sins of my youth. // Billy Ha...

By alias_b

28K 726 948

Smut/Enemies to Lovers ***It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even... More

000 ➶ Welcome Info
001 ➶ Fast Times
002 ➶ A Million Dead Stars
003 ➶ To The Devil
004 ➶ No Day But Today
005 ➶ Skirt Safari
006 ➶ Hard Candy
008 ➶ Because My Calendar Is Open
009 ➶ Everything Is Blue
010 ➶ A Little More Sin
011 ➶ My Heart Burns There, Too
012 ➶ Cupid And Psyche
013 ➶ Almost Paradise
014 ➶ Such Sweet Sorrow
015 ➶ Fires Within Fires
016 ➶ The Night Has A Thousand Eyes...
017 ➶ Heart-Shaped Shadow Box
018 ➶ The Neon Demon
019 ➶ One Caress
020 ➶ Rose Tint My World
021 ➶ Days In The Sun
022 ➶ Rust and Stardust
023 ➶ Cough Syrup
024 ➶ Tyger Tyger, Burning Bright
025 ➶ Thank You and Goodnight!
026 ➶ She's So Lucky, She's a Star
027 ➶ Just My Type: Bonus Flashback
028 ➶ A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes
029 ➶ Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)
030 ➶ An Awfully Big Adventure
Bonus One Shot ➶ Angel Cake

007 ➶ One Bad Kiss Constellation

1.1K 30 76
By alias_b

A/N: New Year and school is back in session after winter break. Billy starts the groveling process and observes some new things about Evie. TW: PICA-it's worse. Vomiting. Animal death mention. Student/Teacher relationship in the background. School bullies. **Thank you all so much for reading! Feel free to chat with me on any chapter as I humbly ask for interaction. xoxo

** ** ** 

   The first day back to school was uglier than Evie pictured. Fall of snow didn't get them out of classes.

Her stomach was already in knots, but that could have been the shiny things she'd eaten the night before.

Felt like a game. What would pass. What would tie her stomach up. These little trinkets she actually dug for, cleaned with bleach, and stacked on that empty shelf. Organized each item. Admired her display of will and control. Mostly keys and buttons. Couple nuts from a toolbox in their garage.

So far, everything came out. So far. Evie wondered what her insides would look like and tried to slow. Tried despite all the noise.

Calculus was first. Thankfully, she shared it with Heather who was all smiles. Chattering about her surprise mini trip with her parents.

They had it with Tommy and Carol too. All the fucking grins and looks Evie got burned. Tommy peering then shifting to Carol's ear so she could giggle.

Evie's pencil snapped within her fist so Heather glanced aside to see the pieces roll away.

"Okay, muscles." She chuckled, passing a freshly sharpened one over.


"So, what'd you do for New Years?" All the scratching of lead on paper was driving Evie insane. Grating like an out of tune orchestra of vibrating strings.

"Just some lame party, the usual." Evie was rubbing the back of her neck. Eyes glued to the page.

Carol giggled again. Fingernails sunk into the skin of Evie's hairline.

"Don't know what her problem is." Heather remarked to herself.

Evie shook her head. Lips pressing with no sound. Trying to focus on the problems along the page and not the ones fizzling in her life. Her desk was pressed into the far right wall next to all the campy posters teachers loved to decorate their rooms in.

About how there's always a silver lining and chase the morning.

Evie rolled her eyes at the thought. Caught sight of a sleek thumbtack there sticking out. Shiny and chrome. Lungs pulsed and she wondered about the weight on her tongue.

Strange how her mouth watered for it.

Two fingers subtly snatched it from the wall when the bell rang.

Second period was usually what she was excited about. English with Bowers and the sly smiles they beamed at each other across the room. Carol always looked between them. Jealous she wasn't the hot teacher's pet. She noticed a great deal there.

Evie shared the class with Steve also. And Billy who sat in the next row over just behind her. He stared at Evie, trying to read every twitch and shift of her body. A note hit her desk from Steve.

Brown eyes peered up as if to ask who it was being passed to, but he cocked his chin at her.

Fredrick sat quietly at his desk as they worked separately today. He didn't see her unfold it.

What's up with Hargrove? Looks like he's trying to vaporize you with his laser eyes.

Evie hitched to stop herself from laughing at a picture with a stick figure and a mullet. Lasers blasting out of the eyes. She added some comically large muscles. Cleared her throat and wrote back.

He's a creep.

Steve quirked a darling smile at her.

Billy saw a flash of stark, bloody red. Harrington made her grin without force.

"Okay, class, let's see who read the material. Pass your papers up." Fredrick stood to collect. "I'll be reading these tonight and- Ah, Mr. Hargrove. Thank you for the scribbling of your Camaro. I hope the essay question is as detailed."

"Been thinking about upgrading my girl, sir. Say, what do you drive?" Billy tapped his pencil, lazy as can be. "Cool guy, I bet."

