Chaos within the Greens

By myrakkuran

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All it took was the birth of the youngest princess, followed by the King's unexpected favouritism and the Que... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaptet 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

11.1K 245 99
By myrakkuran

Loud shirking wail of the newborn echoed from inside of the Queen's personal chamber.

Ser Criston Cole, stationed outside of the door could barely hold his ears from bleeding. He worried for his Queen, hoping everything was alright. The Queen was alright, the new princess was alright. However, the hours long cry simply made his worry grow and hopes shorten.

It was the early hours of the morning when the princess was born, now evening was approaching. And the babe was yet to stop her cries.

Nothing was alright.

On the other side of the door, an extremely distressed Alicent Hightower rocked her newborn back and forth pacing across the room helplessly. She has not yet been properly cleaned nor changed out of the clothes she had given birth in.

Signs of tension began showing up on all faces present as the second wet nurse failed to produce milk. It came as no surprise since neither had birthed any children recently. And as Princess Rhaenyra was nursing her second son Lucerys Velaryon by herself this time, so no prior arrangements were made for the Queen. Nor did they have many wet nurses ready in hand.

Utmost desperate the Queen attempted to latch the newborn onto her breast again. Her third attempt!

But to no avail.

There was no answer to why she remained unable to produce milk?

Alicent danced her face between her daughter and the grand maester Mellos, hoping he had some answers.

Unfortunately, that moment he had naught.

Everyone was focused on the newborn who has been hungry for far too long.

One of the young maester rushed out whilst Mellos and the other senior maesters remained, attending to the Queen and her newborn daughter.


The matter was addressed to the King immediately.

In an instant Viserys rose to feet and left the feast he threw to celebrate the arrival of his new daughter, leaving his Hand Ser Lyonel Strong and his heir Princess Rhaenyra in charge.

The pace of his footsteps picked up as he neared his destination. He knows the agony of losing Aemma once — it is excruciating. A pain that is devouring him little by little every day. Therefore he cannot lose her again.

She will never forgive him then. Never!

Barging into the Queen's chamber he rushed to his wife's side to check on his daughter and demanded to know what was happening. Surprised by Viserys's unexpected harsh voice Alicent found herself at loss of words. She looked at him perplexed, unable to speak.

Maester Mellos then briefed the King on the urgency of the situation: No prior arrangements for wet nurses had been made. The Queen herself included is unable to produce milk. The newborn has been hungry for far long.

The King's face paled, his eyes went wide. Fear reflected in them.

An order was barked out: immediate search for a wet-nurse in King's Landing.

Alicent shivered. Repulsed by the idea of someone absolutely unknown feed her child. What if it is a whore picked up from the Streets of Silks. Chances are that is where they will find a lactating mother in such haste.

And Alicent would rather have the babe dead than watch her be fed by a filthy woman.

As it contradicted with her faith and beliefs.

But she was given no chance to explain.

Maester Mellos and the King remained in discussion completely ignoring her presence. Even though she was there, standing between them.

While the King rushed everyone to find a new wet nurse as quickly as possible, the grand maester suggested against the idea, stating it would take time and unfortunately they do not have much of it in hand. He then reminded the King of his eldest daughter; who was still nursing her second even though he born last year.

That was all it took for King Viserys to snatch the child from his Queen's arms and unceremoniously thrust her into the arms of his heir.

Alicent hoped, she desperately hoped for it to be a temporary solution. Meant to last just for couple of days.


What seemed to be a few weeks passed by, with the maesters trying everything they could to bring the Queen to produce milk.

No remedies worked.

Her breasts remained dry.

On the other hand Princess Rhaenyra gladly took upon the task of breastfeeding Aemma. While the latter's birth mother was left to watch from afar, with frosty expression on her face and a bitter taste in her mouth.

Her bond with her child already set on the path to diminish.

Alicent was always bothered by the queer customs of the Targaryens. But until now she had never felt so disgusted by it. First Daeron was made to share wet-nurse with Jacerys Velaryon and now...

