Austin and Ally: Guardian Ang...

By moon_flower13

15.5K 345 55

[COMPLETED] Book 2 of the A&A series Ally is now closer to Austin and Austin would do anything to protect h... More

chapter one
chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter eighteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one

Chapter nineteen

362 10 2
By moon_flower13

Alondra's POV

As we got closer to the entrance I noticed the sign. It was huge and extremely colorful. A smile crept across my lips and I couldn't help it. I guess she was right after all. I kept looking at the sign and in big bright bold colorful letters it read, The devil's arcade

"It has a nice ring to it, since it's all out in the middle of nowhere and totally fits the atmosphere." I thought as we got even closer towards the door. Then it hit me.

"Aren't we young to be in this club" I said, as I poked her and whispered it into her ear.

"Don't worry, we are already on the list" she said, with a smile. I felt my stomach go upside down but I had to trust her. As we got closer, I noticed a guy dressed in all black, he was tall, had blond messy hair that covered one of his eyes, and was holding a velvet rope in one hand and in the other a clip board.

"He looks like a vampire with his hazel eyes and white skin tone." I thought as we were getting closer. Our turn was up and my stomach wasn't doing well. It was all knotted up making me feel nervous.

"Name?" the vampire dude said, and looked at us.

"Shelby and Monica" she said, I almost dropped open my mouth.

"Monica! Really, you couldn't think of a better name!" I practically screamed at her through my mind. We got in and I was amazed. It look all emo/punk/rock/alternative/ with a hippy feel to it.

"I told you you'll like it" she said, as we walked towards the bar area.

"I'm still mad at you" I said, as we sat down on the stools.

"Come on, isn't Monica your boyfriend's middle name? He would be happy if you borrowed it for the night. Trust me" she said, I glared at her.

"Whatever but, your right. This is totally cool." I said, as I looked around. There was a bunch of kids either dancing on the dance floor near a stage were a band was playing and blasting their hard cord screams through the whole place, just hanging out and chilling on the sofas, chairs, tables, and in the bar.

"Good evening ladies, what would you guys like" a very muscular tanned boy asked us. He had brown hair that is spiked up and was wearing all black. He didn't look like the vampire kid that was out front, he had blue eyes and a tanned olive skin.

"I would like a margarita" she said, I had to hold my jaw from almost hitting the table. The guy just smiled and then turned to face me.

"I'll have a cherry coke" I said, and smiled kindly at him. He returned it and said,

"Okay one cherry coke and margarita coming up" and walked towards the kitchen. As soon as the door closed, I pulled her by the elbow and whispered yelled at her.

"Are you out of your mind! Your not legal to order a freaken margarita! You can't get drunk! Your driving remember!"

"Chill, I'm not going to get drunk. Plus, no cops will come, we are in the middle of no where. No need to freak out. Let lose and have fun, your a..."

"I know what I am, no need of a reminder and alright I'll let lose and have fun" she smiled cheerfully and I knew she was right but I wasn't going to admit it.

"Here you go, one cherry coke and margarita"
The bartender said, I smiled politely and took a sip of my Cherry Coke.
"So why bring me here?" I ask.
"To have fun, plus I don't see you anymore. I miss you" she says and rests her head on shoulder. I pat her head and giggle.
"I miss you 2. But you know I'm busy with work, and well you know.." I say and take a sip of my cherry coke.
"I know. I wish they didn't put you on that assignment. I want my partner back!" She said and chugged her margarita. Well what was left of it anyways.
"I know. It sucks, sometimes I wish I was normal. Have a normal teenage life, but no I had to be well this." I say and stare at my straw. I hear her sigh and I finish my cherry coke.
"Let's go dance. Make this night last" I say and pull her towards the dance floor.
"Now there's my best friend that I know and love" she says as we start dancing meeting the music fill our bodies. We laugh and then fist pump into the air as the band plays.
"This literally the best time I had so far." I say as we make our way towards the bar area once more.
"I'm glad" she says and hugs me. We order two margaritas and just chill out. Watching everyone dance and the band blasting their music.
I look at my phone and the clock reads 3:30 am.
"We have to go" I say and pay our drinks as I drag her out of the club and head towards her jeep.
"What's the hurry?" She says. I look at her and say.
"I need to go, you know what they would do if I'm not there on time" I say. She groans and unlocks her jeep. I get in and give her an apology look.
"I so hate them! But oh well, I wish you the best." She said. I sighed letting her know that I hate them as well.
I never signed up for this.

I got dropped of at my house, climbed up the window and waved bye to her. I closed the window and locked it. Then in the middle of my room I saw them. Shit! I cursed to myself and smiled nervously.
"Your late" he said.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"Let's get to business, we'll decide you're punishment later." He said and pulled out a folder from his briefcase. I walked towards my bed and turned on the light. I noticed that their things were revealed and I just stared at them. In a few months if I complete this assignment I'll have one of them on me. I heard it it isn't painful. That they put you to sleep and you'll feel nothing. That when you wake up you'll feel much more powerful and stronger than before. That you'll be invin-
"This is what we have so far. We need more information" she said, as she knocked me out of my thoughts and handed me the blue folder.
"Okay" I said and opened the folder. I inspected it and then looked at them.
"I have a question" I said I closed the folder and placed it on my bed.
"What is your question" she said. I gluped and cleared my throat.
"Do I have to kill them?"
there was silence and then one of them finally spoke.
My heart dropped. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that I have to kill them. I have to kill my friends. I have to kill Austin and Ally.
I didn't sign up for this! Not this! Defiantly not this! I-I have to kill A-Austin and A-Ally!

(A/N: Poor Alondra, she so didn't sign up for this. Who knew she has to kill her love and her friend. Hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry if it'd short.
comment, vote, and follow.)
[[ P.S. I'm sorry to say this but there are just 2 more chapters left in this story. But don't worry Austin and Ally fans, there's a third book coming along. Yay!! (/^-^)/ ]]

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