Calamity of Date a Live

By NaiveStargazer

36.4K 823 1.4K

Meet our boi, Kuro Itsuka. 17 years old and adopted by the Itsuka's with his (not-so) twin brother Shido. He... More

Kuro Itsuka (Bio, pre - Kurumi)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.2)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 3)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt. 1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt.2)
Celine, Until our next Communion
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 1
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 2
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 4
Not the Worst nor Misunderstood, Rather-
Your a Monster
But I'm the Devil

The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 4) (Edited.)

1.6K 52 52
By NaiveStargazer

Well hello there ladies and gents. It's ya favorite author (I hope)! I'm back with this chapter that should wrap up the Tohka part of this arc. Let me tell you, it is very hard writing without an outline. Fear not! I'm still doing my best. Anywho, last chapter even though Kuro blocked a bullet meant for Tohka, things still went awry and she's rampaging. What will happen now? How will it be resolved? Also why is there a robot from the honkaiverse, and who made it? (Spoiler, it's not Otto.) Let me hear some theories please. Closest winner gets a cookie, and certain *ahem* art for research purposes. Best of luck. However, nows not the time. We need Kuro and Shido to wake up. As I stated before, I don't own Date a Live. Alrighty then....

Let the Date (Battle) begin!

Kuro Pov

I was currently falling in a deep darkness. Honestly, it was similar to when I was still in the test tube. It wasn't as comforting though. Especially since I could still hear Tohka's anguished filled screams.

I'm sorry. Is what I kept thinking.

Heh. Sorry ain't fixing this however.

So as those dark thoughts filled my head, I kept falling headfirst down, in what I'm now assuming is my mind.

Ominous if true.

Soon what looked to be glass screens with moving images appeared.

Are those my memories?

As if to confirm my thoughts a certain screen began to fall with me as I heard a familiar voice.

(A/N: P.E means Previous universe Kuro. Kay? kay.)

P.E Kuro: Dang it Celine! I said shoot the white area, not shoot the RIGHT area!

Celine (Kiana): My bad. Not! Pbbfft!

Yeah I remember that day. Celine, or I guess that was Kiana that time, had been begging to learn how to fight. She saw Old Man Sieg using the Shamsh pistols one day and wanted to use them as well. I was ready to refuse until she gave me the dreaded puppy eyes.

Next thing I know I'm outside teaching her how to aim and shoot. Of course she was adamant about making sure to try and hit me a few times for refusing at first. Quite the feisty devil. I'm gonna regret this later aren't I? *Sigh*

Problems for future me.

So I taught her.


Kuro: "Why that memory?"

My answer was another screen falling and showing the memory inside of that one.

I was just coming home, and was currently bandaging my right arm. Apparently Overload from Genshin Impact is accurate. Fire and lightning templars is a terrible mix. Who knew? Celine (Kiana) was watching me do so. The bandages weren't particularly needed but I don't think a child should see a charred mess, reverse said charred process in graphic detail.

Celine: Say Kuro. Why do you fight. No why do we fight?

P.E Kuro: Ooh. That's a tough one. If you would asked the Old Man, he would've said something like "When I see people suffer injustice it gets my blood all riled up. Don't you feel it? We fight cause that's what Kaslanas do!" while striking a heroic pose or something.

Celine: Ooh. That's amazing!

P.E Kuro: Of course I'm not him, so I'm not gonna lie and say something I don't mean.

Celine: Boo!

P.E Kuro: Hold on, hold on.

I chuckled.

P.E Kuro: To be honest with you, I never agreed with all that Kaslana Oath crap. Die and never Yield? Pssh what a joke!

I finished wrapping my arm and folded my hands in my lap.

P.E Kuro: I have too many people I care about to die. Sieg, Pardo, Hua and Plenty of others.

I sighed again.

P.E Kuro: And of course my adorable little sister Celine. So why should I die for the sake of some arbitrary oath?

I turned and looked in Celine's eyes.

P.E Kuro: So why do we fight? I'll tell you why I fight. I fight-

To ensure I can come home and be happy, I finish aloud.
Weak and stupid I know.

Kuro: "But I couldn't even keep that promise, so why am I seeing this?"

Another memory comes before I can move it away

I was bleeding out of my chest from the subspace lance impaling me.