Perhaps a whore from the Streets of Silk was indeed a better choice.

During her regular nightly prayers Alicent Hightower found herself quietly questioning the gods she was devoted to, asking why have they put her and her daughter through such difficult journey? She carried the child in her womb for ten moons. Laid down on the birthing bed for hours suffering excruciating pain. And yet she could not have the sheer delight of naming the babe. Perhaps the only chance she had to honour her dead mother was lost at the hand of her husband who at that moment saw this as his only chance at redemption.

It was a blow the young woman felt straight into her heart.

Even before she could heal and come to terms accepting the reality she was forced to accept, gods threw more her way.

Her ability to feed the child getting taken away.

Another must do the task on her behalf. Rhaenyra.

The situation was utterly unjust.

And Alicent felt no remorse as she secretly wished for the child to have been born deformed... dead...


The following week, Aemma had been presented before the rest of her siblings.

Ironic, how Princess Rhaenyra was the first to meet and hold little Aemma (even before her own mother), whereas her full blooded siblings had to wait an entire week. Even if Alicent was upset about it, she did not let it be shown.

Viserys summoned them all to his personal quarter and have them circle around the cradle. Aegon, Helaena, Aemond standing and Daeron in their mother's arms.

"Children meet your youngest sister, Aemma."

Viserys introduced, uttering his youngest daughter's name with tenderness as if it is his salvation. Alicent Hightower grimaced beside her husband. It is a name she is all too familiar with. As it is the only name he breathes... it is the only name he sighs...while in bed with her.

Since her marriage Alicent was forced to coexist with the ghost of her husband's first wife. Now her children must adapt as well. As his favours are blatantly on display. King Viserys rarely attended the nursery when it was occupied by his other children. But now for the girl named Aemma a separate cradle has been placed inside his personal quarter.

Alicent found herself involuntarily focusing on the curious bunch.

Except Aegon, the rest of the young Targaryens watched their youngest sister with great interest.

The babe was asleep, wrapped in a thick blanket.

The eldest prince was only yawning and rolling his eyes. Ready to leave. He would not have come if not for his mother giving him a tight slap hearing his refusal, prior to dragging him here. Aemond on the other hand leaned over the cradle as far as he could to study the features of their youngest sibling. Helaena was the only one who extended a hand and softly caressed the rounded face. Following her, Daeron tried extending his hand from the arms of his mother. Noticing, Alicent bent down slightly so that he too could get a fair share. But instead of caressing like his older sister, the youngest poked hard into the stomach and woke up the babe.

Regardless of being annoyed, Viserys was quick to pick up Aemma. Shooting the little boy a scolding look he attempted to put the infant back to sleep. With experience Alicent learned it would be wise to feed the child first. So she suggested it to her husband.

Glancing at his wife and nodding his head in full agreement the King motioned for the awaiting maid, who approached in haste. Placing Aemma into the said maid's arms he instructed for the babe to taken to Princess Rhaenyra.

Alicent felt herself go rigid.

Yes, Rhaenyra was the one nursing Aemma.

Although it was a terms the young Queen was forced to digest, still, it hurt as bad as the freshly made cuts with a sharp blade.

Unknowingly she grasped onto the shoulder of Aemond, who stood closest to her. The young prince turned to his mother in concern, feeling her nails almost digging through his clothes and piercing onto his flesh. Even though he did not quite grasp as to what had just transpired. However, he was mature enough to understand that his father's action has deeply wounded his mother.


"Is it alright if I have the first pick?" Viserys asked for Rhaenyra's permission.

"Of course you may, father." The princess nodded enthusiastically. A soft smile gracing her lips as she refocused on her toddler son, rocking him in her arms.

