The Origin of Love | Bughead...

By enidsrainbow

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Bughead Oneshots book. Contain smut, mature content and tw ♡︎ More

A childhood dream
Toxic love
The perfect storm
Late night pain
Love at midnight
Protecting her
Then he kissed me

However long it takes

187 9 5
By enidsrainbow

Betty lived alone. At least, that's what people thought. She told them that she had rented a small apartment to get away from her parents and be independent, but this was a lie.

Betty did not live alone. She lived with her two-year-old daughter, Juliet, whom she had had against her will when she was fifteen. In the evening, on her way home, she was assaulted and got pregnant.

She had explained everything to her parents, but they had thrown her out anyway. Alice didn't want the Cooper's image to be tarnished by her daughter having a child at fifteen, so she kicked her out.

Betty had nowhere else to go. She was pregnant, terrified and alone. Luckily, her grandmother had put her up in Los Angeles while she was pregnant, but she still decided to come back to Riverdale to finish school with her friends.

She didn't talk to her parents anymore and bought an apartment that her grandmother had kindly offered her and Juliet. No one knew about the little blue-eyed blonde, not even her closest friends. Betty was ashamed; not of Juliet, no, but of herself and how she was looked at by others.

So she had told her friends that she was going to study journalism for a year at a good school in Los Angeles before coming back to Riverdale. She told them that she didn't want to live with her parents anymore and that's why she had an apartment; and they believed her.

Since then, she continued to study at Riverdale High while keeping her secret well hidden. During the day, the nanny looked after Juliet and Betty took care of her when she got home from school, on weekends and during the vacations.

Sometimes her grandmother would watch her so that Betty could spend time with her friends like a normal teenager.

"Stay with me today," the little girl mumbled as she clung to her mother's leg.

"You know I can't, sweetie," Betty sighed, "I have to go to class today, but I'll be home early so we can spend time together."

Obviously, Betty and Juliet couldn't be seen together. So when Juliet went to the park for fun or to Pop's for a milkshake, the nanny would take her, pretending to be her mother.

Betty was now seventeen and still studying like other people her age. For the moment, she had no plans to go to college: she wanted to be there for her daughter before she grew up and didn't need her anymore.

She had thought about getting a job as a long-distance journalist, maybe in Los Angeles to be near her grandmother. She didn't know yet, but she had more than a year to think about it.

"I'll be back in a few hours, okay?" Betty said to Juliet as she finished brushing her beautiful blonde hair.

She was actually happy that she looked like her. She didn't really remember her abuser, but Juliet was the exact image of her. Blonde curls, blue eyes and already very intelligent.

She was finishing brushing her hair when she heard a knock on the door. "Ah, there's Sabrina. Wait for me here." Betty got up from the couch then went to open the door for the nanny before letting her in. "I'll be home in just a few hours, school ends early."

"Okay, no problem," Sabrina smiled. "You let me know when you get home. I'll take Juliet to the park and maybe eat at Pop's if that's okay?"

"No problem. But don't give in if she asks for more food than she needs, okay? That kid eats like an ogre," Betty laughed.

Sabrina laughed too. "Don't worry, I'm used to it. She eats more than I do, I don't know how she does it! Well, you should go if you don't want to be late."

Betty looked at the clock. "Shit, you're right. I don't know what I'd do without you, thanks again," she thanked her as she grabbed her school stuff. "I'll be home soon, sweetie," she then said to Juliet as she kissed her head. "I love you, sweetheart. Be a good girl, okay?"

The little girl nodded. Betty then thanked Sabrina again and walked to class, the school being only a few blocks from her apartment.

Sabrina was a twenty-five year old girl. She lived in the nearby town of Greendale and did a few jobs here and there to keep herself busy, even though her family was quite wealthy.

She had been babysitting Juliet since Betty returned from Los Angeles, and the two had become good friends.

After a few minutes of walking, Betty arrived at school. Veronica was waiting for her at the entrance. "Ah, there you are! I thought you were going to be late again."

"Sorry, I... I didn't realize the time was up, I was writing an article for the Blue and Gold," Betty denied.

"Hm. Well, let's get to class quickly, Archie is waiting for us in the classroom."

Betty nodded, quickly put her things in her locker, then followed Veronica into the classroom. As usual, she sat in the front row between the brunette and Archie. The teacher arrived a minute later.

"Good morning to you all," he greeted them as he set his things down on his desk. "Today's class will be quite special. You will, in pairs, have to take care of a fake baby in order to train for your future. And before you say anything, I want to make it clear that the pairs were made by me.

