By chocolatefinger16

148 66 2

The human race had ended long ago. Though there were still a few, they were more or less endangered species b... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~

~Chapter 6~

7 5 0
By chocolatefinger16


Still during the flashback

~Nancy's POV~

That's how I'm feeling right now.

The witches had me locked up after the little spell yesterday. Although it looked like they didn't want to, they still did. They said they'll be out for a while, and that they needed to investigate what I am. It doesn't make any sense though. I'm human, I've always been human. So why can't they see that?

It's been about a week since I felt that warm sensation flow out of me. A week since something weird happened around me and right now, I feel like there's fire all over my body.

I let out a bloody scream, trashing around in my desperation for the burning to stop but it doesn't. I start hearing screeching-like sounds and I press my fingers to my ears to block the sounds out in vain. I let out another scream, crouching down to the ground and pressing my fingers harder to my ears.

And then, there's a voice.

It sounds like a whisper, but I still hear it. I shake my head and shut my eyes, trying to keep all the sounds out. But it doesn't stop


"Go away!" I scream in fear.



Cursed is she until she knows...

"Shut up!!!"

Cursed is she till she knows...

Cursed is she till she knows...

Cursed is she...

Cursed is she...

Cursed is she...


The voice doesn't stop and soon, I'm enveloped in beautiful darkness...

...oh wait, did I say darkness?
I mean, it's supposed to be back in here, right?
So what's with all the light?

I look down and see my reflection on the water-like surface I'm walking on. Ahead of me is just white, no sign of life. Just big, bright white.

And then, there's a voice.

Nancy ...

Not again!
You know what? I've changed my name. I'll no longer go by the name Nancy. I'm now Patricia. That's right.


Hehe, you're not talking to me. I'm Patricia


Nope, not today satan.

Buried deep in what she's not, you shall find the sacred lot...


The floors...or whatever it is I've been walking on suddenly split open...
Fine, it didn't suddenly split open.
There was a rumble, then there were cracks and that's when it finally splits open!

I look ahead of me and see a safe ground up ahead and I start to run towards it....or at least that's what I would have done, but my stupid feets blatantly refused to move and soon I'm falling. I close my eyes and cross my fingers.

This is it, the story of how I died.


I don't know how long has passed before I hear the door to my cell creek open. I look up and see a umm...boy witch?

Or is it a wizard?

Oh well, you know what I'm talking about. He has jet-black hair and matching black eyes just like Lyssa.

"You're even more beautiful in person." He says.
Creepy much!

"What's your name, pretty thing?" He asks in a voice that clearly says 'I have no business with your name and I'm just trying to stall before I do the deed'.

"Patricia," it's not lying, technically. I changed my name, remember?

"Then I guess this is the wrong cell. I was asked to bring a Nancy to lunch." He turns around and I do nothing. No way I'm going anywhere with Mister creepy voice.

"Follow me, pet. I don't have all day." He snaps all of a sudden.

I stand up and follow him. He leads me up a set of stairs, into the main house leads and then out to the garden and I begin to wonder if I'll be served lunch in the garden.  He suddenly stops and I collide with his back and land on the ground.


I look up and mister creepy voice is staring at me in a...creepy way. He offers his hands to pick me up and I take it. His eyes flash a bit of red and shock travels across my body.

He's possessed

Even as a human, I know a bit about supernaturals and when a black-eyed witch has a bit of red in his eyes, he's possessed and if it's a lot of red, they're more than one demon in his body.

Adrenaline courses through my bloodstream pumping its way to my legs. I used a lot of force to yank my fingers out of his hold and dash across the garden.

That was all I can feel right now.
I can't feel the stones cutting through my foot
Or the branches piercing through my body
But I can feel the fear.

I run till I reach the end of a cliff and I keep running till the ground beneath my feet is exhausted.

You would think everything turns blank from there right?


I'm still very much conscious when I hit a tree and the branches cut through my skin, I'm still conscious when a rock bruises my hand and I'm still conscious when I hit the large body of water at the bottom of the cliff. I struggle to find my way back up in vain. Water floods its way through my ears, nostrils and mouth and soon enough I'm back in the dar...umm, light.

Yeah, the light.

There's the water-like floor again and there's the endless light all around me. And yes, there's that stupid voice again.


Oh, God!

Buried deep in what she's not...

You shall find the sacred lot...

Cursed is she until she knows...

The screeching sound comes back and so does the burning sensation. I let out a scream as I crouch down and press my fingers to my ears. The burning sensation increases and I trash around begging whoever for it to stop and soon, it does stop and I feel like I'm floating. The light is completely gone and it's just the darkness now.