"Just a Plymouth. We muscle cars have to stick together." Fredrick was pulling stacks of papers from the front. Billy didn't drop it.

"That orange one? Yeah. I've seen it around." Blue eyes drew to Evie at that. She felt a chill and peered back with a stony expression. "Bet the girlies all line up."

A few classmates chuckled for their glorious king.

"It gets me from point A to B. That's all I ask for." Bowers only laughed.

"I'm sure it does." Billy mused coolly, fingers twisting his ring which caught the light.

The bell blared.

"Alright, class. We're starting a new unit tomorrow. I hope you all have your Shakespeare hats ready."

A collective groan sounded.

Evie rushed out to Yearbook with Jonathan, Nancy, and Heather. Only class she had where Seniors and Juniors mixed. Besides lunch if that counted. Got lost in dark rooms so the world couldn't see her hands shaking.

"Here." Jonathan caught her trying to clip some photos up, fumbling with a stack.

"Thanks," Evie sighed, "too many pages for our losing sports teams, right?"

He chuckled at that.

"My thoughts exactly."

Jonathan went to help Nancy order some drafted pages when Heather crossed over. Eyes on Evie working.

"Something the matter?"

"Bourbon's not doing well. I expected it, but...he's just been with me through all of it. You know?" A frown etched. She didn't want to cry. Heather paused to hug Evie from behind.

"He's our little prince still. I'm sorry."

Her friend shifted out, pressed a smile and went back to work in silence. Groaned because Billy was in half these basketball photos. Alight and intense.

"Hey, I'm going to the library for lunch." Evie spoke after that bell rang. "I'll scarf my sandwich on the way."

Heather observed her again. Watched how Evie avoided her eyes.

"Was...something else going on? I feel like I-"

"No, just missing the break." Evie flashed her teeth to make it convincing.

She did manage to get half the sandwich down and tossed the rest out. Patted cold water on her cheeks once she was alone in the bathroom as everyone went to lunch. The hallway got quieter and Evie looked at her flushed face. Shuddered and reached for the pin in her pocket. Small. Deft. Dainty.

Stark point. Catching the light.

She washed it with soap. Opened her mouth to stick her tongue out. Cradled it there. Chrome and out of place against pink flesh. Lips closed. The point pressed down into her tongue. Evie winced. Tried to swallow and choked it back into her hand. Saliva dripping.

A spot of red welled. Loud and obscene and horrible. Tasting metal. Shame. Tears pooled.

So she pushed it back in like she'd done with the key to drown the noise out. Evie Fenny wasn't a fucking quitter.

Swallow. Swallow. Swallow.

It scratched going down. Working around clenching muscles. Pangs fluttered. Fingers grasped the sink to bite a groan back.

Evie thought she heard the little plink of it hitting her stomach. Gasped to breathe. There wasn't shame anymore, only pride. She powered through it. Had utter control.

Eyes locked with the mirror. Calm. Collected. Not in this body. Rust turned to sweet strawberries and rose petals.

Imagine stabbing something several times until it was beautiful.


** ** **

Carol and her gaggle still kept the laughter up in the cafeteria. She sat upon the table with Tommy next to her. Animated stories kept them hanging upon dripping syllables. Heather couldn't stand it anymore. Pushed up to cross right over.

"What's your problem today?" She cocked her hip.

"Oooh." Carol clicked her glittery nails on the table. "So touchy, sweet pea."

"What's your problem with Evie, she didn't do anything to you?"

"Other than her being a tart for Bowers. Nothing to me. In fact, she provides us with hours of entertainment. Had a hot date with the Keg King." Carol nodded toward Billy across the way, sitting alone and clicking his lighter. Annoyed, he got up and went to sneak his usual lunch smoke.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Uh, isn't Fenny your BFF?" Tina chimed in. "Shouldn't you know?"

"Aw, that's so cute, she didn't tell you." Tommy added with his crooked smile. "Must be so embarrassed. Poor girl."

"You have five seconds-"

"I'm gonna tell you." Carol decided. Finger curling to bring Heather in. "Only because it's just too good."

** ** **

Billy got one puff in before Princess Heather Holloway was smacking the cigarette from his fingers. Snarling and bright red to match the cute bow in her hair.


"Hey yourself, what the fuck?" She pushed Billy clear into the brick wall. Chilled him more than the breeze. A new flutter of snow began to fall with no peace in sight. Her face was flushed cherry with anger. "I know about your little Skirt Safari bullshit! You tricked Evie! You hurt my're an asshole."

Billy just sagged at her. Reached to pluck up his cigarette and got it slapped again. Heather crushed it with her expensive shoe for good measure.

"You had no right to do something so disgusting! Carol and Tommy filled me in."

His brow lifted.

"...Evie didn't tell you?"

"The last thing Evie wants is for people to see her in pain, so I know you hurt her bad." Her arms crossed. "Well?" A cold breath puffed.

