And They Let Us Be Confused

由 maybehumanperson

79 10 2

Two streamers meet through a friend and end up with a painful hate for each other. When Wyyen meets her anony... 更多

Wish Me Luck - Wallows
Fool - Frankie Cosmos
Knee Deep at ATP - Lovejoy
i swear to god - Cavetown
Poison - Cavetown
heart attack - Cavetown
Hard To Believe - Wallows
Frog - Cavetown

Romance Is Boring - Los Campesinos

28 2 2
由 maybehumanperson

"Yore, you took my bread!" Mendez yells into his mic, almost bursting my headset into pieces.

I start laughing my head off. "You only noticed now? Did you even notice I took your sword too?" I flash his diamond sword in front of Frankie, who is also laughing, both of us gasping for air.

The stream was going well, and we were having fun, especially with the new SMP, we were all enjoying the game. 

Frankie runs off in the direction of his Minecraft house, as we were going to hide all the items I griefed from Mendez in his basement. 

Frankie is still laughing, but he manages to steer his character, TheCrownGuy, through the front door of his house.

"I love how he didn't notice until now. I just can't-" He breaks down laughing again, his accented British voice in his crappy mic echoing in my headset. 

I deposit all the items into the chest, three blocks under the ground and I bury it, fixing the floor back into its original state. Mendez starts yelling something and Jonathan starts yelling back, but I'm sure nobody would be able to understand what either of them was saying through all the laughter ringing out in the vc.

I hear the sound of a doorbell in my headset and I turn around, only to see Sushi, my cat, sleeping on the floor.

"Oops, sorry guys, my door dash is here," Acey says, loud enough that I can hear him, over all the laughing. 

"Talk later. Bye chat!" I hear the little ding sound, informing us that he left the vc. I roll my eyes. Does he need to advertise it? He could have just said he needed to leave. In all honesty, I find myself being annoyed by Acey a lot, and it's not that I hate him, there's just something about him that makes me feel so disgusted when I see his name pop up in our group chat.

I met him online just over two months ago when I moved into the apartment that I'm currently staying in because Jonathan had invited us to stream together. 

We did, and it was fun. We get into arguments a lot, and we fight sometimes, but I would call him a friend if anyone else was around.

"Yore, my girl, he's chasing us!"

I turn my character to see Mendez, running at us with a pathetic wooden sword. 

I laugh and start sprinting away from him. 

Eventually, my throat starts hurting from laughing so hard and I drink water, accidentally spilling some on my sweatshirt.

"Chat, Chat-" He stutters. "Somebody, take Yore to the hospital, I think she's dying," Mendez yells, acting like he's worried.

"Yore, are you okay? What happened?" Jonathan actually sounds worried, which I'm sure he is, being his gullible self.

"I'm fine," I croak, my throat still sore from laughing.

Mendez starts cracking up again, and he sounds more like he's crying, with the number of tears in his eyes he has from laughing so hard.

"I think I'm done." I giggle, still running from Mendez, as I turn and attack him with my netherrite sword, wearing full iron.

"Okay guys, goodnight chat!" I yell before exiting the game and saving my character from death, being on one heart. 

I exit vc and pull up the stream on my computer to see their reactions. After a minute I exit the site and get up from my gaming chair laughing.

Sushi yawns and she looks up in confusion. "Hey Sushi," I whisper. "How was your nap?" She opens her mouth as if she were going to respond. 

I laugh and walk down the hall to the kitchen. "I'm hungry," I say out loud to myself, as Sushi walks out of the hallway and hops onto one of the barstools and then jumps up to the counter.

 "Are you hungry too?" I ask, as though I'm expecting a response.

I walk over to the fridge and open it. There are a few Subway sandwiches from when I was at work earlier, and they had extra bread. I made some sandwiches to take home, knowing that they would go to waste if I left them there. 

I pull one of the few sandwiches out of the fridge and unwrap it then grab Sushi's food bowl and fill it up before sliding it on the counter towards her.

It's about seven, and the sun is down, with only a few stars visible through the thin clouds. It has been raining on and off today, not very hard, but the wind is pretty loud.

Suddenly the lights turn off. I hear a crash from outside and some machines powering down. It sounds pretty far though.

I fumble through the pitch-black apartment to the kitchen, where I light a few candles. They barely make light, but at least I can see. I'd rather save my phone battery for when I need it. 

I walk around, opening as many windows as possible, gathering a bit of moonlight, mostly blocked out by the clouds.


I hear a voice from outside my door, which I suddenly remember is still open, and I run to go answer. 

I immediately know who it is, because I don't have very many friends that live in this apartment, and my other friends call me Yore, a reference to my streamer title, YourName, because they don't know my real name, Wyyen. 

