to my feet.

"But they've never fought us before." Liam objected and Scott was quick to reply.
"And you've never fought hunters before Liam. We need to stick together." Scott told him and Lori wanted to run of.

"I need to go."
"No no your not going alone, I'll go with you." Liam was quick to stand by her.
"Liam you don't know what they are or who they're capable of." Scott urged to stop him.

"Look I know who we Are. We never give up. Especially when it's someone innocent. When it's someone alone, when it's our friends." Liam was pleading and Scott looked him in the eyes and then looked towards me and I shrugged.

I don't know what to do. I wasn't here to know everything. I'm so useless but all I know is that I'm saving him at any costs.

"Okay go go, all of you. I'll catch up with you later." Scott finally agreed and I shook my head.
"Max go." Scott said and I paced back and forth.
My boyfriend is hurt and my bestfriend is dying.

Liam and Lori ran the minute Scott gave them the yes.

"Max." He muttered and Malia was sat by him. "I'll stay with him." She assured with a smile on her face and I quickly leaned down to passionately kiss him.

"Heal so I can be the one to kill you asshole." I muttered breathing against his lips as I looked at him in the eyes as he managed to smile but it was replaced with pain.

"You'll be okay?" I looked over at Malia and she nodded trying to give a supporting smile. I picked up my crossbow feeling to see if my gun was still attached.

I ran around holding my crossbow up searching around. Move slowly, follow the sounds, take in the scents.

I slowly moved listening to the water droplets along the way. I looked around for any leakages. I smelled some type of rotting from a mile away. The hallways are lit up. Someone else knows what I know.

I took one of my arrows and pierced my skin letting the blood fall on the ground. Brett knows my blood. He knows my blood from ten miles away. If he knows my scent he knows I'm here.

I silently bit my lip trying to silence the pain, why's does it look so painless in movies. I searched around on what the hell i needed to do next.

The hunter doesn't know where he is. If they did, they would be attracting us to him. As wolf he is bait to the hunter. They don't know.

I searched for wet footprints, to places I'd searched. I spent countless hours with the idiot. I know how smart he is. He's been right by the hunters, but he knows how to keep quiet.

I followed footprints keeping myself armed.
"If you ever were to go missing, where's the one place you'd hide. If you were hiding from anyone." I asked as we lay in bed, resting my head on his arm as I traced circles on his chest.

"I'd be so visible that I'd be invisible." He grinned like the smart ass he was and I rolled my eyes scoffing.
"Hiding in plain sight?" I let out a laugh and he nodded.

"What about you idiot? Where would you hide?" He asked and that was easy. "Aidens home." I told him and he looked at me surprised to hear me say it.

"Really? Your just gonna give it up?" He scoffed and I nodded. "You don't know where it is. No one does." I shrugged and I sat up grabbing my shirt pulling it over my head.

"Come back." He groaned pulling my waist back in to his. "We have the entire day." He complained as we lay in his bed.

"Preppy as much as I love being in a sweaty teenagers bed-"
"Don't finish the sentence, we can eat and watch Disney movies or whatever you want and do nothing."

"I'm surprised." I let out a scoff looking back at him surprised. "Why?" He asked raising his brow.
"We haven't had sex in two weeks and we are with eachother almsot every day."

"It's called a relationship." Brett rolled his eyes and I let out a laugh. "Yeah, I forgot this is what we're calling this preppy."

"Shut up and come here." He mumbled holding me tightly. "You still remember your promise?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm pretty sure I'm out living you. It's real hard for me to break it idiot." He let out a laugh and I nodded.
"Or I could kill You."

"If you do Jill me wear my jersey when you do. The last thing I'd wanna see is your hot ass in my jersey."

He's hiding in plain sight. I walked slowly keeping my guard up. I held my crossbow up and walked to one of the tunnels seeing a further room.

There were wet footprints and I searched the room. He's here. I looked around keeping my guard up searching.

"In plain sight huh?"
His voice, god he was here. He was right above me. The releif I felt the moment I saw him. He was leaning on the pipes above me.

