The Legend Of Korra: An Atlan...

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The Story is about a Prince who is the son of a Atlantean Tyrant named Ocean Master who banished his flesh an... Daha Fazla

Characters Bio:
Chapter 1: A new world
Chapter 2: A new world Part 2
Chapter 3: Troys new life begins!
Chapter 4: A new bond is form and a hidden truth!
Chapter 5: Troy meets Orion The Former Gate Guardian Of Atlantis!
Chapter 6: Recovery and Confession!
Chapter 7: Korra Leaves Home!
Chapter 8: Following Korra!
Chapter 9: Toph trains Korra!
Chapter 10: Arriving to Zaofu!
Chapter 11: Korra vs Kuvira!
Chapter 12: Troy vs The Earth Empire
Chapter 13: Getting to Know Troy and his past!
Chapter 14: Troys Powers and Night of Passion!
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Beyond The Wilds
Chapter 17: Figuring out what to do with Kuvira and the Weapon!
Chapter 18: Kuvira's Gambit
Chapter 19: Day Of The Colossus!
Chapter 20: The Last Stand!
Chapter 21: Last Stand Part 2!
Not a chapter: Sad News of the voice of Suyin Beifong
Chapter 22: Vacation in The Spirit World!
Chapter 23: Visiting The Family and Last Day of Vacation!
Chapter 25: Turf Wars Part 1!
Happy Birthday Korra!
Todays my 28th Birthday!
Chapter 26: Turf Wars Part 2!
Chapter 27: The Big Day!
New Characters that Troy and Korra meet during their honeymoon!
Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom!
The Thresher Family!
Chapter 28: The Atlantean and The Avatar's Honeymoon!
Chapter 29: A memory has become a reality!

Chapter 24: Back to the city!

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After finishing their vacation together both Korra and Troy headed back towards the spirit portal in the south pole to head back into the spirit world and take the other portal back to Republic City. And once they were near the portal that leads back home to the city, both the Avatar and the Atlantean while holding hands went through the portal and appeared back in the city.

Korra: feels good to be back home.

Troy: You said it, that was by far the greatest vacation I ever had especially spending it with you my love.

Korra: Me too Troy even when.....


Troy: What the hell?

Korra: And the moment is over.

Both Troy and Korra looked towards to see the air benders who were guarding the entrees to the spirit portal while a man was trying to get them out of his way with while they also looked to see some construction workers behind the man speaking to Jinora who was in front of the man.


Jinora: You can keep counting but we're not going anywhere!

Kai: Yeah!

Opal: You tell him Jinora!

Troy: Looks like trouble again.(Troy saids in thought)

Listen, young lady you and your air associates need to go back to your island this is now my property!

Jinora: This land is sacred now! It belongs to the spirits.

Korra: Looks like we have more trouble to deal with Troy.

Troy: Looks that way water angel, and who gives that man the right to know what does and doesn't belong to him.

Both Korra and Troy walked over to see what the problem was and that is when Jinora spotted the two heading towards her and the air benders.

Jinora: Korra, Troy, you're back!

Troy: Jinora what is Neptune's beard in going on here?

Jinora: We were having quiet meditation session around the portal when this guy showed up yelling at us to leave.

Korra: Who is he?

Wonyong Keum is my name, pleased to meet your acquaintance Avatar Korra as well as you Sea Guardian.

Troy: What brings you here sir?(Troy saids while crossing his arms and not liking the guy in front of him and Korra)

Wonyong: Yes well anyway Avatar Korra if you would be so kind as to escort these interlopers off my new land.

Troy and Korra: Your new land?

Jinora: Guys don't listen to him. He is trying to turn this whole area into an amusement park! He wants to build a road drive truckloads of tourists into the spirit world!

Troy: You are out of your mind sir if you think I am going to let do that.(Troy said and then takes out his trident and faced it towards Wonyong)

Wonyong: Now now, you see this young lady makes it sound so crass. This will be a State of the art experience for the discerning traveler! The spirit world is wondrous and beautiful place and everyone should have the opportunity and access to experience it don't you think?

Korra: Well...

Troy: The spirit world is a beautiful place and that is why people like you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near!(Troy saids and points his weapon at Wonyong who looked pale from seeing the trident near his face)

Wonyong: You can yell at me all you want fish man but it won't do any good. Keum bought this land and these deeds give me the right to whatever I want with it.

Troy then pointed his trident at Wonyong and then the man looked to see Troy's eyes glow bright and without knowing Troy shot a small electric blast at the mans deed and burned it to a crisp.

Troy: I don't see so stinking deeds just a pile of dust nothing more. So why don't you take your burned up deed and leave and never step foot on this land again otherwise there is going to be some trouble.(Troy saids with a glare while cracking his knuckles)

Opal: Yea you show him Troy!

Then out of the spirit world came the eel spirit who looked angry and flew towards Wonyong.

Eel Spirit: The Sea Guardian is correct, you're just another human who refuses to respect the sacred.

Wonyong: Ah!!

Eel Spirit: You think a piece of paper gives you the right to Ravage and Plunder the spirit world?

