Final Fantasy VII: Remnant

By MightyChance

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(Vol.1-3) During the dawn of time in Remnant, legends tell that even during the uprising of Grimm, the One Wi... More

Chapter 1: Shining Beacon
Chapter 3: Team SZVC
Chapter 4: Dock Battle
Chapter 5: Reminded of Old Friends
Chapter 6: Assault on the Highway
Chapter 7: Slowing Down
Chapter 8: Searching for the Hideout
Chapter 9: Breach
Chapter 10: Crisis Core: Fall from Grace
Chapter 11: Crisis Core: The Price of Freedom & The Fall of Beacon
Chapter 12: Getting Back Up
Chapter 13: Bombing Mission
Chapter 14: Whereabouts
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Flower and Mute
Chapter 17: Deliverance
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: The Fall from Grace Story
Chapter 20: Back to Nibelheim
Chapter 21: The Hero who Hailed from Gongaga
Chapter 22: Dark Truths

Chapter 2: Initiation

339 13 2
By MightyChance

Morning rolls as the sun was now blaring into the windows. Vara was still deep asleep as Zack wakes up first. 

Zack: *yawns* ... Seems everyone's up... 

He then looks over to Vara as he was still asleep, and for Cloud, sleeping as well. 

Zack: Well, I guess not all of us. Rise and shine, boys! Up and at em. 

Both Cloud and Vara wake up from their sleep as they both get up and started stretching. After some breakfast, the three were now in the locker rooms, picking up their swords and holstering them on their backs. While also hearing Ruby and Yang talking about the two who just left, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. 

Ruby: Wonder what those two are so worked up about?

Yang: Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking. 

Ruby then starts to hug Crescent Rose.

Yang: Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Ruby: *sighs* You sound like Dad! Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!

Yang: But what about when we form teams?

Ruby: Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or something...

Yang: Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?

Ruby: My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?

Yang: What? No! Of course I do! I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you... break out of your shell!

Ruby: What the-?! I don't need to 'break out of my shell'! That's absolutely-

Jaune: Ridiculous! *walks pass the two girls* There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Why does this have to happen today?

As Jaune passes by the three boys and pass Weiss and another student, Pyrrha Nikos, Zack looks over at Vara and Cloud as the intercom goes off.

Glynda (voice): Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately.

Zack: I'm actually wondering... if hypothetically we're both on the same team, who'll be our fourth member?

Vara: I'm not too sure. Could be anyone.

Zack: Well, how about we start by getting to know everyone in here? 

Vara: Uh... what are you implying?

Zack: V, you're a innocent soul. Go get em. 

Zack then pushes Vara towards Weiss and Pyrrha right after they walk away from Jaune, while also saving himself from the fall. 

Pyrrha: You okay? 

Vara: Uh... almost.... Hi. 

Weiss: Wait, aren't you that boy who was with Ms. Rose yesterday?! How could you be with someone like her? 

Vara: Uh... Well, I-

Pyrrha: Give him a break, Weiss.... Sorry about that. I'm Pyrrha. 

Vara: Vara. 

Both Zack and Cloud walk up to them behind Vara as they all started to walk together.

Zack: See, progress. 

Vara: ...

Weiss: I don't think we've meet before. Weiss Schnee, you are-

Zack: Zack Fair, but call me Zack. 

Cloud: Cloud Strife. 

Pyrrha: Well, I'm-

Weiss: Oh, and this is Pyrrha Nikos, she graduated top of her class at Sanctum and won several Mistral Region Tournaments. 

Vara: That's nice. 

Cloud: Not many people can keep up with that... You've got alot of spirit.

Pyrrha: Thanks. 

Just as the group were now walking out, they see Sephiroth up in front of him. Vara looks over at Weiss, seemingly having wishes from him. 

Vara: Uh... Weiss?

Weiss: Huh? What? Oh, what?

Vara: Nothing. Just wanted to make sure you were focused. 

Weiss: Oh, of course I am. Why would I not be focused?

Cloud: *walks past her* ... Sephiroth. 

Weiss: Wha-! 

Her face was now in distress as Pyrrha and Zack tried not to laugh. Vara only shared a bright smile as the group continues to walk. By now, the first years were now gathered at the cliff of Emerald Forest for Initiation as Ozpin and Glynda were going over the details. 

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today.

Ruby: What? Ohhh...

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well.

Ruby: *groaning*

Ozpin: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.