The relief immediately filled me and I was filled with the rare feeling of hope. Seeing him, alive, was hope.

He managed to jump down and my arms immediately wrapped around him and he not only embraced me but leaned on me as I felt his body weight dependant on me.

"So visible to be invisible." I repeated his words and he let out a laugh as I helped him sit down and I hovered over him.

"You look like shit." He was covered in black blood, poison, messy hair, his lips turning blue, his skin pale. But he was still my Brett.

"I smelt your blood." He mumbled and I rested up just looking at him. I slowly inhaled trying to push the lump in my throat down.

"I know." My voice broke and I wiped the blood of his face. "I can smell you from a mile away too." I joked and he let out a laugh.

I placed my eyes on his and he didn't hide the pain he was in front of me. He knew he couldn't. "Why you preppy? I meant I was just on the phone with you like two hours ago and now..." I ranted on and he placed his thumb against my cheek wiping my tear away.

"Hey hey, im the one in pain, don't cry." He let out a painful laugh and I took his hand in mine kissing his palm. He's here with me and he's not leaving.
"You can't break the promise." I muttered and he let out a laugh shaking his head.

"You can't." I cried and he slowly nodded wiping more of my tears away. "I'm sorry." He mumbled and I shook my head.

"I'm getting you out, okay? Look at me preppy. You stupid little private school boy. I'm getting you out." I was determined as I squeezed his hand tightly.

"Max, I love you." He struggled to talk as he choked on half on his words and I shook my head. "Shut up, you can't say that." I shook my head  knowing the moment he said that he lost his hope but he didn't care as he nodded along.

"It's okay." He assured letting out a grunt of pain accepting it as if he was going to die, as if I was going to let that happen.

"Your staying with me." I asserted not letting him say anything else.
He coughed up blood still in pain and I squinted my eyes trying my best not to cry but I couldn't hold it in.

"Your okay." I murmured as I wiped the blood away with my shirt. "Your okay." I repeated trying to convince myself. He's okay, he's here, he's with me. He's okay.

"Max is actually crying, someone take a picture quick!" He teased even when he was injured and I let out a painful laugh.

"Your more than okay you idiot."

"I think I'm still gonna have to break that promise though." He said coughing the pain and I shook my head keeping him awake.

"Shut up. You dumb idiot. Seriously, don't make me swear at you. Liam and Lori are on their way, okay?"

I cupped my hand against his cheek as I caressed his cheek holding his face up.

"Your the first girl I loved, I'm so glad to be in love with you Maxine Stilinski." He whispered to me and I shook my head letting the tears fall.I knew what he was doing. But I'm not letting that happen right now.

"Your gonna regret that when you wake up in the hospital." I told him trying to joke it of but I was scared. He was getting so weak. He was starting to feel weaker every second I stayed with him.

"Brett, stay with me, okay?" I held up his fave seeing his eyes close and he nodded struggling.

"I'm here." He squeezed my hand and I was holding him as much as I could.
"Just stay with me Preppy. It's me. Just stay alive for me. For me."

"Yo-your motorcycle keys, they're in m-my pocket." He stumbled upon his words and I shook my head. "Keep them." I whispered and he shook his head but I didn't take them away from him.

"I'm not letting you go." I cried shaking my head.
"Take care of Lori please." His voice was starting to lower and I shook my head.

"Smart ass look at me." I shook him awake. Every time he closed his eyes my heart sunk deeper down. No I'm not having him leave.
"I'm so tired." He tried closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Breath shook his head and I shook him once more. My stomach started sinking once more and my heart was beating rapidly as I used my sleeve to wipe the blood of his face trying to wake him up.

"You saved me! Listed to me Brett Talbot okay? You saved me, you made me happy. You did it. And I'm going to save you. I'm not letting you go. Your mine and I'm not letting you go. You saved me. You loved me, you loved me. I was loved by you. I'm never gonna let you leave me, and those beautiful abs aren't leaving me either. I'm never letting you go, you promised on not leaving me. So you can't leave me. Because you promised. And you can't leave because your my best friend and who am I meant to gossip too? Listen to me preppy, okay? Your not going because I'm not going to let you so shut the fuck up and let me save you you freaking asshole! I'm not losing someone else I love!"

