Emma The Teenage Vampire 2: T...

By NWRfan14

86 2 1

When Bert Breaks out of prison, he goes back to New Jersey to find his son so that he can help him kill Emma... More

The Breakout
The Halloween Party
Bert and Alex Find Emma
Girls night
School Trip Day 1
School Trip Day 2
School Trip Day 3
Dinner at Emma's house
New Students
Bert's plan
The Final Fight

Girls Night 2

7 0 1
By NWRfan14

The next day Emma and Amy woke up got dressed, fixed their hair and brushed their teeth and then they packed their suitcases. Then, walked out of their apartment and towards Rhys and Daniel's. When they arrived, Emma knocked on the door and she and Amy waited for Rhys or Daniel to answer. Then, Rhys opened the door. Daniel stood beside him and they were both dressed and had their suitcases in their right hands. Rhys walked towards Emma and held his left hand out. Then Emma held it and kissed Rhys on the cheek. Rhys smiled. Then, Daniel came out and closed the door. When they were ready to go, the four lovebirds walked towards the lift. When they arrived, they went into it. Rhys pressed the button that lead to the bottom floor and the doors closed. Then, the lift began to move. When they reached the bottom, the doors opened and then the four lovebirds got out of the lift and walked towards the hotel's restaurant. When they Arrived, they sat down and placed their suitcases beside them. Emma sat next to Rhys while Amy sat next to Daniel. Then, a waiter began to walk over to them Emma quickly hid her. When the waiter arrived at the table, there was something wrong with him. He had a metal jar of whiskey in his left arm and there was vomit stains on his uniform. "Hello ladies and gentleman" he said in a drunk voice, "what the fuck do you want this morning?" Then a waitress came running towards the waiter and held his hand. "Oh Jerry" she groaned, "the manager told you not to have whiskey before coming to work." "Shut up woman" the drunk waiter replied, "I can drink all the whiskey I want!" Then the waitress pulled the drunk waiter away from the table. Then, a new waiter came to take Emma, Rhys, Amy and Daniel's order. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen" he said, "what would you like this morning?" "Two glasses of orange juice, Two glasses of apple juice, two portions of scrambled eggs and toast, a bowl of Reese's puffs and one portion pancakes please" Rhys said. "Will that be all?" The waiter asked. "Yes" Rhys replied. "Okay" the waiter said, "I'll be back with your order soon." Then the waiter walked towards the kitchen. While they were waiting Emma put her head down against Rhys' shoulder, cuddled up to him and closed her eyes. Rhys smiled and kissed Emma. A couple of minutes later, the waiter came back with Emma, Rhys, Amy and Daniel's order. Emma got up and let go of Rhys just as the waiter placed the food and drinks on the table. When the waiter left, the four lovebirds began to eat their breakfast. When they were finished, Rhys payed the bill and he, Emma, Amy and Daniel picked up their suitcases and left the hotel's restaurant and went outside. When they arrived, they sat down on a bench and placed their suitcases on the ground. Then, Emma let her fangs pop out and held Rhys' hand. Rhys began to blush. Emma giggled and then she kissed Rhys on the cheek. Then, Rhys smiled and cuddled up to her. Meanwhile in Northern Ireland, Bert and Alex were just enjoying their breakfast. "These scrambled eggs taste like shit" Bert said in anger. Then he noticed someone who he thought was Emma. "I've fucking got you now you blood sucking monster" Bert said with a smirk on his face. Then he got out of his chair and left the hotel and ran after the person who looked like Emma. Bert had caught up with the person, held into her back and knocked off her feet. Then she hit the ground. "Get the fuck off of me you pervert!" The woman demanded. Then police car sirens could be heard. "Aw crap" Bert whispered to himself. Bert quickly let go of the woman, got up and ran away from her as fast as he could. He didn't stop until he reached the hotel. When he arrived, he saw Alex with a cigarette. "Dad you need to calm the fuck down" he said as he put the cigarette into his mouth. But Bert just ignored him and went back into the hotel to grab a drink at the bar. When he arrived, he sat down on one of the bar stools. "What will it be sir?" The bartender asked Bert. "Just give me your finest wine and be quick about it" Bert replied in a rude tone. "Okay" the bartender said in a mad tone. Soon, the bartender grabbed the wine, poured it into a glass and placed it in front of Bert. "That'll be five quid" the bartender said. Bert lifted his wallet out of his pocket and gave the bartender a five pound note. Soon, Bert began to drink the wine. When he was finished, Alex walked in, placed his cigarette into the bin and sat on the bar stool next to his father. "Give me a glass of whisky" he said to the bartender. The bartender grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured some of it into a glass. "That will be