Ruby: *shocked* Whaaaat?!

Nora: *looks at Ren* See? I told you-!

Zack: Guess we all gotta think through this carefully. Right?

Vara: It would seem so.

Ozpin: After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die.

Jaune: *nervous laughing and gulps*

Ozpin: You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?

Jaune: *raises hand* Yeah, um, sir?

Ozpin: Good! Now, take your positions.

Everyone takes positions as Vara held on to his Scarlet Edge, while Cloud was ready to draw his Buster Sword, and Zack with his SOLDIER sword. Sephiroth however planted his feet firmly and smirked, ready to start. The four were now launched into the air and were now diving into the forest. 

Vara: This is fast! This is fast! This is fast! This is fast! This is fast! THIS IS FAST!!!!!!!!!!

As he was about to dive into the forest, he front flips as he then stabs a tree branch at the right moment, flinging himself forward and now tuck and rolling. For Cloud, he started to cut some branches as a bunch of them land into a pile, breaking Cloud's fall. For Zack, he didn't have any traction and momentum as he was now crashing into several leaves.

Sephiroth was still in the sky as he waved his right hand, summoning one wing from his back. Using his wing, he slows himself down and lands perfectly, then retracting it back. Thanks to everyone's Aura, they were able to survive the launch. From here on, the Initiation truly began. Alone, Vara starts to run through the forest, hoping to find someone to work with. 

As he was running, he starts to hear growling, making him stop and preps himself to draw Scarlet Edge. After seeing some eyes, a pack of Beowulfs jump out of the bushes to attack Vara. But he then jumps away and even back flip from a Beowulf's attack. Landing, he holds his blade forward and prepares himself for a fight. 

Running up towards the Beowulfs, he starts to slash each of them up as well as performing some combos. Dodging an attack, he switches to another fighting style and starts attack fast and hard, dashing pass the Beowulf's and slicing each of their heads off. Right as a Beowulf was about to attack him from behind, he turns around and blocks the attack. 

Backing away, he starts to use his abilities. Using Braver, he flips forward and delivers a massive sword slash downwards. Enduring some attacks, Vara can shrug them off as his Aura was preventing any harm. Attacking more Beowulfs, he flips over them and slices each of their heads off. Finishing his side of the battle, he sheathes Scarlet Edge and runs deeper into the forest. 

On Cloud's end, he hears a big growl coming from the darkness, making him draw his Buster Sword and preparing himself for a fight. Appearing out of the shadows was a giant Ursa, roaring at Cloud. As the fight begins, Cloud dodges the Ursa's attack and blocks the second one. This makes Cloud retaliate, now striking at the bear with Punisher Mode, dealing massive strike damages. 

The Ursa then knocks Cloud all the way on the other side of the forest. As he recovers, he then uses his Aura to cure himself, making him fight more properly. He then rushes towards the Ursa, now using his ability, Focus Thrust, he dashes towards the Ursa and strikes at the top of the head, dealing alot of damage and immobilizing the Ursa for now, making Cloud fight the bear for a while. 

Over at Zack's side, he recovers from his fall, only to find swarms of Deathstalkers approaching him. He quickly gets up, draws his SOLDIER sword, and starts to swat away the scorpions that were about to attack him. After using his Aura to cure himself, he gets back into fighting shape and rushes towards the swarm of Deathstalkers. 

Slicing each of them left and right, Zack was using his Operator Mode to even the playing field by striking fast and steadily, cutting each of their stingers as well as delimbing the each scorpion. While attack each of the Deathstalkers, more of them were about to ambush him from behind, until he spins around, striking at them to fend them off for the moment. 

Both Cloud and Zack were having some trouble over on their side, while Vara was still running through the forest, trying to search for someone, while Sephiroth was near. Vara was drawing closer as he finds and Ursa about to pounce on Cloud, but he draws his Scarlet Edge and leaps on top of the bear, stabbing it at the top of it's head. 

Cloud: Vara!

Killing the Ursa, he front flips over to Cloud and sheathes Scarlet Edge. 

Vara: Am I glad to see you or what?

Cloud: .. I've could've handle it myself. We need to find someone. Come on! 

As Cloud sheathes his Buster Sword, him and Vara start to run through the forest to search for anyone. Zack wasn't having any luck as his Aura was depleted. 

Zack: Shit!... How long will this last?

As words weren't well timed, a giant Deathstalker appears out of the ground in front of Zack. 

