{Discontinued🥹} Bʟᴀᴢᴇ! [Sᴇʟᴇ...

By Haizlena

34.3K 801 64

BoyXGirl Selena gomez a versatile actress and a singer dwelling her life with utmost luxuries with every wish... More

1. Blew my Mind
2. Who are you?
3. He is Innocent
4. Nerdy
5. Don't freak out
6. Cousin
7. Good for you
8. In Love
9. Ex-Girlfriend
10. What are you hiding?
11. Are you into me?
12. Are you Sure?
13. Irresponsible
15. My Girlfriend
16. An Angel
17. Stubborn
18. Who's right?
19. Promises
20. Misunderstandings
21. Secrets
22. Revelations
23. Just the way you are.

14. Vulnerable

951 30 0
By Haizlena

Y/N's POV:

"Y/N, Sweetie, Where are you?"

"Just a minute!"

"Whats taking you so long?"

"A minute Momma!"

"Its your tie again." She sighed and shook her head. "Come here, let me help."

"No! I am 8 and that means I'm not a kid anymore, I can tie my own tie."

"Yes, sweetie you can, momma's just going to help you."

"You always say this and do everything...See, YOU tied it again." I pouted.

"I am sorry. Okay? Now lets go." She kissed me on my cheek. I grabbed my schoolbag and We climbed into her car.

"Momma! Look there! I want McDonalds!"

"You just had your breakfast, baby."

"No. I'm hungry again."

"Let me guess, you want a happy meal, don't you?"


"So you can get the toy and throw the burger and fries away?"

"Nooo, I would never do that." I said looking down.

"No, Y/N. We will talk about this later. Now we are going to schoool arent we?"

"But I want McDonalds."

"Y/N be a good boy and listen to your mom!"

"No! I want it! I want it! I want!"

"What did we talk about this?"



"Pleasee Mom..."

"Alright fine! We will get you a happy meal, but after school, okay?"

"Yay! You are the best!"

"Come on then, give me a kissy before going."

"To the best mom! Mwah!" I kissed on her cheek before climbing out of the car.

"Have a nice day, sweetie!"

"You too, momma, bye!"


"Haha! I got the third one last night. Just one more to go and I am going to win."

"Don't celebrate too early, rose! My mom said she is getting me a happy meal on our way back to home." I huffed.

"That's even better! We always go home together and your mom will get me one too because that will be rude of her if she does buy you a happy meal and not me. Then I'll get my last toy in it and you'll lose." Rose laughed.

"Noo! I won't let her buy you that!"

"Aww.. let's see!"

"Yeah, Let's see!" I huffed.

The car came to pick us up but it wasn't mom's. I was confused when my dad climbed out of the car. He never picks me up or drops me to my school.

"Good afternoon, Rose, Y/N!" He greeted cheerfully.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Blaze." Rose said.

"Dad, where's momma?" I asked. His one cheerful smile suddenly dropped.

"Your mom-uhm-she-she is not here."

"Okay? Where is she? She promised me something." I said.

"What did she promise?"

"Its between us." I said.

"Come on kiddo. What is it?"

"Mrs blaze promised to get Y/N, McDonalds." Rose said.

"Then we will get you both McDonalds. Okay?" Dad said.

"But...where's mom?"

"Y/N stop! Stop asking about your mom!" Dad yelled all of a sudden. Tears started forming in my eyes.

"She would never yell at me like this! Where is she?" I was a moment away from crying.

"She is not here anymore okay? That's what you wanted to hear?" Dad scolded. But he was also trying his best not to cry. He cupped my face. "I'm sorry."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I wanted to tell you when you were home. But you left me no choice....After dropping you to school your mom was hit by a truck on her way back. Doctors couldn't save her . She left us, kiddo. She left us." Tears started rolling down my dad's eyes. I was frozen. I couldn't feel anything. Dad pulled me into a hug and rose joined in too. I was still in shock.

