Instincts (Snufkin x Reader)

By TheRatsBoot

6.6K 209 28

You were born in a Meadow and your parents had everything packed for you, they simply couldn't take care of y... More

The Beginning
The Beginning 2
10 Years After
Reading Maps
A Rocky Journey South
An Unexpected Encounter
Fish Thief
Sniff Is A Coward

Kind Of Illiterate

206 7 6
By TheRatsBoot

[Short A/N]

Hello everyone, sorry for the incredibly delayed chapter, I was on hiatus. Not to worry though, we are back (but I cannot promise on being consistent). Anyway enjoy the chapter. The story goes on!


(No One's P.O.V)

Snufkin analyzed the pendant he fished out, confused. Jewelry? He had no use for something like that. So what will he do with it? Throw it back? No, maybe it belongs to someone. Turn it into the police? No... Snufkin is not too fond of those people.

"I'll just hold onto it then. Maybe I'll figure out what to do with it later." Snufkin said, putting the pendant in his bag. After packing everything up he headed back to the valley, playing a tune on his way

Snufkin heard something, however. Yelling. A looooot of yelling.

(Y/N P.O.V)


At this point me and the giant rat were going in circles. Anger washed over me a while ago, so much so that I forgot about retrieving the pendant. The focus right now? Get the rat.

The giant rat stopped and was on his knees begging me to stop my bloodlust, causing me to halt and catch my breath. I raised my eyebrow and stood still as a way of saying 'go on.'

"Stinky... Stinky said I can have that pendant as long as I sell it for 10,000 gold. AND he said I can keep 7,000 of that gold! Only if I managed to sell it. Please have mercy, I'm just your average business guy trying to get by!" The giant rat pleaded, tears swelling up in his eyes. 'Honestly, I can't tell if those are real tears or crocodile tears... it's pathetic either way.'

"... Okay. Is this "Stinky" an ugly brown furball that is short enough to punt into the sun?"

"Um, yes? I guess he does look like that." The rat replied.

I took a deep breath, and exhaled. Yep, it was him. He started this and he had me going crazy for it. And even worse I fell for it. My expression turned to one of annoyance as I glared at the rat. "Have you ever stopped to THINK if this "Stinky" guy would be kind enough to give you a big piece of a profit and only take a quarter of that profit?" I said, sighing as I slowly walked to the bridge with my head low. From behind me I heard a gasp, and then a very audible growl. "I can't believe I fell for that! I should've known this was a part of some cruel scheme Stinky had."
He looked in my direction as the realization must have hit him that he also aided in having something precious to me stolen, and now to never be seen again.

The giant rat made his way next to me at the bridge as I watched the water flow in its current, his reflection showing visible shame on his face with his rat ears down and everything. "Listen, I'm so sorry about, well, everything. But y'know, maybe it's not too late! The pendant can still be around and-"

"Oh, what's the point.." I curled up into a ball while holding my knees into my chest. How could I let this happen? This whole adventure was my chance to prove myself, and I blew it. What would Mama think? What would Belle and Sally think? I didn't even want to think about it. I sighed as I continued.

"Who knows where the river took it? The current isn't exactly slow right now, my pendant could be far from here! How could I ever call myself an adventurer when I couldn't even protect what means the most to me?" I felt tears prick my eyes, but I didn't dare cry. I do not cry in front of people, it just isn't my thing.


Just the sound of the river, until I heard rustling and the sound of footsteps approaching us. "Sniff? Were you causing all that noise I heard earlier? I heard it from a far place so who knows who else heard you." That voice, the smell of tobacco. I know that guy.

"Hey! I wasn't the only one yelling! She- uh.. actually, now wouldn't be a good time to point fingers, huh?" The rat named Sniff said, staring down at my curled up form. I didn't dare to look up, that guy was there. It happened so long ago, but I am still embarrassed about our encounters.

"What's wrong? Sniff, why is she so upset?"
A. Why do you care?
B. It doesn't really matter anymore
And C. I want to get out of this situation

Sniff sighed as he stared at him, getting ready to tell quite a story. "It's about a pendant. It matters a lot to her, and it was all Stinkys fault that it's gone now-"
I looked up and glared at him as he said that. He looked away and corrected himself.

"-and I guess it was my fault why it got into the river to be lost forever. I'm so sorry- whatever your name is..."



I heard rustling once again, from a bag I assume? I looked up slightly to see the man searching his bag. Then he took out something that sparkled in the sun. 'Is that... IT IS'

"I was fishing in the river and I pulled this out. Now that I know it's yours, I should give it back to you." He said as he crouched down to my level, handing it to me. I was stunned. I couldn't speak. I don't recall ever being nice to him. I even stole from him. And he's giving it back?

I looked at him confused. "What's the catch?" I hesitantly grabbed my pendant from his hand. "No catch." He stood up and backed away. "That just isn't who I am. Maybe I'll see you again, fish thief." He waved, and walked towards a tent. 'Guess that's where he lives.. isn't that where Moomins friend lives? Snufkin?'

"Snufkin." I muttered quietly to myself, but Sniff seemed to hear me. "Oh, have you and Snufkin met before? Wow you must be more popular than me then at this point. Also, why'd he call you a fish thief?"

