Was I Meant for This?

By Shelly14

137K 1.2K 361

Stacy Thompson has just found out she is a witch and will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiza... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Part 1)
Chapter 18 (Part 2)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Into Draco's Mind
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

17.4K 120 28
By Shelly14

All rights go to J.K. Rowling I do not own anything except my character Stacy Thompson. This is my first ever fanfic and story. I would love comments and criticism is highly welcome. Hope you enjoy it.

My name is Stacy Thompson; I have brown eyes and short, black hair. I am short, but have an athletic body and I have just found out that I am a witch. My parents told me that I am a special kind of witch because I can work my way into people's minds and put thoughts and actions into their heads to think or do, and I have a strange power when I get angry.

"Mother?" I ask "How can I be a witch, wouldn't I have seen or felt any weird things while I grew up?"

My mother gives me a sorry look and answers, "Honey, your father and I can do magic too, but we left London after you were a year old to keep you safe from a dark wizard that was targeting you for your gifts. We gave up using magic and came to live a normal life in California. Although we now believe that you are old enough to attend a school that you belong in."

I look at my parents in disbelief, "I-I-I can go to a school for m-m-magic?" I could not believe there would even be a place for witches. This all seemed too weird to be real, the only thing I have ever heard of witches was from stories from centuries ago, but those were just stories.

My father smiles, "Yes Stacy, it is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your mother and I believe you should attend because we will not keep our daughter from being who she is."

After that I could feel a giant smile form on my lips and I run to my parents to give them a huge hug.

"Well someone seems excited." My father chuckles as he lets me go.

I laugh, "Of course, I just found out I am a witch and will go to a school for it. That's the coolest thing ever!"

"Alright sweetie start packing we will be moving back to London in the morning to be close while you are at school." I look at my mother and noticed that she had worry lines on her face.

I say goodnight to both my parents and skip to my bedroom to start packing. While packing I hear my parents in the living room talking in hushed voices.

"Craig, I don't think this is a good idea still. I know it will be best for her, but with him back in power how can we protect her there?" My mother exclaims.

My father sighs, "Linda she will be protected more there with Dumbledore and I have spoken with my old friend Arthur Weasley and he tells me that his son and friends will help watch over Stacy since they are the same age. And with the temper our little girl has I am sure she can watch out for herself as well."

My mother lets out a chuckle, "Yes that is true, but she didn't know she did that. She kept saying that she woke up with that girl in front of her bleeding. Maybe we could get Severus to help her with it; he is very skilled with this kind of magic"

I remembered when I woke up to a girl bleeding from her nose in front of me saying I was a crazy bitch. Yet I did not remember hitting her as my friends had told me I did when she said my parents did a horrible job at raising me.

Now that I think about it that may have been my strange power. Once I finished packing, I left all my trunks near my bed and showered. I fall asleep soon after ready for the next day.

[Nightmare: I am standing in a forest alone, I scan the area around me aware of a presence nearby “Is anybody there?” I call out.

I hear rustling in a nearby bush “Stacy, come home. Come join me where you belong.” a voice whispers into the air, almost like a hiss.

My heart starts to speed up and I try to control my breathing “Who are you?” I try to ask, but my voice isn’t audible.

Suddenly I feel a rush of cold air rush past me and I am being surrounded by black smoke, just then a man steps in front of me, his face looks like a snake and he is grinning “Stacy.” he exclaims.

In the next moment he rushes towards me and I step back until he passes right through me causing me to fall, everything goes black.”]

[Next Day]

I wake up to my speeding heartbeat ‘Why am I breathing so hard?’ My mind tries to wrap itself around the reason for my sudden awakening, but I cannot remember anything that could have caused it. I slip out from under my covers and walk into my bathroom turning on the shower; I step in letting the hot water drip down my body.

After about ten minutes I remember what happened last night and my excitement returns; I hurry out of the shower, dressing in jeans and a shirt “Stacy are you hungry?” I hear my mom call from the kitchen. I go to the kitchen and sit in a chair directly in front of my father grinning.

“Don’t worry we will be leaving soon, just eat your breakfast and then we will be heading to the airport.” I jump up and down in my seat too excited to sit still when my mother places my plate of food in front of me.

After I finish eating I run upstairs and grab my luggage “Stacy are you ready to leave?” my parents shout from downstairs. “Yes!” I run back downstairs to find my parents waiting by the door “Alright what are we waiting for? Let’s get this show on the road!”

“Oh my gosh I thought that ride would never end!” I cried once we were off the plane and waiting to collect our luggage.

“Stacy honey can you help me?” my dad said as he tried carrying all the luggage.

I grab my trunk and another bag then we walk outside where a limo sits in front. I stop immediately “Stacy hurry and get the luggage in the car sweetie.”

