sins of my youth. // Billy Ha...

By alias_b

28K 726 948

Smut/Enemies to Lovers ***It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even... More

000 ➶ Welcome Info
001 ➶ Fast Times
002 ➶ A Million Dead Stars
003 ➶ To The Devil
004 ➶ No Day But Today
005 ➶ Skirt Safari
007 ➶ One Bad Kiss Constellation
008 ➶ Because My Calendar Is Open
009 ➶ Everything Is Blue
010 ➶ A Little More Sin
011 ➶ My Heart Burns There, Too
012 ➶ Cupid And Psyche
013 ➶ Almost Paradise
014 ➶ Such Sweet Sorrow
015 ➶ Fires Within Fires
016 ➶ The Night Has A Thousand Eyes...
017 ➶ Heart-Shaped Shadow Box
018 ➶ The Neon Demon
019 ➶ One Caress
020 ➶ Rose Tint My World
021 ➶ Days In The Sun
022 ➶ Rust and Stardust
023 ➶ Cough Syrup
024 ➶ Tyger Tyger, Burning Bright
025 ➶ Thank You and Goodnight!
026 ➶ She's So Lucky, She's a Star
027 ➶ Just My Type: Bonus Flashback
028 ➶ A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes
029 ➶ Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)
030 ➶ An Awfully Big Adventure
Bonus One Shot ➶ Angel Cake

006 ➶ Hard Candy

1K 26 34
By alias_b

A/N: Aftermath of the dance! We learned about the rest of Billy's night. Both babies struggling before school starts up again. **Thanks for reading, comment or vote if you enjoy the story. TW: Pica and self loathing. Mentions of creepy guy behavior.

*** ** ** 

   "Anyone up?"

"No, everyone is hungover." Evie looked around. Everything frosted this morning like a peaceful snow globe. Eternal winter. Gorgeous and destructive. She didn't kiss Fredrick goodbye. "Thank you."

"We'll talk again when school starts up. Don't call, it's too risky."


"I'm just...risking everything to be with you, do you know that?"

He snatched her wrist when he said that. Pressed down on the pulse there. It sped.

"Yes...I'll be careful. Do you still love me this morning?" Unsure of what answer would scare her more.

He smiled, grip loosening.


That sufficed. Evie slid out in her dress from yesterday. Watched some dead leaves whirl through the forest before she got onto the sidewalk. Cherry Lane awaited. Bowers turned his car on to slip away unnoticed so she could walk to her house. Mona's car was gone which meant errands.

And whoever her mother brought home to celebrate the New Year with hadn't stayed.

Evie had the displeasure of running into a few at breakfast. These men who never lasted. Who froze like a deer in headlights to offer sheepish smiles as if she was stupid about why they were there. Who thought they'd be back. Ha ha. Thankfully, Mona mostly slept with guys not from Hawkins.

Billy's Camaro was nowhere in sight either. Evie went into her house. Greeted Bourbon and crossed to the bedroom. The mess there replayed all of last night again. Dresses strewn all over her bed. Makeup spread on the vanity.

Evidence of a girl excited to have a great night. With a striking boy. Where she felt beautiful. She pictured herself holding dresses against her body at the mirror. Spinning. Happy.


Evie sucked in some air. Tied her hair back. Hung each dress up again. Pulled her own garment off and tossed it in the trash.

"Maroon is stupid." She mused in her bra and underwear. "You should have worn blue." Sighing to sit at the vanity, fingers rubbed her eyes pink. She organized makeup. Tried and failed to avoid the reflection in the mirror.

Her mother wouldn't want to hear of this. So, Evie tried to look on the bright side. Pressed her palms flat. Looked at the mirror.

"I danced with a boy. A pretty boy and he made me feel..."

Isn't it funny? Pretty funny. The words caught. Piled up and went back down her throat. Perched like they could become a scream but never returned with a vengeance.

She looked at her skin. Excess flesh. It didn't always bother her. Evie knew what she looked like and how the world preferred to see her.

A fist banged into her collar. Growling, she beat at herself. Unable to stop. Weak little bashes against herself.