Wonyong: ......

Eel Spirit: Sea Guardian thank you for defending us spirits most appreciated. Avatar I urge you to close the portal it was never meant to be here and humans like this man will only exploit it.(Eel spirit saids to Troy who nods for your welcome then spoke to Korra about closing the new portal)

Korra: Hey not long ago, I came to you for help and you said spirits wouldn't get involved with human conflicts...why are you so interested now?

Troy: Korra I think I know what he means.

Eel Spirit: Sea Guardian is correct because now there is a portal to the spirit world in this metropolis, I have no choice but to protect my kind.

Troy: Exactly if anyone would to enter the portal and try to bring harm to the spirits imagined what would happened after words, we will be looking at the same fight that took place many centuries ago during the time of Avatar Wan.

Eel Spirit: At least the Sea Guardian knows and cares for us spirits unlike some people in this world.

Korra: Listen I understand you want to keep the spirits safe, we all do even me as well as Troy but shutting the portal isn't the answer. And I am not just saying that because, I thought that Troy and so many people were going to die when this portal was created. I truly believe that this new spiritual energy will have harmonious effect on the people of Republic City.

Eel Spirit: Very well Avatar. I can't force you to close the portal. But I will hold you responsible for keeping it safe.

Korra: I will keep it safe.

Troy: And you wont protect it alone, I got your back and I will always will.

Eel Spirit: Sea Guardian, I trust that you will keep us safe as well, you have proven yourself worthy among us spirits and showed us such compassion as well as trust.

Troy: After what you did for me and treated me with such kindness, I will defend your kind with my life great spirit.

Eel Spirit: Very well until then farewell.(Eel spirit saids then goes back into the portal)

Opal: We will help as well, we're all here to help.

Wonyong: This still doesn't change the fact that you all trespassing on my new land! I want you out of here immediately!

Troy: Yea I had enough you as it is so....

Troy walked over towards Wonyong and grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him up into the air and then next thing Troy did and it got Korra a laugh when she looks to see Wonyong being thrown out of the land and into a garbage container.

Troy: Man that idiot was annoying.

Korra: Pff..hahahaha! That was great Troy.

Wonyong: This isn't the end of it!!!(Wonyong saids while coming out of the garbage)

Then soon Korra went into the avatar state while Troy was pointing his trident at Wonyong and saw electric sparks coming out it until both said together towards Wonyong who was paling under the gazes that the Avatar and the Sea Guardian are giving him.

Korra and Troy: LEAVE NOW!

Wonyong: LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!

Soon after Wonyong along his construction workers all packed up and left in a hurry and not want to get involved with a very angry and pissed off Avatar and Sea Guardian.

Jinora: Looks like he will back anytime soon.

Troy: Sometimes you just have to give them at taste of their own medicine.

Korra: Or better yet a little Avatar intimidation goes a long way.

Troy: Hehehe yeah maybe some of that as well especially when you go all full on Avatar on their asses.

Korra: Yea but you do it better than me Troy.

Jinora: So anyway care to tell us all about your vacation together.

Opal: Ooh I want to know as well.

Korra: Sure why not we got time don't we Troy.

Troy: Yea absolutely I wouldn't mind telling about our trip into the spirit world and let just say guys it was the most relaxing vacation I ever had in my life.

Meanwhile in the city a group of triple threats were battling against a group of dangerous criminals known as the Creeping Crystal Triad and it was their turf and they were going all out of the the other benders.

Show these good for nothing Triple Threats who owns these streets!

Where is your new leader, Triple Threats?

I bet he's too scared to show his face!

We got them on the ropes!

While the Creeping Crystals were battling the Triple Threats, their leader of the Triple Threats was watching from above and waiting to strike until one of his members spoke to get his attention.

Boss, The Creeping Crystals got us outnumbered! What do say we skedaddle?

That strategy might have worked for your Old Leader but not me.(The new leader saids to his member who was fighting the other guys)

The new leader was looking at new team fighting the Creeping Crystals and then he took out his twin blades and was about to make his appearance and prepare to attack.

This fight isn't over until I say it is!

The new leader took out his blades and leaped into action while some of the Creeping Crystals spotted him and were prepare to attack him until all of sudden the new leader was able to dodge the attacks with a decent flip and landed on the ground while holding his twin blades. Then soon looked to see the Creeping Crystals gearing up for another attack when all of sudden the leader of the Triple Threats used his blade sword hooks to sweep the two benders under and knocking them over. But then the leader looked to see a boulder heading towards him and he was able to dodge it and got back together with his Triple Threats.

The Triple Threats might as well give up now, Tokuga.(The female Creeping Crystals saids to the leader of the Triple Threats known as Tokuga)

Tokuga: Make us!

Tokuga dodged more attacks from the benders and was able to chi blocked them from using their bending against him and he did it to so many of them until they were all paralyzed.

He chi blocked us!

Tokuga: Looks like the Creeping Crystals are the ones who should give up.


