By LyssahTraicey

259K 10.6K 1.1K

After Savannah is released from a ten year murder conviction she discovers life outside prison is just as har... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Eight

7.9K 326 40
By LyssahTraicey

I was supposed to have Sundays off but for some reason I found myself up and about at my usual time making breakfast for everyone. Even though I knew my way around a kitchen I still found myself referring to the numerous cook books Josephine had left behind. I wanted to be good at taking care of the Lancaster's and that meant improving my cooking skills.

I was still getting the hang of being a nanny and housekeeper but nobody had died yet which was a good sign. My thoughts veered off to my first riding lesson the previous day and I found myself grinning like a fool. I had a great time with Nathan and the kids. I was starting to realize that the harder I tried to stay away from him the more impossible it became. Maybe I just needed to find someone else to fawn over. I didn't want to ruin my job over possible feelings for my boss. Sure he was hot, with the face of an angel, the body of a greek god and the smile of a siren but still it was a no. I needed to know my limits if I was to set down roots in Woodcreek.

I quickly finished laying out breakfast in the dining room for the family and on the patio for the workers before retreating back into the kitchen to clean up after myself.

"Good morning Savannah."Nathan greeted me walking into the kitchen dressed in a suit.

If I thought Nathan in casual clothes looked hot then him in a suit was scorching. I raked my eyes from the polished loafers on his feet, to the well fitting black pants hugging his thick thighs, a matching black coat over a white button up and a black tie. Even his hair was slicked back.

Holy Mary mother of all that is holy have mercy on my poor soul.

"Good morning sir."I choked out composing myself.

"Church."He muttered in explanation tugging at his tie.

I smiled at how uncomfortable he looked but the slut in me appreciated his etiquette at wanting to be properly dressed for church.

"You look great, stop fussing."I chuckled.

"Thanks."He replied letting go of his tie.

"I've already laid out breakfast for you."I informed him.

"Yeah I've seen, which is why I came here in the first place. What are you doing making breakfast for us? It's your day off."Nathan demanded.

"I know but I was already up and had nothing to do. Besides you can't take the kids to church hungry."I answered.

"There's cereal."He scoffed.

"I made something better than cereal, let them eat to their fill."I retorted.

"Okay but don't go around making lunch, enjoy your day off. Today let me worry about what they'll eat for the day."Nathan requested.

"Please don't, he'll make us have wraps again for lunch."Ivy pleaded walking into the kitchen with an empty pitcher of juice.

"Don't eavesdrop on adult conversations and you guys like those wraps."Nathan scolded her.

I took the pitcher from her and refilled it adding some ice cubes.

"Yes for like the first two times then they become boring."Ivy retorted.

Nathan looked offended while I just chuckled at their interaction.

"I won't leave you at his mercy sweetheart, no wraps today."I assured her.

"Thanks Savannah."Ivy smiled gratefully taking the pitcher from me and walking out of the kitchen.

"I'll get them pizza or something, enjoy your day."Nathan asserted.

"Okay."I agreed even if I'd already started making plans on what to make for lunch.

"Good now if you'll excuse me, I'll go see which of my kids actually likes my wraps."He scoffed making me chuckle.

I watched him walk out of the kitchen laughing at how comical he could be. I finished cleaning up and joined the guys outside for breakfast.

"You're not dressed for church."Atlan commented.

"I know but neither are you."I retorted serving myself some breakfast.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"Atlan defended.

"It's what you wear everyday fool."Jordan replied.

"I'll have you know that the good Lord will not look at my outsides but my insides."Atlan defended.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that."Raul scoffed.

"Why are you ganging up on me? This conversation was between Savannah and I."Atlan screeched.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist Atlan, I do believe in God but I'm not bound to a single religion. I understand why people go to church but that just ain't for me. I would go but I do not see the sense in it when I can worship my God everywhere since he is omnipresent."I explained.

"I respect that."Raul commented.

"You're a devout Catholic Raul."Austin replied.

"Yes, and?"Raul challenged.

I didn't like the look in their eyes and I knew that faith was a controversial topic so I needed to end that discussion quickly.

"As long as we all worship our God in the way we believe is right without causing others harm then we should all respect each others faith. Now enough talk about that, today is my day off, can you boys suggest something fun for me to do."I asked them.

