Only Because of His Personali...

By itzgibbie_unu

142 5 2

Belle Rushes around the school all day everyday, doing her work and attending her classes. That is until Ada... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

16 1 0
By itzgibbie_unu

"Good job Lumiere! You can do it!" I yell to him cheering him on

I'm glad I have gym class with him. If not I would be alone, AGAIN, with Gaston, cause I don't know who the rest of these people are.

"I'm trying my best, belle! I hope you know that!" He screams at me struggling to do the push ups he was supposed to do for this assignment.

"You can't do anything else unless you finish 50 push ups, Lumiere. So hurry please. You should know by now that I can't leave you here to struggle by yourself." I say trying not to ramble on about how I don't want to leave him here.

"You've already done yours, so you don't understand my pain." He says groaning as he falls on his face

I giggle standing up. "So, are you done?"

He nods, standing up getting ready to race me. I crouch down into a running position

"Alright three, two, one, go!" I say sprinting when I finish my words.

We are supposed to run a lap and then we're done but Lumiere takes another 2 minutes to get back to where we started.

He runs up to me struggling not to fall, but does anyway when he finally passes me.

"I wonder why you're so lazy, Lumiere." I say laughing at him and his fallen state.

He rolls his eyes at me, which I return with a glare.

"Why are you so mean Belle? You look so nice but you're so mean to me." He says whining.

"I'm not mean. You're just insecure." I replied.

He starts whaling, probably ready to leave this class and drop out. I hope he doesn't though, I would be lonely.

"Get up" I say, holding my hand out to him.

He takes my hand and I pull on him as he pulls himself up with little to no weight cause I'm pulling all of his weight. He dusts himself off, though I don't see any dirt but I know it's there and we take our separate paths towards the locker room.

After dressing and hauling my gym bag over my shoulder, I walk out of the locker room and spot Lumiere on the bleachers. Walking towards him and climbing up the bleachers, eventually making it to him sitting down.

"I don't even know how you're so good with this gym stuff, It's so hard to me" He says whining. "My arms and legs are so stiff when it comes to this, working out stuff. Teach me your ways, please!"

I look at him and smile, before becoming a laughing mess. Almost on my knees clutching my gut from how hard I'm laughing, noticing Lumiere laughing too, but instead of me hearing a regular laugh, I hear him wheeze, and that only makes me laugh harder.

I finally gather myself, getting off the lower step of the bleachers I was sitting on and I lift myself back on to my original place I sat.

I hear a faint, 'alright class you all can go' from the gym teacher. That being said, I walk alongside Lumiere down the hallway.

"Hey Lumiere". I state looking towards him and then back forward.

"Yes my dear Belle" He replies, with a ghost of a smile, which I see in my peripheral vision. Rolling my eyes I turn my head towards him once again.'

"Do you know who the dude with the curly blonde hair and brown highlights is?" I ask

He nods"Yeah I do, that's Adam, He's one of my best friends, Why?" He says.

I sigh, not knowing what to say to him, but I stammer out something anyway, "Well I just wanted to know because I saw someone with that description but I didn't know who it was so I was wondering if you know even though I have never seen you talk to anyone but me these past few hours so i was just wonder-" I say, only to be cut off my Lumiere

"Whoa, whoa, Belle, slow down a bit. First off, I didn't understand a word you said. Secondly, I do know more people than just you, no offense, and third, Yes Adam is probably the one you saw, and where exactly did you see him?" He says cutting me off after my long sentence.

When he asked me this question, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I saw him this morning when I went to my homeroom class, and I was late and he was the only one in the hallway."

He chuckles "And what was he doing" he says covering his mouth trying not to burst out laughing.

"Well I don't know, he stuck his head into his locker, like he was scared to show his face or something. I kept on walking though."

He laughs stopping at his locker. I watch him put in his combination, even though I know I won't remember it.

After getting his things he shuts his locker and turns towards me.

"Well when you meet him, don't judge the way he looks please. He hates when people do that. That's the only reason he hid from you this morning" he says, almost laughing at his last statement.

I giggle"Why would I? I don't judge books by their covers, especially the person type books." I say winking at him with a grin on my face.

He rolls his eyes and walks away from me yelling a goodbye back to me.

Since I already have been to my locker I make my way toward my last class of the day looking down, lost in thought trying to make sure I don't bump into someone. Unfortunately bumping into someone is exactly what I end up doing.

Almost falling backwards, I try to steady my footing, which I manage to do. Looking up to see the same boy I've been thinking about all day. The boy I asked Lumiere about, , and also the boy who avoided my gaze when i passed him in the hallway this morning. Averting my gaze, standing up straight.

"So Lumiere told me about you and your name, well somethings." 

He tenses but then relaxes.

"Well, I guess since you're friends with Lumiere now, I'll be seeing more of you huh?" He says, turning his head to the side.

 I nod "Yeah probably. I see you around though, see ya" I awkwardly say walking off.

Not looking back I think to myself, millions of questions running through my head. Well he's not ugly, but he doesn't look good either. I can't wait to get to know him better. It sure would be delightful.

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