The Beginning

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Y/N= Your Name
F/N= Fathers Name
M/N= Mother's Name


A mother and father stare down at their new born baby, holding back tears as they said their goodbyes. They did not want to give their baby away, but they couldn't keep it either. They can barely look after each other and a child was impossible to keep with their living conditions.

"We're sorry our dear Y/N, there's no one else who can take care of you.."

The mother weeped as the father got the two baskets, one had 2 pairs of clothes the mother knitted, a name tag made of a clump of wood with 'Y/N' embedded in it, and a pendant that was a knitted white flower with a silver chain.

The other basket had a daisy bedding, had cattail fluff in bag for a pillow, and a giant leaf for a blanket.

"Do you think she'd make it out there? What if she dies, F/N??"

"Do you think I WANT to do this? We have no other choice..."

The mother and father went near the closest river stream they found. "... the river appears to be flowing east, we should keep that in mind M/N.."

The mother nodded as they tie the two baskets together and gently put the baby in the basket on the river, watching in sorrow as the baby became less and less visible in their sights.

Instincts (Snufkin x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin