My Creepypasta/Slenderverse H...

By srosen123

24.1K 232 178

Please respect my opinions. Also, leave comments :) Sensitive topics will be freely described within. Read at... More

Author's Note
Theme songs
Real names
Mental conditions
Best friends
Ongoing relationships
Failed relationships
The next generation - pt. 1
The next generation - pt. 2
Love languages
Soldier, poet, or king?
Zalgo and the Under-Realm
Jeff the Killer
Ben Drowned
Ticci Toby
Sally Williams
Homicidal Liu
Luring Lyra
Vailly Evans
Eyeless Jack
Nathan the Nobody & Crystal the Hidden
Nina the Killer
Mary Vaughn
Alma Richardson
The Marble Hornets crew
Kate the Chaser
Lost Silver
Chris the Revenant
Lazari, Stripes, Red Death, & Theo
Bloody Painter
Judge Angel
Suicide Sadie
Sam, Lucille, Iris, & Milo
David Felton
Jason the Toymaker
Dollmaker & Svetlana
Nurse Ann
Killing Kate
Laughing Jack, Isaac, Raven, & Sammy
S.O.S. (OC)
Ella and Indigo (OCs)
Odessa (OC)
Engine (OC)

Jane the Killer

209 2 3
By srosen123

- Like Toby, Jane is a very toxic person due to being a narcissist and a full-on sociopath. She's also very selfish. But unlike Toby, she doesn't always know that what she's doing is wrong, because she's the one doing it.

- She has major trust issues, and it can take a long time for someone to get on her good side.

- Currently, she's 27 years old.

- As a kid, she didn't gravitate towards the goth style very much, but after her accident, she started loving dressing goth more and more. Her favorite subgenre is romantic goth, but she also loves trad goth makeup.

- Her favorite musician is MARINA, but she also listens to goth bands like The Danse Society and Souixxie and the Banshees.

- When she was a preteen and teenager, she loved wearing denim. Her parents were also fashion designers, so she always had the best clothes. She bragged about it a lot.

- Every Saturday, she and her family went to a little cafe for lunch. All of them were on first name basis with the staff.

- She grew up rich and was spoiled rotten, especially by her grandmother, who thought she could do no wrong.

- She was 6 when her younger sister Alma was adopted. Furious that her parents were paying attention to someone other than her, she tormented her from the start and made it clear that she never saw her as family.

- When she was a kid, Jane had a hearing impairment that made her need a hearing-aid. She still needs it to this day, and she tries to cover it with her hair.

- Because of her hearing problems, she had to repeat the 8th grade and was thus in the same classes as Jeff, Nina, and Ben. She bullied them terribly, especially Jeff. But since she was scared of Liu, the beatings and name-calling always stopped when he came to pick Jeff up.

- At school, she was one of the "popular girls" and always got good grades because her parents paid off the teachers. She was still pretty smart, though. She just didn't bother to put in the effort.

- She was standing on the sidewalk across the street when Randy and his friends had accidentally set Jeff on fire. She just stood there frozen in shock until she came to her senses and ran around the corner to call the police. Because she was the one to call the police, she thinks that she can just disregard everything she put Jeff through at school for 3 whole years.

- While she was in the hospital for her burns, scientists disguised as doctors and nurses secretly performed experiments on her to try and turn her into a super soldier. Although they mostly backfired, the experiments caused Jane to have white skin, pitch black eyes and lips, and an increase in speed and stamina. So yes, she can run in heels.

- Jane has awful anger issues. People often have to walk on eggshells around her in order to keep her from blowing up and having a temper tantrum.

- She often compares her trauma to others' in order to gaslight them and make them feel bad for her. She also claims that she had a worse childhood than Jeff, which she didn't: she had everything given to her at the drop of a hat while Jeff was afraid in his own home.

- She was 14 at the time of her accident. She thinks that her trauma made her stronger because of what the scientists did to her, but she's still very afraid of fire. (Obviously, she didn't deserve to be set on fire and have her parents murdered, but it kind of was karma.)

- In addition to using the F slur and the T slur, both of which she can reclaim, she also uses the R slur. She doesn't care that she can't say it, even though Nina and Mary keep trying to convince her that it's wrong. She has a lot of internalized abelism.

- She wears a pearl necklace and a pair of silk white gloves that once belonged to her mother, Paula, and were passed down through her mother's family. Every evening, she makes sure to clean her gloves and polish her necklace until it sparkles.

- Jane was once ordered by Zalgo to try and convince Luring Lyra to join them, but it failed because Lyra refused to take orders from a higher power. Jane kept trying to convince her until Lyra and Liu chased her off.

- She's quite manipulative, but it can often come across as whiny.

- She takes her coffee black.

- Jane was the one to find Nina, and she took them under her wing, teaching her sign language and telling her that she didn't need a man to be strong. She says that Nina is like a sister to her, but in reality, she tried to manipulate pri into hating Jeff and is emotionally abusive. She also still hasn't apologized for how she treated Nina in middle school.

- She hates Jeff so much that she doesn't consider him human anymore. To her, he's nothing more than a monster that deserves to be destroyed.

- Jane is Scottish, and she has an accent.

- When it comes to Alma, Jane wants her dead for her "betrayal."

- She's learned Spanish, French, and Chinese.

- Jane is very proud of her identity as a transgender woman, and she's not afraid to tell people her story of how she started transitioning all the way back in kindergarten. Despite how awful of a person she is, she's quite arrogant and has a bad sense of entitlement.

- Even though she tries to hide it, she's still a bit scared of Liu.

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