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— Three moons had passed since the letter was sent to [Y/N].

She had had time to gather her army. Twenty thousand men – including the Vale and Riverlands – under her name.

With King's Landing now protected by Borros Baratheon and hismen, the Riverlands immediately planned to go ahead and fight.


[Y/N] turned to the voice, meeting Alysanne's kind eyes.


Alysanne smiles and hugs the girl. "Oh, sweet girl. How have you been?"

[Y/N] grins. "As well as I can be.."

The black–haired girl sighs. "I am to fight with the Riverlands.. I cannot wait. I've waited too long and I've watched too many men injure themselves while training."

She takes [Y/N]'s face into her hands. "I have waited and prayed for our reunion, sweet girl."

"I have missed you, Alys."

"We must hold back the tears for now. When we win this war we may cry together for years to come!"

[Y/N] chuckles.

Alysanne places a kiss on her head. "Send my love to Sarra, won't you?"

She leaves like that and rushes to grab a horse to follow the men.

[Y/N] wrapped herself tighter into her fur cloak. Men behind her sharpening their swords and doing final practice.

The dreadful feeling that that was the last time she was to see Alysanne ever again held her still on her feet as she watched the men disappear around the corner.


The next day the camp where all the men had been gathered was busy.

[Y/N] walked about her tent, gathering water from the bowel in the corner and washing the sleep off her face.

[Y/N] brushed her hair, before tying it up, and walked out.

A man walked forth.


He handed her a letter, the familiar seal burned her eyes.

She opens it, her eyes flashed upon the page.

"Lady Stark,

King Aegon has died. In his death, I have named Aegon the Younger, King.
There will be no need for more bloodshed, Lady. I beg.

Your husband has been injured, though he is been looked after by the Maester within our walls.

I will try to see if the Baratheon army will fall back, though I doubt they will as Lord Borros has been defeated. Many men of his are angry and await for you, Lady.

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