Jason's POV

"Lord Jason,"

"Judas," he walks into my office and closes the door behind him.

"A witch is asking to see you."



"Let her in."
There's only a handful of witches in my territory and Athena the head of their little coven. I offer them protection in return for their services.

"Lord Jason." Her voice rings through my office as she walks up to me.


"There's trouble looming," straight to the point as always.

"I'm listening,"

"All I have is the prophecy. I don't know what it's linked to yet, but somehow, I know it has a lot to do with you, and even more to do with your people"
"'Buried deep in what she's not, you shall find the sacred lot. Can't be pushed to bring you luck, but with good measures, you will find pleasures.
Be wary of the three, for to them she is bound, like a fruit to the tree, with them she shall be found.
Cursed is she until she knows and can control the hidden gem she holds.' This is the prophecy. Find the meaning and save your territory. You don't have much time."

"Thank you, Athena." So much for wanting some peace.

"My sisters and I would do all we can to help, but note that whatever is coming is big and inevitable." She turns around and disappears after taking a couple of steps.

I mind link Judas and tell him to come with my gamma, Noah. After a while, they walk in and settle in the seats in front of my table.


"So, any ideas?" I ask them but from the look on their faces, the answer is no.

"'Buried deep on what she's not' let's start with that. What can we say about this?" Does Noah ask? At least we're getting somewhere.

"Okay, so I read this book last week. In ancient Greek, supernaturals are usually punished by putting them in another body, sometimes it was that of humans, and other times it was that of a troll. So, maybe it's related?" Judas says.

"Makes sense. But, we still don't know what we're up against or what it looks like." I rub my forehead in thought.

"It's the sacred lot that's buried according to the prophecy. So, the question is what's the sacred lot?" Noah asks and we all go silent as we rack our brains for answers.

"Let's just consult the books for answers. Check everything related to the prophecy in the slightest. I've got someone I need to see." I say and we all stand up and leave my office.

I head over to Athena's cottage. Before I knock, the door creeks open and I walk in.

"What do you seek, Jason?"

"Answers. I need to speak with she who was cursed by Hera to repeat words."

"A nymph. Echo?"


"Very well." She gestures for me to follow her and leads the way to a room full of witch stuff. She picks up a black orb and takes a knife.

"Your palm," I stretch my palm to her and she cuts it and...okay, I have no idea what she's doing right now, but when she's done, the orb glows.

"You have five minutes once you touch the orb." I nod in understanding and touch it.

The view in front of me Changes and I'm standing in front of a shrine.

Come in, Jason.

I make my way into the shrine and there she is, standing in the middle of the room and looking into a basin of blood.

"I want to know about the sacred lot. What does it have to do with me and my territory?"

"Don't make the same mistake twice, look her in the eyes."


"Find the other half"

"The other half of what!" My patience is running thin and so is time.

"Born of the moon goddess herself, trained by the supernaturals, bound to the three and cursed by fate. Her fate was sealed and so is the other. When trouble rises, her blood shall be spilt and peace shall abound. But, the heart of the other shall tell if the charm shall see the rise of day "

Everything starts to fade away and soon, I'm back in the cottage of Athena.

"Did you find that which you seek?" She asks with a hint of hope lingering in her voice.

"The only thing I found is more questions"

"What did she say?"

"'Don't make the same mistake twice, look her in the eyes.' And 'find the other half' and 'born of the moon goddess herself, trained by supernaturals, bound to the three and cursed by fate. Her fate was sealed and so was the other. When trouble rises, her blood shall be spilt and peace shall abound. But, the heart of the other shall tell if the charm shall see the rise of the day'"

"My sisters and I would work on this from our end. We'll do a wisdom circle tonight. You do what you can from your end."

"Thank you, Athena."

I head back to my castle in hopes that Judas and Noah would have more answers.


Ciao y'all 🙈🙈🙈
There are a few things I'll like to clarify.

First, I know some of you know a lot about Greek mythology and stuff and seeing a lot of names here could give you the idea that I'm working in line with that. But, know that I'm not.

Second, I didn't do much research on nymphs and all, but I do know that Echo was cursed by Hera to repeat words. I don't know if she has a shrine of some sort or a bowl of blood in front of her🙄🙄🙄 but it's in the book, so you're gonna have to accept it😏😏😏

Third, in case you haven't figured, the flashback is over. If you recall the beginning of the first chapter, you'll have a sense of deja vu at the end of Nancy's POV.

Please, pardon my typos.

I most likely won't update until next week, but ill have something latest next week Monday 🤞🤞🤞

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You are loved, you are beautiful and you are you.
Bläïr änd whïtë💕💕💕

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