Tokuga: My pleasure Jargala.(Tokuga saids and was about to strike down the girl in front of him until he heard police sirens from above)


Tokuga: Time to go, Triple Threats!

From the police air ship came out Chief Lin Beifong who was going down to catch the criminals and bring them in for questioning.

This isn't over Tokuga! Creeping Crystals retreat!

Lin: Where are you running off too!(Lin saids and throws her metal lasso at one of the criminals trying to get away but now is tied up and fell to the ground)

Aw man.....

Then when the police cars came two boys wearing their police uniforms were getting out and about to apprehend the criminals in which was known other than the brothers themselves Mako and Bolin. After what happened with Kuvira, Bolin joined forces with his brother Mako and the two became a team to take down the most dangerous crooks in Republic City.


Bolin: I always wanted to say that.

Mako: Bolin can you just stay focused on taking down the triads.(Mako saids while shooting fire bending at the criminals)

Bolin: I'm on it partner!

Bolin looked to see one of the triads getting away and into an alleyway in which Bolin wasn't going to let that person get away from him now that he is on the force with his brother Mako.

Bolin: You're not getting away that easily!(Bolin saids and hits one the triad member with a rock and it hits the man in the back knocking him on the ground)

Go easy on me copper! I ain't done nothin!

Bolin: Wait a minute two toed Ping?

Bolin and Mako wondered up the triads and put them all into the police truck to be taken to the police station.

Lin: Take these knuckleheads in for booking and get them ready for questioning.

Mako: You got it chief.

Ping: Mushi.

Mushi: Ping.

Ping: Tough break huh? So how you been Bolin? I haven't seen you in forever.

Bolin: I'm good, I'm good...was busy helping save the city from Kuvria, then I got this great job on Chief Beifong's triad task force as Mako's partner.

Mako: Temporary partner.

Ping: Hey Mako long time no see!

Mako: Quiet Ping.

Ping: What? I can't say hi to my two favorite former Triple Threats? I am two really made something of yourselves. I knew these guys when they were just a couple of nobodies! Never imagined they'd become big time cops make me proud.

Mako: Sigh....

Bolin: Thanks Ping.

Bolin and Mako drove off with the triads at their temporary headquarters in which them along with Beifong were interrogating them triads about what was happening on the streets.

Lin: Enough stalling Ping, answer the question! I want info on the Triple Threats new leader. What is his name?

Ping: You're not getting a peep out of me.

Mako: Chief, I think I got something.

Lin: What is it?

Mako and Lin were talking on how to get Ping to talk about who the leader of the Triple Threats is and where to find him.

Lin: You think ruse is really going to work?

Mako: Trust me doesn't take much to fool Ping.

Ping: Hey what are you whispering about Mako? Want to let me in on it?

Lin: Mako was just having a little chat with your triad buddy. He said you masterminded the attack on the Creeping Crystal triad.

Ping: Mushi told you that? He's a liar! I didn't mastermind nothin! It was all Tokuga's plan!

Lin: Tokuga huh? Now that wasn't so hard was it?

Ping: Sigh...great now I'm a dead man and I don't mean that in a metaphorical kinda way.

Mako: Why do you say that?

Ping: Here's the deal when downtown got destroyed so did the triad's turf. The Triple Threats, The Red Monsoons, The Agni Kais, The Terra triad...we all scattered. This kid Tokuga, he took advantage of the chaos. He bumped off our old leader Viper. Then started recruiting members of the other triads and anyone who didn't fall in line didn't live long.

Mako: And now he's trying to take out the Creeping Crystals and claim their turf.

Lin: I think Tokuga just shot up to the top of our most wanted list.

On the other side of the city where they is a line of so many tents as well as people. Tenzin along with his family as well as Zhu Li and the air benders were helping out those civilians who have lost their homes during the battle witj Kuvira and were getting some food and water to help them survive while the rebuilding construction of the city is on its way.

Zhu Li: If I could have your attention everyone! We have another big day ahead of us. A new shipment of relief supplies just came in from Ba Sing Se, so we need volunteers to cook, as well as pass out clothes, cots and blankets. And Kya, if you could help the healers at the medic tent they're short handed today.

Kya who is the sister of Tenzin and Bumi as well as the daughter of Avatar Aang and Water Bending Master Katara was with her family and friends to help out after the fight with Kuvira that has taken a tole on everyone and was called in to help with the cause.

Kya: Absolutely Zhu Li.

Zhu Li: These Evacuees have lost everything, so let's make them feel as comforted as possible. I appreciate all your help and I know the Evacuees do too. Let's get to work!

While everyone was informed of what Zhu Li said, outside came in both Korra and Troy who wanted to help out as well and feel bad about some of the people who have lost their homes due to Kuvira and her weapon of destruction.

Troy: Mind if we give a hand as well.

Korra: Good to see you all again.

Korra and Troy are back!

Korra: Hello everybody!

Troy: Hows it going everyone!

Hello Troy!

Hello Korra!

Ikki: Tell us all about the spirit world! We missed you guys!

Meelo: How was the trip?

Tenzin: I hope you both feeling refreshed from well..deserved vacation.(Tenzin saids and hugs Korra)

Korra: We are thanks how are things here?