"Why?" She clenched. "Why do you look like this!"

Fists rubbed her eyes again raw so no tears could flow. Nothingness. Just her soul spinning out of control all sweet and silent. She always did the world and her mother that courtesy. No use crying over spilled milk, just appreciate what you have. Depression and anger, those were ungrateful little phases and pushing them aside was ingrained into her synapses.

Mona made it look so easy.

Evie knocked into the side table, sending her needle felting project to the floor.

"Fuck." Snatching items up, a sharp edge plucked her finger.

Blood beaded against the skin. A single prick like Sleeping Beauty. Evie calmed at the grim sight. Brought the finger to her lips. Sucked.

Slowly picked up everything else and saw a shiny button there. The same color as her dress from last night. Two fingers held it up so light could stream into the holes. Tiny heavens opening.

Her mouth watered. She no longer heard the laughter. Fredrick's heavy breathing in her ear. Her mother chided her to smile through pain. Take bitter life pills with a spoonful of sugar. More noise fluttered away. Thunder while she hid in a dark closet. A hand on her leg.

Evie ran the big, acrylic button across her lip. Clicked it on her teeth and liked the sounds. Wind chimes in the fall glimmering.

Hard candy.

It slipped along her tongue. Shifted around saliva. Evie tipped her head back. Eased it down her throat as if it were another bitter pill.

Why do this? Just to see if she could. To see what would happen. To silence all the chaos she choked down.

Dead silence when it was done. Evie sat there tracing her lips with curious fingers. Pictured the pretty button decorating her insides. She could make art inside herself. Snapping her heart back together.

The exact sensations drained.

Tired and sore, Evie crawled under her bed covers. Decided to sleep and dream as deep as she could.

** ** **

Billy's night before wasn't much better.

"What the fuck?" He had blazed back into that shitty bar. Found Brock laughing around his friends and grasped his shirt. "You-"

"Billy, I think you want to let me go, my dad has too much influence. He's friends with your mayor, you know." Brock had his hands up to wave his boys off. Billy growled low at him, inches away.

"You think I give a shit that you're rich?"

"I'm just saying I can make shit difficult on your family. I'm sure your daddy won't like that, I hear you guys make a lot of noise on Cherry Lane. Could make Fenny's life harder too, if you care."

Billy's grip loosened and Brock smiled. Tommy saw Billy's eyes change and hadn't even chuckled when the boy returned.

"Aw, Hargrove's gotta little crush. That's cute." More laughter.

That did it.

A fist smashed into his cheek.

Brock was sent flying back out of his chair at the same time Billy raced out. Didn't care to watch and enjoy the sight of that boy nearly doing a back flip.

Money tore from his pocket and shoved into Bubble's hand.

"Take this." Billy didn't count how much he'd given her. Picking up the pace before Brock and his goons could pursue him.

"Billy!" Tommy had called after him, but the boy was out into the cold and headed toward his car.

Evie was long gone. He still scanned the city in his Camaro trying to spot those brown curls and that maroon dress. Felt like an hour passed. She looked empty when she'd left.

Billy almost wished she'd cried or hit him. Something. Anything.

"Shit." He pulled up to a little blonde waiting in the chill. Holding an oversized jacket close and craning to see down the street. "Hey, weren't you Brock's date?" Her face was pinched in discomfort. Shifting steps before she gave a nod. Seemed smaller there alone as drunks rushed about in celebration. "What are you doing?"

"Mm...waiting for the taxi." She had a paper towel pinched between her fingers, trying to get a wet stain out of her dress collar. Billy's gut twisted because he knew what it was.

"Get in, I'll drive you home." Billy sat back and waited. Reluctantly, she crossed over to join him. Face splotchy like she might have teared up earlier. Pulling pins out of her hairstyle. Billy figured Brock must have ruined it getting his blowy.

"Thank you."

He revved to go in response after getting the address. Stony and intent on the road for once.

"It's this one." Was all she said once they'd gotten close to her building. Run down and dilapidated. Reminded Billy of the shitty apartment complex he'd lived in with his dad after mom walked out.

"How old are you?" Billy turned to see her and she cringed.


Fourteen. Barely a year older than Max.

And he'd only been fourteen when...

Nausea swept up his throat. Billy hitched to breathe and dug into his pocket for whatever was left of the cash Brock gave him. Felt like a true piece of shit.

"That guy, don't go near him again. He asks you to come out or do things for him. Like sexual things... Don't do it. Just stay away from him. Got it?" Billy reached out and dropped the wad of crumpled cash into her palms. "And don't get into anymore cars with older boys. They're gonna hurt you."

"You're not gonna hurt me."

"No, kid, I'm not gonna hurt you." Billy gestured. "Go inside, it's cold."

She listened, getting out to disappear into the building. Billy rubbed his eyes because they watered. Music turned up to drown the world out before he skidded off. Made it back into Hawkins and parked at Lover's Lake.

Decided sleeping in his Camaro was the better idea than going home. Not wanting to face Evie's bedroom window or her old, scrutinizing cat. She wanted nothing to do with him.

Reclined in the back seat, Billy touched his lips and fell into an uneasy rest.

Woke with his head pounding and birds calling out. A truly grey day. He huffed to get out, pissed near a tree, and made it home to park in the driveway next to Neil's car. Hadn't left for work yet.

A groan as Billy climbed the steps to go in, felt like he might vomit at the scent of a warm breakfast. Susan playing housewife. Setting plates at the table between Neil and Max.

"Billy, are you hungry?" She caught him. Billy eyed his father reading the paper.


"Come, sit down. Eat the nice breakfast Susan made." Neil's snap had Billy turning to plop down. He looked like hammered shit. Susan settled a plate of fluffy eggs and bacon down in front of him. Max was staring so Billy shot her a look to stop. "What do you say?"

"Thank you, Susan." Billy rasped, picking up a fork.

"What'd you do last night?" Neil asked without looking up from his paper.

"Just some party." A shrug followed. Susan had sat down with her own plate when the doorbell rang.

"Answer that." Neil pointed her off so she left her plate to get cold and went into the next room. Billy wondered if Susan's ever eaten a warm meal after getting with his dad.

"Susan!" Mona's chirpy voice piped up.

Billy dropped a bit of eggs in his lap. Had Evie told her?

"I'm so sorry to bug you early. Can I trouble you for a cup of flour? My poor Evie's taken ill, I wanted to make her something nice for breakfast. Forgot to pick some up, I didn't know we ran out. For pancakes. I'll owe ya."

Billy's eyes were darting all over the table.

"No problem, come in." Susan came back in with a measuring cup. "Sorry to hear about Evie."

"Just an upset stomach, a couple of my fluffiest pancakes should do the trick." Mona had followed. "Morning all. Happy New Year. I hope Hawkins made good on the festivities."

Billy couldn't look at her. Just shifted scrambled eggs around aimlessly.

Neil peered at Mona's tight clad legs in her little shift dress. Already looking her best this morning after running quick daylight errands.

"Now, Max, I'd love to see you at my salon with your mama." Mona clasped her hands and Max snickered because she hinted at that every time she saw the younger girl.

"We'll be sure to visit before school starts up again. Won't we, Max?" Susan filled the cup.

"Be sure to bring, Billy, I love doing boy's hair too."

"You might convince him to cut this all off." Neil remarked plainly when Billy's tired eyes lifted. Mona just smiled.

"The boys love to look like rock stars these days, sir. It's the in thing." She took the flour. "I'll leave you to your meal. Say, how about I make you your first dinner of the new year? I know it's been such a change."

Susan opened her mouth and shut it, peered at Neil for his answer.

"That's a wonderful offer," he replied, "only if we can bring the dessert."

There he was. The charming family man.

Mona gave a cute giggle.

"I'll take you up on that. Is six alright?"

"We'll be there, Mona, thank you. I hope Evie feels better by then." Susan wiped her hands on a towel and showed her friend out.

"Oh, she'll be fine. My girl's strong."

Billy grew bright pink. Fuck.

Susan came back to sit down. Got a few bite in before Neil stood and kissed her cheek. Dug a few bills out of his wallet.