"It wasn't supposed to-"

"You mean, she wasn't supposed to find out about the bet. You're so selfish. You're a selfish little prick. Stay the hell away from my friend."

She turned and a hand snatched her wrist.


"What?" She shrugged with some extra ire. Eyes flickering like flames. "I think you've done enough."

Billy let her go, looked elsewhere. No syllables to make her stop fuming. Heather huffed at him and marched back inside to find Evie at her locker. Shoulders dropped.

"Hey..." Heather's slow approach still gave Evie a fright. Huge doe eyes looking far too somber.

A sigh.

"Who told you?"

"Carol and those jerks." Heather pressed her lips. "Just scared Hargrove shitless, I think. I'm sorry, I wish you told me. You said you'd tell me things."

"This thing... It doesn't matter. He tricked me, whatever." Evie's arms went out then dropped. She faced her locker. Toyed with the handle and pressed her book closer. "It was all stupid. For a moment, I thought he... I thought a boy might-"

"He's a little prick." Heather turned her friend around.

"We had fun. We danced. I kissed him first. Did Carol tell you that part?" Evie sucked in some air.


"Yeah, I kissed him and I was going to screw him too. I was gonna go to a motel with Billy Hargrove for New Years and, you know, I...I wanted to. I really wanted him... But, it doesn't matter. They can talk about it all they like." She moved to go, slamming her locker shut. "I don't care. It won't bother me. It's stupid. All of it."

"Evie, don't shut down, please."

"I'm fine." Sneakers skidded when Heather stepped in front of her. "Boys like Billy Hargrove don't go for girls like me. He doesn't want me. That's not news."

Evie remembered all the hot bodies jumping around. The crowds and fireworks blasting along with a musical beat. Moments where she'd felt incandescently delighted next to Billy and the lingering of their starry eyes. Like they'd been meant to find each other all this time.

"Getting mad about this is the same as being upset about the pattern of stars. It's pointless." Evie swallowed a thicker lump down.

No, that's what ached. Billy made her believe they could be rewritten. Made her want to defy the stars.

"Let's hang out this weekend. A no boys party for both of us." Heather smiled, taking Evie's hand. "He's not even a boy, Eve, he's a little prick. Let's just have some fun. Friday? Sleepover. You pick the first movie."

"I'm fine, Heath," the words sounded funny now, "but okay. Sleepover."

"Good." A brighter smile crossed so Evie matched it. She let Heather hug her and managed to make it through classes all the way to her free period avoiding Billy's eyes on her skull. Sneaking out was an art form she'd perfected. Quick steps to her locker and toward the door. Stopping only to see into the theater when stage lights turned rose red.

Evie peeked in. Beamed.

"Mr. B." She shuffled inside after checking the hallway. "Fredrick."

"I'm alone, Evie, come sit with me." He patted the table next to the lightboard he was working on. The glow changed to a softer pink. Made it all less menacing. Bathed in blush, she crossed the illumination and scooted up onto the cool surface. Skirt shifting over black tights. "Bad day?"

"Bad start to the year."

"Classmates? I can always fail them for you." He'd joked.

She smiled, head shaking so he continued.

"They're intimidated by you, Evie, because you're too ahead and mature for them. Soon, you'll be out in the world and they'll be left stumbling." He peeked up behind a pair of glasses. This was old times. Encouragement. Nurturing. "Much like the director of the winter show who asked me to fix this damn thing last minute."

She giggled then, touching her lips.

"You look pretty in this light. You should wear pink more often, instead of red." He remarked and she crossed her ankles. Hands gripping the edge.

"Red makes me look and feel older." Evie asserted herself.

"What about that wet gloss you used to wear in class?" His finger brushed her knee before he was picking up a screwdriver.

"Thought you didn't like to kiss me with gloss on, you said it was too sticky."

"I appreciate it more now that I've lost it. Just like you, Evie. You were there for me. It's something special to have a person. Don't you think?" He winked. Fredrick Bowers made her laugh and smile. Listened to her and gave back. Most days.

All she longed for was to impress him. Please him. Be enough for someone.

"It's not fair that I cannot kiss you here." He uttered. "Now. I'd like to."

"Just kiss me?" Evie flicked some curls, drew her fingers across her collar so he fixated there.

Played this version of herself that came out around him. This woman in red with cool words. Always game. She bit her lip and he paused to see her again. A smile crossed before they were interrupted.

Evie looked up as the door opened and Carol stood there. A glare already on her pouty face. Fredrick scooted a good few inches from Evie. Quickly.

"Sorry, I just had some questions about the reading. Mr. B." Carol flashed a smile.

"Of course, Carol. My door is always open. Evie, thank you for the inquires. I'll be getting back with you. Soon."

Evie perked and got up.