That question immediately changed their attitude as they started giving me ideas of what to do.

I was definitely not going skinny dipping at the lake, not that I knew where it was anyway or shooting cans at the canyon.

"I think I'm looking for something more lowkey."I asked them when their suggestions became extremely outrageous.

"You can go into town and explore. It's a small town but we have a mall, couple of shops and places you can try out."Travis suggested.

"That sounds good, I did see some places I'd like to visit, thanks Travis."I appreciated him making the rest groan when I rejected their suggestions.

We moved to other topics thankfully until breakfast was done. Everyone dispatched to go do what they usually did on Sundays while I started clearing the table.

I ran into the Lancaster's on their way out as I was walking back outside for the rest of the dirty dishes.

"Savannah!"Clara squealed wrapping her legs around mine.

I seriously needed to ask her why she did that.

"Good morning sweetheart, you look pretty."I complimented admiring her dress.

"Thank you, Ivy helped me. Why didn't you wake me today?"She asked me and I realized that I had completely forgotten that Clara needed help getting up and ready for the day.

I was about to reply when Nathan cut it.

"It's her day off sweetheart, she'll wake you up tomorrow."He answered her.

"Okay. Aren't you coming with us to church?"Clara inquired further.

The little girl was just full of questions.

"Next time."I replied.

Even if I wanted to go I had nothing to wear. I knew churches in the west were strict about what to wear seeing as the girls were in pretty dresses and the boys formal clothing. Looks like Nathan had not been able to convince Luke and Daniel to wear suits. They did look good though in button ups tucked into blue jeans. Ethan looked like the mini version of his dad in a full suit, so adorable.

"Let's go before we're late guys."Nathan demanded ushering them all out of the house.

"See you later Savannah, enjoy your day off."Clara said skipping off.

"I will, you guys have a great service."I replied.

"You promised."Ivy whispered just as she walked past me.

I smiled and winked at her in reassurance that I would handle it. The boys just waved at me and followed Ivy to the car.

"Enjoy your day off."Nathan demanded leaving no room for arguing.

"I will."I assured him.

I would do something to enjoy my day off but I would also make sure everyone else was fed and taken care of too. Nathan followed his kids disappearing out of sight. I resumed my chores and in one hour I was done with all the dishes and cleaning up after everyone. It was too early to go into town or start on lunch so I needed something to pass the time.

I recalled that I had a bath in my room that I was yet to try out so I grabbed a couple of magazines, two beers and made my way back into my room. It didn't take long for me to fill the tub with hot water and add lots of shower gel for the bubbles since I didn't have bath bombs or any other fancy stuff. I stripped everyone off, set the beer and the magazines in a strategic position before sliding into the warm water.

"Fuck, I'm never leaving."I sighed happily the water soothing away all my sore spots.

The last time I'd had bath was a couple of days before my life went to shit. If I'd known it was my last bath in a decade I would have savored it. In prison we had five minute showers, longer than than and you would be dragged out by someone in line. One time some bitch tried to drown me in a sink for taking my time in the shower. She got two black eyes from me and three weeks in solitary. For once the guards had been on my side.

I reached for my beer, the coolness in the drink contrasting with my warm body perfectly. It was too early to drink but it was my day off after all and I would never drink on the job. Besides it was only two beers, not a whole brewery.

"I could get used to this."I whispered picking up a magazine.

I needed to buy real books. Magazines were for models and people who liked gossip, everything I was not. Maybe I'd get to that when I went into town later.

I took my time in the bath until my fingers wrinkled and I started to get drowsy. I dried off, moisturized and put on some underwear. The two beers were getting to me so I took a much needed nap so I could sleep them off.

When I woke up at quarter to twelve, I decided to make some lunch for the Lancaster's first before going into town. I made white fried rice to go and a casserole. I set the table for them, put the food in the oven for them to warm up when they arrived and a note on the fridge.

I changed into some high waisted jeans, a tan cropped top and my vans.

I didn't have anything to carry with me except for some cash and my debit card and they fit perfectly in my back pocket. I left the house making sure to lock all doors securely behind me. I'd barely walked out of the compound when a truck whipped past me leaving a gust of dust in its wake.