Zack: Okay, I didn't want this to be easy anyway. 

Prepping himself for another battle, Zack was ready to face the Deathstalker despite his exhaustion. But from the sky, Sephiroth drops onto the Deathstalker, stabbing the giant scorpion's skull with his Masamune, with Hell's Gate. Killing the giant scorpion also killed the remaining Deathstalkers, allowing Zack to drop to his knees and catch his breath. 

Sephiroth sheathes his Masamune and walks over to Zack, offering his hand. 

Sephiroth: Need my help?

Zack: Hehe. 

Zack grabs his hand and was lifted back up. 

Zack: Am I glad to see you around. Saved me in a tight spot. 

Sephiroth: Ozpin said first eye contact with someone means we're a team. That's how it is... We should find Cloud and Vara. 

Zack: Right... Lead on.

Zack then follows Sephiroth as they started walking through the forest yet again. Behind them however, a giant black feather fell on the ground which signified near trouble. Going through the forest, Vara and Cloud were just about to walk towards the temple, until hearing Sephiroth's voice. 

Sephiroth: Cloud. Vara. 

Vara: *turns around* ... Sephiroth?

Cloud: Zack. 

Zack: Hey.... Looks like the four of us are here. I'd say we come full circle. 

Cloud: So you say. 

Sephiroth: We're nearing the temple... Follow me. 

Sephiroth walks ahead of the three as they start to follow him. Approaching the temple, they look as they see Yang and Blake waiting as well. 

Yang: Whoa, look at the team that's here. 

Zack: So, how're you holding up? 

Blake: Fine. 

Sephiroth walks over to the pedestals and picks up a Queen piece. 

Cloud: Chess Pieces? 

Vara: I guess that's what we're suppose to collect. 

Sephiroth: The Queen piece will do. Let's make our way to the top of the cliff. 

Just now, they hear Jaune's manly scream in the distance. 

Zack: Not good. 

Yang: What should we do?

Ruby: *above* Heads up!!!!!!

Everyone looks up as they see Ruby about to fall onto them. Vara decides to act quickly, jumping from the temple's walls and over to catch Ruby. On his left, he sees Jaune about to crash into them. After grabbing Ruby with his left arm, he swings his right arm, grabbing Jaune's hood and saving both of them, landing on the ground. 

Jaune: *dizzy* Aaaaahhh.... I'm dizzy...

Ruby: *dizzy* Me too.... 

Vara: Hey, you two. 

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I...

Everyone looks ahead to see an Ursa about to charge, but was immediately killed by Nora, followed by Ren. 

Nora: Aww... it's broken. 

Ren: Nora... please... don't ever do that again. 

Just before he could catch his breath, he sees Nora over at the temple and taking the Rook Piece. 

Nora: ~I'm Queen of the Castle, I'm Queen of the Castle~

Ren: NORA!!!!!

Nora: Hehehee... Coming, Ren. 

Blake: Did that girl just ridded on an Ursa?

Yang: I... 

Before Yang could speak again, another Grimm was heard as another giant Deathstalkers appears out of the woods as it was chasing Pyrrha.

Zack: Ugh... Not again! 

Just now, Ruby started standing up straight, running towards Yang. 

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: Yang!

Before they could've high fived, Nora popped in front of them. 

Nora: Nora!!

Everyone turned back over to the Deathstalker chasing Pyrrha. 

Blake: Did she just run all the way over here with Deathstalker on her tale?

Yang: *snaps* Ugh! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!

Vara: ... *sweatdrop* 

Cloud: *sigh* 

Zack: *laughs nervously*

Sephiroth: ...

Ruby: Uh... Yang?

Everyone looks up as they see Weiss holding onto a giant Nevermore above.

Weiss: How could you leave me?!

Ruby: I said jump.

Blake: She's gonna fall. 

Ruby: She'll be fine. 

Ren: She's falling. 

Jaune was now able to stand up straight as he then looks up to see Weiss falling. He then jumps into the air and catches her. 

Jaune: Just dropping in.... *looks down* Oh, God!

Falling again, Jaune falls onto the ground again, with Weiss landing on his back. 

Weiss: *deadpan* My hero. 

Jaune: My back.

Everyone then turns back towards the Deathstalker, all while Pyrrha tumbles in front of everyone. 

Yang: Great, the gangs all here. Now we can die together. 

Ruby: Not if I can help it!

Just now, Ruby charges towards the Deathstalker. 