Betty chuckled. She didn't need a class to take care of a baby; she'd been doing it for two years in real life. Unfortunately, she couldn't choose her partner to do it.

"All right," the teacher continued, "Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge; Toni Topaz and Sweet Pea; Kevin Keller and Josie McCoy; Cheryl Blossom and Reggie Mantle."

Before he could continue, Cheryl interrupted him. "I refuse to do this, let alone with that idiot of Mantle. I'm a lesbian and I don't want kids, this class is useless to me," the redhead complained, crossing her arms.

"You are required to attend class, Miss Blossom, or it will count as an absence. Well, let's continue: Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones."

Betty turned to the boy at the back of the class. Jughead was a Serpent, part of a Southside gang. His father was the leader. Southside High had recently closed, and most of the students had transferred to Riverdale High.

The two had never really spoken before; the Northsiders avoided mixing with the Southsiders and preferred to avoid them. It was said that they dealt drugs and were dangerous, even though this was partly untrue.

The teacher finished forming the pairs, and they had to move to sit next to each other. Betty took her things and moved to the back of the classroom, where Jughead was sitting.

Jughead was wearing a strange crown-shaped beanie; perhaps to prove his superiority? After all, his father was a gang leader, so the boy was high up in the Southside.

Most people were afraid of him, even though Betty thought he was cute. "Hi..." she whispered as she sat down next to him.

"Hey," he replied with a slight, discreet smile. Once the pairs were together, the teacher gave them a baby doll and some things, like diapers and clothes.

"All right," he told them as he returned to his desk. "For the first exercise, you'll need to change your baby's diaper."

"Do you want to try?" Betty asked Jughead, who nodded.

"Yeah, I'll try." He took the diaper and then tried to put it on the doll, but was unsuccessful. He didn't know which way to put it or even how to tie it.

"Wait, let me do it," the blonde said as she took his place, correcting what he had done by putting the diaper on correctly in only a few seconds. The whole thing reminded her of the time when she was changing Juliet. "Done."

"Wow... How did you do that? You look like you've been doing that your whole life," the boy chuckled, impressed. Their group was the first one to finish.

"Oh, uh... my sister had twins, so sometimes I was in charge of them," she denied nervously.

"Oh, right. I see." He himself had a little sister, and all this reminded her of that. Unfortunately, he hadn't seen her for several years.

"You want to try again?" Betty asked him as he agreed. "Wait, I'll show you how."

The boy nodded, as Betty removed the diaper before showing him how to do it. He tried again, following the blonde's instructions and then succeeded, even though it took him longer than her.

At the end of the class, both were getting their things back. "Hey, Betty..." Jughead mumbled. "Would you like to go to Pop's after class? I'd like to join the Blue and Gold, if that's okay. I could show you some articles I've written."

Betty thought for a minute. She had told Juliet that she would be home earlier than usual and didn't want to disappoint her. But in a way, she knew she was having fun with Sabrina and they would probably be at the park. "Yeah, no problem," she finally agreed with a smile.

"Great. I'll meet you outside after school?"

"Perfect," she smiled before walking out of the classroom, heading out to find Veronica, Archie and Kevin.

"So, how was it working with Mister Weirdo?" Kevin asked her.

"It was fun. You know, Jughead isn't evil. He's just... different. Besides, he invited me to go to Pop's after school."

"Oh, one class and you're already crushing on Jughead Jones?" Veronica smirked. "Out of all the boys you had to pick the son of a gang leader."

"I don't have a crush on him! He wants to join the Blue and Gold, so he just invited me to show me what he wrote. Nothing more. Besides, you know, I've said it before, but he's not evil. He's been really nice to me."

"Hmm. You know, Jughead Jones isn't the type to invite girls over to Pop's," Kevin told her. "For a while I even thought he was asexual. But you, he invited you! I'm sure he's totally into you. You're lucky, because he's really hot!"

Betty rolled her eyes. "I told you, we'll just talk about the Blue and Gold. Well, I have to go, I have history class. I'll see you later," she said to her friends before heading in the opposite direction because they didn't have the same classes.

At the end of the day, Betty joined Jughead outside as promised. It was two o'clock and both had decided to go to Pop's.

"I was wondering if you were going to come," Jughead said as he saw the blonde coming into the schoolyard.

"Why wouldn't I come? I told you I was coming."

"I know. But most of the time, people would rather avoid me."

"Good thing I'm different," she smiled. "Well, shall we go? I definitely want a milkshake!"

