Silent Heart (Lisrene Adaptat...

By cathcath0610

24.6K 1.1K 325

I am not a talkative type of person, I am always serious, I am mysterious and that is the best way. They don'... More

Year AZ
Orangely Rude
50:50 Smile
Wolves I
Wolves II
Torn Between
Hope Vs. Decisions
The Start...
Sky Battle Ground 1.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.1
Sky Battle Ground 2.2
Sky Battle Ground 2.3
Sky Battle Ground 2.4
Sky Battle Ground 2.5
Courage to Speak
I Can't
White Lights
Nightmare or Dream
Blue Eyed Cat
Project Gold
Within the Walls
Devilish Princess
Honest Feelings
For Now
The Villain
I am a Manoban
Live Free
A Promise to Make
Twin Daggers

Sky Battle Ground 3.0

430 25 10
By cathcath0610

The final event has finally arrived. A mission testing all your strength and weaknesses, no more excuses, only execution. This event will finally declare the Sky Battle Ground champion. All three teams have to execute their safety effectively, battle the odds, and thus claim the crown. They are not just battling with each other, but they are against a bunch of highly trained soldiers, that will not hesitate to break the bones of the students trying to claim their flag.

All three teams have suited up and all are nervous as hell, except for one who still had a calm and collected manner, leaning her back against the wall, with arms crossed and closing her eyes to meditate. In between her meditation, she couldn't help but recall what happened last night after they left.


As the two entered the elevator, at first they were both just silent. One was angry because someone judging her daughter like that, she might be a heartless killer before but that was in the past, a person can change, change for the better, and what happened earlier only shows how unwilling they are to trust Lisa knowing that she has a disorder what more if they found out who she is.

Commander Manoban: Bullsh*t! I'm sorry Lisa, I'm just angry about them just judging you without even giving you a chance.

Lisa: It's fine commander, you have always reminded me that some may accept me while others will still close their minds. I'm fine sir, how about you commander? Are you okay?

Commander Manoban: When did you become this mature Lisa? Hahaha. You seem to be the adult at this very moment. Hahaha

Lisa: No sir, I just have a really good commander who taught me a few stuff.

Argos wants to cry on that spot. Lisa just made a subtle appreciation, she might not be aware of it but she's been improving a lot ever since the day she met her. Irene is changing and even molding her to become better, not better in terms of skills but becoming a much better person.

Commander Manoban: She has a great effect on you, hehe. More reason you shouldn't give up Lisa.

Lisa: Don't worry sir, I won't. She gave her commander a smile

Commander Manoban: That's the spirit! A Manoban will always fight! Hahaha. He shuffles Lisa's hair

End of Flashback

She slowly opened her eyes, she was shocked to see her two friends looking at her.

Lisa: What?

Jisoo: Creepy... you're smiling by yourself, Lisa... hahaha

Lisa: Idiots! You see me again...

Chaeyoung: Hahahahaha! But seriously, what are you thinking?

Lisa: Nothing... just what my commander said to me, that's all.

Chaeyoung: I'm sure those are words of encouragement! Hahaha. Can you share it with us Lis, maybe we will also be inspired. Hahaha

Jisoo: Maybe we will win! OH YEAH!!!... uhm... but wait, Lis... we noticed... why Irene seems to avoid you?... I mean... maybe it's just us who can notice it...

Lisa: She is... and I don't know why...

She was looking at Irene across the room, when Irene was able to lean and got a glimpse of Lisa she quickly shifted her eyes to her friends. That night when Lisa arrive at their house, she took a moment to construct her words of conversation before she could dial Irene's number.

After she was able to call Irene, it seems she was left puzzled because Irene specifically asked her to stay away from her for the time being, she tried to ask her why and maybe knowing the reason will make things clear for her request but all she got from her that its something that she needs to do.

Early in the morning she tried to talk to her, but she just walk past her as if she was just an invisible person, she even tried to talk to her in the locker room, even Wendy, Nayeon, Joy Jeongyeon and Seulgi were there Irene wouldn't talk to her. She tried to gently grab Irene's arm so she would look at her but Irene just swatted her arm forcefully, it made her a fool, hurting but instilled in Lisa's mind that she might have a good reason why she keeps on avoiding her or even acted that way.

