Love that Lasts (SOSS) (Harpe...

By killiancaptainhook

83.6K 1K 3.4K

Oneshots about Griffin and Harper from Secrets of Sulphur Springs! Requests are open! Hope you enjoy the ones... More

The Fire
Porch Talks
Gone Forever?
Fallen Tree
Camp Dance Gone Wrong?!
Harper "or Daisy's" Excursion
Harper "or Daisy's" Excursion (part 2)
Harper "or Daisy's" Excursion (part 3)
Harper "or Daisy's" Excursion (part 4)
Harper "or Daisy's" Excursion (part 5)
Harper "or Daisy's" Excursion (part 6)
Harper "or Daisy's" Excursion (part 7/FINALE)
Late Night
I love you, but I'm focusing!
Caught in the Act (harper)
Stay Still! (halloween special)
Seven Minutes in....Hell?
Seven Minutes in....Hell? (part2)
How Harper Saved a Life <3
She's 10, she doesn't need to know that!
My dreams are just dreams!
United by Music
Since when can you fight?
They won't go away!
Demonic (part1)
Demonic (part2)
Demonic (part3)
Demonic (part4)
Demonic (part5) FINALE
Back off, he's taken!
Who is it?!
You're not like them...
Griffin, it's not you talking!
So those things... ew!
My Griffin
Romeo and Juliet
Deja Vu
How Could You?!
Happy New Years! (New Year's special)
So, you're jealous of basketball?
So you're jealous of basketball? (part2)
2035: A Crazy Year
Talent Show!
Wyler vs. Wenclair
Bad Week?
Evening Out
Private Time
I know I make you weak
Griffin was Gaslighted
Killer Queen
House of Memories
Memory Jogger
Fireworks: Physically and Mentally
Good With Kids
Valentine's Day (special)
Name of Love
Wait in the Truck
The Underworld
The Power of Love
Easter Party Special
Passenger Princess Griffin
Just "Friends"?
Some Secrets are Meant to be Shared
Problem Solved
Abstract Picnics
True and Abundant Love <3
Meeting the....Kids?
The Nights
Harffin or Wenclair??
Sweet but Psycho
Caught Red....Cheeked?
Wish I Could Move On
Why Me?
Sweet 16!
Smart People History Class
It All Started with a Sweatshirt
You Don't have to take the Abuse
Horror with Harffin
Griffin Thought Sarah Should Know
Wallen Songs and HOCO?
Singles you Up
Be Alright
Wild Night
Thanksgiving Special
Thanksgiving Temptations (part2 to Thanksgiving Special)
Football Field Kisses and HOCO Royalty
A Rainy Day
Too Many Kinds of Pain
What's your favorite scary movie?
Holidays Turned Haunted
Christmas Spirit and Mistletoe Fails
The Heartbreaking Choice
Singing in the Shower
Torn Apart (collab with MadisonGrace18) pt1
Love Dominates All
Cheaters Never Win
Beautiful Mistakes (SONG FIC)
A Mean Boy, Busted Lip, and Confession filled Party
The perfect date??? (collab with Diaazze) pt.2
The Traumatic Tales of Griffin Campbell
GC Sarcasm
The Not So Graceful Figure Skater
Loving you is a Losing Game (collab with AJSwagmire) pt.1
Caught in the Act (griff)
Caught in the Act (griff) (part2)
Caught in the Act (griff) (part3)
He's One of the Good Ones
Sunrises: Both Realities and Metaphors
Caught Risky Handed
End of Beginning
Rockstar Crossed Lovers
Rockstar Crossed Lovers (part 2)
Bad Decisions, Good Outcomes
Belong Together
Griffin's Lousy Day
Do Bottles Determine Fate?
Out of my League
Ride or Die
Bravery Isn't Just Bull Riding
Hotel Key SONG FIC

Until you learn to be mature, this is your new home!

907 9 20
By killiancaptainhook

"You're so immature!" Harper shouted angrily. 

"At least I'm not the one messing around with my ex!" Griffin shouted, equally as mad. 

"For the last time Griffin, he's lying! I haven't talked to Brandon in forever! Why can't you just trust me?! I'm your girlfriend, and you're gonna believe some random stranger?!" Harper shouted defensively. 

"He's not just some random stranger! He's your ex! He sounded pretty convincing, so either he's a really good liar, or you've been fucking around with your ex! Just drop the act Harper! I thought you loved me!" Griffin shouted tears in eyes. 

"And I thought you trusted me! He must be a really good liar because I would never hurt you like that Griffin! And you know how things ended with Brandon! Why would I go back to him after that?!" Harper yelled. 

Savannah looked back and forth between the two with a concerned look. She watched as they carried on for another 5 minutes screaming at each other. 

"Fine, you really feel that way?!" Harper exclaimed. 

"Yeah, I do!" Griffin shouted back. 

"Fine. You don't trust me, we're DONE." Harper said angrily. 

"What, you're breaking up with me?" Griffin yelled back. 

"NO, no she's not!" Savannah stepped in. 

"Yeah, I AM!" Harper screamed. 

"Oh, maybe she is..." Savannah muttered sadly. 

"Fine! Have fun fucking your ex!" Griffin screamed. He stormed out of the bunker. 

"Ugh!" Harper exclaimed. She stormed into the stairwell of the bunker. 

Savannah sighed. 


Later that day Harper sat waiting in the tree house. Savannah and her were going to have a little girls day after her breakup with Griffin. 

Just then, somebody unexpected climbed up the ladder to the tree house. 

"Griffin! What are YOU doing here?" Harper demanded. 

"Me? What are YOU doing here? Savannah told me to meet her here for some sort of guitar session." Griffin explained. 

"She told me we were having a girls day." Harper said out of annoyance. 

"Yeah yeah, I lied to both of you. You both need to apologize. Until you both learn to be mature, say hello to your new home!" She exclaimed, gesturing to the tree house. 

"This is a waste of time." Griffin muttered attempting to climb down the ladder. He almost fell. 

"The hell?" He asked. He looked down. There Savannah was, tree house ladder in hand. 

"Nice try Griffin. As soon as you apologize, then we'll talk about getting this ladder back." She explained. She waved them off. She sat at the bottom of the tree and held two phones in her hand. 

"How did you...?" Harper asked, gesturing to the phones. 

"I have my ways. Now make up and make out." Savannah said with a smirk. 

Griffin and Harper both glared at her. 

"There's one thing you guys have in common. You both hate me right now." Savannah said. 


Let's just say that Savannah's tactics worked. After two hours, the two had made up (and almost made out until Savannah stopped them!). They were all walking back to the Tremont, Griffin and Harper hand in hand. 

"Am I a miracle worker? Maybe a little." Savannah said with a bright smile. 

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