"I'll hold you to that... We just finished. Thanks, Mr. B. For all the help." She seemed all too chipper at Carol going green with envy. The redhead knocked into her shoulder passing, but Evie gripped her bag and went out. Frowned at the snow piling because she'd ridden her bike in.

Still, Evie was stubborn, so she got on and pedaled down the street. Sleet making it more difficult when a fucking Camaro revved down the way behind her. Billy honked once and got ignored. Pulled up in front of her and skidded over which sent Evie into a pile of frosty, dead leaves. Tumbling.

"Hell." She just laid there until Billy Hargrove was in the line of sight. Craning to see her and utterly stunning against the opal skies. "What's it going to take for you to leave me alone, huh? Three hundred bucks?" She untwisted from her bike and Billy yanked her up, brushing snow aside until he got smacked off with two heated expressions penetrating.

"You're screwing Bowers, aren't you?" He'd hissed it.


"You're delusional." Evie charged past him. Legs aching as she pushed her bike.

"Max saw you in his car. He's always looking at you. Is that where you go when you sneak out your window three times a week?"

"No!" Evie swiveled. Breath ghosting.

"But, you're still fucking him." Billy slid in front, hands on the bike handles to stop her again. There was a struggle. Her cheeks puffing as she feebly tried to push him back. Teeth clenched.

"You don't know what you're talking about. Will you just move?" Her entire face scrunched together. All daggers. Slowing, Evie spelled it out for him. Drew closer. "And no one will ever believe you."

"You think I'm trying to make your life worse, Angel? I just want you to admit it."

"Admit, what? You have major issues? Fine! Easy! Now move!" She barely got a few inches forward with his muscles buldging. Two immovable objects.

"Open those pretty lips and say it. You're fucking our teacher. I wanna hear it from that mouth." Billy paused, chest shuddering. "You went to him after what I did. I should have stayed with you."

"I don't owe you any of this. You're obsessed!" She shoved into him. No budging, the boy was made of steel.

"He's a fucking pedophile. We had those in California too, chica. Maybe they don't like the term round these parts. You think he's making you feel good, but he's setting you on fire to warm himself. That fuse is creeping, babe." Billy pushed back until she was sliding toward his car. Slush wetting their shoes.

"You're unbelievable!"

"I'm not looking to tell anyone, got that?" Billy caught her gaze in the teetering. Held it. "I'm just saying you don't have to do it. Anyone ever tell you that you don't have to do something, Evangeline?"

Evie stopped pushing to stare with bigger eyes as he continued. Expression crestfallen because something resonated.

"Being a good girl has a cost, you do everything people tell you to do until your organs start spilling."

"I'm not the only one with a front. Fuck you!"

A beat.

"You almost did that night." Billy cocked his head. "I would have made you moan so pretty. I wanted to." Evie's mouth dropped before she shoved him into the snow. Bike falling away. He looked thrilled. About to pitch a fucking denim tent. "There you are. I would have fucked you so hard and so good, babe. Bet you even taste like heaven and stardust. Yeah? Fucking hit me."

"Hit you?" Evie stilled over him. "You're just trying to make yourself feel better. Fuck off, Billy." She yanked at her bike again. He puffed there, chest sinking before he shot back up. Newfound vigor.


"I'm sorry."

Even the snow stilled with him. She swerved and saw him crack.

"Evie, I'm fucking sorry, okay? I'm shit at this and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I took you to that stupid dance and screwed you over. I'm sorry you got hurt. I am sorry, got it!"

"You're sorry that you got caught." She pointed.

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"Listen, Billy," Evie spun and dropped her bike, "I don't need anything from you. Nothing. Okay? Just let it go, I really don't know why you can't. Be sorry somewhere else. The stars are where they are. Life goes on."

"Fuck the stars! They're too far away to stop us. I kissed you after midnight. I gave the fucking money away. I wanted out of it and I fucked up. I did. I'd change that, but I wouldn't change the night with you. Hear me? I didn't lie about that much." He strained to catch those brown eyes.

She opened her mouth and closed it quicker. Almost softened.

"I didn't fake that and I was shitty to take you to that place. That fucker Tannen used me to get back at you and I'm fucking sorry about it." Billy seemed to rage the thoughts out. "You liked it too. The kiss. Don't pretend you didn't."

"If you call that a kiss." Sarcasm seeped out.

"Yeah, I recall us sharing a couple." Billy laughed. Dry and disbelieving. "I was drunk, but I remember every damn second of how you felt."

"You're not fooling me again." Evie crushed in on herself, pressed onward. Skidding to go away from Billy Hargrove. What the hell could he possibly want out of this?

"I'll leave you alone," Billy sprang forward and grabbed her back wheel, "if you kiss me again and tell me it's nothing. Just one more. Redo it. Yeah? To hell with the stars, we'll change them."

She looked in awe at him. Shoulders dropped.

"It wasn't even that good of a kiss."