Lisa: I'm sure she has a good reason...

Jisoo: If it is possible, I can make an epic broom for that Kang father and daughter, I will do it immediately. They are too much on judging you because you had a disorder, they acted like that. We know that you can not hurt Irene. Hayyyy... I am being pissed because of them!

Chaeyoung: My blood is boiling because of Seulgi! She is like her father! You've been with us and you've never raised a fist to anyone of us. Tsk! Not to mention, you saved Irene from those wolves, don't they know it?

Lisa: I'm thankful that you see me that way... I'm really glad I have friends like you guys... hehe... but don't let it get to you... I'm fine... I'll try to talk to her after this event...

Jisoo: If you need us, Lis, tell us, Division I has your back! Hehe

Chaeyoung: Hmmm... wait I noticed since earlier that you are massaging your head... does it hurts?

Lisa: Ah this? A little bit... it's been actually bothering me for days... maybe I just have lots on my mind... it will go soon... hehe...

Jisoo: Wait... I will just get some medicine... She went to Joy

She saw that Seulgi and Irene's team are gathering together, but she doesn't have time to say hi because she was so worried for Lisa, she's been noticing that Lisa is pale and always massaging her head. She knows that Lisa has a high pain tolerance but it seems her headache is a little bit different. She went to Joy because she knows that she always brings medicines for headache, not just normal headache but those for too much pain, Joy usually have them especially if she has a period and she always brings one just in case of emergency.

Jisoo: Sis... do you have medicine for headaches?

The two teams stopped talking and they all look at Jisoo.

Joy: Oh Jisoo... does your headache? Wait, I think I bring some... I will check on my bag...

Wendy: Are you okay Jisoo?

Jisoo: Ah eh... I am not the one who has a headache... it's Lisa, she's pale because of a headache...

Jisoo saw how Irene reacted, she seems so worried but it seems like she was stopping herself. Jisoo look in Lisa's direction and saw her sitting on the ground while massaging her head.

Nayeon: Hottie seems really in pain...

Joy: Oh here... let her drink this... and you guys should be careful later, okay?

Jisoo: Thank you! Hehe. You are too, good luck later. Hehe.

Jisoo immediately goes to Lisa and gives the medicine to her. Irene, on the other hand, wanted so badly to come to Lisa's aid but right now she can't, she made a deal with her father. A deal she needs to keep, a deal that she needs to win.

The Sky Battle Ground mission is now about to start. Three teams are ready, as they went out of the dugout, the arena roared in cheer, each section chanting their division's name. Arms! Forces! Strategics! These words echoed the venue. All teams were suited in their battle uniforms but with a slightly more upgraded look, they had their weapons ready and just waiting for their transportation to arrive and take them to the location of the mission.

As their transportation arrived, the travel to their location took about an hours ride, Lisa was just looking at Irene while Irene tried her best not to look at Lisa, they were sitting right across from each other. When Lisa couldn't help it anymore, she reach out and touch Irene's hands.

Lisa: Can we talk after this?

She waited for Irene's response but none was heard, Irene just remained silent and stared at Lisa with no emotions. Lisa felt her heart slowly tearing up into pieces. She didn't even notice that her hand was removed by Irene.

In that very moment Lisa was broken, the feeling of acceptance, love, that someone will love who and what she is destroyed. She never let anyone be close to her for she fears if she let anyone in and finds out later on who she is, the feeling of not being accepted terrifies her, and the hope she tried to hold on to is slowly fading. She thought Irene had accepted her, love her, but her actions right now being distant, unable to even look into her eyes, swatting her hand off of her as if she had a disease made her feel that only her Commander can accept and love her, the rest is not worth to mention.