five quid" the bartender said to Alex. Alex lifted his  wallet out of his pocket and gave the bartender a ten pound note. The bartender put the ten pound note in the cash register. Then, he lifted a five pound note out and gave Alex his drink and his change. Alex put the note in put the note into his wallet and drunk his whiskey. Back in Bangor, the bus that was meant to take the four lovebirds and their classmates had just arrived outside the hotel. When the doors opened, Emma quickly hid her fangs and she, Rhys, Amy and Daniel got up, grabbed their suitcases and walked towards the bus. When they got onboard, the placed their suitcases on the luggage racks above them and sat down and waited for Mrs Rose and their classmates. Emma sat next to Rhys while Amy sat next to Daniel. Emma began to feel a little bit tired, so she put her head on Rhys' right shoulder, cuddled up to him and closed her eyes. Rhys smiled and put his left arm around her. Soon, Mrs Rose and their classmates arrived. They got onboard, placed their suitcases on the luggage racks and sat down. When they were ready, the bus driver closed the door and drove the bus away from the hotel. While they were on the motorway, Emma woke up, let go of Rhys,
got up and sneakily kissed him on the cheek. Rhys began to blush. Emma giggled and soon, she held onto her boyfriend's hand. behind them, Amy and Daniel were having a conversation. "So, any plans tonight?" Daniel asked Amy. "Well, I was thinking of asking Emma, Sally, Annie and Caroline if they wanted to have another girls night" Amy replied. "I'm sure they'd love that" Daniel said. Then, Amy smiled and put her head against Daniel's right shoulder and cuddled up to him. An hour later, they arrived back at Planet's Secondary School in Northern Ireland. The driver opened the doors and everyone got off. "See you all on Tuesday" Mrs Rose said as she walked towards the car park to get her car. When Amy was off, she saw Emma was talking to Rhys. As soon as they were finished, Amy walked over to them. "Hello Emma" she said to her best friend, "I was wondering, would you like to have another girls night?" "Sure" Emma replied. "Okay" Amy said, "I'm going to ask Sally, Annie and Caroline if they want to join in, see you at nine o'clock." Then, Amy walked over to Sally, Annie and Caroline. When no one was looking, Emma and Rhys went to the side of the school building. When they arrived, Emma let her fangs out and then she kissed Rhys on the lips. "See you tomorrow, my knight in shining armour" she whispered to her boyfriend. Then, Emma transformed into a bat, grabbed her suitcase with her claws and began to fly towards her house. When she arrived, she transformed into her normal form and rang the doorbell. Then, someone opened the door. It was her father and he had a beer tin in his left hand. "Hello princess" he said to his daughter, "come in." Then Emma's father moved out of the way and Emma grabbed her suitcase with her right hand and walked into the house. Meanwhile at "Planet's Secondary School," Amy had just asked Sally, Annie and Caroline about doing another girls night. They all said yes and Amy told them to meet her at Emma's house at nine o'clock. Back at Emma's house, Emma had just gone up to her room and she was now unpacking her things. When she was finished, she decided to rest on top of her bed for five or twenty minutes. She was about to lie down, when she noticed something sticking out of her jacket's pocket. She lifted it out of her pocket and held it in her right hand. It was a piece of paper with a phone number on it. "Who could've put this in my pocket?" She thought. Then, she noticed an iPhone 14 on her bedside cabinet. it was plugged in and it had already been set up. "Do you like your new phone?" A voice asked. It was Emma's mother and she had just walked into the room. Emma jumped. "Oh sorry" Emma's mother said, "I didn't mean to scare you." "It's alright Mum" Emma said. Then Emma's mother noticed the number in her daughter's right hand. "Is that from Rhys?" She teased. "Mum, stop it!" Emma shouted as she began to blush. "Okay" Emma's mother said, exiting her daughter's bedroom. As soon as she was out of sight, Emma made sure that the phone was fully charged. Then, she lifted it off of her bedside cabinet, unplugged it and went into the phone app and typed the phone number into the phone. Rhys was in his bedroom. He was just getting ready to go downstairs when he heard his phone ring. He quickly picked it up off of the bedside cabinet and answered the call. "Hello?" He said. "Rhys is that you?" A voice asked on the other line. "O-oh, I-I s-see you found it" Rhys stuttered while blushing. "Oh" Emma replied on the other line, "you mean, you gave me your phone number?" "Yeah" Rhys replied. "Well, I think that was very sweet of you" Emma said, "I'll speak to you soon, my knight in shining armour." Then, Emma hung up. Then, Rhys put his phone back onto his bedside and walked towards his bedroom door. When he opened it someone was standing outside his bedroom. It was Rhys' little sister, Abbi. She was eleven years old, she had brown eyes and brown hair.  