sidemen imagines

By sighmen

18.5K 568 92

little imagines and other things that are sidemen related. WARNING: anything could happen. More

one: vik
four: josh
five: simon
six: simon
seven: harry
eight: simon
nine: simon
ten: preference
eleven: harry
twelve: preference
thirteen: preference
fourteen: vik
fifteen: simon
sixteen: tobi
seventeen: vik

two: simon

1.8K 54 1
By sighmen

This one shot is for echoboo! I hope you enjoy and like it!

"Mackenzie, come on, you're dragging me here again?" Simon groans as we walk into the gallery.

I pull him along by the hand, "I need to look at it again" I look back to him, grinning.

He sighs and we make it to the room I have been marching to. I let go of Simon's hand and go to stand up in front of the painting.

It upsets me that we aren't allowed to take photos otherwise it would be a hell of a lot easier for me; I wouldn't have to come here every time I got lost with artist block.

I stare at the giant painting, my eyes scan every little aspect in hope to find some spark of inspiration.

I notice Simon come up beside me in my peripheral vision. He laces his fingers with mine and squeezes causing me to turn my head to him. He, however, looks to the painting as if he did nothing.

I smile at him, his eyes wandering along the painting. Even though he says he doesn't like coming here, he still can't help but admire the work of art in front of him.

He looks to me, "This stuff still isn't as good as yours" He comments and sends me a sweet grin.

"I'm flattered" I roll my eyes but smile humorously, looking back to the artwork in complete awe. The artwork is beautiful; I would never be up to this standard. I'd be lucky to be up to my teacher's standard at this rate.

"Explain the piece to me then Mack, tell me the meaning of this work" He challenges. I look to him to find him smirking, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Okay" I stand up straight, pushing my shoulders back, "Basically, it's..." I pause and look at the work. I panic, all my interpretations of the artwork fly out the window. "It's about...." My mind is completely blank.

Simon begins chuckling quietly and I glare at the work, glaring more at the fact that he's laughing at me and I can't remember what I was going to say.

"Would you like my idea?" He asks rocking back and forth on the soles of his face with a confident closed-mouthed smile.

I sigh tiredly, "Sure." I know that he won't take the artwork seriously; he'll more or less make a mockery out of it.

"Well see, these two people, walking hand around the lake. She's admiring the reflections created on the lake, whist he admires her, see the man looking down to her..." He points, "And the whole landscape is perceived and created to look beautiful, just like what the man thinks of the women." He looks to me with a pleasant smile, "to me, that couple is us, and you're admiring the reflections, whist I admire you" He squeezes my hand.

I look to the painting and rest into his side. His idea making the butterflies in my stomach flutter. I look closely at the couple; the man is looking down at her, a small smile printed on his face.

A lightbulb goes off in my head. I have the perfect idea. I pull away from Simon before hugging him tightly, "you're a genius" I mumble into his hoodie.

"Tell me something I don't know" He replies smugly, I pull away to notice his signature smirk on his face; he's a total smart ass.

"I was going to kiss you, but now.." I cringe at him and begin walking away.

"Hey! No, come back! I want my kiss!" He chases after me. I just laugh and keep walking.

He catches me easily, grabbing me from behind and lifting me up. I let out a tiny squeal before shouting, "let me go!"

He laughs and places me down to face him, he pouts. I shake my head with a smile and stand on my tippy toes. We kiss lightly and I pull away before anything could really begin.

He frowns childishly and I grin, taking his hand in mine. We walk out together.

"Can we go get Nandos now?" He almost whines. I chuckle and nod. "I love you" He mumbles and pulls me in to place a kiss on my forehead.

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