Kya: Welcome back you two.

Troy: Thanks good to be back.

Asami: Hey Troy, Hey Korra!

Troy and Korra: Asami!

Troy and Korra hugged their friend in which Asami was happy to see her friends back home as well as wants to know about their vacation until Tenzin spoke.

Tenzin: To answer your question Korra, we still have new Evacuees returning every day. The camp's bursting at the seams. Without Zhu Li whipping things into shape, the situation would be much worse.

Troy: Well that is good to know, I knew that kind of person wouldn't let us down.

Tenzin: Indeed her leadership has been very impressive, which is more than I can say for President Raiko.

Troy: Sigh...Raiko.(Troy saids while rolling his eyes of the mans name)

Korra: Why? What did he do?

Tenzin: Nothing! That is the issue. He hasn't even bothered to come down here and see the problems firsthand. He's too preoccupied with his own reelection.

Troy: Why that over grown nut job! Doesn't he care about the people in this city, I have to say he is the worst President I have ever met in my life and well could be the first one I met.

Korra: I have to agree, he was never the most compassionate guy.

Tenzin: Most people aren't happy he surrendered to Kurvia. At this point he's so unpopular. A flying lemur could run against him and probably win.

Meelo: Yea! Poki for president!(Meelo saids while holding a lemur in his hands)

Troy: Pfff....I think that would be funny to watch that happened. Watching Raiko getting beat by a flying lemur would be great comedy.

Korra: Yea but anyway what can we do to help?

Kya: The Evacuees I've spoken with are so grateful for what Troy and Korra did to save their city. I think an appearance from both the Avatar and The Sea Guardian would go a long way in lifting everyone's spirits.

Tenzin: Great idea Kya.

Korra: Well if you think it'll help were more than happy to meet some people. You'll come with me Troy.

Troy: Of course I will Korra. Asami wanna come with us as well?

Asami: Actually you guys go on ahead, I think I will stay here and talk to Zhu Li about some practical things I can do to help.

Troy: I understand helping ours is the main goal, shall we get going Korra and help lift peoples spirits.

Korra: Of course and seeing both The Avatar and her side kick together will help.

Troy: Whoah whoah...side kick since when I am a side kick?

Korra: I didn't say side kick.(Korra saids with a smirk)

Troy: I heard you say that.

Korra: You must imagining things blue fish.

Asami: Pfff...Blue Fish.

Troy: Alright then let us go meet the people as The Sea Guardian and his hotheaded amazon who thinks she can outmatch me.(Troy saids with a smirk while about to leave the tent while Korra was blushing in embarrassment)

Korra: HEY I AM NOT HOTHEAD.....MPH!(Korra yells then stops when Troy plants his lips onto hers and shutting her up)

Troy: I love you too, now shall we greet everyone M'lady.

Korra: do I always fall for that?

Troy: Because you are with me and you know you love it.

Asami: Alright you two lovebirds get going and greet some people.

Tenzin: I will come and join you both, come on.

Troy and Korra: This is not what I had in mind..(Both said in thought)

Troy along with Korra and Tenzin began walking around the camp site and saw so many people who have lost their homes as well as places of where they used to work after Kuvira was defeated.

Korra: So many's heart breaking.

Troy: I agree, I feel so bad for what all of these people been through after what happened with Kuvira and her spirit weapon.

Is that them? It's really them!

Korra: Hello.

The Avatar and The Mighty Sea Guardian!

Troy: Greeting everyone.

Thank you Avatar! As well as you Great Sea Guardian your the best!

Our heroes!

Korra: I am so sorry what happened to all of you. If there is anything we can do to be of service please us known.

Troy: Absolutely we are here to help in any need you all good people have to offer.

Fire bend my tea! It's cold!(An old woman saids which made Korra sweat drop)

Kokee lost her eye can you find it?

Troy: While I was walking little one I found this on the ground, I believe it is the eye for your little Kokee, here allow me to put it back on her for you.

Oh thank you so much Sea Guardian!

Troy stitched the eye back on the girls stuff animal and gave her a little pat on the head before returning to her family who thanks Troy for doing a nice thing for their daughter.

Sea Guardian could you please come say hello to my wife? She's ill and I know it would mean so much to her.

Troy: Why of course sir due take me to her and I can I help heal her.

Troy followed the man and met his wife who looked ill like the husband said until Troy used his Atlantean healing magic to make the woman feel all better and it brought happiness to the husbands face to see his wife all better now and the wife blesses the heavens that Troy help healed her from her illness and gave the Atlantean a hug as well as a kiss on the forehead.

Then later Troy went to help out others who have been injured as well as hurt from the attacks caused by the Earth Empire and healed them up so they look good as new in which they all thanked Troy for being there for them while Troy appreciated the crowds honesty and trust. But for Korra on the other hand, she was having some trouble keeping up with everyone who wanted her help.

Avatar Korra can you talk to President Raiko? Tell him we all need homes..real homes.

We were separated from our dog during the evacuation and haven't seen him since.