Standing on the other side of the King, his Queen gave a tight lipped smile. Struggling to hold back on the urge to roll her eyes. Often times she found herself at the edge of her nerves because of her husband's brazen favouritism towards his spoiled daughter. Just like now, he was seeking Rhaenyra's permission as if she was his mother. Alicent's eyes darted toward her own daughter, cooing in the arms of one of her maids. Wondering where she will stand when competing with Rhaenyra for their father's affection. Others have certainly failed, only time will tell if Aemma will succeed in dethroning her predecessor.

Viserys carefully examined before making his pick on the dragon egg.

"This one will be for Aemma." He pointed towards the dark violet coloured egg with hint of shining green scales at the centre. Leaving behind the dark grey egg with red scales at the centre for his grandson Lucerys Velaryon.

"Give her to me." The King ushered the maid to bring forth the babe.

Exchanging a weary glance with her Queen the timid maid cautiously placed the princess into the King's awaiting arms.

The eager father held the infant at a particular angle in order to show her the egg he had chosen to be placed in her cradle and explained why he chose that specific egg.

"It used to be her favourite colour. And I know it in my heart it will be to your liking as well." It was common knowledge whom the King was referring to.

Rhaenyra grinned hearing her father whilst Alicent clenched her jaws. She did not desire for her daughter to become the former Queen's shadow.

Aemma began to fuss. Suddenly crying and kicking her tiny legs. Not expecting the sudden tantrum Viserys almost lost his grip. His wife scooted closer swiftly to assist her husband. Fearing he might drop the child any moment.

"Please allow me your grace." She tried to take Aemma from him. Knowing all too well that the King has not been faring so well the past couple days and his weakening condition will not be able to keep up with the hyper child for much longer. It is inevitable, he will end up dropping her at a certain point.

However, Viserys kept his grip intact on his daughter refusing to let go. His gaze not concealing the fact that he was doubting her ability to properly care for her own child.

Alicent's expression was wounded, but her composure did not deter. The subtle ache pulsing from her heart to her blood gave her newfound strength. Strength that she knew she would need to win this battle.

"Worry not, I shall bring her to you later in the evening. For now both you, my husband and our daughter need rest." Her words sounded sweet, matching the face she always wore for her surrounding to see.

But underneath that sweet facade lay a woman scorned. Her blood boiling in rage.


That night, following their old tradition, the eggs were respectively placed in Aemma Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon's cradle.


Keeping track of time became troublesome especially when days passed by with nothing new happening. Alicent Hightower had long given up on counting the days. Fortunately for her, what felt like the next few months... passed.

Soon solid food was added to Aemma's dietary routine beside milk. Although it was a task generally carried out by the maids. But Alicent seized the opportunity in an instant. She fed Aemma herself. Secretly intending to outgrow the bond her youngest daughter had formed with her older half sister.

Regrettably it turned out to be a task close to impossible, because the toddler has come to think of Rhaenyra as her mother.

To make matters worse she proved it with action too.

The length of time between Aemma crawling and walking seemed only a blink of an eye. After countless falls, when the very first time she walked, she walked toward the direction of Princess Rhaenyra instead of her mother who had been already on her knees waiting with wide open arms.

Shame numbed her. The pain the Alicent felt in that moment can only be compared to the ones she experienced during giving birth.

The wound left its mark on the young Queen. Even though she told herself repeatedly that a child knows no better. However the crude remarks from her eldest son who had been a witness to the incident only served as a rub of salt on a freshly made wound.

Trying to organize her jumbled thoughts Alicent made more attempts to bond with her youngest but to no avail, the toddler only sought after Rhaenyra. Thinking she was her mother and her children were her siblings.

Therefore without realizing the young queen began withdrawing herself from her youngest.


Viserys dedicated every moment of his spare time to Aemma.

But he could not always be available. As the King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm— he also had duties to his subjects. Just like Rhaenyra had her own children to look after. Therefore for the times when neither of the father-daughter were available, someone else was brought in their stead.

Lady Lyanne of some lowly unknown house.

Upon introduction Queen Alicent recognized the elderly woman instantly — A close confidant of the late Queen. Who also raised Rhaenyra.

