Snow on the Beach // Tyrion L...

By rissarosewrites

34.9K 1.7K 75

Jon and Jill Snow are in for a wild ride when they get summoned to the beaches of dragonstone. ❄️ "Weird bu... More

1. Captivated
2. Hopeless
3. Shameless
4. Unburden Her
5. Risk
6. Smile
7. Killers
8. Challenge
10. Vulnerable
11. Adore
12. Dastard
13. Broke Her Too
14. Gone
15. Bye Snow
16. Mouse, Cheese, Snap
17. Kings and Queens
18. La Di Da
19. Miss Me
20. Eaten and Burned
21. Midnights
22. Dracarys
23. Beautiful Beasts
24. Best Chance
25. Beyond
26. Last Life
27. Next Time
28. Vicious
29. Sounds Like Goodbye
30. Eternity
31. Poetic Justice
32. I'M A SNOW
33. Bloodline
34. Tell Them
35. Love Back
36. Killer
37. Take You Down With Me
38. Punishment
39. Long Live

9. Trap

1K 44 1
By rissarosewrites

'Have you forgotten what happened to our grandfather?' sansa reminded him. 'The Mad King invited him to King's Landing –'

'and roasted him alive!'

'- I know that. She is here to reclaim the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. The North is one of those seven kingdoms.' Jon told her.

"If it is a trap, well I can add her head to the wall, we can claim dragonstone and invade cersei from both directions." Jill offered cheerily.

'This isn't an invitation; it's a trap.'


'My sister request you take care with her in the Gardens.' Loras said coming up to sansa.

'Thank you Ser loras.' Sansa said in a dreamy haze as she let Loras lead her away.

'You're such a dear,' Margaery said taking Sansa's hand.

'I will take my leave... Lady Sansa,' Loras said walking off.

'Thank you sir Loras,' Sansa said looking after him.

"yeah... thanks." Jill agreed.

"Be nice." Sansa whispered.

"I'm nice." Jill countered and Sansa gave her a pointed look. "I'm trying." Jill retorted.

'Come,' Margaery said leading Sansa and Jill to her grandmother. 'lady Sansa, Jillian... it is my honor to present my grandmother the lady Olenna of house Tyrell.'

'Kiss me child ,'she said holding out her hand for Sansa to kiss. 'it is so good of you to visit me in my foolish flock of hens. Very sorry for your losses.'

'And I was sorry when I heard of Lord Renly's death. Lady Margaery said he was very gallant.' Sansa told them.

'Gallant yes,' Olena agreed 'and charming and very clean he knew how to dress and smile and somehow this gave him the notion he was fit to be king''

"Takes a lot more than that." Jill agreed. "but I'm sure he was great at supper parties." Olenna chuckled nodding to Jill.

'And he was brave and gentle grandmother, father liked him so did Loras.' Margaery added.

'Loras is young and very good at knocking men off horses with a stick that does not make him wise as for your fat flower of a father-'

'Grandmother what will Sansa and Jillian think of us!' Margaery exclaimed.

'She might think we have some wits about us one of us at any rate.' Olenna said

"You are not what I expected Lady Olenna." Jill remarked.

"What were you expecting?" Olenna countered and Sansa pinched Jill's waist hoping her to hold her tongue.

"One of those prissy flowers, but you have thrones." Jill remarked and Olenna laughed out.

"Oh my sweet girl, you and I shall get on great!" Olenna declared and Sansa let out a deep breath of relief.  'Are you going to bring us our food are we going to starve to death?' Olenna called passed them to a server. 'Here Jill, Sansa, come sit with me. We've heard some troublesome tales is there any truth to them? Has this boy mistreated you?" Sansa stayed silent.

"Good luck and good riddance" Jill muttered. Sansa grabbed tight to her hand.

'Has he ripped out your tongue Sansa?" Olenna questioned.