Can you help find him?

Troy: Hey did anyone loose a dog by any chance!(Troy saids while holding a dog in his hands in which the two people who were talking to Korra ran over and saw their dog was safe and alright)

You found our dog! Oh thank you Sea Guardian, thank you so much!

Korra: Wow...Troy is doing amazing on his it wrong to say I am quite jealous?(Korra saids in thought)

Please Avatar!


Avatar! We need your help!

Tenzin: Let's get you out of here, Korra.

Korra: No wait I have an idea.

Korra then earth bend a rock stand and was getting everyones attention to focus on her while Troy looked to see what his water angel was planning.

Korra: Everyone please listen! I feel for all of you. You've been through so much and I am sure you are tired, frustrated, and angry that your homes and neighborhoods have been destroyed. This is a time of great change for all of us in Republic City. But a wise man once told me that change can be good or bad, depending on your point of view. So maybe we could all look at this as a chance for a new beginning.

Troy was impressed by Korra's words and deiced to go up and help her out with her speech in which he climbed on top of the rock stand and stood next to his girlfriend and spoke that got Korra impressed as well as proud even the crowd was cheering.

Troy: We promise to work our hardest to make sure everyone has a place to live soon. Our hope is that the rebuilt Republic City we be full of new possibilities for all of us!

Korra: And together we can forge a bright future, living in balance with out planet, evolving into our best selves and become who we truly want to be!

Thank you Avatar Korra!

Thank you Sea Guardian!

To the future!

Tenzin looked upon the two with proudness in his heart and can tell that both Troy and Korra would do absolutely fantastic together for the future. Then after their speech to the people both Korra and Troy along with Tenzin headed back to the tent where Zhu Li and Asami were working on plans for the city.

Troy: We're back Zhu Li!

Zhu Li: Well sounds like a visit from The Avatar and Sea Guardian was exactly what the Evacuees needed.

Tenzin: Both Korra and Troy really know how to inspire a crowd, they even inspired me.

Troy: We're happy that you were inspired Tenzin as well as the people.

Zhu Li: Funn you should say that because Asami just started drawing up some plans for new housing developments.

Troy: Wow that is amazing Asami good thinking.

Asami: Thanks Troy and good speech out there, heard it from all the way here.

Korra: Thanks now we just have to figure out a way to make good on our promises to find all those people new homes.

Asami: The quicker we can get people back to some sense of normalcy the better.

Troy: Totally agree care to show us what you have in mind Asami?

Asami: Sure I would love to if you two tell me about your lovely honeymoon together.(Asami saids with a smirk that caused both Korra and Troy to blush)

Korra: Uh...yea sure of course.

Troy: And FYI it wasn't a honeymoon just a vacation between me and Korra being a couple.

Asami: So it was a honeymoon.

Korra and Troy: No it wasn't....

Tenzin: Korra and Troy make such a good team don't they Kya?

Kya: They sure do. Especially when they had each others backs which is very impressive.

Korra: We have to show these housing plans to Raiko, I am sure we could get money from the city to build it.

Zhu Li: I'll set up a meeting.

Troy: Hopefully he understands.

Asami: And what if he doesn't?

Troy: Oh we can have Orion sit on him if he doesn't corporate.(Troy saids with a evil smile on his face while Korra along with Asami and Zhu Li burst out laughing at the idea)

At Raiko's campaign headquarters, the president was going over some blue prints from of the designers for construction of some sort and the president was seeing if it could work for the city or not but it wasn't plans for rebuilds for the city it was a poster design instead.

Raiko: Hmmm...I don't know...

Advisor: But the slogan's perfect..

Employee: I am sorry the president is meeting with his campaign manager right now. Can I take a message?

Advisor: Get a load of your new Campaign Poster!

(Poster of Raiko taking down Kuvira's mecha giant)

Advisor: Vote Raiko..he'll wallop tyranny with knockout blow!

Raiko: But isn't it a little misleading? Kuvira was defeated by The Sea Guardian and The Avatar not me.

Advisor: Listen right now people think you're a coward who abandoned them and their city in its time of need. We need to project image of strength and fearlessness.

Raiko: All right,  if you think it'll work...

Knock! Knock!(Door knocking)

Raiko: Come in!

Soon Troy along with Korra, Asami and Zhu Li came into the room to talk to President Raiko.

Zhu Li: We're here for our two o'clock appointment sir.

Raiko: Avatar Korra and Sea Guardian so you both finally done gallivanting around the spirit world?

Troy: What did you just say President.(Troy saids with a glare and holding up his trident that made Raiko pale)

Raiko: Uh never mind.

Korra: We need to talk.

Raiko: Fine...fine but make it quick I am extremely busy.

Troy: Really because all I see here is that your checking out this ridiculous poster of you facing down Kuvira's mecha giant and since when are you so ripped?(Troy saids with a smirk while looking at the poster of him in which Korra looked at it as well)

Korra: Right...busy figuring out how to wallop tyranny, are you?

Asami and Zhu Li: Pfff....

Raiko: Sigh...that''s not final yet. Now what can I do for you all?