Yang: Ruby, wait!

As Ruby tries to attack the Deathstalker, it proved to be ineffective. She then tries to run away, but was caught by the Nevermore's feathers. Yang tried to run in to save her, but was stopped as well. 

Vara: Ruby, Yang!

Just before Vara could save them, Sephiroth grabbed his shoulder. 

Sephiroth: Wait. 

Before the scorpion was about to attack Ruby, Weiss dashes in and saves her, using her Myrtenaster's Ice Dust. 

Weiss: You are so childish. 

Ruby: Weiss?

Weiss: And dimwitted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose... I can be a bit... difficult. But if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer. 

Ruby: I'm not trying to show off... I want you to know I can do this. 

Weiss: You're fine. 

Just as Weiss walks off, Ruby gets back up as Yang runs over to her and hugs her. Just now, another Nevermore was heard as two of them were now circling around the group. 

Jaune: Guys! They're circling back! What do we do?! 

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us. 

Ruby: She's right. Our mission is to grab and artifact and make it back to the cliffs. There's no point in fighting these things. 

Jaune: Run and live. That is an idea I can get behind. 

As Ruby and Jaune pick up their pieces, the Deathstalker was about to become free. 

Ren: Time we left!

Ruby: Right, let's go!

The entire group was now running away from the temple, while Yang and Blake stayed behind. 

Blake: What is it?

Yang: .. Nothing.

Looking at Ruby, Yang was proud of how far she grown. Right as the group was about to make it towards the cliffs, but the Nevermore was perched on the top, preventing them from escaping. All while a Deathstalker and another Nevermore was behind them. 

Yang: Oh, that's great!

Jaune: Oh man, run!

The group started to run ahead, while Vara leaped into the air and sliced a few of the second Nevermore's feathers. Jumping on top of the ruins, he was accompanied by Cloud, Zack, and Sephiroth, right as the Nevermore lands in front of them. Ruby looks back to seem them fight the giant bird. 

Ruby: Vara!

Vara: Go, we'll take care of this one!

She nods as the group continues on. Over on their side, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were to fight the Nevermore at the tower ruins, while Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren were fighting the Deathstalker on the ground, leaving Sephiroth, Zack, Vara, and Cloud to face the Nevermore in front of them. 

Sephiroth: Show no mercy to the Grimm. 

Cloud: Couldn't agree more. Let's go. 

The four then rush over towards the Nevermore as Vara and Cloud jumped in the air, striking at the beak of the Nevermore, while Zack and Sephiroth were taking care of the feathers in front of them. Using Braver, Zack flips and strikes at the wing, dealing alot of damage, while Sephiroth drives his Masamune through the Nevermore's body, smirking and tossing it away. 

Still being on the Nevermore while Sephiroth tossed it away, Zack, Cloud, and Vara regained their balance and kept on striking at the Nevermore. Slashing each of the feathers away, the Nevermore was in pain and agony and was near defeat. Zack, Cloud, and Vara ran on opposite ends of the Nevermore's body, now using their Semblances, Limit Break. 

Using Cross Slash, the three performed massive and devastating slicing patterns on the Nevermore, damaging and shredding the feathers off the Nevermore. As the giant bird was about to crash on Jaune and the others. It was then sliced in half from Sephiroth's Masamune as he was in the air with his one wing. 

Landing in front of the others, they sheath their weapons in victory, looking up to Ruby at the top of the cliff, seeing as she and her team taken out the other Nevermore as well. Vara looks over to Ruby and gives her a thumbs up as she waves back cheerfully. Back at the ceremony halls, Ozpin was now announcing the four member team names, finishing up with Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren, known as JNPR, as well as Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang, making that RWBY. 

Ozpin: Vara Shinra, Cloud Strife, Zack Fair, and Sephiroth Crescent. You have recovered the Queen Pieces. From here on, you'll be working together as... Team SZVC, led by Sephiroth. 

Zack: Haha! This was amazing! Hope we get more challenges like this!

Cloud: Whatever keeps me going. 

Vara: ... *smile* .. Treat us well... leader.

Sephiroth only closes his eyes and smiles, looking up towards the screens. 

Ozpin: It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year. 

End of Chapter 2

(There you have it. Team SZVC is now born. This may sound butchering, but call it by 'SeZVeC' or something like that. Either way, this is the start of the team and many more will come during the two volumes. I hope you enjoy this one.)

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