Kiana(?): Stay away!

Her eyes were mismatched. A heterochromic blue and gold. Why?

P.E Kuro: Why are you doing this?

I got no answer. All I could see were tears as she tried to get away.

P.E Kuro: Damn it, talk to me!

I crushed the lance into nothingness, as I began to chase her.
I bet we made a sight that day.

A white haired teenager bleeding from a hole in his chest, and a young girl with ribbon like wings flying through the air.

As Kiana looked behind her, portals opened and many honkai beast appeared from them.
My running didn't slow as I cut them down.

Eventually I caught up. I don't want to fight, but the feelings apparently not mutual.

Well then, considering the power she's currently showing, partial Honkai Cascade should work.

My right arm turned into that of a honkai beasts. Black and dragon like looking.

The current me ripped the memory away and tossed it.

Kuro: "I get it. I failed. So WHY do you keep showing me these?"

???: "Because you seem to have forgotten.


I know that voice.

???: "Long time no see."

Kuro: "Hua?"

It was indeed her. My first actual friend in the Elysian Realm. The 12th Flamechaser, codename Vicissitude. Fu Hua.

I slowly drifted down until my feet landed on the ground.

Before I could speak Hua waved her hand through the air.

The area immediately changed to a Sakura Field like in the Elysian Realm.

Kuro: "How? How are you here?"

Hua: "I don't get a hello?"

Kuro: "My bad. Hello Hua. Ok. How in the hell are you here?!"

Hua: "Still haven't changed that smart mouth of yours apparently."

She smiled and hugged me. I tentatively hugged her back, before sighing and actually hugging her.

It's been too long.

Hua: "It's been too long indeed."

Oh yeah. Forgot you can read minds. That probably explains how you got here.

Kuro: "It was Fenghuang Down I'm guessing."

She nodded.

Hua: "But nows not the time for that. Right now your friend is currently raging outside because she believes she lost you."

Kuro: "Wait I'm not dead?"

A snort was my answer.

Hua: "If that was enough to kill you, Kalpas would've finished the job long ago."


Hua: "As much as I would love to catch up, you need to go fix the mess that's started. And this time.."

She flicked my forehead.

Hua: "Don't get knocked out in one hit. With that kind of track record, I fear for your sex life."


Kuro: "I take offense to that. I wasn't paying attention fully!"


Kuro: "Didn't you usually act all formal and polite before?"

Hua: "Being in your head I learned a few things."

That's not concerning at all.

Kuro: "Guess I better wake up and set the gender standards back to normal."

Saying so I closed my eyes and prepared to leave before feeling a fist bump against my chest.

Hua: "We'll talk later."

I nod.

Current time, outside of Kuro's mind

3rd person Pov

Tohka: "RAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Tohka was going ballistic. Her giant chunk of metal pretending to be a sword, Halvanhelv, was being swung like a light weight stick.
Tohka was relentlessly smashing the white robots shield, which it had deployed upon realizing it may have miscalculated.

She was pissed.

Soon the shield began to crack, before it shattered causing the robot to enter overdrive mode.

As if waiting for this moment Tohka raised her sword and invoked it's true name.

Tohka: "[HALVANHELV!]"

She swung it down releasing a Getsuga Tenshou on steroids.


The sword beam collided with the robot causing a giant explosion and a dust cloud.

When the dust cleared, the robot...

(A/N: Give me a sec....)

the Aesir Heimdall was seen sparking, and missing a few armor plates.

Tohka: "This is the end."

Meanwhile, with Kuro

I quickly woke up. Getting my bearings I look around for a bit, and quickly notice Shido.

Who's body currently seems to be on fire.

Huh. Neat.

Shido: "Ah! Hot hot hot hot hot! Eh? I'm still alive?"

Kuro: "Unluckily for you, yes. Oh and Tohka went berserk, so that's a thing."

Shido: "Your awfully calm about this."

Kuro: "Meh as long as she doesn't decide to nuke everything, we're fine."

A spike of Spiritual energy accompanies my words.



Kuro: "Fuck."

Shido: "You were saying?"

Kuro: "Oh screw you too."

Before he could retaliate he was engulfed in light and teleported away.