Asami: Myself along with Troy and Korra were just at the Evacuee camp..the people living there need some real housing and they need it soon.

Korra: Asami started drawing up some plans but we're going to need funding.

Troy: It's true these people need homes after what happened with Kuvira and her weapon.

Raiko: Get in line, I have already diverted funds for additional police officers on top of having to relocate the government. Not to mention the infrastructure that needs repair. I am sorry but the city coffers are empty.

Troy: Man I just want to disintegrate this bastard right now.(Troy saids in thought while not liking what the president just said)

Zhu Li: Sir, Republic City needs this, the longer people are displaced the more unrest there's going to be.

Asami: I'm happy to put up some of Future Industries money for the project.

Zhu Li: And Varrick Industries will match it.

Advisor: A word sir?

Raiko and his Advisor went to talk in private while Troy was keeping an eye on them while the girls talk among themselves.

Advisor: They may have a point. Right now the voters hate you. You're running unopposed and the polls say you have negative three percent support.

Raiko: Negative three? How is that even possible?

Advisor: Never mind that if you focus on giving all those people to put down roots again, they'll forget about the whole Kuvira debacle. Crowds will be lining up to...Thank you with their votes.

Raiko: You may be onto something.

After their discussion Raiko turn towards Troy along with Korra, Asami and Zhu Li.

Raiko: On second thought..Asami why don't you finish drawing up the plans? Bring them by in a few days and I'll take a look, I am sure we can find the money somewhere.

Asami: Thank you Mr.President.

Troy and ladies were about to leave when Korra stopped and turned to tell the president one more thing.

Korra: One more thing, the new spirit portal?

Raiko: What about it?

Korra: We ran into the owner who was claiming the land where the spirit portal is..

Troy: He goes by the name Wonyong Keum.

Korra: And he's trying to turn the whole area into some kind of amusement park. But if the city bought the land from him we could turn it into a beautiful spirit sanctuary with public parks surrounding it.

Raiko: Maybe you didn't hear me. The city's broke now if you'll excuse me I have work to do.

Troy: Dumb ass president you are...(Troy saids as a whisper in which the girls agreed with him)

Korra: I bet if spirits could vote, you'd change your tune!

Troy: Come on Korra, we will find another way to protect the portal. Let's just leave mister so called president to his ridiculous fame and glory and he actually looked awful in that poster of his.

Korra: For once I agree.

On air temple island Korra was looking at the view of the sunsetting as well as figuring out what to with the portal along with the people who need new homes to live in until Troy came by with some tea in his hand and looked to see Korra sitting alone.

Troy: Hey I brought you some tea, thought it could help with the stuff you have been going through since we got back from our vacation.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Korra: Thank you Troy, I really needed this.

Troy: Beautiful isn't it.

Korra: What is?

Troy: The sunset isn't it beautiful.

Korra: Yea it really is, it is very beautiful indeed.

Troy: Not as much as beautiful as you are Korra.

Korra: Hehehe...

Troy: Hehehe...come here.(Troy saids to Korra who moves closer to her boyfriend and was held around Troy's arms)

Korra: This feels nice.

Troy: I am happy that you feel that way.

While Troy and Korra were enjoying the moment together, Kya spotted them and went to greet them to see how they are doing.

Kya: Seems like you two are enjoying your time together.

Korra: Kya, hi...what's up?

Troy: Hello Kya.

Kya: I have to admit that you two make a beautiful couple. In all my life I have never such a lovely pair like this before in which I know that you two would have a great future together.

Korra: That is so sweet of you Kya thank you.

Troy: Most appreciated.

Kya: Tenzin told me about you two going on vacation together. I remember the first getaway I had with my first love and I have never been happier.

Korra: I didn't know....

Kya: My friends and family all do. But I don't exactly announce it to everyone I meet.

Troy: Understandable a lot of people like to keep things to themselves until they are ready to express themselves more firmly.

Kya: Exactly and I can tell that everyone knows about you two is that correct.

Troy: Yea we told them about us and they approve of us being together even Korra's parents.

Korra: Yea especially the part when they embarrassed us all the time.

Kya: Hehehe thats water tribe tradition for you. And don't worry about being embarrassed by the parents it's the whole point of the experience of being with the person you love even if the folks try to do something they will not regret.

Troy: So how did Aang react when you told him about your relationship?

Korra: Yea how did he react?

Kya: Dad was nothing but supportive. Remember my father grew up in the air temples where men and women didn't hide who they fell in love with. The air nomads were accepting of difference everyone no matter their orientation.

Troy: Your father sounds like a very wise man, I wish I could of met him in person.

Kya: I can tell that my father would of loved to meet you Troy especially after everything you did for his reincarnation ain't that right Korra.

Korra: Absolutely I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for Troy and I couldn't be any happier to be with the man I love who was always there for me even in my toughest times as The Avatar.

Troy: And after what you did for Korra, you gave me a second chance, a home, great friends, and even being there with me in which I have never been in more in love with you than I already am.