"Make what you like, have it ready."

"Thank you, honey." She jumped when Neil unceremoniously smacked the back of Billy's head.

"What!" He cringed away in his chair, dropping the fork with a clatter.

"You see the kind of attention you get when you look like a fucking fa-"

"She was just being nice." Billy shot back.

Neil sneered and was already making his way out. Max wordlessly reached to pick up the fork and settled it next to his plate. She eyed him again once the door slammed and Neil made his way to work. Susan stared at her cold eggs.

"We should go." Max sighed. Something happened between him and Evie. Something ugly. "To the salon."

"You hate that shit." Billy lost his appetite and sat back. Pushing up out of his chair.

"We'll need a ride anyways. Neil always has the car and it's better than the bus."

"Do I look like I'm your damn taxi?" Billy snapped. Noted Susan flinching, but she didn't get between them. Max sat straighter. Too calm and observant.

"No, you look sad."

"Fuck off." Billy shoved up and left his plate there.

"Maxine." Susan stood. "Billy-"

A door slammed. Max debated it and went after him.

"Don't, he's upset." Susan snatched her daughter's wrist.

"Yeah and he's not Neil." Max slipped off, leaving Susan to frown at her plate and pull her sleeves down a little lower.

Summoning more courage, Max knocked.

"Go away." Came the muffled reply she ignored. Pushing in. "Just fucking go away."

Billy was under the covers. Having tossed his jeans and shoes aside. He didn't raise his voice, it only got raspier.

"Didn't you take Evie to that party? What happened?" Max shut the door. Crossed toward the bed.

"Doesn't matter."

"She came home before you. This orange car passed when I was sitting in the open garage fixing my wheel. I saw Evie come out at the end of the street and go home. She looked upset."

"An orange car?"

"Yeah, like a rusty orange. Old car too, a Plymouth like my dad used to drive. I saw a man in the front seat. He looked like a dad too. Evie was in the car with him."

Billy's head lifted to see her. Max didn't often see this look on her brother's face. Horror.

"A dad?"

"I don't know, it was weird. He didn't drop her off at her house. He passed it and she walked back." Max shrugged, dared to sit on the bed when Billy pushed up.

"Did you see his face?"

"I think I've seen him before, I don't know where. I was too far away. He kinda looked like Neil. Lighter hair."

"Mustache. Blond." Billy's eyes searched. He got up. "Gotta shower."

"Billy, what's going on?"

"Nothing, Max." A dismissive hand waved. "Just stay out of it."

"You messed up, didn't you?" She paused when he whirled around. Thought he'd get upset. But, he only exhaled and turned to go. Stopping again when his thought was too much.

"Max, you know not to get into cars with older guys. Right? Even if they're pretty? Even if they call you pretty too." Billy found her eyes and looked defeated. Something else rare for him to show.

"Duh." Max shrugged. A beat. "You haven't told Neil about Lucas."

"You haven't knocked my dick in the dirt with a fucking nail bat. Don't care that you see boys as long as they don't... Just don't let Neil know you hang out with them." He opened the door. "Out."

Max beamed a little.

"Apologize to Evie." She passed with an obvious huff.

As if it was that easy.

** ** **

"Mom, I really don't feel good." Evie mopped around in a robe after taking a long shower. Mona was touching her forehead. A barely there graze before she went to sort some items in the cupboard.

"You feel fine. It's just dinner. Socializing is good for the soul."

"Mom, I really don't-"

"Evie, just smile for a few hours. Please, I want them to feel welcome. You can do that." Mona waved her hand about.

Evie shut her mouth. Flashed teeth beyond twitching lips. Moved to go off into her room where Bourbon sat sleeping. His eyes cracked before he gave a purr and resumed slumber.

"Least one of us had a good New Years." Evie organized some empty decorative boxes and dishes on one of her bookshelves. Hummed in thought at another shelf full of collectibles. Felt the cool metal of an antique key no bigger than her pinkie.

It tasted vaguely bloody. Clanked around in her mouth. Harsher than the button. Such a forbidden thing. That much was almost thrilling. Evie tried once to push it down. Choked. Coughed it up onto her desk with a small clatter.