'Joff- King Joffrey he... his grace is very fair and handsome and fit and as brave as a lion.' Sansa said nervously

"Pft." Jill scoffed out reaching across the table for some grapes and popping one in her mouth.

'Yes all Lannister the Lions.' Olena agreed, 'and when a Tyrell farts it smells like a rose but how kind of see how clever does he have a good heart and gentle?' Olena asked

'I'm to be his wife I only want to know what he is like.' Margaery asked innocently.

'Tell us the truth no harm will come to you.' Olena agreed.

"Truth can get you killed." Jill remarked. "So can lies." she added. "What is one do to, lie and lose your head or speak the truth? Either way you are dead and your family suffers..." Jill told them and it was the first time in a long time Sansa saw a darkness, pure sadness sweep over Jill. Jill loved her siblings, but her father was closest friend after Jon. He doted on her and when he was killed Sansa had never seen Jill cry so much. But she slowly but surely turned that sadness and pain and loss into vengence but somehow she kept her smile and strength.

''My father always told the truth.' Sansa agreed

'Yes he had that reputation,' Olena told her 'and they named him traitor and took his head.'

'Joffrey,' she corrected. 'Joffrey did that he promised you'd be merciful and he cut my father's head off and then he said that was mercy then he took us up on the walls and made us look at it.'

"I should have finished it then and there." Jill said distantly, remembering the cat walk, the drop. She would have lost her head, Sansa as well though... she took a deep breath and it shuddered out of her chest with her exhale.

'Go on,' Margaery encouraged.

'I... I can't I never meant... My father is a traitor my brother as well I have traders blood please don't make me say anymore.' Sansa stammered as she whimpered into Jill.

'She's terrified grandmother just look at her.' Margaery noted

'Speak freely child we would never betray your confidence I swear it,' Olena told her and Sansa nodded

'He's a monster.' Jill told them confidently.

'Oh that's a pity.' Olenna agreed.

'Please don't stop the wedding.' Sansa begged.

'Have no fear the Lord oaf of high garden is determined that Margaery should be queen, but we thank you for the truth.'


'What is she doing here?' Tyrion asked

'You are late.' Tywin said

'Yes yes well you will be pleased to learn that after one conversation with the Tyrells I have saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this wedding.' Tyrion said happily.

'Never mind that we have something important to discuss.'

'A master of coin saving money is important. Stop that,' Tyrion turned his eyes to Cersei 'you're making me uncomfortable.'

'Your sister has learned that your new friends the tyrells are plotting to marry Sansa stark to ser Loras.' Tywin told him.

'Very well she's a lovely girl missing sort of Loras' favorite fits but I'm sure they'll make do.' Tyrion told them. 

'Your jokes are not appreciated' tywin informed him.

'Wasn't my best but I got-' Tyrion began but was cut off.

'I bring them into the Royal fold and this is how they repay me by trying to steal the key to the north out from under me.' tywin muttered.

'Sansa is the key to the north?' Tyrion asked 'I seem to remember she has an older brother.'

'The starks have marched home, the young wolf has lost half his army and his days are numbered.' Tywin told him. "Theon Greyjoy murdered both his brothers that makes Sansa the heir to Winterfell and I am not about to hand it over to the Tyrells.'

'The Tyrell army is helping us win the war do you really think it's wise refuse them?' Tyrion questioned

'There's nothing to refuse, this is a plot, plots are not public knowledge.' Tywin reminded him.  'the Tyrells will not carry this out until after Joffrey's wedding we need to act first and kill this union in it's crib tonight.' tywin added.

'And how do we do that?' Tyrion asked

'We find sansa stark a different husband.' Cersei informed him grinning.

''Wonderful.' Tyrion agreed he was distracted by Cersei's smiling face.

'we already found one.' Tywin told him.

'Yes it is wonderful.' Cersei added smiling mischievously at her brother.

'You can't mean...' Tyrion said flustered. 'you cant-'

'I can and I do.' Tywin informed him.