"How pitiful I am," She said to herself

Nayeon noticed the change of emotion in Lisa's eyes. She knows the reason why Irene is acting like that, but she can't say it to Lisa. The night after their dinner when Irene talk to his father the moment they arrived home, her father had a very interesting deal with her. If she or Lisa wins this mission, he will allow Lisa to court her but before the game, she must not talk, touch, or even look Lisa in the eyes. Irene accepted the challenge, and she just needs to win this event.

Nayeon: Lis... let's just concentrate on this mission... this is a tough one... we are against some elite soldiers and they won't hesitate to hurt us...

Lisa just nodded at Nayeon as if agreeing, but actually she didn't care if they were elite soldiers, she could still easily take them out. Right now Lisa is feeling that she seems to be angry at herself that Irene will not speak to her. She kept herself calm and just concentrate on the safety of her team.

"Calm down Lisa... just focus on your team..." Lisa said to herself.

Back in the arena, they could still see every scene happening, their uniforms had a built-in camera allowing the viewers to see their movements and the location of the mission had hidden cameras placed in each corner of the building.

Pilot: The package has arrived. He communicated to Commander Bae

Three teams set foot on the grassy ground, and in sight is an old building.

Commander Bae: Sky Battle Ground mission is now online. Good luck teams.

Each team heard the voice of Commander Bae on their radios.

Irene's team: Roger that!

Seulgi's team: Copy that!

Lisa's team: Acknowledge that!

With the audio voice heard by the arena, the crowd just went wild, another thrilling event will happen, and another breathtaking scene will surely surface. Another Sky Battle Ground that no one will ever forget.

As the team head on to enter the building with their guns ready for the assault. Irene suggested that they should work together first, taking out the soldiers inside the building, and after that, they would deal with each other later. All three teams agreed on Irene's suggestion and they all appointed Seulgi to take the lead, because like it or not she has more experience on the battlefield than anyone else, well except for the quiet type of the group.

In the VIP section, also known as the commander center of the event.

Commander Roger: Your daughter is really great Francis, she's leading the group. Hahaha

Commander Argos: Good thing they got the essence of teamwork, working together as one to take out a much heavier opponent rather than taking them each in their separate ways. Whoever told them to work together is truly a smart soldier.

Commander Bae: All right... connect me to Sergeant Oli.



Violence ahead! Some scenes are not suitable for young audiences, and parental guidance is advised. :)


Appeared on the screen is Sgt. Oli seems to look tense, uneasy, and scared. Before Commander Bae was able to speak his words, all the people in the VIP section were shocked at what they saw. Sgt. Oli was just shot in the head. All in the room were alarmed by what just happened, what was worst, was that they were hacked, the arena screen suddenly went black and appeared on their screen what the VIP section was seeing. How the crowd gasped seeing no one on the screen but only just a blood splatter, they even heard a foreign language speaking in the background, then suddenly two heavily equipped soldiers pick up a lifeless body on the floor, and a young man appeared on their screen.

???: Bonjour commanders! He smiled. Pardon my bloody introduction. Hehe. At this very moment, the three teams you are seeing on your screens. Appeared in the lower portion of the screen that the teams has entered the building. Will be in danger... and you will witness how are we going to slowly kill them.

Commander Bae: Who are you? And why are you doing this? He said in a calm manner

???: I'm a ghost. Hahaha. This is only a simple greeting from our country. So, sit back and relax, you have an hour to reach this area, and by the time your men arrive, we will be gone, and they will be just lifeless bodies. Hahahaha.

And the screen went black and shifted to the three teams who were entered into a helpless trap. The crowd was nervous and scared for the lives of the teams engaged in the mission. And all pleaded for them to be rescued in time.

Jennie: Oh my gosh... Lis...

Sana: F*ck! They must do something!!!

Tzuyu: Please, don't let anything happen to them... please...


Commander Roger: We have to consider this a terrorist attack!

Commander Kang: Get our men moving! WE NEED TO RESCUE THEM!! I DON'T CARE HOW BUT JUST BE THERE FOR AN HOUR! He was commanding on his radio

Commander Bae: Can you still connect me to any of the team's radio?