"Then, what do you have to lose over another bad one?" Billy's head tilted up. Wild as can be. Evie matched it. Both of their curls moving up against the sweep of cold winds. Hungry looks about them. Billy undid her with a damning utter. "Prove me wrong, Angel."

He fucking triple dog dared her.

Evie practically kicked her bike aside, stomped toward him, and grabbed his face to smash their lips together. Billy pounced back with a barely there sound. Shoved Evie into the side of his car.

Another vehicle honked and went around them. Probably too shocked to do much else with teenagers unable to control their hormones in the middle of the road.

Moaning like he was in a porno, Billy made this one count. Hands palmed at her ass, bringing Evie up a few inches. Tongue down her throat near ready to prick himself on the pin she'd swallowed.

She hitched as he pulled her hair to see lush hooded eyes again. But, briefly.

"Yeah?" He twisted those curls around, both of them moaned. Challenge dancing. You like that, Angel? Evie's fingers were clutching at his jacket. A nod followed. She let him trail his tongue against her lips and opened her mouth for it again. Tasted spearmint.

Drunken bodies kept moving and smacking back into his car. Billy even tried to pull her shirt up out of her skirt to touch the flesh underneath. Evie jolted out from him, having not been ravished like that by a boy so unafraid to touch her.

And she shuddered apart. Kept her eyes closed so Billy did too.

It was the only way to prolong this. A softer kiss where their noses brushed after. Foreheads pressing together. Ardent and lovely. Total silence was a thrill. Billy nuzzled his nose into her own again, pulling her body into his. Fingers crept barely under her shirt. Caressed the tender skin. Lungs and hearts needy beyond repair.

Constellations twisting together until a single question dawned. Can I keep you?

Evie quaked for air and saw him. Lashes long and too beautiful. Freckles. Snow falling like confetti. An ache flooded back. The pin pricks in her tongue jabbed. Arms pushed up at him. Felt the thumping in his chest.

Holding his jaw steady, lipstick smeared to damn them both.

"Do you always kiss the same way a thirsty dog laps at water?" She shoved him backwards. A spit trail left their mouths. Red glistened on Billy's lips and chin. A sleazy grin cracked, tongue wiggling out to taste her still on him. Neither could breathe right.

"Haven't had complaints." He gasped for air. "Are you judging my technique?"

"Yeah, it sucks." Evie puffed with more force. "And I felt nothing. Got it? Nothing. Leave me alone now."

"You're a shitty liar." He watched her swerve.

"And you're a shitty person!" She wiped her mouth. Billy stopped dead, dropped everything he was feeling to let that pierce him. "I felt nothing! Leave me alone."

"No." Billy decided as she plucked her bike up.


"You heard me." A child. "No. Nope. Nada."

"But, you just said-"

"I fucking lied and now you know how it's done." He went around his car. "Maybe I'm a shitty person, but at least I don't hate myself enough to lie and screw-"

"Spare me!" Evie screamed over him. Chilling. She got onto her bike and went down a dirt path so Billy couldn't follow her.

"Fuck." Billy slammed his car door getting back in. Revved up again, hitting the wheel. "Fuck!"

He'd made it worse.

** ** **

Billy made an attempt to leave Evie Fenny alone. Sorta. Didn't even stare at her in school. Didn't bring up Bowers. Pretended he didn't hear her sneaking out to wherever.

He even tried screwing other girls. Drinking and partying to forget.

Another problem came with that.

He couldn't keep his shit up. Tried everything. Got into bed with two girls and stayed soft. Pretended he was just too smashed.

All he saw was Evie Fenny looking at him with her huge, sad eyes. It made him furious and he tried to hate her. Tried to jerk himself off and only thought of her lipstick smearing his skin. Her amber perfume drowning his senses. Her body flush against his.

Then, he was coming.

He felt like shit about all of it and that turned to rage. No hate came, it just burnt.

Meanwhile, Evie was lining pins and screws up for her collection. She wrote down every little thing she ate and what came out.

It was supposed to all come out eventually and she'd be there to control it.

She thought of the amethyst gemstone sparkling inside her and wondered how such a thing could make her feel so happy and alive.

Even when her stomach began to ache with little pricks through the day. Even when her appetite was often ruined. Even with she tried again at times to stop it for good. The cravings undid her.

She smiled through the pain just like she was taught. A woman's disposition.

I am fine. This is fine.

Something collided distantly. Two arrows through the same heart. Spitting blood everywhere.

One night, Evie wasn't sneaking out.

Billy still heard her scratching around the side of the house. Couldn't help peeking to see her dragging a shovel. Holding a painted square under one arm. She set a decorated shoe box aside and started digging a hole just at the back corner of her house. Struggling to break ice and snow. Head bowed so wet curls covered her chilled face.

He opened his window.


"Go away." She sniffled. Crying.

Billy hadn't heard or seen her cry. Not even over him and what he did. Not for anything. The sound jarred him, he thought she might have been holding in laughter.