Alicent was greatly displeased. Desperately tried to convince the King that she and her maids were enough.

Her convincing did not work, as expected.

Viserys remained firm in his decision: Lady Lyanne will be Aemma's nurse.

Alicent may have been bitter then, but soon she would learn that her husband unknowingly did her a favour.


Being nursed by Rhaenyra meant Aemma was spending a lot of her time with the former and her sons. So her attachment to the dark haired boys came as no surprise.

Now that she learned to walk she constantly sought after those boys. Whereas with her own siblings the infant would not even spare them a glance.

Being the eldest Aegon was hardly around. But Aemond, Daeron and occasionally Helaena's attempts to get acquainted with their youngest sibling mostly met in failure. Albeit Aemma was a little more tolerant towards Helaena and Daeron but anytime Aegon or Aemond picked her up, her screams would burst through the hall of Red Keep deafening all ears.

With days the distance continued to grow. It left Alicent unsettled. The very least she wanted was for all her children to get along. They were family and must stick to one another through thick and thin.

When she shared her concern with the King and requested him to do something about it, Viserys brushed it away. Like he always did every time it came to her and their children. He seemed content enough knowing Aemma was getting along well with Rhaenyra's children. And truth be told, that was all that mattered to him. Even if he never said it out loud. He simply wanted all his children and grandchildren to get along. A prospect that was close to impossible.

Alicent was starting to lose all hope. There seemed no end to the dark tunnel she was inside of.

It was at that moment lady Lyanne came to her rescue. The woman whom the young Queen had initially expected to be a foe surprisingly turned out to be a real friend in need.

How times have changed. Tides have shifted.

Lady Lyanne may have raised Rhaenyra but her pious nature now forces her to despise the girl she once raised as her own because of the sinuous life she has chosen to live.

Alicent was relieved to have found someone who shared her sentiment.

Lady Lyanne played a vital role in making sure Aemma understood who her mother and siblings were.

It was the older woman who planted the idea on Alicent's head.

"She just came to the world, she knows no better. My Queen, she must be taught at every step of the way. And the duty to teach solely belongs to you as her mother." Lyanne hammered the words till they were embedded into the Queen's head.

"I'm sure you realize this as much as I do, Princess Rhaenyra will be a bad influence. The young princess should be kept away from her. It will certainly be impossible over night, however, you must slowly work towards bringing the girl to your side."

"And what must you suggest I do lady Lyanne?" Alicent asked, helplessness floating in the tone of her voice.

"Start by making arrangements for the siblings to spend time together. Make it a mandatory practice. At least an hour everyday, the five of them should spend together in a small closed space with nothing but each others company."

Alicent appeared uncertain about the idea. Aegon is building the bad habit of looking under the maids skirts. Helaena lives in an different world entirely muttering gibberish to herself and talking to insects. Aemond is so far the only normal one. Daeron just turned three and Aemma has passed ten moons. How are these folks supposed to connect? What common ground do they even have?

Lady Lyanne placed a hand on the Queen's tensed shoulder understanding her concern and reassured her.

"It maybe chaotic at first considering due to their contrasting personalities but fear not, as it will eventually help strengthen their bond. After all, they have the same dragon blood streaming in them."

Alicent nodded her head, understanding.

It was settled then.

Together the two women began making arrangements for the five siblings to spend time together.


The place they were in was Helaena's bedchamber.

Alicent was already there with Daeron, playing on her lap when Helaena returned after finishing her lesson with the septa. But the girl paid little attention to her mother and little brother. She simply settled in a corner pulling the wooden box where all her insect collection were stored.

Soon Aegon and Aemond were escorted by Ser Criston Cole. Ultimately lady Lyanne walked in, carrying Aemma after she had woken from her nap.

Alicent explained to the grown children as to why she had gathered them. And just as she had predicted, her older boys were not impressed. In spite of that Alicent remained unyielding in her decision and ordered for Aemma to be put down to her feet.