Soldier 1: Negative sir, they have jammed our signal.

Commander Bae: Find a way through it! We need to reach them!!!

Soldier 1: Copy that, sir.

Commander Bae: Everyone! Find out who that bastard is! What army, and what f*cking country he is! Deploy our best pilots! This will be an aerial rescue! Notify the president about this!

The room became frantic. No time to waste, the clock is already ticking for the lives of the nine students, it was supposed to be just a game, but it turns out to be a game for their lives. The teams deployed are up against real bullets, blinded by the enemy ahead, the danger they were about to face.


As the team entered the abandoned building, puzzled they are that it was too silent, and so far, no enemy was in sight. All three teams had their focus on their surroundings. Seulgi was leading the team, she clenches her fist signaling the group to halt.

Seulgi: There are three doors, Lisa, and Joy, we need to check them.

And for the first time, Seulgi is working together with Lisa, thus by far, no conflict has yet been encouraged by the two. It seems they had a mutual agreement that they just have to focus on this mission first and after that back to being enemies. The three check each door.

Seulgi: Clear!

Joy: Clear!

Lisa did not speak, when she was able to open the door, she scan the room with her eyes and let her heightened senses take over. She saw something on the wall that made her question the mission.

Lisa: Why would an abandoned building have bullet holes in the wall... She whispered to herself

And finally, just by the door, her eyes caught something, a piece of bullet lying on the side of the door, she slowly examines the door, she peeked behind the door and how her eyes became sharpened, what she saw was a splatter of blood, she didn't hesitate to touch it and when she did, indeed something wrong. The blood splatter behind the door is still fresh. Lisa went inside the room and search for something in the ceiling, there she found a hidden camera, active.

Not aware that the enemy had taken notice of her.

???: That's her Bam, daughter of Argos Manoban, she's really handsome, right? Hehehe

Bambam: Hmmmmm... this kid is good... her observing skills are great... looks like she has already a hint of what's happening... hahaha... hmmm... but one thing I can't understand Ji-eun... she seems familiar...

Ji-eun: I had the same feeling too when I saw her...

Bambam: Never mind... they're good as dead anyway! HAHAHAHA.

Ji-eun: Hey! But before we kill them, can I at least kiss her? Hehe.

Bambam: Twisted! But yeah, sure.

Ji-eun: GREAT!

Back to Lisa and her group.

Chaeyoung: Lis... is it clear? She said while peeking at her door

Lisa immediately goes out of the room and looked at her team and the other two.

Lisa: Something is wrong.

Jeongyeon: What do you mean?

Irene got alarmed by what Lisa just said, she remembers that those were the same words that Lisa said with the hybrid wolves circling them, not just Irene but Seulgi had the same feeling. Lisa wouldn't play a prank on those words, and she also did not know how to make a prank.

Nayeon: Are you kidding, right?

Lisa: I'm not joking... She showed her fingertips with blood on them. See the blood in my hand... it's fresh... I found this bullet on the ground... it seems it has been used... and not just that bullet holes are visible on the walls... something happened here...

Jisoo: Maybe it is just their tactic to scare us...

Wendy: Right... I mean to make this mission feel real, right?

Seulgi: Real or not... let's make sure our eyes are open and be ready for their attack... keep your guns ready... all right? Let's move forward.

They all nodded at Seulgi's order. They all gripped their guns, fear slowly creeping into their skins. Jisoo was already shaking, and her grip on her gun was shaking, Lisa saw this and tap Jisoo's shoulder and smiled at her.

Lisa: Don't worry... I'll keep you safe.

And with those words, she felt a lot more at ease, being with Lisa makes you feel that she will now leave you, that she will protect you with every inch she can. Small words but enough to make you feel secure.

They were about to head to the center part of the building. The background was dark and the only light that can be seen is at the center. Lisa tried to analyze the scene, instantly in her head, she knew what is about to happen, why? Because she has done that before. They call it the first kill, the light at the center, that who will be unfortunate to be shed upon will be the first one to die. Seulgi right now is leading and about to be seen at the center light. Lisa did not hesitate and pulled Seulgi causing her to cease her tracks.