God Liam or Lori, someone had to come help me.
I cried out and I pulled him in my arms hugging him.

"The one time you choose to be optimistic is the time I have poison flowing through my veins?" He joked choking a little and I didn't care about the blood going on me. I Just cared about him and keeping him alive.

"I'd kill myself to keep you alive." I whispered and he shook his head. "You have to live, you have to do everything because you deserve it. To go to college, have kids. You deserve to live."

I stared at his eyes as tears flooded them. They were the same eyes. The same eyes he loved me with.

He placed his hands on my neck and took the necklace in his hands playing with the charm attached.

He smiled knowing I still kept it on. "It's not my jersey but it's good enough."

"Im not in your Jersey because your not gonna be the one dying."

"I-I want...I want to..." he stared at my lips coughing in pain and his breathing slowed down. I slowly nodded allowing him and he wiped my tears away holding me with delicacy as if I was the one in immense pain.

He slowly leaned and I felt his breath against my lips as he placed the softest kiss on my lips and slowly pulled away. His eyes still glued to mine and I slowly exhaled taking it in.

"Brett!" I heard someone say behind us and I turned to see Lori run up to him as she dropped on her knees and I moved away.

"You found the rocks." He weekly said in relief as he smiled at her. "Yeah I found the rocks." She let out a laugh and he looked behind her to see Liam standing there.

"Liam." He called out and Liam quickly helped him. "Yeah we're gonna get you out of here."

"Your a dumbass for doing this." He mumbled and Liam let out a half hearted laugh. "Oh is that your way of thanking me?"

"No thats my way of calling you a dumbass, this is my way of thanking you, thanks." He said and Liam gave him a nod of gratitude and he relied on both me and Lori to hold him up.

"Your not breaking the promise." I grinned up at him and I held onto his hand tightly. "How did you find him?" Lori asked and I looked up to him with a grin.

"We were together for a while, it has its perks." I told her with a smile and we were interrupted with smoke and I heard the high frequency wolf enhancers going of all around us in the tunnels, oh crap wrong fucking time.

Right Max that's the whole freaking point because our wrong time is their perfect timing.

"Hunters got come weapons." I muttered and I grabbed my crossbow as I looked towards Liam. Whoever did this, I will murder them. I will send and army to murder them.

"Lori go!" I yelled and me and Liam both ran of. Liam ran way faster than me and I stopped for a second. I looked around trying to realise what the hell was going on.

There was no one through the smoke. That's not what they're going for. They're not coming for anyone else but them. They want us to get out of here. It's a trap, this is all a trap.

"Fuck!" I cursed as loudly as possible and I saw Lori running up the escape with Brett.

"Wait!" I tried to get my voice to overpower the emitters and I ran up as Liam was right behind me and he realised when I did.

I screamed out as I raced up the fire escape jumping out as quickly as possible. I wasn't stopping until I saved him.

I saw the car coming past me and the headlights had shined on two figures.  Holding their hands out together with their eyes closed being blinded by the bright spotlights on them.

The cars not stopping. Why isn't it stopping!

"No!" I let out a blood curdling screamed as I ran out to see Brett on the middle of the road with Lori reaching out for him as they both lay on the ground.
This is a dream, it's dream that I'm not letting turn into a nightmare.

Everything inside me dropped. I screamed to the stop of my lungs.

Brett. Fuck Brett.
I sprinted on my feet dripping on my knees as I raced to him placing his head on my lap as he stared up at me smiling choking a little trying to breath.

"No no no no no."
"I-I I'm sorry." He struggled and Lori held onto his hand trying to take his pain but my eyes were just set on his. His piercing blue eyes. He stared up at me like he always did. My preppy.

"It's okay. Your okay."" I whispered as my tears fell on his cheek.
"It doesn't hurt." He mumbled and I silently sobbed.

"I love you too preppy. I love you too." I whispered and his hand was squeezed onto mine as he struggled to stay. You have to stay. Come on. You have to stay. You have to stay.