Soon as her small feet touched the ground, Aemma walked with her wobbly steps and went straight toward Helaena. Only to snatch the beetle the older girl had on the back of palm, admiring, and put it into her mouth.

Helaena screamed.

Aemond gasped.

Aegon laughed, with his back against the wall and a hand a clenching his stomach.

Putting Daeron on the ground Alicent rushed to pick up Aemma, forced her tiny mouth open and inserted two fingers to pull the insect out.

And that was how their first time together was spent.

In a complete disaster.




Lyanne did not allow Alicent to lose hope despite how badly the first time went.

Next time Aemma approached Daeron who was playing with his wooden dragon sculpture. Her interest peaked by his toy. Predictably she tried to snatch the toy from him. But Daeron wouldn't allow it. Being the older one he had the advantage of size and strength over her. He pushed her away first time making the girl fall on her back. But she rolled back up on her feet in no time and reproached him. Only this time Daeron tried to hit her with the very thing she tried to take from him.

Alicent tensed, and was about to intervene , but Aemond beat her to it. He came between the two young ones, picked up Aemma and moved to the other corner. The girl began to scream as she struggled against him. But he did well for someone of seven years of age.

"You're doing well Prince Aemond. Just loosen your hold a little, she struggling to breathe." Lyanne encouraged the boy. "Try to distract her my Prince, divert her mind elsewhere."

"What should I do?"

"You may bounce her a little, blow air to her face or make different faces that she maybe able to imitate."

He followed word by word. And it worked like magic. Aemma's crying came to a stop. Confused she stared at the older boy. Aemond turned to Lyanne, wordlessly asking for the next instruction. She motioned him to repeat. He did! This time the babe giggled kicking her tiny legs. Signalling she liked it.

It was at that point Alicent finally began to see glimpse of light at the end of the dark tunnel.




Helaena's scream got Aemond to leave Daeron and rush over to her. He needed not ask what had happened. He could see it— the beetles from her collection were all gone.

The boy had to look no further to find out what happened to those poor creatures. The evidence sat right in front of them, just few feet away.

Angrily Aemond stomped toward their eldest sibling who sat on the floor with their youngest one on his lap.

"What do you think you're doing Aegon?!" He demanded an explanation on Heleana's behalf.

"What? It's funny. That one," he pointed towards Helaena. "... likes to collect insects. And this one..." he pointed the same finger back at Aemma. "... likes to eat them."

"You can't be feeding her insects Aegon! Mother will have us severely punished if she were to find out." Exclaimed Aemond. But it had little to no effect on his older brother.

"Then don't tell her. Keep it a secret."

Aemond let out a frustrated sigh. Tired of playing the role of a mediator.

Alicent witnessed the whole incident from the small gaping of the door. She felt conflicted and indeed wanted to barge in to punish the older ones for being reckless enough to feed a little babe insect.

But she was stopped by lady Lyanne. The latter grabbed hold of her hand just when the Queen was about to push the door open and silently nodded her head no. Indirectly telling the mother to leave those children be. Leave it to them to make their own memories. Leave it to them to figure out the own connection. Let the bond born naturally.




Alicent further tensed, when the following week Aemma was found to be developing the habit of spitting on all her siblings.

No doubt it was taught by Aegon.

She was all set to give the boy an earful. But got prevented by lady Lyanne once again.

In the weeks to come the bad habit picked up on the child like a disease. She began to spit on anyone and everyone that was near her vicinity. Alicent and lady Lyanne herself were the victim of it several times. From what the maids have also informed, Rhaenyra and her family were not spared either.

At this point only Aegon, Heleana and Aemond were the ones who learned with practiced ease on how to dodge Aemma's spit attack or tactically divert her mouth elsewhere.

Soon Aemma no longer targeted her siblings. However her assault continued on to others.

Alicent found herself often questioning where this whole situation was headed. Are the siblings truly bonding or are the older boys using their little sister as a purpose of entertainment?