Korra: Troy.....(Korra saids with love in her heart)

Kya: Those were such beautiful words that you two just said and I know you will both will do great in the future and speaking of which how many are you going to have?

Korra: How many what?

Troy: I am confused now?

Kya: You know how many little baby Korra's and Troy's are you two going to have later on?(Kya saids with a smirk that causes the couple to blush crimson)

Korra: WHAT?!!!!!

Troy: please I do not want to hear this again!

Kya: Oh come on you two it is the part of life, and besides I can tell that when you two do have kids they might surprise you even share some similarities to the both you.

Troy: I need to sit down for this....(Troy saids while sitting on the ground)

Korra on the other hand was still blushing while also thinking about what her future children will look like if she and Troy do have kids together but luckily the drama dropped when two voices were heard in which was both Mako and Bolin.

Bolin: Hey Korra! Hey Troy!

Mako: We heard you two were back.

Kya: Well I might as well take my leave and Korra good luck on being a great mother someday and you Troy being an excellent father.(Kya saids while leaving both the couple who are blushing more while also waving Kya goodbye)

Korra and Troy: Uh....yea...thank you.

Then soon both Mako and Bolin went up and hugged the couple in which they were good to see the brothers again.

Korra: Look at you officer Bolin, hows the force treating you?

Bolin: Great I made my first arrest.

Korra: Congratulations.

Troy: Well done Bolin, how you been doing Mako?

Mako: I am doing fine Troy thanks for asking. Great to have you both back home.

Bolin: And Opal says I look way more handsome in this getup than my old Earth Empire uniform. But enough about my exciting life how was your vacation? I want to hear all about it.

Troy: Oh it was absolutely spectacular in which I had a blast and all the spirits were so nice to me after I helped saved them from Kuvira.

Korra: I took him all around the best spots in the spirit world and he enjoyed every minute of it especially the waterfall.

Troy: Oh the spirit waterfall was fantastic and fun to go swimming around in it.

Mako: Seems like you two have a great time together.

Bolin: Ooh, hows about when you guys go on vacation again hows about we all go together. Team Avatar Atlantean on vacation away from the work duty and more relaxation.

Troy: I will like to do that someday.

Korra: Sounds fun.

KORRA! TROY!(Out of nowhere Jinora's spirit appeared in front of everyone)

Bolin: AH! Jinora don't sneak up on me like that?!

Troy: Jinora what is going on?

Jinora: Guys we need help! A bunch of Triple Threats just showed up at the portal! They're attacking us!

Mako: Is there a young guy with them? Trench coat? Slicked back hair? Carries hook swords?

Jinora: Yes he's here!

Mako: Tokuga...

Troy: Let's get moving everyone! To the portal!

Korra: Wait whose Tokuga?

Mako: The Triple Threats new leader.

Troy: Were on our way Jinora hang on!

Everyone hopped on a sky bison and road off towards the portal where the air benders were fighting against the Triple Threats.

Troy: Mako can you get through the police station?

Mako: No radio frequencies have been screwy even since the portal appeared. We're going to have to handle this without backup.

Everyone arrived at the portal and looked to see Jinora and some of the air nomads fighting the Triple Threats triad in which Korra jumped down and air bended some of the triads away from the air benders and the portal. Then when Tokuga looked to see who it was when he saw his gang being attacked.

Tokuga: The Avatar....

Mako: I see Tokuga! You guys got your marks?

Troy: Easily.

Troy activates his armor and jumped down from the bison and went to attack the Triple Threats who weren't putting up much of a fight against Troy who was creamy them.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Troy: Whose next.

Tokuga: Oh no it's the Sea Guardian this is not good....

Mako: Tokuga! Your under arrest!(Mako saids while shooting fire bending at Tokuga who simply dodged the attack)

Mako saw the dodge and went to attack again but missed and landed on the ground while Tokuga was walking towards him with his hook blades.

Tokuga: I hate to hurt a man while he is down, but in your case I am going to make an exception.

Bolin: Back off!

Tokuga: You're going to need bigger rocks.

Bolin then used lava bending to turn the rocks he was holding and changed them into a saw that cut both of Tokuga's swords in half.

Bolin: You're going to need some new swords!

Tokuga then took out some smoke bombs from his jacket and threw them on the ground so that no one can see him.

Bolin: Tokuga gave me the slip.

Mako: He can't have gone far. Thanks for the save partner.

Troy was handling the Triads well and none of them couldn't compare to the strength that Troy has in which many of them were scared to face such a powerful warrior. Troy on the other hand saw their fear in which they knew that wouldn't stand a chance against him but then looked to see the Eel spirit along with the other spirits in front of the portal.

Eel Spirit: Spirits protect the portal!

Troy ran up to the portal and then turned to face forward in which the spirits looked to see their savior the Sea Guardian defending them as well as the portal.

Troy: I have your protection as well my friends!

Eel Spirit: Thank you Sea Guardian!

Troy then looked to see some of the triads who were moving towards the portal in which Troy hit them and they went flying out of the area and into a pile of garbage cans and were knocked out cold. Troy then looked to see the spirits fighting the triads in which they were starting to grow dark and Korra was trying to make sure they wouldn't do any harm or worse.