Blue eyes drew to the box again and he realized it. Bourbon. The strange cat hadn't been spying on him lately.

"Please," she turned her neck to barely peer at him through red rimmed eyes, "just go away." Evie wiped her nose and let a fresh sprinkling of snow melt on her cheeks. She still looked pretty there, utterly fatigued. Wispy, wet curls framing her splotchy expression.

"You took good care of him." Was all he said. Evie turned back. Shoulders lifting.

Billy did the only thing he could do for once.

He left Evie alone.

Listened to her hum and dig to bury the beloved cat. Billy didn't see Evie stuff a handful of soil into her pocket and go back inside to her empty house because her mother was always out with friends or working. She went to the phone in her bedroom. Luckily, Evie got her own line two Christmases ago. She dialed.

"Hello?" Her prince.

"Can I come over?" Evie sniffled. "Bourbon died."


"My cat." Dark eyes narrowed before she started to pick at some peeling wallpaper. "You remember?" She talked about the little ball of fuzz all the time.

"Oh, that's unfortunate, Evie." Fredrick sighed for her. "I'm not sure after what happened last weekend. I still think you need time."

She spazzed out as the teenagers say.

"I just...wasn't comfortable doing that. The ropes freaked me out, I can't explain it." She shook her head. "I can try again, can I come over?"

"So, now I'm just pushing you into it? Don't make me the bad guy, Evie, I won't be that. I'm here for you, but I want to go at your pace. You know that."

"No, no, you're not pushing," came the protest, "I can do it. I'll try. I just wanna see you. I need to be touched." That sentiment got her welling again.

"Evie, it's like you don't trust me to look after you." He replied in a clinical sort of way. "I'm risking everything to be with you."

"I know."

He said it often.

"You couldn't stop crying," he sniffled like he might weep over it, "you make me feel so helpless at times. Do you realize that?"

"I"m sorry..." Evie crushed into the phone as he made it about him. His needs. His inability to keep her happy. That was her fault.

"Too often, I think your head is just up in the clouds. These nightmares you have and the way you press into the wall when you sleep. Like you don't want me to touch you. And last week, dear, you just...wouldn't stop crying."

"I promise I won't cry anymore." She's promised her mother that as well in silence. "I swear. I'll stop."

"This fixation on your little poems. We used to have adult conversations about the future. It's like a part of you is locked away. You don't want me to touch it. What's the matter with you?"

"Songs." Evie replied flatter.


"They're songs, not poems."

"I just mean, you should be more practical."

"I don't know what's wrong with me." Evie decided at last. Clutching the phone cord in her shaken fist. Haunted. "I can't stop."

She didn't know if she wanted to. This cycle that was eating her.

"I got back into this because I wanted you. I see a future with us. Do you want me just as bad? Think on it. I'll give you the time. When you're ready, I'm here." Bowers advised. He wanted her to want him so bad. "We'll talk another day. Next weekend maybe."

"Fredrick, please-"

The line cut.

She'd been too needy, he like that on his terms. Liked when she crawled and when she needed him so bad. When she gave into everything he desired without a fuss. Fredrick wanted Evie, but he wanted a specific version of Evie. The bouncy girls on television game for anything, who had every answer. Fizzling emotions unsettled him. They were childish. But, he wanted her lips to be glossy and pink. Wanted her to be an adult woman in a spring breaking teen's body.

You'd think he was still married to his uptight wife and fucking the damn babysitter.

Evie set the phone down. Stuffed a handful of dirt into her lips. Smothered herself with it. Gritty, it stuck to her teeth like an Oreo cookie. Tiny stones shifted as she tried to swallow too much at once. She got another handful in before her gag reflex choked her. Feet scrambled to puke brown and bile into the toilet.

The Lego she ate earlier came up too. Found it helping Claudia and Dustin clear their basement. Shiny and blue.

Her stomach curdled. A few tears squeezed before she was scooping that up. Slippery with acidic bile. Pushing it back into her mouth. With her throat raw, it hurt worse the second time but it went down.

Control. She was in total control. That's what she told herself. Curled up next to the toilet. Scalp heating while her lips hung slack.

"Nothing is the matter with me." Evie told herself because stopping meant that thudding ache in her chest would glow all neon and rose red.

** ** **

Billy wasn't going to leave Evie alone. He decided that after a wet dream one morning. These things were not to be taken lightly by teenage boys.

I'm sorry. It didn't cut it. Actions, that's what Susan advised, not that he'd admit prying advice from his chirpy stepmother. Vague as can be, Billy hung out in the kitchen doorway dropping rough hints.

Maxine was more blunt when Susan asked her later.

"Oh, yeah, he's totally crushing on Evie and he messed it all up." She said between the lazy crunching of salty chips.

"That's what I thought." Susan sighed. An hour of Billy barking and hiding around the doorway told Susan that much. She was young once.