"Idiot." He smiled looking up at me squeezing my hand tighter. Three squeezes. Three tight squeezes.

I shook my head sobbing and he looked over at Lori knowing she was there to see her only family dying.
He grunted struggling to stay longer. He was struggling to stay.

He was hurting because he was looking up at me.

"It's okay." I whispered stroking his hair as the tears rolled down his cheek. "I-I..." he struggled to speak and I nodded.

"You can close your eyes." I nodded and he smiled up at me. "Thank you." He managed to breath out and I cried out.

"Close your eyes." I whispered once more and he gave me one last look and he finally closed his eyes and I heard the one last breath escape.

His hand finally let go but I held on.
And he left me.
He broke the promise.
And I'm still here but he gone.
And instantly it turned to the nightmare.

I sobbed as I gripped on his hand tightly not wanting to let go.

I looked over at Lori as she was clothed onto him and I reached out for her holding onto her hand tightly as she sobbed along with me.
She looked up to see Liam walking towards us.

"I couldn't take away his pain." She cried and I gripped onto her tightly.

She rested he head on top of Brett's chest and I looked at the pain she was in, she felt his pain, along with her own.

"It's okay Lori, you can go." I had to catch my breath trying to talk but it was broken up.

She sobbed out and she nodded as she rested herself on Brett and finally let go. She let go. And she died next to her brother.

Everything inside me finally dropped as I sobbed loudly in pain. I screamed at the top of my lungs crying out. I couldn't hold it in. Not this.

I heard Liams roar and the many headlights surrounded around us. But everything blurred out, I hadn't taken in the scenery properly as the countless tears flooded my eyes.

I stared down at his lifeless body rested on me.
"You promised." I shook my head tears streaming down my face.

It hurts. Everything hurts. I can't do it. It hurts everywhere. It hurts so much. It hurts. I can't do it. He has to be awake. I have to be dreaming. He has to be here.

I need to wake up.
I stared down at the lifeless body rested against my lap.

I saw Scott running out and he looked over at Liam who was fully transformed and then down at me. I shook my head I bit my lip holding back my sobs.
Malia ran out beside Scott and he slowly walked over to me shaking his head.

I heard police sirens and ambulances. What's the point, he's dead. They're both dead! Your late!
I couldn't save him.

Scott placed his knees on the ground and he tried to embrace me but I pushed him away from me. "No! No! No!" I pushed him of not letting him touch me. Not letting him hold me.

"No."  I sobbed shaking my head pushing him away.
"Max." Scott tried and I shook my head not talking my eyes away from him.

"He's gone!" I screamed and I didn't care about the audience gathered around us. I lost them. I lost him.

A car pulled up, a very familiar one and it harshly pulled up. Then the rest of the cop cars pulled up clearing of the scene.

I looked to see dad walk out and he saw Brett and Lori on the ground and instantly realised.

"Maxine, it's time to go." Dad placed his hand on my shoulder and I shook my head.

"No!" I shook my head holding onto the body. "Scott." My dad looked over at him and Scot gave him a nod back.

"Max I'm sorry." Scott said and he pulled me away using all his strength. "No! No! Let me stay!" I screamed out trying to resist but scott used his strength. I punched his shoulder trying to get him to let me free.

"No!" I yelled shaking my head and there was alarmed us bringing our body bags placing them effortlessly in as they placed them in wheeling them in the ambulance and that's when I realised.

Everything in me became weak. My knees dropped as I sobbed out in pain and Scott held onto me tightly. "He's gone." I cried to myself and Scott helped lifting me up.

"I know." Scott held me tightly shaking his head as he stared at me and he can't take away emotional pain. But I don't want to feel. I don't want to feel anymore.

I slowly closed my eyes and tried holding everything in. Leave the sobs for later. I felt keys in my pocket and it was the motorcycle keys he slipped in my pocket.

"I can't be here right now." I shook my head wiping my tears and I ran away from him. "Max! Max let me be here!"

"Stay away! You have to stay away!" I protested not letting him anywhere near me.
I can't be here.
I have to hide.
I have to wake up.

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