"Seriously."I shouted wondering where all the southern charm had disappeared to.

It stopped a couple of meters ahead, a very familiar face popping out of the driver's window.

"I'm sorry Savannah, I'm late for a date with my girl."Travis apologized.

"It's okay, just watch where you're going and drive more carefully."I replied not having it in me to be mad at him.

"I will. Are you headed into town? I can give you a ride."He offered.

"Will you drive like that?"I challenged.

"No ma'am."He assured me.

"Okay."I agreed getting into the passenger seat next to him.

"Does Nathan know you're driving his truck like a madman?"I asked as he drove.

"I've already slowed down Savannah stopped giving me a hard time. Anyway there are four truck's in the ranch and were allowed to drive all of them except the double cabin."Travis replied.

"What about picking the kids from school?"I challenged wondering how that would work.

"You are allowed to drive it, the restriction is just on us."He explained.

"So he does know about your reckless driving skills."I laughed.

"I already apologized."Travis defended.

"I'm teasing Travis, calm down. So you're late for a date huh? Who is the lucky girl?"I asked.

Travis immediately turned pink at the mention of his lady. It was so cute, I had to hold in my laughter.

"Girl must be special if she's turning you into a tomato."I chuckled unable to stop myself.

"She's perfect."He confessed, his love for her written all over his face.

"Tell me about her."I encouraged.

Travis smiled and proceeded to ramble on about his girlfriend.

"Her name is Millie, she works at the bank so that should tell you that she's wicked smart. She's so beautiful and has the biggest heart. Her eyes, oh my word, her eyes."He gushed.

One day I hoped to find someone who would be as smitten with me as Travis was with Millie.

"Okay Romeo, I get it, you're in love. How long have you two been together?"I inquired.

"A little over seven months, she's from Houston and was transferred here by her bank. I met her when boss sent me to make a deposit and it was love at first sight for me. I chased after her for weeks before she agreed to go on a date with me and we've been together ever since."He answered.

"You're already thinking of popping the question aren't you?"I asked.

"How did you know?"He choked out turning to glance at me.

"One only needs to look at you and listen as you speak about Millie to know how you feel about her. If she feels the same way then ask, there's no time like the present."I encouraged.

"You don't think it's too soon?"He inquired.

"Will you feel any different a year down the line?"I challenged.

"I'll love her even more."He declared.

"Then tell her that."I assured him.

"Thanks Savannah."He whispered looking grateful.

"You're welcome, just make sure to be romantic about it. Girls need to remember the special days, ask like a gentleman."I advised.

"I will."He promised me looking very sure of himself.

We continued to talk about his relationship with Millie for the rest of the drive and from Travis I gathered that the two were madly in love.

I believed in true love but not in the fairly tale kind of way. All that happily ever stuff was nonsense. I believed that once you found the right person and the two of you made sense together then you should never let go of that person. There wouldn't be any riding off into the sunset and all that shit, all relationships needed hard work from both parties because nobody was perfect. As long as there was love, trust, effort and commitment then everything else would fall into line.

I didn't have much relationship experience having only dated women in prison mostly for the sex but that didn't mean I was closed off about love. I knew there was a man out there for me and I looked forward to the day when our paths would cross.

Travis dropped me off at the mall before proceeding for his date with Millie. I wished him the best praying that their love would be one for the books. I entered the mall, getting the usual stares because apparently being a tall, black woman with tattoos was something worth staring at. I ignored them all though and decided to get myself something to eat. I could have eaten at the house before I left but I wanted to try something I hadn't made myself. I made my way to the food courts and after searching around I found one that appealed to me. I ordered some onion rings topped with lots of cheese and a sprite.

I was looking for an empty table when someone screeched my name from across the dining area. I tried to pretend that I didn't hear them but that didn't work.

"Savannah!"They shouted again forcing me to look around for the culprit.

I turned around and saw a very excited looking Freya running towards me, her long skirt flowing behind her. She smiled when she saw that I'd noticed her, wrapping her arms around me when she finally got to me.

"Fancy running into you here."She gushed.

"Hi Freya."I greeted politely.

I bit my tongue so I wouldn't point out that the chances of us meeting at such a public place in our small town was very high.

"What are you doing here?"She asked me.