Seulgi: What is your problem?!

Lisa: Take cover... now... She whispered

Joy: Lis... what is the problem?

Irene: Hey enough... keep your voices down... Lis please... let Seulgi lead the way... we need her experience on this one...

Lisa was taken aback by the words of Irene, her experience? How about her life experience in war? Is that not counted? Lisa had her fist clenched, at least Irene did look at her, but not the way she wanted.

Lisa: Just listen to me... it's all for your safety... She said in a whisper

Seulgi: I don't know what's going into your head Lisa... if your sickness is attacking... right now control it! It's not helping here!

Chaeyoung: Hey! Don't talk to Lisa like that!

Chaeyoung tried to grab Seulgi's battle suit because she shouldn't have said those words to Lisa, but Seulgi pulled the hand of Chaeyoung off her suit, and not intentionally Chaeyoung was about to be under the center light. Lisa's eyes grew with and without hesitation, Lisa needs to move. And within seconds everything became a nightmare.


All in the room were in shock, they heard a loud gunshot! They all became scared, Lisa was right, something is wrong. Chaeyoung's eyes were wide as hell, she was sitting down on the floor and was looking at the person on her side, kneeling, her friend, her eyes shifted to something dripping down on Lisa's shoulder. Blood.

Chaeyoung: Lis... you're bleeding... Fear was visible in her voice

Lisa was shot, it was a good thing she was able to push Chaeyoung down on the floor and let her be hit by the bullet instead, good thing it only landed in her shoulder. She was lucky enough to dodge it even though her mind was preoccupied with saving Chaeyoung if she didn't it would have landed straight to her heart.

Lisa: And the show begins... Lisa said in a whisper

It was only them who makes these signature moves, she had done this a couple of times, especially toying with her targets, it's like a mind game that let your target build up fear. But they f*ck up their game since the supposed-to-be "first kill" is still alive.

Lisa: Go... take cover... we need to move now... She looks at Chaeyoung and her group

Joy instantly grab Chaeyoung and Seulgi lead everyone behind a pile of boulders away from any long-range rifle and would have difficulty targeting them. Lisa slowly took out her flashbang grenade and just threw it up in the air. The enemy was blinded, and Lisa had the opportunity to flee toward her group. She was holding her shoulder applying pressure to it. Lisa was not breathing heavily as a normal person should be, but rather she remained calm and examine their current situation.

Nayeon: F*ck! LISA!!!

Jisoo: Lis wait I have a bandage here... Her hands were shaking

Irene is just shocked by what she was seeing, Lisa is bleeding, and she couldn't even go to her aid, the deal with her father still bothers her, but right now it's not helping her. When she couldn't resist anymore, she helps Jisoo apply the bandage to Lisa's shoulder.

Irene: We need to remove your battle suit Lis... She looked at Lisa with concern

Once Lisa's top battle suit was removed, Lisa didn't let them touch her at first, she had to do something first, remove the bullet from her shoulder, she places her free hand on the wound and just tried to pull the bullet out. Jisoo wanted to vomit at the sight of blood, but she didn't, she even didn't feel that she will faint may because of the adrenalin in her blood. When Lisa was successful in removing the bullet from her shoulder, she immediately put a bandage on her shoulder.

Joy: F*ck! Real bullets against airsoft bullets! What the hell is going on here!!!

Irene: Lis are you okay?... hey... look at me...

But Lisa refuses to look at her, she couldn't, she has already sunk to the bottom and her mind will not acknowledge Irene.

Then suddenly the lights in the center of the abandoned building just lit up. Everything was visible. They peek their heads and were in disbelief. Up high in the edges of the building are soldiers with rifles pointed at them, below are a few soldiers geared in a heavy black uniform aiming their guns at them.

And out of nowhere, they heard a voice speak.

Bambam: Welcome to your mission soldiers! Your death mission youngbloods! HAHAHAHA!


Hi guys sorry for not updating immediately.

Stay safe everyone!!!

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