I look at my mom as she steps into the limo. I couldn’t help but squeal that I would ride in a limo, I hand the driver my bags and jump into the car “Dad how far is our new place from here?” He stares out the window “Just about ten minutes.” I stare out the window and try to keep my excitement low as the city of London passes by.

"Wow!" I could not believe the house that we just stepped into.

"So do you like it?"

I looked at my father and jumped up and down "I love it!"

"Good, now dear you need to get dressed because you will be shopping for your school supplies with the son of our good wizard friend."

"Ok mom." I could not hold in my excitement. I was finally going to meet a wizard my age. "I wonder what he is like." I say to myself wondering what to wear.

Once I was dressed I walked down to meet my parents. They were at the fireplace and explained floo powder to me because that was what we were going to be traveling by. My parents stepped into the fireplace and the next thing I knew my parents were engulfed by green flames.

"Ok, I can do this." I kept repeating to myself. I grabbed some powder stepped into the fireplace, "The Burrow." Letting go of the powder, I saw green flames all around me and feel as though I am being sucked through a hole.

I slide out of a fireplace and come face to face with 8 people looking at me. Six people had fiery red hair so I assumed they were all related to each other, but next to them stood a girl with bushy brown hair and a boy with black hair, oval glasses. I noticed a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. I walk over to my parents and stand proudly in front of them.

My father walks forward and hugs who i presume is the father of the family. "Arthur it so nice to see you good after all this time my dear friend."

Arthur Weasley hugs my father back, "It has been too long Craig. I am glad you are back where you belong."

While the grownups were busy catching up in the kitchen, I looked over to everyone else. The two twin boys that looked like they were a year older than me walked over, "Hi I'm George and this is Fred." I shook their hands and smiled.

Next the girl with brown hair introduced herself. "I am Hermione Granger, this is Ginny Weasley and you must be Stacy Thompson."

I nod my head, "How do you know who I am?"

She continues, "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley told us about you and how we should show you around Hogwarts." Then the next redhead and the boy with glasses stood in front of me.

"I am Ron Weasley and this is my best mate Harry Potter." I shook Ron's hand then looked to Harry and felt my face start to heat up. Harry had the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen and I couldn't turn my eyes away.

I waved my hand at him and looked down with a pink flush in my cheeks. "You will love it at Hogwarts Stacy and don't worry I will be there to help you with anything you need." Harry said putting his arm around my shoulder, I looked up at him and smiled.

I was brought out of my daze by Fred, "Looks like some people are getting acquainted quite quickly." A redder blush came over my cheeks and I walked over next to Hermione.

"So where do we go around here to get our school supplies?" Hermione made a face as though she realized she forgot something important.

"We need to get going before it gets late." We hurried to the fireplace using floo powder to a place I think was called Diagon Alley. Looking around brought me back to my excited state.

“Harry you take Stacy to get fit for robes while Ron and I buy the books we need.” Hermione stated. I pull my letter from Hogwarts out of my purse and hand it to Hermione with some money my parents gave me to use on school supplies.

“Come on Stacy, Madame Malkins shop is just over here.” Harry pulled me down the street. “So Harry, it seems Ginny has eyes for you.” I noticed his face go red and I laughed.

“Uh um no, we are just really good friends. I have known her for six years and saved her during my second year which was her first. I actually don’t think she thinks of me more than friends.” Harry couldn’t look at me while he said this.

“Do you have a boyfriend Stacy?” I looked up really quick and blushed “Uh no, I actually just moved here from California.” We arrived at the shop and the lady led me to the back of the store “Miss Thompson, just stand still and we will be done in a minute.”

I stood on a stool and watched as tape measures and needles twirled around me. “Ok miss you’re done. Just walk back to the front and we will have your robes ready for you.” I walked back to the front of the store from being fitted, tripped and fell into someone's arms that were really muscular. I looked up into gray eyes pulling myself out of his arms.

“Bloody he-”

"S-s-sorry about that. I should really watch where I am going."

He smirked, I noticed his hair was white blonde and he was not bad looking, actually he was hot. "So you must be new here. Are you attending Hogwarts this year?"

I nodded, but before I could even speak, Harry came to my side.

"Get away from her Malfoy before I hex you."

"I should have known you would need so much attention to get to the innocent new girl, Potter." the boy named Malfoy spat. I did not know what was going on but then Harry pulled me away quickly leaving the blonde boy behind.

“Harry what are you doing I still need to get my robes?” I pulled my arm from Harry’s and walked back up to the front counter “Stacy Thompson.” The lady behind the counter handed me some robes “That will be 10 galleons.” I handed her the money and turned back to Harry who was waiting with the door opened.

Before walking out the door I looked behind me to see the boy walking up to the front counter, I smiled when he said, "I guess I'll be seeing you at Hogwarts." And all I could see was his wink and smile before the door closed behind us.

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