"I wanted to get some food and maybe look around later. It's my day off and I wanted to explore."I replied.

"That's great, can I join you? My friend just ditched me to go on a date with her boyfriend so I'm free."She requested.

I wanted to say no but her big soulful eyes were on me coupled with a very charming smile.

"Sure why not."I relented knowing there was no way to get rid of her without hurting her feelings.

Her company wouldn't be so bad, she was one of the nice ones with a brain under all that beauty. Freya ordered some food too and after I paid for the both of us, we picked up our order and sat down to eat.

"You're staring."I commented without looking up from my food when I felt Freya's eyes on me.

"Pardon me, I'm just still trying to get over how beautiful you are. Your parents must be gorgeous."She commented.

"Both dead, didn't know my dad but my mom was the most beautiful woman I ever knew."I replied with a sad smile.

"I'm so sorry. What happened?"Freya asked.

Being the open book that I was, I decided to be honest with Freya. She didn't look like the kind to stop asking until she got an answer.

"Dad ran off when mom got pregnant. He was killed in a shootout a couple of years later. My mom married the wrong guy who happened to be a lying bastard. He pushed her down the stairs when she confronted him about another family."I answered.

"That's so sad, I'm sorry Savannah. I hope he's rotting in jail for what he did."Freya said looking visibly angry.

"He's burning in hell, I made sure of it."I gritted out

"He's the reason you went away for murder?"Freya asked after she connected the dots.

I nodded affirming it for her.

"Good riddance then but it's good you're out now and starting life afresh. I hope Woodcreek will be your new home."She encouraged.

"I hope so too."I smiled appreciative of the fact that Freya hadn't judged me after telling her my whole story.

She still had that smitten look when she looked at me.

We moved on from the topic off my messed up past onto something more light hearted.

"How's working at the Lancaster ranch going?"She asked.

"It's going great, I'm making new friends, the kids are amazing and Nathan is a good boss. It's all about cooking and cleaning most of the time which I can handle."I answered.

"I'm glad you were employed there, Nathan is one of the good ones. It's the reason he's one of the most eligible bachelor's in Woodcreek."She replied.

"Don't tell me you have a crush."I teased my heart clenching with pain.

I knew he wasn't mine but the thought of another woman in his life didn't sit right with me.

"Nah, he's not my type. I like my men skinny and nerdy, not mountains like Nathan."She assured me and my heart settled.

Now we could officially be friends since we had different taste in men and could never fight over it.

"How is he still single though?"I asked wanting to know more about the man I was working for.

"The kids. He's very picky when it comes to women because of them. I know many women in Woodcreek who wouldn't mind being married to him even if he has five kids but none of them are what he is looking for I guess."She answered with a shrug slurping on her soda.

That absolutely made sense and I didn't fault Nathan for that. Marrying the wrong person could mean putting his kids in harms way and that was a huge risk.

I didn't ask any more Nathan related questions to avoid suspicion from Freya.

"So did you have anything specific in mind that you wanted?"Freya asked me after we were done eating.

"Yes I need books and bath supplies."I answered.

"We can stop at bath and body works first then a bookstore later."She said linking her arm with mine and leading me away.

I followed diligently since she knew exactly where to take me. Freya helped me pick out some great products for my bathroom and others I didn't even know I needed.

"You seriously need a proper girls night so I can remind you what it's like to be a real girl."Freya commented as I paid for my purchases.

"Sure but I only have Sundays off."I informed her.

"That's okay, I can work with Sunday."She agreed.

I didn't even fight her on it because there was no harm in having a girlfriend. The men at the ranch were fast becoming good friends but I also needed some female influence in my life.

Before we could get to the bookstore Freya spotted a clothing store with a clearance sale that she couldn't pass up. I had the time and their prices were really low so I let Freya talk me into buying a couple of new items including a black jacket that I immediately fell in love with.

"Can we get food?"I asked as we walked out of another store an hour later.

"We just ate like two hours ago."She pointed out.

"I know but I'm hungry again."I grinned at her.

"Okay fine."She relented with a sigh.

We took the elevator to the ground floor where the food courts were and ran into a group of five cowboys that were just getting on.

"Sorry."I apologized when I brushed shoulders with one of them.