Just grin and bear it. You can suck it up, Mona said in her head. Encouragement. Always necessary. Evie picked up the key, spit trails came from it. Forced it to the back of her tongue. Swallowed once. Twice.

It seeped awkwardly down. Dropped into her stomach with the few buttons she'd eaten too.

Evie wondered if they'd dance with her as she navigated the world. Falling back into bed. Debating the musical clicking sounds underscored by growing flowers inside her.

She thought of Fredrick winding around her frame. Kissing her jaw. Teaching her things. There was a soft boy before him, but he'd moved out of state. Mr. Bowers plucked her off the floor after her father left. Talked about how it was forbidden too, but it never stopped him from kissing her.

This is so wrong. Kiss. But, you're irresistible. Kiss. The world just doesn't understand. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

It was funny how you could be so desired by a person who also constantly tells you it's wrong.

But, that won't stop them. Excess skin. Age. What would bother people more if they knew?

She'd sit on his bed and he'd join her. Put his hand up her leg and...

"Evie!" Mona called. "Can you help me here? I won't let you stay in that room all day for New Years."

Evie sprang up to gulp air. Held it. Felt in total control of her existence.


** ** **

Evie hung back when the knocks rang. Stuck her head in the freezer and swallowed an ice cube whole. Wondered if this new habit would ruin her appetite. Wondered why she wasn't horrified and ashamed of herself. It was just so quiet when it happened. Soothing. None of the ugly white noise in her daily life clustered.

Nobody needed to know. It was wrong, that wouldn't stop her.

"Honey! Come in and say hello."

Another ice cube slid down her throat. Felt like good practice.

Wiping cold, wet fingers on her denim skirt, Evie appeared around the corner to see the Hargroves standing in her living room. Billy tried to catch her eyes.

"Hi," a shy wave followed, "Happy New Year."

"Evie, you look so pretty today." Susan crossed to greet her with a dish. "I made cherry cheesecake for dessert."

"Looks good, thank you, I'll put it in the kitchen." Evie pulled it from her hands. Candied and red on top of fluffy filling.

"Mona, I insist on helping." Susan had gone on.

"You're my guest, Susan." Mona looked up from Neil's hand. Pressed in a nice polo and blue slacks. He offered a little bouquet of snapdragons tied together with tissue paper and twine. Also had a bottle of white wine. "It's almost ready, please sit at the table. Evie just set it."

Evie snuck out of the kitchen again and saw Billy there staring pointed at her with an expression she couldn't read. Averted her eyes to the little redhead next to him.

"Hey, Max, enjoying break?"

"While it lasts," she glanced up at her brother as Evie shuffled away. Mona handed her the flowers to put in a vase. "That bad?" Max addressed Billy quietly.


Evie looked at him like he was nothing to her. No anger, no sadness. Just a big, gaping nothing.

Somehow that was worse.

"The flowers are lovely, Mr. Hargrove. Thank you." Evie came out to settle the vase on a side table in the dining room as he pulled out a chair for Susan.

"We're neighbors. Neil and Susan are fine, Evie." He was all sweetness. The doting husband. Billy crept around the corner with Max.

"I should help my mom." Evie made herself disappear.

"It smells good." Max crossed to sit down as well across from Billy.

"I made something special from home. Jambalaya. Tried to go easy on the spice for your stomachs." Mona brought a dish in after Evie sent some fresh rolls at the table. Her cheeks flush because her mother sat down too quick. The only free spot was the opposite head of the table between Max and Billy.

She suppressed a groan and crossed to take it. Offered sodas to Billy and Max wordlessly.

"Would you like to join me in the prayer?" Mona offered her hands out to Neil and Max.

"Of course." Neil only smiled. Evie shifted in her seat. Felt Billy's eyes burn. Took Max's hand and stared at Billy's open palm. Was this a game to him?

She took it. Squeezed it maybe a little too tight. Stared ruefully at her empty plate. Max noticed Billy's knuckles pale and smirked at his tense expression.

