By tmbm12

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By tmbm12


— The last letter Jacaerys had sent was near eight moons ago. In [Y/N]'s first letter replying to his love confession; she had written how she was carrying his child. And how he'd better be here to name it.

And yet, as [Y/N] was in her final weeks of said pregnancy, her husband was in no sight.

Neither was his army of dragonriders.

Lucerys, ever the gentleman, had stayed by her side. Though needed to leave to marry his betrothed, Rhaena.

[Y/N] had found it a bit strange how the Targaryen and Velaryons had married one another over the past generations. And how Jacaerys had broken off his betrothal with Rhaena's sister just to marry her.

Lucerys had arrived back to Winterfell, bearing another dragons egg - the others previously hatched and sent immediately to Jacaerys to be trained.

[Y/N] and Lucerys had done their best to train the men and women of Winterfell, preparing them for any intruders.

The dragon riding teachings not so much. The dragons couldn't smell High Valaryian blood off the Northern people, and had immediately shook them off their backs, injuring few, and killing two.

So the dragon riding was now set as a last option. Anyone who wanted to learn would be sent to Dragonstone, in hopes Jacaerys and the Dragonseeds could train more people.

Which was what Jacaerys last letter contained. A thank you note. And a goodbye note. Claiming he'd write in the morrow.

And yet the morrow came, and many more, and no letter.

[Y/N] sat in front of the fire. Her belly felt a massive weight. The Maester claimed it was a sign that childbirth was coming soon, so she should be prepared.

And like all those moons ago, Lucerys sat by the fire, tending to the egg.

"I hope the babe can get the dragon." Lucerys spoke up. The egg, red with tiny specks of green, made no intention of shining like the previous eggs had done.

"Perhaps my babe will be like me, and not touch a dragon until the day I die." [Y/N] attempts to make a joke, but Lucerys looks back at with a tightened smile.

"What's wrong, Luke?" [Y/N] sat up, straighter.

Lucerys sighs. "[Y/N]... mother had told me to wait until the babe was born, but I couldn't make you go through the grief."

"Luke," [Y/N] dry chuckles. "You're scaring me..."

"There's been no communication from the Dragonseeds.. people around Dragonstone are speaking that they have all.. died.. by dragonfire, or the Greens, no one is sure..." 

The last sentence mumbled out into a whisper. "I'm sorry, dear sister,"

Lucerys moves next to her, taking her hand into his. "But there's people out, looking for signs of bodies or dragons...and–"

"I don't want to know if my husband was burnt alive, Lucerys. I'm sure you don't want to know if your brother was killed in action, do you?"

Lucerys shakes his head. "Of course not... but my brother is highly trained–"

"And yet is rumored to be dead..?" [Y/N] scoffs.

Lucerys looks down, like a puppy, and [Y/N] couldn't help the grief that overtook her.

"Luke.. I'm sorry, dear boy. I don't mean to hurt you." [Y/N] spoke, but it came out broken, and a whisper.

Lucerys looks up through wet eyelashes. "Mother mentioned if Jace is to be found.. dead.. you're more than welcome to stay with us at Dragonstone, and find another Warden of the North."

[Y/N] scrunches her brows. "Sorry.. what?"

Lucerys shrugs. "It's what she has told me."

[Y/N] was utterly confused. Rhaenyra was supposedly her biggest supporter of being a Lady of the North.

And now if her husband is found dead, she's supposed to give it all up and find someone else to do the job for her.

[Y/N] abruptly stood up. "Excuse me, Luke. I'm terribly tired.."

Lucerys nods. "Yes, I understand.. goodnight, [Y/N]."

"Goodnight, dear boy."


[Y/N] stood on the balcony, watching the men and boys training on the field. The sound of their swords clashing gave her a headache.

She closed her eyes hoping it would ease the pain.

"Excuse me, m'lady..?"

[Y/N] turns to see a boy her age, Tobin, knowing him since she was a child.

He stood much taller and so close to her.

"Are you alright?"

Tobin's calloused hand rested against her cold cheek.

"I'm alright, Tobin. Just cold."

Tobin nods. "Here, let me help you to your room."

He does such thing, and lights the fire. He rubs his hands together, blowing into them and resting them in front of the fire as the flames grow.

"You haven't got much longer, have you?"

[Y/N] scrunches her brows. "Sorry..?"

Tobin laughs and scratches behind his ear. "Your pregnancy. Have you got much longer?"

[Y/N] shakes her head.

"The maester says maybe two weeks.. maybe three."