Then one fateful evening during family supper she got her answer.

The King asked for everyone to be present at the dining room that evening. It was no special occasion, the old man simply wanted to eat with all members of his family.

Sadly not all members of his family felt that way. And Aemma certainly made it to the top of that list.

Being forcibly woken from her nap and brought to the dining hall left Aemma in a bad mood. It certainly did not help when her father, the King picked her up. She was already fussing and kicking. Viserys held her carefully, at a safe distance nonetheless.

Alicent look around in concern. None of her children looked quite happy to be here. Except for Daeron maybe.

Only then a light whistle was heard escaping Aegon's lips... as if on queue Aemma made her move and did the unthinkable - spit on the King's face!

Viserys was stunned. He stared at his daughter with wide eyes in disbelief.

Everyone gasped. Shocked by what had just happened.

Alicent stood immediately and moved over to wipe her husband's face clean with a napkin. Her attention getting caught midway as Aegon began to laugh. He laughed loudly enough to draw everyone's attention to him. Daeron followed suit mimicking his older brother; although he barely understood anything. Aemond and Helaena giggled in unison. Lastly Aemma joined her siblings and laughed the loudest.

Rhaenyra and her husband along with her children who sat on the other side of the table looked at the laughing children aghast. Trying to understand which part of this offensive act was anyway or from hilarious.

But what Alicent saw in that moment was something truly special.

Yes it was a jest, a sick one indeed. A jest that only the five of them understood and share. No one else was included in on it.

And there it was, right before her eyes - the connection and the bond between the siblings she so earnestly desired, blossoming so beautifully.


Viserys watched, with eyes filled with contentment.

It was a sight to beheld — his youngest playing with the sons of his eldest.

An image that gave the illusion of his two families peacefully coexisting as one.

Viserys Targaryen maybe have been a fool. A fool for wanting peace and his family together. But he certainly wasn't blind. He knew the peace that he so desperately longed for did not exist in reality. The rift in his family began from the moment he had made that selfish decision and bestowed a cruel fate upon his wife, whom, he should have protected.

Perhaps it is a curse. Punishment for his wrong doing, to her.

Viserys felt his inside clench.

Thinking about his wife made his heart heavy.

Till to this day her cries haunt him. He feels a knife stabbing into his chest and twisting when every time he close his eyes and it is her image that flashes in front of him. They shared a beautiful life together. But now all that he is left with is the harrowing image from the last moments of her life —those bright beautiful eyes shining with tears, frightened faces, desperately begging him not to go through with it!

She wanted to live. Aemma wanted to live!

And what did he do?

He robbed her off of her life for a chance to provide the kingdom with male heir.

He chose duty over love!

A fitting choice for a king but a disgraceful one for a husband so deeply in love with his wife.

She deserved better! Much better man than he was.

No! His heart roared. She deserves better!

She was returned to him for a purpose. The debt he owes is yet to be paid.

He had always known being born a woman in this world is a curse. But now he knows that curse can be altered to blessing if she is wedded to the right man. A man who will be devoted to her.

Precisely the type of man he wanted Aemma to be wedded to. He wanted no heir to throne. No dutiful lord or prince. Just a man who will love her unconditionally. A man who will not only die for her but kill for her and her wellbeing with no remorse. Most importantly he must be a man who will choose her above all else.

Exactly what he did not!

With that thought settled in the back of his mind he called, "Rhaenyra?"

The older princess who was also watching the children play, tore her gaze from the scene and redirected them to her father.

"Yes father."

"There is one last thing I would like to ask of you."

"What is it?" Rhaenyra smiled softly.

"I know not how much longer I will walk amongst you all..."


Ignoring her protest he continued on. "However I would like to ensure, that in my absence it is you looking after Aemma. For there is none that I can put my faith on above you, my child."

Rhaenyra took hold of her father's both hands in her.

"I would look after Aemma, even without you having to tell me." She assured, her eyes pouring into his.