Rhys nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw her when he opened his bedroom door. "Who were you talking to?" Abbi asked her big brother. "that's none of your business" Rhys replied as he began to blush. "Was it that girlfriend of yours that you talk to mum about so much" Abbi teased. Then, Rhys closed his bedroom door and went downstairs to grab a drink. Meanwhile at Emma's house, Emma was playing Candy Crush on her phone when she heard her mum's voice. "Emma, lunch is ready!" She shouted. Emma put her phone on her bedside cabinet and went downstairs and into the kitchen. She sat down at the table as her mum brought a sandwich and a tin of Coke Zero over to the table and placed them right in front of her daughter. Then, Emma began to eat her sandwich. When she was finished, she drank her Coke Zero, washed her hands and went into the backyard for some fresh air. She listened to the birds tweeting and then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Twenty minutes later, she went back into the house. Then, she walked into the kitchen and sat back down at the table. "Where's dad?" she asked her mother. "Oh he's at his new office job" her mother replied. Then Emma's mother had an idea. "Maybe you should bring Rhys over to our house for dinner sometime" she said, "and me and your father can get to know more about him." "Sure" Emma replied. A couple of hours had past. Emma had already eaten her dinner and it was now 9:00pm. Emma's father had just finished work and Emma was now lying on her bed waiting for Amy, Sally, Annie and Caroline. Then, Emma heard the doorbell ring. She quickly got up and went downstairs. She quickly hid her fangs and opened the door to see Amy, Sally, Annie and Caroline standing outside with their coats on. "Hello Emma" Amy said, "are you ready?" "Yes" Emma replied, "I just need to grab my coat." Emma went towards the coat rack, grabbed her coat, put it on, went upstairs unplugged her phone, put it in her coat pocket, went downstairs, went outside and closed the door. Then, the five friends began to walk away from Emma's house. "Where do you want to go first?" Amy asked her friends. "How about we go to that new ice cream parlour that's just five miles away?" Sally asked, "I heard they sell the best milkshakes." "Okay" Amy replied, "let's go there right now." Then, Emma, Amy, Sally, Annie and Caroline began to walk towards the ice cream parlour. When they arrived, the five friends went inside and sat at a table. "I already know what I want, so i'll go up and get the milkshakes." Amy said, "what would you all like?" Then, Emma, Sally Annie and Caroline told Amy what they wanted. Emma and Sally wanted a chocolate milkshake each while Annie and Caroline both wanted a vanilla milkshake. "Okay" Amy said, "I'll be back soon." Then, Amy went up to the till. When she arrived, there was a queue. She had to wait twenty minutes. Meanwhile at the table, Emma, Sally, Annie and Caroline were talking. "So, how are things with you and Rhys?" Sally asked Emma. "Everything's fine" Emma replied, "by the way, have you asked David out yet Sally?" "Oh not yet" Sally said beginning to blush, "but I will soon." At Emma's house, Emma's parents were having a cup of tea when the house phone began to ring. "I'll answer it" Emma's mother said as she placed her mug on the table and walked towards the phone. "Hello?" Emma's mother said. "Hello" the voice on the other line said, "can I speak to Mr James?" "Honey it's your boss" Emma's mother said giving her husband the phone. "Hello Mr Kenny" Emma's father said, "how are you?" "I'm fine" Mr Kenny replied, "I've just called you to say that from now on you'll be working from Monday to Friday." Mr Kenny is Amy's father and he runs one of the richest companies in the world. The name of the company was "Kenny's flowers." "Oh by the way, me and some of the  employees are at John's having a couple of drinks" Mr Kenny said, "want to join us?" "Sure" Emma's father replied, "me and my wife will be there soon." Then, Mr Kenny hung up and Emma's father put the house phone back on the stand. "Looks like we're going out honey" Emma's father said to his wife. "Okay dear" she replied, "but we have to be back by ten pm."Emma's mother and father quickly went upstairs, got changed into a fresh set of clothes, brushed their teeth and went downstairs. Emma's mother was wearing a beautiful dark red dress while Emma's was wearing a black suit. Then, the vampire couple went outside, locked the house door, transformed into bats and flew towards the bar. When they arrived, they transformed back into their normal forms, hid their fangs and walked towards the entrance. When they were inside, the vampire couple sat beside each other at a table. Back at the ice cream parlour, Amy had just payed for the milkshakes and now she was bringing them over to the table. When she arrived, she sat down and placed her strawberry milkshake in front of her and placed the tray with Emma, Sally Annie and