Tobin gets up, his eyes never left hers.

With her hormones through the roof, she crosses her legs to ease the ache between her legs.

He sat down in the chair beside her. He sighs.

"Pregnancy does suit you, Lady Stark.." Tobin grins at her.

[Y/N] felt herself grow red at his smile and his longing glance at her and the ache between her leg grew.

"I've always admired you, [Y/N]."

[Y/N] felt herself smile.

"I'm sorry we grew apart, Tobin."

Tobin shakes his head, and reaches forward and rests his hand on hers. "After everything you went through, I understand."

She let his finger intertwine with hers. They held each others stares, as Tobin got closer and pressed his lips against hers.

[Y/N] was quick to reach a hand behind his hand and intertwine her fingers with his hair.

His own hand copied, and pulled her hair back and attacked her neck with hot, passionate kisses.

Tobin nips the skin behind her ear. It feels like he's drawing blood and [Y/N] finds herself letting out a moan.

It all felt wrong, letting Tobin touch after Lucerys has told her that Jacaerys could possibly be dead.

[Y/N] was pulled out of her thoughts with Tobin's hand reaching under her dress skirt. She gasps.

Tobin is quick to pull away. "Are you okay?"

She wanted everything to pause, but with Tobin being here, she needed this. She wanted this.

"Keep going."

Tobin grins and kisses her again, and his hand dips under her skirt again.


After Tobin left, [Y/N] was immediately surrounded with guilt. What if Jacaerys was dead? She is just after being fingered by an old childhood friend and now she sits in her bed crying.

Her tears fell on her pillow as she finally found peace.

It wasn't long until [Y/N] awoken to the smell of copper. Blood. She was drenched in her own sweat, her nightgown sticking to her.

She felt immense pain in her abdomen. Her eyes widen, as she pushes off her sheets to reveal herself sitting in her own blood.

Subconsciously, she let's out a blood curdling scream. And immediately handmaidens, Alysanne, and Knights arrived at her side.

"Alys!" [Y/N] screams.

Alysanne's eyes widen at the sight. She turns to the frightened handmaidens. "Get the Maester, girls. And be quick!"

The Knights immediately turned away in respect. 

"Men back to where came from. Off with you!" Alysanne squeals, pushing the men out of the room.

Alysanne sighs. "Are you feeling faint, sweet girl?"

[Y/N] shook head. "Am I going into labour..?"

Alysanne looks at [Y/N] for approval, for which she got, as she pulled [Y/N]'s nightgown over her hips.

"You're beginning to start now, dear girl. If that fucking Maester comes soon, then you'll have your babe in your arms."

"I need Jace." [Y/N] let the tears stream.

Alysanne tuts. "Enough of that. Jacaerys will soon arrive, and you'll have many more handsome and gorgeous babes."

As she finished her sentence, the midwives and Maester arrived.

"Right, women, grab all you need, and get working!" The man exclaimed before leaving a tray of supplies by the woman's sides, and walking off.

And finally, after half a day gone and flew by. Blood everywhere, screams echoing, and sweat dripping.

[Y/N] had finally birthed her child.

A big mop of dark hair rested on the child's head, as it cried out like the dragons that were once here in Winterfell.

"It's a girl, Lady Stark!" A midwife squeals in pure delight, she couldn't be anymore younger than Lucerys.

The crying girl was placed on [Y/N]'s chest. Her small hands clawed at her mothers sweaty hair.

"Would you like us to call for a wetnurse?" The eldest midwife asks.

[Y/N] shook her head. "No, you're quite alright."

She stares at her daughter, who had finally calmed down, her eyes glued shut, as her chin wobbles with each whimper.


A week later, the babe was finally named. Sarra Stark-Velaryon. Jacaerys had agreed once in their shared letters that the child shall have both surnames, and if they reigned on the Iron Throne, changed to Velaryon, and if Winterfell, Stark.

Sarra had finally opened her eyes. Two grey eyes would stare back, with small freckles of brown. Her hair was light brown, like Jacaerys. She had his lips, but had her mothers scrunched eyebrows.

And in Winterfells eyes, she was to be crowned future Queen of the North. Where they got the Queen part, no one knew. And no one will ever know.

[Y/N]'s body has yet to go back to normal. The afterbirth arrived shortly after Sarra had. So she had no idea what was taking her body so long to get back to normal.

Alysanne had no clue how to help the girl. She knew nothing of childbirth like she did too.

[Y/N] sent another letter to her husband that night. Telling him about their daughter, her name, and who she looked like.