"Bless us, Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ. Bless the Hargroves, we are truly grateful to have them join us tonight. Please guide our children through a successful year, we pray. Amen." Mona smiled. "Please dig in. I always make so much."

"Allow me." Neil plucked up the wine and poured three glasses for the adults.

"First Christmas and New years in our town. I have to ask if it was a memorable one?" Mona started conversation. The rolls and dishes were passed around.

"First white Christmas we've ever seen, it was beautiful." Susan radiated.

As the adults chattered about boring Christmas gifts, Max turned to Evie.

"Mom got me some of that felting stuff, you can teach me how to do it now." She flashed a smile. "Can you show me after dinner?"

"Sure." Evie was tearing her roll into two pieces. Eyed the butter next to Billy and decided to eat it without. "Eager to stab something a million times into a cute shape?"

"Duh." Max kicked Billy's ankle. Tried to get him to speak, but he shoved a huge bite of rice into his mouth. "Maybe I can show, El."

"El?" Evie sipped her soda.

"This new girl I'm hanging out with. Chief Hopper's kid, he wants her to have more girl friends." Max chuckled, twirling her fork around. "We didn't...get along at first, but it's better now. We found things in common."

Another kick at Billy's shin. He glared. Nudged her foot back.

"Easier when you're younger." Evie remarked.

"We're gonna find Evie a talent agent this summer," Mona had spoken across the way, "she won all these competitions these last few summers. Sung for the governor himself at an event when she was only thirteen."

"Mom..." Evie blushed. She loved this food and today, it looked ghastly somehow.

"Being a singer is difficult work." Neil spoke. "How are you going to make money in the meantime?"

"She's good," Billy found his voice, "real good. She can make money singing." A cold stare penetrated. "Miss Mona, weren't you a pageant queen?"

That turned the adult conversation for the rest of the dinner. Mona and Susan prattled with Neil stuck between them. Miserable and having to hide it. Billy turned to Evie. Smirked.

"Can you pass the butter?" She blinked at him. Reached for another roll.

Billy cocked his head and handed it over. Evie didn't want to fall into those pretty eyes again. Listened to her mother and Susan chatter eagerly with Neil chewing and nodding every so often.

Evie saw him fill his glass of wine three times.

"Let me help you clear this for dessert." Susan was stacking plates so Evie got up to help. Neil drank his last glass down as he sat back. Clearly extremely relaxed.

"Neither of you are going to offer extra hands?" He'd barked under the sound of dishes in the sink and the TV in the next room.

"It's fine, we have it." Evie came to set the pie down at the center of the table. Neil snatched her wrist to observe her expression. Eyebrows lifting.

"You're a very kind, young girl, Evie. You should sing us something." Alcohol on his breath welled hot. He was drunk and hiding it better than most. Barely ate any dinner because the spices weren't for him.

Max's fists clenched on the table and Billy moved like he might stand up.

"Oh, I couldn't." Evie replied, another bout of strawberries crept up her cheeks.

"Can't be a singer if you're shy." He chuckled.

"She was sick this morning, she probably shouldn't." Billy came out of his chair carefully. Eyes direct on his dad clutching Evie's wrist.

The fingers loosened so she crossed behind Billy. Paused there so Neil could see who her shield was. Got back into a chair.

Billy slowly sat back down.

Neil would deal with him later.

"Susan, this looks delightful. I hope you're willing to share the recipe. I haven't mastered the cheesecake yet." Mona ushered her friend back in. Neither felt the tension as Neil and Billy stared at each other. Not stopping when the cake was cut and passed around.

"I'll write it down for you." Susan offered Billy a piece, caught Neil's eyes. "Neil says that's what made him fall for me. Way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Neil pressed this tight smile and laughed with the two ladies. None of the kids followed.

"Better if you just go through his chest." Max had mumbled. Stabbing a bright red cherry with her fork. Evie suppressed the urge to snicker. Swallowed the sweet treat and excused herself when the meal ended. Max trailed after.

"Want to show me? No plans tonight."

"Sure." Evie twitched a smile.

Mona was pulling Susan out onto the back deck while Evie grabbed a basket she kept her craft items in. A body blocked her in the hallway.