Caroline's milkshakes in the middle. Then, her friends lifted their milkshakes off the tray and they and Amy began to drink them. When they were finished, they cleaned their faces with a napkin and left the ice cream parlour. "You were right Sally" Amy said to her friend, "those milkshakes really were the fucking best." "How about we go shopping now?" Annie asked, "there's a nice little shop that I've been wanting to shop at for mouths now." "Okay" Amy replied, "let's all go there right now." Then, the five friends began to walk towards the shop. At Rhys' house, Rhys and Daniel were having a boys night. They were watching a series on "YouTube" called " Rails To Refuge" on Rhys' Xbox and were laughing away. "So how's your sister's karate lessons coming along?" Rhys asked his best friend. "They've been great so far" Daniel replied. As soon as they were finished, Rhys turned his tv and Xbox off and went down stairs to eat some fruit. He went into the kitchen, grabbed an Banana, peeled the skin off, put it in the bin and then Rhys ate the Banana. When he was finished, he washed his hands at the kitchen sink and went back upstairs. When he went into his room, he spoke to his best friend. "Would you like to go to the carnival?" He asked. "Sure" Daniel replied. Then, the two best friends grabbed their phones, put them in their trouser pockets, went downstairs, put their shoes and coats on and went outside. Rhys closed the door and soon, the two best friends began to walk towards the carnival. When they arrived, the two best friends went in. "Let's go on the miniature steam engine" Rhys said to his best friend. "Sure" Daniel replied. Then, they headed towards the platform, where the engine was waiting. Meanwhile at the shop, Emma, Amy, Sally, Annie and Caroline had just came out of a changing room wearing winter coats. "That looks great on you" Amy said to her best friend. "Thank you" Emma replied, "the same to you too." "Emma, can I ask you something?" Sally asked her friend. "Sure" Emma replied, "what is it?" "What made you fall in love with Rhys?" Sally asked. "Well, it all began when I first started going to Planet's Secondary School and when Max was picking on me, Rhys walked towards us and stood up for me" Emma said, "and later that night we went out on our first date." Then Emma's heart began to beat. "Rhys truly does have a kind heart." Amy said. "We better go up to the till and pay for our stuff" Annie said, "it's 9:30 pm." Then, the five friends went into the changing rooms, took the winter coats off and put them back on their hangers. Then, they left the changing rooms and walked towards the till. Meanwhile at John's (the bar), Emma's parents had just finished drinking some wine and they had just left the bar. "We have to go home now honey" Emma's father said to his wife, "Emma will be back soon." Then, Emma's father held his wife's hand and went outside. Then, they let their fangs pop out, transformed into bats and flew away from the bar. Back at the shop, Emma, Amy, Sally, Annie and Caroline had just payed for their new winter coats and now they were sitting on a bench outside chatting away. "Me and my family are moving into a mansion that's not too far from our house this Thursday" Amy said, "so I won't be in school that day." Then Amy, Sally, Annie and Caroline saw that Emma had just texted someone. "Who did you send that to?" Amy asked. "Oh uh, I s-sent i-it to R-Rhys" Emma said beginning to stutter. Then, the five friends saw Rhys and Daniel walk past them. "Speak of the devil" Annie said. Then, Emma got up and walked towards her boyfriend. "Oh hello Rhys" Emma said, "did you get my text?" "Yes i did" Rhys replied, "and I'd love to come over to your house for dinner tomorrow." "Okay" Emma said, "see you tomorrow my night in shining armour." Then, Emma kissed Rhys on the cheek and went back over to the bench. Rhys smiled and then he and Daniel began to walk towards their houses. "I have to go back to my house now" Emma said. "Okay" Amy replied, "bye." Then Emma quickly grabbed the bag that had her brand new winter coat, ran behind the building, let her fangs pop out, transformed into a bat grabbed the handles of the bag and took off into the sky. Meanwhile, Emma's parents had just arrived at their house. They transformed back into their normal forms and went into the house. They sat down in the kitchen and they were about to have a chat when they saw Emma land and transform back into her normal form. Emma's mother got up and opened the door for her. Then Emma walked into the house. "Hello sweetheart" her mother said as she sat back down at the table, "how was the girls night?" "It was great mum" Emma replied, "we went to an ice cream parlour, had milkshakes and Amy kindly bought me, Sally, Annie and Caroline a winter coat each." "Well that was nice of her" Emma's mother replied. Then, Emma went up to her room, left the coat in her cupboard, changed into her PJ's, plugged her phone in, got into her bed and soon she fell fast asleep.

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