"Let's go home. Come on." Dad said
"Y/N? Lets go."
"Y/N!" He shook me.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Selena shook me, pulling me back from my thoughts. I was so lost, sitting next to my mother's grave.

"I-uh-yeah. You were saying?"

"Where were you lost?" She smiled.

"Don't mind me, I do that alot... I mean, daydreaming." I chuckled.

"You miss your mom alot. I'm so sorry." She said.

"I do." I smiled.

"You know, its okay to cry." As soon as she said that, all the tears which were trying their best to hide and not fall from my eyes, they all started rolling down. Non stop.
"Oh-ohkay, shh sh shh. I got you." Selena pulled me into a hug. "Its okay, cry your all out. I'm here." She said while rubbing my back to comfort me.

"I-we used to come here every-everyday, she used to buy me an icecream from that store and-and we used to walk back to our home. Talking about my day, showering her love and affections on me. Those evenings were-were the best. I never imagined I would see her-" I sobbed like a baby. I dont remember when I cried freely like this. Selena didnt say a word. She kept comforting me till I cried my all out. She made me feel safe and vulnerable. Then I snapped back to reality.

"You guys are here already?"

"Hey-hi-Emily..." I quickly got back from selena's embrace when I heard emily walking into the cemetery. I can see Rose and her family parking their car.

"You okay, boo?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said while wiping the tears off my face. But Selena's shoulders already did that job.
'Shit! How can I cry onto her shoulders!' I cussed myself. 'Now she might think I am-fuck! I shouldnt have cried like that.'

"How was your day?" Emily asked.

"Amazing, as usual."

"And yours, selena? You were not bored, were you?"

"No why would I be? Today was one of the best days of my life, to be honest. Spending time with older people, getting their blessings, playing with kids, I really enjoyed a lot. Thanks to Y/N." Selena said.

"Hii selena!" Rose greeted cheerfully. "This is my dad and mom." She gestured towards her parents, who were standing next to her. "Dad, mom, this is selena. You already know her."

"Good evening, sir, mam." Selena greeted them. They greeted her back.

"Y/N, do you have a minute?" Rose's dad asked.

"Yeah." I said. We walked to a distance, leaving rose, Emily and selena together.

Selena's POV:

"So, how was your day?" Rose smiled.

"It was so amazing. I was just talking about it with emily." I said.

"Y/N was crying, wasnt he?" Emily asked.


"He is not weak or anything. And he doesnt cry, even at toughest times. He was just so close to his mother and he misses her alot. Probably even more than me or henry."

"I never said he is weak."

"I know but I was just making sure. He showed you his vulnerable side which means he trusts you. And I dont remember when was the last time he cried like that, infront of me." Emily said.

"Oh? You saw him crying, just now?"

"Yeah. You dont have any-"

"Relax Em, I can call you em right?"

"Ofcourse you can."

"Cool. Em, if he trusts me in showing his vulnerable side, I'll make sure that I will never break his trust. Whatever he does, it is not going to change the fact that I like him...."
"....There...I said it, I like him, okay?" I scrunched my eyes, shyly, waiting for there response. Emily and rose didnt said anything and kept looking at me. Emily had a smile on her face, while rose had a very teasing smirk.
"Why... aren't you guys saying anything?"

"We knew it." Rose said.

"You knew it! Both of you?"

"I mean, yeah. You both are so bad in hiding that." Emily giggled.

"Like seriously, what-wait what! You mean, he likes me too?" I whisper shouted.

"You had a doubt about it?"

"Well, I did, but not now."

"You did?" Emily exclaimed in confusion. "I thought you knew he likes you.?"

"Yes yes. But can I say something to you both?" I asked.


"I want him to confess me first. I-I like him, theres no doubt-its just he is so cute when he is nervous-and -yeah-I-you know what I mean?." I stuttered.

"I totally get it. And dont worry, I'll take care of it." Rose winked.

"You guys dont mind right?" I asked.

"No. we dont." Rose laughed.

"My poor little brother." Emily sighed which made all of us burst out in laughter.

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