And yet no reply.

Lucerys had taking it to himself to help around Winterfell with [Y/N], offering his arm, offering to look after Sarra as Y/N slept, or went out to the training grounds.

She stood on the balcony. A now three-week-old, Sarra protesting with her wails to go down for a nap. Her chubby face going red in anger.

"C'mon, my sweet girl.."

[Y/N] let a tear slip down her face in frustration, and Sarra must have noticed a she goes silent, and finally let's sleep take her.

[Y/N] sighs and uses her shoulder to wipe away her tears.

The sound of sword clashing were back again, as [Y/N] rested Sarra down for her long awaited nap. She walks out again and looks down at the men.

She looks up at the sound of footsteps, thinking it was Lucerys.

It's Tobin. He strides to her, confidently, takes her face into his hands and kisses her swiftly.

It wasn't long before Tobin took her to her room. They stripped each other naked, kisses full of passion, stomach in twists.

[Y/N] felt the room smelt of sex, as Tobin made her climax a second time from behind and kept going.

His hand on her hips, bringing her onto his cock, and thrusted into her with such strength that she felt the bed might break.

[Y/N] let's out a loud moan, as Tobin reached forward and circled her throbbing clit.

"Oh, fuck!" Tobin groaned as she tightened.

[Y/N] grabbed the headboard in front of her as Tobin thrusted into her quicker and quicker.

She gasps. "Fuck! Tobin–"

Tobin reached forward and smashed his lips on hers and climaxed deep into her womb.

[Y/N] sobbed as she climaxed a third time. Her entire body felt on fire.

Tobin pulled out and immediately rushed to put on his clothes.

[Y/N] sat up, her back aching. "Tobin..?"

Tobin didn't spare her a second glance. He sighs.

"I– I have to go, [Y/N]..."

As soon as Tobin left, [Y/N] sighs as the tears rushed down her face and not in the pleasuring way that Tobin made her.


Two days letter, [Y/N] was feeding Ethon – the wolf had taken a liking to his owners daughter, gracefully licking the mop of brown locks.

The Lady of the North was surprised to see, Jaena running her way.

"Lady Stark!" She squeals. "You must make haste!"

She helps [Y/N] with getting up, holding Sarra for the time being.

As [Y/N] followed her handmaiden, she near dropped her daughter in shock. Her husband stood, hugging his brother.

A scar ran down from eyebrow to his neck. His lip was cut, and hissed in pain as men of Winterfell patted his back in celebration of his return.

Alysanne noticed her first, and rushed to her side. "He's home. I told you so, didn't I?"

Jacaerys followed the voice, and meet eyes with his wife, who had tears in her waterline, and a babe in her arms.

He immediately rushed over, and brought her into a tight hug, making sure no to harm his daughter in the process.

"My love," He whispers. The name didn't seem forced, instead was full of the love she wished the shared since the beginning.

"I thought you died, Jace." Her free arm, around the back of his neck, foreheads pressed together.

"I'll always find a way back to you. Always." Jacaerys whispers, as he pecks her lips gently.

When the pull away, his eyes falling to his daughter. Sarra was wrapped in her furs, brown with white highlights, that contrasted against her lighter brown hair.

"She's beautiful." He whispers.

[Y/N] smiles at him. "You can hold her, Jace.."

Jacaerys immediately takes her into his arms, supporting her head, and body, as he placed a kiss on her head.

He laughs, making the small girl giggle. His laugh was teary, Jacaerys looks at his wife, who was adoring this memory.

"I'm sorry I left you. I left the both of you.." Jacaerys apologises.

"Don't you dare be sorry, Jace.. You won another battle for your mother, another win for her true crown."

"Fuck her true crown.." Jacaerys whispers, his voice low. "You're my wife, and she's my daughter.. I.. I can't just abandon you both just because my mother decides that is what's best.."

"Jacaerys.." [Y/N] sighs. The guilt of Tobin rushed over her again.

"I love you, [Y/N]. And I'm stupid not to tell you in person. But I was afraid I was going to die out there.. and knowing you were stressing over this stupid war didn't make it any better.."

Jacaerys took a breath.

"This is why me and Lucerys are passing the heir title to Joffrey.. Luke has Driftmark, and I have Winterfell with you, for always."

[Y/N] shook her head. "We will not be discussing more wars after you've nearly died in one. Especially out in the open, you silly boy." She hissed.

"You're just back, and now here you are holding a daughter, and you're still thinking about the war.. Jace.. you need to learn when to stop. You need to learn the lines you're crossing."