"Sure," he smiled as he walked to his bike. "Here," he then said, handing her a helmet.

"Uh... There's no way I'm getting on that. It's way too dangerous, I value my life."

"Don't worry, it's very safe. I ride it every day and I've never had an accident. Don't worry, I'll drive slowly."

She looked at him with a frown, sighing before taking the helmet. "Take it easy, okay?"

He nodded as he got on his bike. Betty climbed on the back and wrapped her arms around his waist, smiling at their proximity. Jughead then rode as promised to Pop's, then parked in the parking lot. "We got there in one piece."

"Good thing," Betty laughed softly as she got off the bike. "Thanks for taking it easy."

"You asked me to, Besides, I'm not one to speed except when I'm late."

Betty smiled at him as they entered the diner. But out of the corner of her eye, Betty saw Juliet and Sabrina sitting at a booth. "Shit..." she muttered.

Unfortunately, Juliet spotted her mother and ran into her arms. "Juliet, come back!" Sabrina told her, but it was too late. Jughead watched the scene with a frown.

"Uh, that's Sabrina's daughter," she told him. "Sabrina is a good friend of mine, we see each other regularly... But it's been a long time since I've seen her daughter."

Luckily, Sabrina was blonde too. Juliet could very well be her daughter. "Hello," she smiled at the boy. "Betty, you didn't tell me you'd be here..."

"I told you I was coming home early... But I forgot to tell you the time, sorry," she sighed.

"Well, Juliet, how about we leave Betty with her friend...?" Sabrina asked the little girl, hoping to get her off Betty's leg.

"No!" she protested.

Betty knelt down to her level before whispering in her ear. "Remember what we said, honey? We don't want people to know I'm your mommy. Go back to Sabrina, please... I promise to come home soon."

Juliet sighed and then nodded her head before going back with Sabrina. "Sorry... I'll see you later."

Betty nodded as the two sat back down at the booth. In the meantime, she and Jughead went to sit down a little further away.

"Betty..." Jughead mumbled as the blonde raised her head. "Juliet isn't Sabrina's daughter, right? The way she came to you... and the fact that you know how to change diapers..."

Betty sighed as she lowered her head again. "Yeah... Juliet is my daughter. Look, no one knows, and I don't want people to know. Don't say anything, please..."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But, can I ask you why you're hiding it? Do your friends know about it?"

She shook her head. "No one knows, except my parents, who kicked me out when they found out. I didn't go to Los Angeles for a year to study at a journalism school like I said. I went to stay with my grandmother while I was pregnant... She then offered me my apartment, and since then I have continued my life as if nothing had happened."

"Oh... That makes sense, when you think about it. Does the father help you or...?"

"There is no father," she said quickly. "I didn't want what happened... I got attacked and abused on the way home one night, but there was no way I was going to have an abortion."

"Oh... Shit, I'm really sorry," Jughead sighed, "None of this is your fault, okay?" She shook her head. "How are you handling all this?"

"Sabrina is Juliet's nanny. She babysits her when I'm in class, and if they go out, she pretends to be her mother. I don't want anyone to know that Juliet is mine... I don't want anyone to judge me. My grandmother sends me money and comes to visit often, too."

"No one is judging you. None of this is your fault, Betty. And seriously, I'm impressed. You're managing the classes with great grades, while taking care of a little girl. I think you're really brave."

"Thanks..." the girl smiled shyly. "You know, you're nothing like I thought you'd be."

"What? You thought I was a violent gang member, drug dealer and killer?" he laughed. "I'm not evil, even though that's what most people think."

"Good thing I'm not most people," Betty smiled again.

Jughead did the same. "You know... I didn't invite you here just to join the Blue and Gold. I also wanted to invite you because I think you're really cute."

"Oh... Thanks for the compliment. You're cute too," she giggled. "But do you still think I'm cute now that you know about Juliet?"

"Obviously. She's cute, too. She looks a lot like you. And... if it's okay with you, I'd love to take you out on a date sometime."

"I-I don't really know... You know, with everything that's happened-"

"I don't want to pressure you," he interrupted her. "I know with everything that's happened, relationships probably aren't your thing. But thankfully I'm not most people. I appreciate you, Betty. And if you're not ready to date yet, I'll wait. However long it takes."

"Okay. I'll go on a date with you," she smiled. "I appreciate it, Jughead."

The two ended up spending time at Pop's, getting to know each other. A few days later, they decided to meet again at Betty's. "Welcome to my place," she said as she let him into her apartment.