Joey is standing outside the open door, grasping his ukulele, with his hair all fluffy, looking like he just saw a ghost.

Joey has been my best friend in real life since I moved in. We've spent time with each other since then but he still doesn't know I'm a streamer. I never told him because It feels sort of fake to me, and kind of childish that I make videos for my job. 

I've liked him forever and thinking about him gives me butterflies. He's super nice and I love hanging out with him.

"What?" I ask, partially knowing what he wants because it's pitch dark and he's outside, but I decide it's not nice to assume.

"I was just str-" He stops and turns red. "strumming my ukulele and my food came and I brought it in and then I heard something from outside but when I went to check, the power went out and the door closed and my key was still inside! The only way to open it is if you activate it from the front desk, but because there's no power it won't work anyway and-"

I hold my hand up in front of his face knowing he could talk forever. 

"Yes, it's fine. You can stay here." I stop. "But just for now. We're getting you back in your room as soon as the power gets back on."

He looks enthusiastic and follows me inside. "Are you hungry?" I ask, unsure if he ate before 'strumming' his ukulele.

"Actually yeah, now that you bring it up." He laughs, and I hand him a sandwich from out of the fridge. 

He rips it in half and finishes one side, looking like he wants to ask me something. He always does that. Makes me ask before he does.

"What is it?" I ask, rolling my eyes, because I know I won't be able to wait for him to tell me, knowing that usually, he doesn't have the guts to tell me at all when he does something like this.

 He smiles the 'you read my mind' smile and looks thoughtful.

"Well, I just saw that the door to the roof was open and I wondered if you wanted to go up there. The moon will make it at least a little bit brighter than it is here." 

He fidgets with his ukulele, not making eye contact with me until the last sentence.

I look at my phone and shrug. "I don't see why not."

I grab a sweater and we walk up the stairs in the cold, onto the roof. 

I notice three chairs in the corner and slide one of them towards Joey. He sits on it and I do the same.

Joey scoots his chair closer to mine and gazes at the stars. He squints and gasps.

"Look! It's the big dipper!"

I laugh and point, motioning to Orion's belt. He smiles and starts naming all the constellations he can find. 

After a few minutes, Joey couldn't find any more constellations, and he gave up. I laugh. "I can't find any." Joey sighs and starts humming something.

"Hey, you have your ukulele right?" I ask.

He turns his head toward me. "Hmm?"

I motion towards his ukulele and he glances down at it. He holds it up and hands it to me. I laugh.

"No," I hand it back. "What songs can you play? Play me something."

He holds his ukulele and brushes his fingers across it, holding the strings so it doesn't make any sound and laughs. "Wow, so demanding."

I ignore his comment and make a face. "Well?"

He glances at his hands and thinks hard for a second.

"Well, I can play Omae Wa Mou," He suggests. I laugh. Of course. I mean, at least it's a cute song.

"Okay, play it."

He shrugs and starts playing the beautiful tune. 

He even dared to sing the English version, something I would probably never be able to do myself, especially in front of a friend. I sing along for a bit and we laugh a few times at the lyrics.

I feel a drop of rain on my arm and I stand up. 

Joey follows me, still playing a tune on his ukulele, and I lean over the railing of the apartment rooftop. Joey looks at me, with curiosity gleaming in his eyes, but he stays quiet.

I sigh, my breath is barely visible in the cold air. I gaze off into the night sky, and the rain starts sprinkling on both of us.

He starts humming a song again and perfectly eases his soft ukulele playing into it.

"You're pouting in your sleep, I'm waking, still yawning..." He mumbles the lyrics to the song he knows is my favourite.

"We're proving to each other that romance is boring!" I sing, so he can hear me over the rain, now pouring, not enough to get us very wet, but it sure is loud. He laughs and continues playing.

"Sure there are things I could do,"

"If I was half prepared to,"

"Prove to each other that romance is boring!!" 

We join each other in the last line as we dance around on the roof, in the sprinkling rain. 

The stars are bright, and I catch the power coming back somewhere far in the distance but I don't mention it to Joey, who is singing his lungs out, dancing with his ukulele.


Author's Note:

Word count: 1,921

Heyyy so I don't  think anybody will read this bc idk it's my first story lol but if you happen to then have a great day :D I made this for my school and thought it would be fun to share it so yea if you like it maybe I'll finish it :) 

The chapters are very short so just deal with it ig... Some of the grammar and stuff might not be correct so if you have any ideas or anything that you can correct just tell me please and I'll fix it 

thx sooooo much for reading you literally made my day and I don't even know it yet tysm

Stay healthy and have a great day <333


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