Griffin was Gaslighted

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gaslight (verb) : manipulate someone using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.

Griffin Campbell had been dating Mia Ballard for at least a year now. They weren't always a perfect couple but they loved each other. Or so Griffin thought. 

One Friday evening, Griffin walked to Mia's house, ready for their planned dinner date. He arrived at her front door and knocked. Nothing. He let himself in and walked into her bedroom. She was on the phone. 

"Yeah. Yeah I can't wait to see you either. Oh no, he'll be gone. We're going out for dinner and then he'll be going back home. Yes, that means you definitely can come over babe." Mia spoke seductively into the phone. Griffin's heart dropped as tears welled up in his eyes. Babe? This could not get any worse. 

"I just can't stop thinking about last time. That kiss at the end? Perfect." She said. It officially got worse. 

"I just can't wait to see you. So I can show you what I really need-" Griffin cut off Mia by clearing his throat. He didn't wanna hear another word of this. 

Mia gasped before turning back to the phone. 

"I'll call you back." She said, hanging up. 

"Who was that?" Griffin asked, trying not to show that he was upset. 

"Oh, that was Chelsea. She's coming over to hang out this weekend." Mia lied. 

Silence for a moment. 

"How much of that did you hear exactly?" Mia asked. 

"Enough to know that that wasn't Chelsea." Griffin spoke, holding back tears. 

Mia sighed. 

"I didn't exactly want you to find out like this. Listen I-" Griffin cut her off. 

"Did you even care about me?" Griffin shouted. 

"Whoa whoa whoa, hey. Just take a deep breath. Honestly I feel like this was bound to happen eventually. I mean you didn't give me the affection I need. So what do you expect me to do? Not find someplace to make up for it?" Mia explained. 

"Are you serious right now?" Griffin asked, in shock. 

"Yes I'm serious." She responded. After some shouting later Mia finally stopped Griffin in the middle of his sentence. 

"Look this isn't just my fault. It's your's as much as mine." Mia said. 

"So let me get this straight. You're blaming me for you CHEATING on me?" Griffin asked. 

"For one, no, I'm saying it's both of our faults. Two, it's not cheating. I love you, I just needed the physical touch from him. You wouldn't give it to me so I found someone who does. Trust me, it's only physical." Mia lied. 

"Fine then. How's it MY fault?" Griffin asked. 

"You didn't give me that physical attention. Everytime I asked for it you said you'd try then made up some sob story that your last girlfriend abused you or whatever." Mia said. 

"That wasn't a sob story...." Griffin choked out, a tear falling. 

"Whatever. Why are you crying? You're being a little overdramatic don't you think? Remember, I LOVE you. The other guy just gives me physical love and attention." Mia said meanly. Griffin had never felt so humiliated in his life. 

"How long?" Griffin sniffled. 

"4 months." Mia stated. She had no shame at all. 

"4 MONTHS!?" Griffin exclaimed. 

"Would you chill out?! You're being so emotional what the hell!" Mia exclaimed, shooting him a dirty look. 

"We're done." Griffin stated. 

"Excuse me?" Mia asked. 

"I said we're done." Griffin said turning to leave. 

"Where are you going? Just like that you're breaking up with me? And over something so stupid?" Mia asked. 

"It's not stupid to me...." Griffin muttered. 

"Well I'm sorry you're a whiny little bitch." Mia stated angrily. 

Griffin stopped in his tracks. 

"ARE YOU FU***** kidding me right now?!" Griffin yelled. 

"No." Mia stated. 

"I can't believe you. I don't even know who you are anymore." Griffin said sadly. 

"Fine. If you're giving up on us, then get out." Mia said, still looking unshameful. 

"What?" Griffin asked. 

"I SAID GET OUT!" Mia exclaimed. 

Griffin nodded and walked out of the house and trudged back to the Tremont in tears. 

He wiped his tears as he walked up the driveway, painfully aware that guests and his family were gonna see his red puffy eyes. 

He entered the Tremont earning a concerned glance from his best friend Harper Dunn as she checked in guests, leaving Griffin to trudge up the stairs to his bedroom. 


A few minutes later, Harper knocked and walked in finding Griffin sitting on his bed, head in hands, crying. 

"Griffin? What happened? Your home awfully soon. What happened?" Harper asked. 

"She's been cheating on me. For four months. Then she gas lighted me, saying that this was all my fault because I wasn't giving HER enough attention. Then she brought up Olivia saying how that was all just a sob story so that I didn't have to show her affection." Griffin cried. 

Harper knew all about Olivia. A few years ago, Griffin's first girlfriend abused him. She would hit him when they argued and she used to yell at him for no reason all the time. Harper sighed. She hugged him tightly and let him cry into her shoulder. 

A few minutes later, Griffin had settled down. 

"Griffin. None of this was your fault. Mia (and Olivia) were both bitches who don't deserve you. You're perfect. I know things have been hard and you didn't wanna trust anyone for a while. I'm really sorry Griffin and I just want you to know that your perfect." Harper said. He sniffled. 

"Thanks." He said, looking down. 

She lifted him face to look her in the eye. 

"May I?" She asked. His eyes turned softer and he nodded. 

They kissed. 

Griffin knew that Harper wouldn't hurt him like the other two had. 

Love that Lasts (SOSS) (Harper x Griffin) (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now