"But, he did something. She's mad at him."

"Well, Neil works late tomorrow, I asked Billy if he'd take me to Mona's salon. She wanted me to go out with her friends. A dessert and wine thing she likes to host."

"Did you tell Neil?" Max was fixing a wheel on her skateboard and snacking. Poor thing wasn't getting use with all the snow fall. Susan only smiled.

"Would you like to go get your hair done?"

"Ick." Max cringed at the thought of those huge rollers and hairspray.

"Max." Susan replied carefully. "Evie works tomorrow, doesn't she? Saturday."

She got the idea with her eyes lighting up.

"Oh!" Max blew air out her lips. "Just this once, then."

"That's my girl." Susan figured if Billy was convinced it was all her idea, the day would go smoother.

** ** **

Something else Billy Hargrove learned about Mona was her hair changed with the seasons. Locks big and bold but now a strawberry blonde. A head start for spring despite it still being January.

Evie peered up at reception and noticeably, her face fell.

Susan figured whatever happened had to be bad. She'd never seen such a reaction from a teenage girl to her drop dead gorgeous stepson. Hell, Billy Hargrove could bat his lashes and have eggs dropping in every uterus within a fifty mile radius.

Might have been why Neil preferred to lock him in his room like he was the dirty tomcat about to impregnate all the neighborhood strays. Although, Neil had a list of reasons for how he treated Billy. None of them valid.

Mona went right for Max. Squished her cheeks in smelling of lavender hand cream.

"I'm so glad y'all are here! Maxie, I promise I won't shock you. Just a wash and freshen. Make your hair nice and bouncy. It'll shine. I always say: the higher the hair, the closer to God." Mona took Susan's hand. "C'mon over here. My new girl, Shelby, will get you started too. Little pampering does everyone good."

"Hey." Evie piped up, twirling a pen around. She'd eaten the cap an hour ago. Not much for chewing. Always up to the task of swallowing whole because she was a big girl.

Big girls sucked it up and swallowed.

Billy thought to go back to his car. Swayed on his feet there looking around at all the plants.



They speak louder than words. Billy was a screamer.

"Miss Mona, I was thinking we could... Uh, for me."

"You want a wash too, Billy?" She perked, hair bobbing as her little platforms clicked excitedly. "Come, come, sit down. Evie can get you shampooed to start."

Evie's entire body locked. Billy smirked at her, but noticed an opportunity reach her eyes. The pen stabbed back into a cup. Lips spread in a devious way. He saw horns spring out of her big curls.

Fuck, she looked hot though.

It drove him wild. Evie with a fire behind her eyes. All plush curves and lingering allure. That amber perfume melted him.

"I'd be so happy to help." She gripped Billy's leather bomber and jerked him into a chair. He had a semi at this point. "Get comfy."

Hell, the girl was plotting a murder with that smoldering expression. Still, Billy was game because she was giving him attention. His tongue swept pink lips. Peachy skin glowing.

There was something off about Evie too. This sunken manner like her energy had been sapped. The slightest dark circles under brown eyes. Skirt Safari was barely three weeks ago. He removed his jacket when Mona reached for it to hang it with Max's and Susan's.

Dead boy walking.

Max snickered from her chair across the way. She and Susan sat with little floral capes, already getting their pampering. Evie moved Billy's hair and pulled a lilac cape around his neck.


"Oh? Too tight. My bad." She snapped a button. "Put your head back. Into the sink now."

Billy thought to pray for mercy, tilted back into the porcelain. He asked for this. The sink went on. Ice.

"Too cold?"

"Nope." Teeth chattered. Evie had that devilish look still. Decided to make it warmer. Lifted the nozzle and hit his face.

And Billy took it. Sputtering.

"Oh, so sorry..." Her tongue clicked. Didn't even try to sound sincere.

"Just a little water. No big deal."

Her bottom lip pouted. She sprayed his face again. Billy snickered through the coughing, fists held the chair tight.

"You're fucking waterboarding me, Fenny." He'd spat, blinking rapidly.

"What?" Evie paused then kept spraying him as he tried to reply.


"I'm, what?" She came off and Billy snorted before the water splashed again.

"Ngh-ffff- "

"Can't hear you, Billy." Evie caught Max losing it across the way.

The boy took all the torment like a champ so she let up. He didn't even snap when she pulled his hair shampooing it.

"I like it rough, Angel." Billy hissed at her fingers pulling so she sprayed him again. Made him buck like a mad feline. He seemed to almost love it. This was foreplay to him.

"Creep. Don't pitch a tent in that cape." Evie stuffed a towel in his face. Smiled cheerfully. All syrup. "We're done, mommy."

"Let's see what I can do for these curls, Billy." Mona let Claudia work on Susan while her new hire took over for Maxine. "I hope Evie gave you a good start."

She certainly revved his motor, but he wasn't going to tell her mother that.