"I need you to give me your word Rhaenyra." Viserys persisted.

Sighing she squeezed her father's hands. "You have my word father. Nothing will deter me from looking after my youngest sister like she is my own."

Viserys smiled, as if he had finally found some solace.

"Then you must raise young Lucerys Velaryon to become a man who would always be devoted to his lady wife. Choose her above all else. Prioritize her life over a male heir's."

Rhaenyra felt her eyes go wide guessing her father's insinuation. Still she asked for confirmation.

"I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean father."

"I am proposing for my youngest daughter Aemma Targaryen to be betrothed to your second-born Lucerys Velaryon."

Admittedly, she was briefly stunned. "Why Luke father, why not Jace? He is my heir. By betrothing Aemma to Jace we can unite the family. With the two of them ruling side by side the house of the dragon can finally become one."

Viserys shook his head disapproving of the suggestion. "No! Jace will one day become the King. He will be put into the same difficult situation as I was."

"Father we're speaking of a time that is far ahead. Aemma is not yet one. Besides how do we know that they will not be blessed with a boy as their first born." Rhaenyra tried to reason.

"Rhaenyra, if I were not the King, perhaps..." he paused for an agonizing moment and faced away from his daughter with guilt stricken face. "... your mother would still be amongst us today."

Closing her eyes tightly Rhaenyra let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. And reopened those eyes when her father spoke again.

"Besides I had a dream, a dream I vividly remember. Our Aemma living a long life, she reached old age. Wedded to someone who was no heir to throne."

"Not to worry father, I understand what you mean."

This time she truly did.


They say the first name day is the most important in a child's life. As it establishes the child's value and worth to the family. Which is why when the matter comes down to Princes and Princesses it is always a grandeur celebration to show the world of the importance of their mere existence.

Being the first born son of the King, Aegon had the most grandeur celebration of his first name day. A large feast was thrown in honour of Helaena too, but it wasn't as much of a grand affair as her older brother's. When it came to Aemond's first name day celebration, the King was not even in attendance. He was away on a hunting trip with some of his trusted lords, and unfortunately could not make it back on time for the celebration. However he was certainly present during the first nameday celebrations of Jacaerys Velaryon, his first grandson. But Daeron, whose first name day celebration was only two moons after was cancelled due to the King's sudden declining health. It was celebrated two years later, merged with the feast of Lucerys Velaryon's first name day.

Alicent fumed to have her youngest son's special day be conjoined with Rhaenyra's bastard (rumoured to be fathered by Ser Harwin Strong). But her words remained unheard, the King is deaf to her opinion when it came to his eldest daughter's dalliances.

So this year, during Aemma's time she simply kept her lips sealed. Curious and intrigued to see how true are the man's affection for his youngest daughter. Did Viserys truly care for the girl as he boasted or was it all just a farce?

To say she was proven wrong would be a massive understatement. The occasion this year surpassed all of it predecessors.

Preparation for Princess Aemma's first name day celebration began couple moons ahead of its time. The whole of Red Keep was prepared and dressed like a new bride for her wedding. People were invited and came from all over Westeros carrying gifts and gold and other jewels for the little Princess.

As the day to the occasion neared the Queen commissioned the royal seamstress to make matching dress for herself and Aemma in the colour Green. So what if the child was named after the dead Queen? It will not change the fact that Aemma is her daughter. Therefore she has all the rights to present her daughter before the court in her colour.

Unbeknownst to the Queen, simultaneously Princess Rhaenyra, the to be mother-by-law of Aemma had also spoken to the seamstress instructing them to prepare a dress for the little princess in the traditional Targaryen colour:Black. With traces of red and Targaryen sigil embroidered on it.

Unfortunately the Queen came to learn about it right before the festivities began. She sent one of her trusted maid to fetch her daughter, only for the maid to return empty handed and with information that the princess has already been dressed in clothing of her sister's choice.

How dare she!