"Evie, can I see you outside?" Neil wasn't particularly tall, but he certainly had a presence.

Her eyes went steady on Billy at the end of the hallway behind him.

"Yes, sir." She glanced again and Billy disappeared. "Max, want to use my desk? You've seen my room, I can show you this. Don't mind Bourbon snoring, he's been extra tired today."

"Yeah, sure." Max took it after an uneasy beat so Evie followed Neil out front.

"It was a lovely dinner, I don't go much for exotic food."

"From New Orleans, Louisiana." Evie replied flatly. "I guess." Neil was all pleasantries. Shifting on his feet and breath smelling of wine.

"You just seem nervous around Billy. My boy has a history." He gestured. "Not a very nice history with girls like you."

"Girls like me?" Evie's nervous hands rubbed together in front of her. Shoulder's lifting.

"Girls who are just a little..." Bigger. Darker. Stranger. Exotic. "Different."

"Billy and I...Well, we don't really talk."

It was clear Neil wanted some admission out of her. Just for the sake of it.

"I just mean, if my boy has been unkind to you. I'd like to know about it. Billy gets into trouble and it's my job to keep him out of it." Neil stepped in. "You're a very nice girl, boys take advantage. That's all I'm saying."

"We..." Evie's lip wobbled. "We don't talk, sorry. Billy hasn't..."

"If my boy steps out of line, Evie, I'd like to know about it." Neil smiled again. "Tell your mother I said thank you for dinner. No doubt, she'll keep Susan busy another hour."

"Sure." Evie watched him step down the porch. Stumbled and recovered quick. "Goodnight."

The moment Neil went into his house, no doubt for another bottle, Billy slid out of the front door.

"You didn't say anything. To your mom or anyone." He observed plainer. Unreadable. "Why?"

"Your dad's gone, Billy, we don't have to pretend anymore." Evie replied without a tone. Stepping around him. Sparing him a beating maybe. No emotion to give him.

He wasn't worth it.

That replayed over and over again. No tears, no anger. Just ice. Cool and sleek.

Evie went back into her house.

Billy decided another night in his car away from Cherry Lane was better.

** ** ** **

"You can glue the eyes in now." Evie applied some from a tube and pushed two tiny eyes into Max's project.

"Looks like a monster." Max snickered at the hideous yellow blob. "It was supposed to be a baby chick."

"Ah, takes practice. Just keep stabbing. Give it to your mom, she'll display and love it forever because you made it." They sat at her desk under a little lamp. Max looked at Evie twisting wool around to make a shape, plucked up the project she'd made. "Kinda strange, you stab something a million times until it's pretty. Keeps my hands busy though."

"Trying to stay distracted?" Max piped in. Bourbon lifted his head behind them and wandered over for pets.

"When you get older, all you want is distractions." Evie shrugged her shoulders and sat back. Let her cat sweep their legs.

"What happened with you and Billy?"

"Huh? Nothing." Evie managed to smile.

"I know he took you to a party and...he came home without you looking trashed like he crawled out of a dumpster." Max paused. "Someone else took you home."

"I just got a ride from another friend. I don't rage like Billy does." Lie.

"You're mad at him."

"I'm not mad. I don't..." I don't want to feel anything. Sadness and fury. They weren't to be processed or discussed. They made you ungrateful.

"Did you have a bad time? Did he get mad? He gets mad and does stupid stuff." Mad Max was too sharp for this entire bland town. Evie sucked in her cheeks.

"No, I had a great time actually. That was the problem." A wave crashed into her. Covered in metallic confetti. Magical. Crushing.

"What happened?" Max pressed.

"It's not for me to say, I don't want to-" Evie sprang up and the door opened.

"Sorry girls, Susan was headed out." Mona dipped in without knocking. "Having fun?"

"Yeah." Max stood up. "Thanks, Evie, I'll keep practicing. As long as it takes." Felt like she was hinting at something else.

"Night, Max." Evie watched her mother show the younger girl out. Quickly swept her craft supplies back into a basket and plucked up her old cat. Listened to him purr. Decided another long night of sleep and late morning was better.

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