
By random_flute

934 89 63

My poems More

The lonely bird
Why me?
Bad day
Protect my heart Or Let the shield melt?
Storys with there hidden secrets
Words and breaths
She said it or my inner voice said it, but am I truly a demon?
Life of a forest
(Meh to laze to think of a title)
Strong inside
Past to persent
Night to day
*I'm too lazy to give this a name, so deal with it*
Move Forward
The night's moon
Diamonds and Coals
Most important thing
Demons in the skin
I See a Tornado
Simply Kind Acts
The trials we leave behind


16 4 2
By random_flute

So close
But so far

One mistake and everything falls
One correct and everything grows

You can make or break
You can save or ignore
You can be brave or coward
You can be right or wrong
You can fixe or break
You can stay or go
You can soar it fly
You can do what ever you want
But it follows you your whole life

A paths are made for you whole life
One wrong move and one path falls but a other forms
Each step makes a different a
You cross a others path or walk together
You leave it go
Between each path is dark lost
Changes every where every second
On wrong move and you can break a others path one right move and make a new move for someone else
Everyone's steps make a different
Every move changes everyone's
No one goes alone
Your all walking in unison
Some might be slow other might be fast but it'll even out
Some walk behind others a head
they'll catch up

Some might break so hard that all there paths are gone till 2 is left
Fight for life or give up and die
If they choose to fight they become wiser and stronger
If they give up there lost for every in the darkness between each path and help other along there way
Every persons fall makes a impact on others paths
Each one costing a price
A price others must take
You may give up but you'll just give it to any other in return
Everyone else will pay for you actions
You effect yours and others paths
Each step along the way is dependent and independent steps of choices
Left foot to right foot saving you from a fall you find a dead end you can't turn around
You form a new path
Every thing is independent but yet still dependent on each persons move

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