Alicent clenched her fist so tight that her knuckles turned white. All her happiness and excitement was quickly overthrown by rage she couldn't phantom was possible.

How dare she take such liberties with my daughter without even having the minimum decency to consult me beforehand.

Tearing the emerald necklace off of her neck she carelessly tossed it to the ground. The necklace in question already broken and shredded to pieces. Her mind was already made up, she wouldn't attend the celebration.

It was then lady Lyanne entered her chamber. The older woman convinced the young Queen with much ease, showing all the reasons and logic behind why she must be in attendance. Not only that, to further encourage, she gently wiped away the tears pouring out of the helpless mother's eyes and helped her get re-ready.


Alicent sauntered down the steps of the grand hall dressed in a form fitting green gown with lace details on the sleeves and chest above. The miniature version of which she had tailored for Aemma but of course it didn't go how she had wanted.

The young Queen moved maintaining pretty much the same grace she did during Rhaenyra's wedding with Ser Laenor Velaryon. Her gaze sought out her daughter, and found her in the arms of her father, throwing a tantrum. The toddler was surely in no mood to enjoy the feast thrown in her honour. Even Rhaenyra was having difficulty handling her.

Alicent paused briefly to watch the scene unfold. A wicked pleasure tickling at the pit of her stomach. A smile beginning to curve up the corner of her lips. As a firm believer of the Faith of the sevens, she believed the Gods to be inflicting the same pain and humiliation upon them that they had caused her.

And then, suddenly, the toddler managed to yank the crown off of the King's head and toss it to the ground.


The sound of the crown hitting the cold stone floor put a pause on the celebration.

Silence. Dead silence.

That was all there was. Of course with Aemma still crying in the background and the crown now on the floor rolling towards the Queen's feet.

A shiver shiver ran down Alicent's spine and the spine of many others present there. It wasn't everyday where one gets to witness the King's crown getting taken off of his head and thrown to the ground so carelessly as if it was a regular piece of metal. But she was probably one of the first to regain composure. Given it was caused by the king's favourite child, whom she had brought into this world.

Alicent was quick to pick up the crown and strode over to her husband. For the first time ever the man bent before her, even if slightly, and allowed her put his crown back on the head. Her attention now moved to her daughter, who has just made the King bend before her.

Alicent felt her heart swell. She couldn't be more proud of her Aemma. She did something none of her other children succeeded in doing.

With a broad grin Alicent took Aemma into her arms. Miraculously the child stopped crying. Her simple action telling everyone loud and clear that she had been wanting her mother all along.

Satisfied Alicent pressed a soft kiss on her daughter's fluffy cheek. The pain she suffered earlier felt futile before the joy she was currently feeling.

But the satisfaction was short lived.

It lasted till her husband opened his mouth revealing to the realm of the arrangement he had made with the heir to the iron throne.

The world around Alicent Hightower came to a halt. She numbed. Finding herself clutching the shoulders of her daughter Helaena like she might fall over without her support.

Aemma was already taken from her arms by Rhaenyra. And she had no clue when that happened.

Finally gathering the courage she turned to her husband, disgusted. Her face contorting in expression as if she had bitten into a lemon.

Viserys continued on to smile, his focus solely on his daughter whose fate he just sealed.

Her gaze then settled onto Rhaenyra.

The tension of unspoken words pulsed between the ladies who once used to be great friends. But neither acknowledged what those words were.

It was inevitable. One had to withdraw. This time Alicent found herself at the losing end of the spectrum. Therefore collecting whatever dignity had remained she left the celebration.




She was fuming as she mindlessly walked through the halls of the Red Keep. The servants and maids who wandered the corridors were quick to move out of the Queen's way. She looked as enraged on the outside as she was on the inside.

It was at that moment she understood, if only, she had her father beside her today, perhaps her daughter would not have been betrothed to a possible Strong bastard.


A.N: Thank you all for reading hope you enjoyed and it was worthwhile. Please feel free to point out if you notice any errors or mistakes.

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