In his place was a note. It said to take care of the robot while Shido deals with Tohka. Bet.

Well then.

Kuro: "I haven't used this in a while and I'm probably gonna regret that fact. Let's see.... Partial Honkai Cascade should work here as well."

Having said so my right arm turned black and scaly like a dragons arm, except it was a honkai beasts.

Welp lets return gender expectations back to normal.

I quickly ran over to Tohka and did what every Naruto fan does when given the opportunity.

Kuro: "Dynamic Entry!"

I jumped a robot. With a punch instead of a kick. Aesir was launched and I landed saf- yeah nah, I definitely got my arm stuck in the ground.

Tohka: "Kuro? Your alive?"

Kuro: "Yeah and quite pissed too. You turn your back for one second, and suddenly it's prison shower free for all!"

Tohka: "Uhhhh?"

Kuro: "Ask Shido."

Tohka: "Wait he's ok?"

Instead of answering I just pointed up. 

Shido: "TooooooohhhhhhkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!"

Yeah he's currently falling from the sky at what is most assuredly terminal velocity.

Tohka quickly forgot me and flew to him. As they did the sealing thing.

Wow. Rude.

Hua: "Focus Kuro."

Kuro: "Don't worry I am. Wait since when can you talk in my head?"

Hua: ....

Ok. Stay silent.

Kuro: "Shamash Zeroth Power. Might of An-Utu."

I raised it in front of my eyes as immense heat began pouring off An-Utu. Ready to swing down I took a pose.

Kuro: "Nothing personal Mr.Aesir...., ok it's entirely personal, but you have to go. It's time for retribution."

Kuro: "Oh. And in case you didn't know. I"M BUILT DIFFERENT!"

Yeah suffice to say it's not surviving that.

After the energy from my mini nuke dissipated, Shamash dissipated from my hands as well.
I dusted my hands off and began to walk towards where Shido and Tohka were.
Hua: "Overkill much?"
Kuro: "In my defense I was feeling petty."

I continued walkinng.
Hua: "Your gonna regret that little outburst later."
Kuro: "Yeah yeah. Thats a future me problem. So is you talking in my head a thing from now on or?"
Hua: ...

Yeah just be silent again.

ANYways I arrived near the others soon. For some reason Tohka was trembling against Shido's body, holding tightly onto him while doing so.
The reason became obvious once I realized that Tohka was naked. I couldn't help it. My face had the most judgemental stare on it.
Kuro: ....
Shido: "It's not what it looks like!"
Kuro: "I was kidding about sheathing Excalibur, but you took it and ran huh?"

As Shido tried to explain himself, Tohka decided to speak up at the moment.
Tohka: "Say Shido? What's a prison shower free for all?"
Kuro: !!!


Shido: "Who told you about that?!"

Tohka's eyes met mine as I shook my head.

Tohka: "Kuro told me to ask you. Is it bad?"
Shido: "Is that so?"
He glanced at me.
Shido: "Tohka. I'll explain sometime later."

I'm dead aren't I?
Hua: "Yep."
It was a rhetorical question! *Sigh*  I facepalmed.
I'll handle it later.

I heard a sharp inhale of air.
Shido: "What happened to your arm?!"
Kuro: "It's nothing significant. Just turned my arm into that of a threat against humanity. You know. Nothing major."

As I finished my statement Fraxinus decided to beam us up.
The first thing I saw was a red haired torpedo, before it crashed into my stomach.

Kuro: "Ooof! Kotori?"

It was as I said. Hugging me around the waist with a death grip was Kotori. It frankly hurt surprisingly.

Kuro: "Oi! That hu-"
Kotori: "... *Sniffle* You almost died. Do you know how worried I was?! Shido would've been fine, but you, we never would've known!"
Kuro: ...

Kotori I- *Sigh* I'm doing it again huh? Blatant disregard for peoples concern for my wellbeing. Great. I thought I was over this.

Kuro: "Kotori. I'm... Sorry. Sorry about almost dying. I can't promise to not get in danger, especially since Shido will be as well."
I tightly hugged her back.

Kuro: "But I will promise to do my best to come back from it."

Kotori: "Promise?"

Kuro: "Of course."

Nothing more was said as Kotori took solace in the fact I was still alive.

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