Korra: Call off the spirits!(Korra saids to the Eel spirit)

Eel Spirit: No it was your responsibility to keep this area safe and you have failed! These humans started the fight...

Troy: Oh no...

Eel Spirit: And now one of them must pay!!!!

Korra: No!...Please Stop!(Korra saids while going after the spirit)

Troy: Korra help Mako and Bolin I will deal with this!

Korra: Alright!

Korra went to help both Mako and Bolin and the air benders deal with the triads while Troy went off to catch up with the spirit heading towards Tokuga.

Tokuga looked to see the spirit heading towards him and threw some of his knives at it but it didn't hurt the spirit and just went right through him and then knocked over Tokuga then got back up to look at the angry spirit in front of him.

Korra was able to defend her friends from the triads and trapped them with her bending and looked to see everyone was alright.

Eel Spirit: You wouldn't leave the spirit portal alone!

Troy: He's right this is sacred land and you and your triads have ruined the peace with the spirits.

Eel Spirit: The Sea Guardian is correct and now you will face the consequences!

The eel spirit then flew towards Tokuga went through his body that caused Tokuga some pain as well as some strange feeling.

Korra: Oh no....

Troy: What did he do to him?(Troy saids in thought of what the spirit done to Tokuga)

Tokuga? What did that spirit do to you?

Tokuga: Help...get me out of here....(Tokuga said while in pain)

Triple Threats Retreat!!!!(All the members said and took their leader into the car and all of them left the portal)

Troy undid his armor and looked to see the spirits heading back into the portal until he saw the Eel spirit who turned back to normal and flew right in front of Troy.

Eel Spirit: Thank you for defending the portal against those humans Sea Guardian you have our thanks.

Troy: You're welcome but what did you do to that guy?

Eel Spirit: Something to teach anyone who dares threaten our world and us spirits.

Troy: He wont die will he?

Eel Spirit: No but he will live with the consequences of what he has done and those who follow him.

Troy: I see..but what will you and the spirits do now?

Eel Spirit: We will return to our realm.

Troy: I understand, but before you leave I think I have an idea of who can guard the spirit portal in case anything else happens.

Eel Spirit: Really what do you have in mind?

Troy: I can have my friend Orion guard the portal since he was a guard of my former home Atlantis I am sure he will be of great help guarding the portal so that no one can bring harm to you spirits.

Eel Spirits: Yes the great being who helped defeat Kuvira. Yes he will do well guarding the portal for us.

Troy: I will still do it as well if you would allow me great spirit.

Eel Spirit: I approve of you Sea Guardian, you show true courage towards us and will do anything in your power to protect our kind and for that you have our blessing to guard the portal along with your friend Orion.

Troy: Thank you and farewell and stay safe along with the other spirits.

Eel Spirit: Goodbye for now Sea Guardian and you're more welcome to visit the spirit world whenever you like.(Eel spirit saids then heads back to the spirit world along with the other spirits)

Korra: Troy!

Troy looked to see Korra running towards him and once she was near him, she engulfed him into a hug and looked upon her lovers face in worry.

Korra: Are you alright Troy?

Troy: Yea I am alright Korra.

Korra: Thank goodness I was worried.

Troy: Sorry I worried you water angel, but what about the others are they alright.

Opal: We're okay Troy, everyone is safe.

Jinora: Thanks for coming you guys really appreciated.

Bolin: Um I don't want to intrude but I have a question. What were the Triple Triads doing here? I thought they were after the Creeping Crystals turf not the spirit portal.

Troy: That doesn't make sense?

Korra: My best is someone sent them to intimidate the air benders into leaving and I have a pretty good idea who did.

Troy: Me as well Korra.

Inside an office building the same man that Korra and Troy met at the spirit portal was waiting for the men he hired to get the air benders to leave the area where the portal was and the man was known other than Wonyong. While the man was waiting for any reports back all of sudden one of his men came busting down the door and he looked in panic mode.

Unghh! Boss..I tried to stop him....

Wongyong: What the? Who dares!

Then near the door came in two men and behind was their leader Tokuga in which he didn't look quite right after the spirit hit him during the battle against the Avatar and the Sea Guardian.

Tokuga: You didn't tell me The Avatar and The Sea Guardian might show up at the portal.

When Wongyong looked upon Tokuga, he was absolutely shocked and feared of what he was looking at and looked to see Tokuga but he looked absolutely disfigured.

Wonyong: Tokuga? Wh...what happened to you?!

Tokgua: Avatar Korra summoned a bunch of spirits and ordered one of them to attack me. When you hired me to do your dirty work, becoming a freak wasn't part of the deal..(Tokuga saids then grabs Wonyong by the neck with his spirit arm that looks like a tentacle)

Wonyong: You want more money? I'll pay double what I owe you! Ack!...I can't breathe...

Tokuga: You're not getting off that easily. I'm taking control of Keum Enterprises and all of its assets. You work for me now.

Okumaya devam et

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