I didn't answer him, just let out a 'hum' and stood up. I walked back to Moomin house, ignoring Sniffs questions. 'Long day. I need rest. I need time to think'

I walked into Moomin house and closed the door behind. "Welcome home, Daisy. I left dinner for you at the table." I didn't answer again, just nodded and walked to where my dinner was. So many questions plagued my head. Why did Snufkin give my pendant back to me? Why was he fishing at the same time I lost my pendant? Is it a sign? Does it mean something? What do I do next? Do I leave? Should I thank him before I go though?

"Daisy? Are you alright, dear? You're being awfully quiet. You haven't even touched your food yet." Moomin Mama said with concern laced in her voice. She looked down at my hand where I was gripping my pendant while I was deep in thought. "Oh my, did you find your pendant? How wonderful!" Moomin Mama said as she quietly clapped for my accomplishment. I looked at her with an unreadable expression on my face.

"No, I didn't find it. Snufkin did" I mumbled, as I start eating the food Moomin Mama prepared me. Mashed potatoes, boiled carrot pieces, and some toasted bread. It doesn't sound like anything special, but it was so much more than enough.

"Snufkin found it? What a gentleman he is. I'm glad you have it back safe and sound" Moomin Mama smiled at the thought, causing me to smile also. It's good to be light hearted every once in a while, what's wrong with having a small good moment after all of the bad?

"Oh! I also left you a small gift in your room. An adventurer like you would surely love it." Moomin Mama then walked back upstairs. I slightly frowned at the comment though. Adventurer. An adventurer like me.

After finishing my plate and washing it, I walked back up to my room. I decided to open the curtains, the sun was already down. "Why have I never opened my window before? The stars look so pretty." I said to myself. Honestly, the stars here can never beat the stars back at home. They looked so much more prettier over there. I turned to my bed and see something square, wrapped in a beige paper and complimented with a magenta bow. I gently unwrapped the said present, it was a book. 'During Your Journey: A guide for the bravest explorers and most daring adventurers. Long title'

I opened the book and skimmed through the pages, and my heart sank. No illustrations to be found. Just pure stacks of words. Words I do not understand. "... What is this word? Cli.. mate? Who is mating? I can't understand or even read a good number of these words..." I groaned in frustration and I closed the book and threw it to the edge of my bed. According to Mama, I always struggled with words and what not. Forming sentences and communicating was hard enough as it was to teach me, teaching me how to read, however, was something entirely different. Without any pictures to give me an idea of the words, or if I wasn't taught the word in general, I wouldn't recognize the word. I'll never tell anyone that, though. It's embarrassing to talk about. I'll just keep the gift, have someone else read it for me.

Today took everything out of me, I can't imagine what a REAL adventure would do to me. I inhaled and exhaled in an exaggerated way, I smelled something faint, but something regardless. Was it smoke? From where?

I looked out of my window to see at the furthest corner, near Moomin house, someone was making a campfire outside of a tent. The figure was hard to make out, but I saw green. Snufkin? Why was he making a fireplace for? He's up right now?

I look out the window. Then I look at my pendant. It was on my bedside, near the lamp. "Who knows when I'd ever see him again. I should try to be in good terms with most of the people here, Snufkin deserves an apology if anything." I mumbled as I put my pendant on, and headed out. Out to Snufkins tent.

I tiptoed my way to the front door of the house, which wasn't easy. Trying to get down the stairs in the dark while also trying not to wake anyone up was unnecessarily difficult. I made it outside without casualties though. That's something to be proud of I guess.

I followed the light of the fire, the closer I got the brighter the fire appeared. For some reason, I was nervous. I don't apologize that often, walking towards Snufkin just to apologize was hurting my pride with each step I took. When I got close enough, Snufkin noticed my presence.

"Did the fire lure you here? Or was it my food again?" Snufkin chuckles at his own remark, causing me to roll my eyes playfully as I got closer. "Well, the fire did catch my attention. But that isn't the reason why I am here." I sat near the fire, facing snufkin as his curiosity peaked. "Oh? Is there something you want?" I took a deep breath and refused to make eye contact. Come on Daisy, swallow your pride! Now or never. "I'm... I'm ss.."

Snufkin brought a spoonful of stew to his mouth and slowly enjoyed his meal, patiently waiting for my response. "... I'm sorry." I mustered, looking at him to try to find any reaction out of him. He then laughed slightly. "Why so serious? Was that what you wanted to tell me? I'm guessing it's about the fish." He shakes his head slowly as he sets his bowl down, his full attention on me now. "Listen I just- felt bad. I just got out into the world and then I got robbed by an ugly cretin, then I kept getting lost and you were the first person with food that I found and, well, you helped me. I've never did anything for you, you could've easily kept my pendant from me and make me pay for wrong doings, why?" This seemed to shock Snufkin, as he stayed wide eyed and quiet for a bit. Did I say too much? Most likely I did.

Snufkin smiles at me and gives me my answer. "Did you honestly think I held a grudge over you about you stealing my fish? It didn't bother me all that much you know. If anything I'm glad you took it, from what I'm hearing you needed that fish a lot more than I did." Snufkin picked up his bowl and continued eating. I was so confused.

"You're not.. mad at me? Then why did you keep calling me fish thief?"

"I was messing with you. After all, what should I call you? I don't know your name, stranger." He said, making full eye contact with me. I lifted my pendant slightly in front of me, showing the daisy on it. "Daisy. My name is Daisy. Never forget that, Snufkin." I grinned. He nodded in return. "A pleasure to meet you"

The night went on, I stayed with Snufkin a little longer. He's explored and adventured so much more than me. He had so many interesting stories to tell, as well as some advice. While the night was still young we talked and talked for hours.

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