[Y/N] goes to walk away, taking her daughter in her arms once more.

"It was my mother who had asked me beforehand... she asked me to choose, [Y/N],"

[Y/N] turns around. Raising a brow, silently telling him to continue. And he does.

Jacaerys is quick to catch up with her. The people of Winterfell going about their normal routines.

"I chose you, [Y/N]. I love Winterfell. I love you. I love our daughter. I love everything that has to do with you."

The two walked all the way up to Sarra's room.

The babes room was warm, and a cot, freshly built stood in the middle of the room, drapes of silk surrounding it, furs, rocking chair, wooden and velvet toys.

[Y/N] let their daughter lay in her cot, handing her a few toys to occupy her small mind.

She turned to Jacaerys, who stood, observing the room.

"Lucerys helped decorate.. he's definitely you're brother," [Y/N] sighs, subconsciously playing with the silk of her dress.

"[Y/N], I'm sorry for not telling you my plans–"

[Y/N] shook her head, walking closer to him, bringing his forehead against hers, closing her eyes.

"It's still your family we will be fighting for, Jace. If you choose me then you have to be ready for stuff more... adventurous, than just a nice throne to sit on."

Jacaerys relaxed against her, his hand resting on her waist.

"I'm sorry for making you go through childbirth without me."

[Y/N] smiles, and kisses in-between his brows. "I made through it, didn't I?"

Tobin flashed through her mind.

"I hope I'm not dreaming.."

[Y/N] laughs. "Do you want me to pinch you?"

Jacaerys kisses her head. "I think I'm okay."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, sweet girl." Jacaerys holds her hands, and sighs.

[Y/N] shrugs. "All you have been doing since I've known you is worry..."

Jacaerys sighs. "The Greens and their bastard army are closer now, we need to worry more, nowadays. While we have a Winterfell to live in, while I still have a dragon, while we still have our daughter-"

[Y/N] pulled away from her husband, her brows scrunched up. She laughs and shakes her head.

"I will not let you imagine Winterfell falling–"


"I will not let you imagine our daughter die!"

"Y/N, listen to me!" He shouts. His eyes burning like a true dragon.

"No, you listen to me!" Y/N shouts louder, as the wolf finally sharpens her claws.

"I'm the Lady of Winterfell. I will worry about my family and my people! I do not need you whispering to me how you wish for me to stress my people more with your nightmares... but giving your throne to a child, Jacaerys?!"

"Do you wish for that boy to die just because he is a threat to your uncles?! I have never seen a man as selfish as you-"

"Selfish?!" Jacaerys stalks closer.

"You do not frighten me, Jacaerys Velaryon. I have seen things unimaginable up in the North while you're surrounded with soft, Valaryian, incestuous, families."

Jacaerys eyes spoke without his mouth haven't to move.

"But if you dare think that giving that death wish of a throne to that boy, you have another thing coming.." She scoffs.

"I will not have you here with my people, thinking you will lead Winterfell and the North. Everything I have stood for until this very moment has gone down the fucking drain."

"When did I mention I was going to lead Winterfell and the North..?" Jacaerys stood tall. His brown eyes looking deep into hers.

When a minute passed and he got not answer back; "When did I ever want to lead Winterfell?!" Rung throughout [Y/N]'s eardrums.

The two stared at each other.

"Do you truly love me?" [Y/N] asks.

The question was mumbled, choked on. It was spat right on his face.

"Of course, I do."

"Then why must you make this war ruin us..?"

Jacaerys handed no answer. Just dead silence.

[Y/N] bit her lip until the blood fell down her chin. The words she wished to speak.

'leave me'

'ruin our marriage'

'fly home, dragon boy'

And all she ever managed to say was; "We're doing our duty, aren't we?"

Jacaerys nods.

"Then let's keep it that way.." [Y/N] sighs out. Her heart dropping at her own words.

Jacaerys nods once more.

[Y/N] couldn't dare look at him in the face, she felt cowardly, childish, and cold, but it had to be done.

If he was willing to give up his birthright, what else is he willing to sacrifice for 'love'?


More letters were exchanged between Rhaenyra and [Y/N], as the younger was told the news of Jacaerys younger brother, Viserys, was captured on the same night as the battle Jacaerys was in.

She set the letter on his desk, not saying hello, or speaking her sympathy, and turning around to walk away.

"Still sour?"

She wanted to turn and laugh. But she scoffed. "Just performing my wife duties." [Y/N] looks over her shoulder, once more before closing the door as she walked out.


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