"So nice. I feel even more relaxed now." Billy twitched a stressed smile. Earned himself a few good boy points.

Evie cracked a grin at him, arms crossing before she went back to reception. Unbelievable.

Mona had Billy chattering about his car and school and how he'd just turned eighteen in December. Life was coming his way. Evie took to doodling song lyrics in no order and tapped her pen. Mona either talked Billy into hair curlers or just started doing it. Which was another bout of amusement.

And Billy stared at Evie the entire time. Even when she made it a point to face away. Sat on the stool with her legs crossed, leaning forward to jot her little lyrics down. Susan swept her eyes between them.

Both relentlessly stubborn.

"Mona, I've been wanting to repay you back for the dinner this month. How about tomorrow? Our place this time." Came her voice when a hair dryer shut off.

"We'll bring the dessert." Fingers played with Billy's curls. Reminded him of his mother. Fluffed some life into them. He decided this salon was better than the places he used to go.

Music played, songs changing as time continued. Evie decided her luck couldn't get any worse when Carol's red hair appeared in her line of sight. Walking with her little friend group without Tommy. Likely headed to the nail place down the block.

Carol spotted Evie behind glass and whispered something that had her friends howling before they went.

"Bitches." Billy sauntered up behind her. Golden hair sparkling.

"As if you had nothing to do with that." Evie smacked her notebook shut. Sat straighter as he shook his locks out. Curls shining with lift. Like the sun just kissed them.

"How do I look?" One brow rose. Teasing.

"The same." Gorgeous.


"Already ate." Evie's lips pressed when she said that. They spoke out of earshot under the music. Not noticing the glances on them.

"Guess I'll still be seeing you for dinner tomorrow." Billy counted some bills out. Snatched a pen and scribbled a note on a single. Dropped the money on the counter and pushed the one he'd written on into her pocket. She lifted an arm and glared, but let him. "We'll do this again some time. The back and forth. I pull your hair and you pull mine."


"Hm. Invest in waterproof red lipstick. Don't they have waterproof makeup now? Looks better on you than on me." His voice dropped.

"Wow. Cocky now, are you?"

"I just think it'll take us a lot of tries to get to a bad kiss. Don't you, Evie?" He replied pointedly, leaning over to speak in that low baritone. Pure amber honey.

"I think you're in denial, Billy. Gotta put pride aside." Evie bit her tongue and turned away. Loathed the blush glittering her cheeks.

"Takes one to know. I'll wait for Max in the car. Need a smoke. See you around, Angel." Billy swayed off after grabbing his coat. Out into the cold.

Evie put his money in their register and plucked the dollar out.

"Sorry. -A shithead."

Billy had even gone out of his way to draw a little frowny face with a tear. Evie caught him looking at her from his car and rolled her eyes, stuffing the bill away.

Tried not to smile. Failed.

"Billy doesn't do this kind of thing." Max appeared a bit later. Glowy and red. Vibrant. " you know."

"It shows." Evie sighed out her nose. Watched Max say bye to her mother since she was staying with Mona before hurrying out into the Camaro. One rev and it skidded off. Snow flurries falling in its wake.

"She seemed mad," Max had said in the car, "but, maybe less mad."

"It was a big fuck up. She'll be mad a long time."

"And that bothers you."

"No." Billy flicked his cigarette out the window. Watched his sister's lips press before he scoffed. "Max, I did something evil. You understand? Evie wants fuck all to do with me."

And he couldn't throw her from his thoughts.

"What did you do?" Max leaned in to press the subject. "Just tell me."

The gist of it came out by the time they parked at Cherry Lane.

Max just blinked at him. Flared. Billy cut the engine and paused, glancing at her.

"Why do boys do this to girls?" She asked, fists clenched in her lap. Rigid and puffy. "I don't understand. Are my friends going to be like you when they get older?"

"No, Max, they're not. I'm a piece of shit." His shoulders came up.

"And you didn't have to be... Keep groveling, you owe Evie that much." She slammed the door when she got out. Expected to get barked at and slowed because he made no move. Just flicked his lighter open and closed there. Blue eyes on the steering wheel.

Exhaling into the frost, Max came around the car and jerked Billy's door open.

"You suck at this. She doesn't want you to do this self-deprecating game where you play the asshole victim. She wants a real apology."

"I don't know what the fuck she wants me to say anymore."

"Maybe you don't have to say anything to her." Max paused. "Those girls and people at school, they're mean to her. Aren't they? You're the Keg King. Are you really going to let that happen?"

"They're just fucking assholes, ignore them."

"Easy for you to say being popular. What happened to Evie during the dance has been happening to her through all of high school. Don't you see that? If you really cared, you'd do something to stop it." The door shut on Billy before he could reply.

Max went up into the house, left him to stew on that until he followed her inside. Away from the snow and Evie's penetrating eyes that were beginning to haunt him.

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