"It's okay beautiful I should have watched where I was going too."He replied tipping his stetson at me.

I was happy to walk away from that situation without saying another word to them but apparently they had other ideas.

"Wait aren't you that new girl in town who was in prison."Another one asked.

"Yeah."I replied not even questioning how they had recognized me.

"Awesome, you are more beautiful that I thought. Maybe we can hang out and you can tell us all about life behind bars, I hear there's lots of girl on girl action in women's prison."Prick number three asked.

I scoffed and looked at Freya who had the same offended look on her face.

"No thanks, watch porn or something. Now if you'll excuse us."I requested since they had blocked our path.

"I'd rather hear it directly from the horses mouth or watch. Maybe you and your little friend can demonstrate for us."Prick number two insisted making his friends laugh.

"Watch your mouth Granger, just because you're the sheriff's son doesn't give you the right to be a prick."Freya demanded behind me.

"Shut up little miss, we weren't talking to you. I was addressing your convict friend."Gregor or whatever his name was demanded trying to touch me.

I quickly blocked his hand before it could get to my face.

"Look boys, I know not everyone can be warm and welcoming in the south but don't be dick's just because you were born with mini carrots."I attacked making Freya snicker.

"Mini carrots? You're a bitch."Gregor spat.

"Thanks I already knew that. Look Gregor, stop embarrassing yourselves already, we don't want you accept it and move on."I demanded.

"My name is Granger and fine, I don't want to catch any prison diseases anyway."He scoffed looking offended.

"Maybe we can have her little friend instead."Prick number two declared.

He did the worst thing ever and reached for Freya. I dropped all my bags and pushed her behind me so that prick number two ended up grabbing my arm instead.

"You harass me and my friend and now you're trying to attack us. Wrong move dick."I said taking his hand and twisting fingers back unnaturally.

He screamed and went on his knees pleading for me to let go. Gregor tried to pull him away but I kicked his nuts making him fall to the ground in pain.

"I've already been in prison so I'm not afraid to go back in there. I'll happily kill all five of you without blinking an eye. So how about we forget this little encounter and move on with our day?"I demanded twisting the fuckers hard further.

"Okay fine. We're sorry."He screamed.

"We're sorry ma'am let him go."One of the three scaredy cats apologized.

"Let him go Savannah, I see security coming."Freya whispered behind me.

I let go of his hand and kicked him away. He scrambled to his feet while they helped Gregor to stand.

"If I ever see any of your close to me or my friend again or harassing another woman, I will come for you and I will slit your throats."I threatened putting on my most menacing face.

I fake lunged at them making them run away tripping over their feet. Freya and I picked up our bags laughing hysterically.

"Seriously that was awesome, thank you."Freya smiled.

"Buy me a shake and we're even."I grinned at her.

"Deal."She nodded enthusiastically.

I would always stick up for myself and my friends no matter how big the bullies were. I knew how to defend myself for a reason and that would always come in handy.

Freya and I bought more food and drinks that we enjoyed as she continued showing me around town.

She took me to a bookstore where I bought some books for myself and a couple of historical romance novels to send to Leona.

"Thanks for the ride home. Let's do this again soon."I said to Freya as I retrieved my bags from the back seat later in the evening.

"Yes please, today was awesome, thanks again."She answered.

"You're welcome, goodnight."I said closing the car door.

"Goodnight."She replied replied waving at me.

I waited until she drove off before getting into the house. I found Nathan in the living room cuddled with his girls as they watched Tangled. The boys were asleep in different sofas covered in popcorn and chips.

"You're home."Nathan whispered when he spotted me.

"Yeah."I nodded.

"Did you have fun?"He asked me.

"I did, I hung out with Freya. She showed me around and helped me but some stuff."I answered lifting my hands to show him my bags.

I left out the unfortunate encounter with Gregor and his stupid friends because I'd handled it.

"That's good, thanks for lunch. The kids loved it."He appreciated me.

"You're welcome."I smiled at him.

"Go get some rest, I've got the kids."He dismissed me.

I was exhausted so I didn't fight him on it.

"Goodnight."I whispered.

"Goodnight."He replied.

I scurried off to my room ready to call it a day. After putting everything away I took a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top passing out the minute my head hit the pillow.

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