"It's beautiful," he smiled. But he wasn't looking at the apartment, he was looking at her. She blushed slightly as Juliet came in.

"Juliet, you remember my friend Jughead? You saw him at Pop's the other day."

The little girl nodded. "I love your beanie!" she laughed, as Jughead pulled it off and placed it on her head.

"It looks good on you. Even though it's a little big," he laughed as he lifted it from her eyes. Betty couldn't help but look at them. Juliet seemed to like him, and the feeling was mutual.

"We made cookies if you want," Betty announced to him as she designed a plate full of cookies sitting on the kitchen counter. "Well, they're a little sweet, Juliet insisted on helping me but she dropped the sugar..."

"Don't worry, I love sugar," he laughed as he took a cookie. "Hmm, delicious!"

She smiled. "Besides... I invited my friends, if you don't mind. I-I finally feel ready to introduce them to Juliet, but I didn't want to be alone... Sorry, I should have warned you."

"Don't worry, it's fine. I'm glad you trust me," he smiled at her. In the last few days, the two of them had become very close. They spent their time at Pop's chatting or watching movies at the drive-in.

"Juggie, come play with me!" Juliet interrupted them as she grabbed onto the boy's leg. "You'll see, I have lots of toys!"

Betty laughed as she watched them. She nodded her head in Jughead's direction as Juliet took him to her room. "Look, I have princesses!" she said, showing him her toys.

"Oh, I can see that. Do you like princesses?"

"Yes, I love them! Look, I drew some too," she smiled at him as she showed him a sheet of drawings.

"Wow, that's really beautiful! You like pink," he laughed.

"Yes, I love pink, it's my favorite color!

While Juliet showed Jughead her drawings and toys, Betty made sure everything was in order in the living room. After a few minutes, she heard a knock on the door. She took a deep breath and went to open it. "Hi..."

"Hi!" Veronica smiled as she took the blonde in her arms. "I'm glad you invited us over, it's been a while since we've spent time together. You know, since you spend all your time with Mister Weirdo."

"Ronnie, don't be mean. Jughead is... very nice, I like him a lot," she said, blushing. "And actually, I invited you here for something else... I've been lying to you for two years," she confessed.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin asked with a frown.

"I didn't go to Los Angeles to study journalism. I had a more complex reason..." she mumbled, playing nervously with her fingers before calling out to Jughead. "Jug? Can you come over?"

"Jughead is here?" Archie asked. "Oh my goodness. You've been secretly together for two years?"

"No, no, it's not that... You'll see..."

"Come on," Jughead said to Juliet as he picked her up in his arms. The two of them already felt very close: Juliet adored Jughead and always asked to see him again. He then walked towards the living room with the little girl in his arms.

"This is Juliet..." Betty said to her friends. "My daughter. I had gone to Los Angeles at my grandmother's during my pregnancy because my parents had thrown me out. I-I was too afraid to tell you... I'm sorry I lied to you..."

Juliet hid her head in Jughead's neck after waving to her mother's friends. She wasn't used to seeing so many strangers at once and was a little shy.

"Oh..." Veronica mumbled as she smiled at the little girl. "We understand, B, don't worry," she told her as she took her friend in her arms. "Is Jughead..."

"Oh, no, no," Betty hastened to reply. "Jughead is not her father. I...uh..."

"You don't have to say it," Jughead interrupted her.

"No, it's okay, don't worry. I-I got raped."

"Oh my God... Betty, we're so sorry," Archie told her sincerely. "If there's anything we can do, don't hesitate to tell us."

"Thanks, but I'm fine. I'm doing fine. My grandmother sends me money every month and the nanny, who by the way has become a good friend, takes care of Juliet when I'm in school."

Betty was finally spending the afternoon with her friends. Juliet had opened up to them and was playing with Veronica, who had promised to buy her tons of new clothes and toys, even though Betty had told her it wasn't necessary.

By the end of the day, everyone but Jughead had left while Juliet was taking a nap. "Thanks again, Jug," Betty smiled at him. "I never would have been able to tell them alone, thanks for being there."

"No problem. You know you can always count on me."

She nodded. "You want to stay tonight? I can cook us something, or we can order pizza and watch a movie..."

"Whatever you want. You know I can't say no to you, and I love spending time with you and Juliet."

Betty smiled at him. They were close to each other, and after a few seconds, Betty put her hands on his cheeks and gently placed her lips on his. They parted after a long moment. "I really wanted to do that..."

"And I really wanted you to," he replied in return, kissing her again.

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