''Joffrey has made this poor girl's life miserable since he took her father's head, now she's finally free of him and you give her to me that's cruel. Even for you.' Tyrion spat.

'Do you intend on mistreating her?' Tywin questioned and Tyrion gave him a pointed look. 'the girls happiness is not my concern nor should it be yours.' tywin reminded him.

"Jill." Tyrion declared.

"A bastard." Cersei reminded him.

"And if she was legitimized-" Tyrion offered hopefully.

"Who would do that?" Tywin countered. "Her father is dead and Joffrey certainly is not about to do that."

"But-" Tyrion declared.

"There is no buts, you will wed Sansa stark." Tywin told him.

'She's a child!' Tyrion declared

'She's flowered I assure you she and I have discussed at length.' Cersei added.

'See there you have it. You will wed her, bed her and put a child in her surely you can be capable of that.' tywin told him.

'And if I refuse?' Tyrion questioned.

'Do you want to be rewarded for your bravery in battle? Sansa Stark is a fine reward, you could never do better than the key to the north, and it is past time you were wed.' tywin reminded him.

'I was wed.' Tyrion reminded him 'or don't you remember?'

'Only too well.' he said slowly

'You should be thanking the gods for this, this is more than you deserve.' Cersei told him.

'Tyrion will do as he is bid.' Tywin informed them both. 'As well you Cersei.' tywin informed her, Cersei turned her attention to her father.

'What do you mean?' cersei snapped.

'You will marry Ser loras.' Tywin told her.

'I will not.'

'He is at a high garden, Tyrion will secure the north and you will secure the reach.' Tywin said calmly.

'No I won't do that.' cersei shouted, this was taking a turn for her.

'You will, you are still young, you need to marry again and breed.' Tywin told her.

'I am queen regent!' she screamed 'I'm not some broodmare.'

'You're my daughter!' he screamed back 'you will do is I command and you will marry Loras Tyrell and put an end to the disgusting rumors about you once and for all.'

'Father don't make me do this again.'

'Not another word,' he said slamming his hands down the table rising from a seat. 'my children...' he said disgusted. 'you two have both been a disgrace to the Lannister name for far too long...'


Shae was helping sansa change when a handmaiden came in the room,

'Lady Sansa, Lord Tyrion is here to see you.' she said and shae quickly redressed the girl

'I beg your pardon my lady.' tyrion said come into the room. He looked to Jill tipping off the bed, hair falling to the floor.

'I beg your pardon my lord,' sansa countered. 'I was just trying on the ground for King Joffrey's wedding.'

'Yes it should be quite a wedding." Tyrion agreed.

"I think black." Jill offered and Sansa shook her head. "What? It is the death of Maraegys happiness as she knows it." Jill told them rolling off the bed. "Might as well start mourning now."

"I'm sorry about her Lord Tyrion..." Sansa said sending Jill a glare.

"He's used to it." Jill mused.

"I am and I enjoy your enthusiasm." Tyrion assured. "but... well... I...' Tyrion's gaze shifted between the women.  "I did need to speak with you lady sansa.....' His eyes moved to Jill.

'Of course.' Sansa agreed.

'Alone if I may?' Tyrion questioned again his gaze moving to shae. shae didn't move though she looked at Tyrion stubbornly as Jill headed for the door. "You might want to stay." Tyrion offered. "Might." Jill nodded brow pinched as she took a step back.

"Ominous." Jill remarked.

'It's all right shae but I do trust her even though she tells me not to.' sansa informed Tyrion.

'Sometimes... We think we want to hear some thing it's only afterward when it is too late that we realize we wish we heard it under entirely different circumstances.' Tyrion said awkwardly.

'It's all right really.' sansa encouraged

'How to begin...' tyrion said closing the door, 'well this is awkward.' Jill listened her face unreadable while Sansa's slowly turned to one of shock and horror.

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