Omega and the beast

By AmenRocks1

81.7K 4K 1.1K

The Hookhill Chronicles, p:1 You know when people say how it's like love at first sight when seeing their lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Teaser 1 - the sequel

Chapter 8

1.9K 95 18
By AmenRocks1

Rosevalley Medieval fair. Every year, an annual medieval event was held in town where local small business owners, entertainers and craft enthusiasts came to exhibit their creations, sell their stuff, and hold entertaining tournaments and such. It's a day spent with your loved ones, where there are several medieval games and where everyone who thinks they are something goes to hang out.

You can drink mead, shoot with a bow and arrow, chop firewood with an axe and the annual tug of war. It's a bit like Rosevalley's highlight of the year. It's much more fun than the winter harvest or easter event. There is probably no townie who has never visited the fair and all proceeds earned this weekend goes to the local youth associations and the hospital's work with sick children.

"How do I look?!" I beamed up at Mike through our narrow hall mirror, fixing my headpiece in purple velvet.

"Awesome! Like a noble prince. And how do I look? Isn't this great, ey?" Mike straightened up with a smug smile, pulling at his fake moustache.

"As if the Three Musketeers had a love  child with Prince Charming!" I giggled amused.

Mike and I never skimped on accessories or our costumes. We always went all in and put a lot of time into looking perfect for our visit to the fair. Mike wore woollen clothing in green, with undergarments made of linen. He had stockings and a leather belt around his waist in which a leather purse hang. He also wore a cloak with a hood. I, who always wanted to be a little more fab than my friend, had found the perfect noble costume in a store in old town.

I used to buy my clothes from this old lady who loves to make my clothes match my eyes. Mike's grandma used to sew his clothes, and sometimes mine. But since I found this old lady I always went to her. And she gave me a good price, telling me how I was like a wandering advertisement for her.

This year I wore a purple tunic with a matching darker jacket. I wore hose, light leggings, and breeches. Since the rich in the Middle Ages used to wear furs and jewellery, I had chosen a coat with fur on the edges. I don't know what animal though, but it was cool. I had borrowed my grandmother's old jewellery. She collected medieval stuff when she was alive.

It was Saturday and for the first time in a long time I had really longed to not be among the books at Hookhill. It felt a bit like I was crawling on the walls these past days, feeling suffocated by my work and Reed's Twatiness. So, this was what I needed. Mike and I had called a taxi so we could both drink mead and wine, and we both snickered happily as we squeezed into the back seat.

"You should have asked Mr. Cranky pants if you could borrow one of his Armor!" Mike bursts with a chuckle. "Or he must have lots of other medieval stuff in that castle of his!"

"Do you think he would let me borrow that?" I objected. "He's boring and I'm a thief in his eyes. I bet he doesn't even visit the fair."

"His family sponsors it every year, of course he does!"

"But have you seen him there? Think about it! I would remember seeing Reed more than on pictures."

"Because he's hot?"

"It can't be denied!"

"It's usually his sisters who goes, I think. That sexy one and the young and more shy girl."

"Oh, right." After we googled Reed's family, Mike had got a thing for one of Reed's sisters. It was a girl with light and almost silvery hair. "Reed probably considers himself too fine for a medieval fair and let his sisters represent their family."

"Is he really that boring?"

"Yes! And so sassy! You know when I cooked lunch for him the other day?"

"When you burned all the food, but he tried to eat it anyway to be polite?"

"No, he ate it to tease me!"

"Tease you?" Mike looked at me with a questioning grin.

"Yes! He knew it would annoy me!"

"And the bandage you came home with on your hands, was it also to tease you?"

"He's so overprotective! Such a pussy."

When we arrived at the fair it was already full of people there and then we arrived early. My parents were going to volunteer at the entrance where they sell tickets. They waved happily at me and Mike when they saw us before giving us each a big hug. Mom looked like a maid while dad looked more like an inquisitor.

"Ryan! How are you honey?"

"Just fine, mom. Hey dad."

"Hi son," Dad smiled, but I could see how he was really pissed off.

So far they both know, I haven't yet found a new fulltime job. I don't know why I didn't lie about my job at Reed's. But I guess they wouldn't believe how someone like me could work for someone like him. Instead, I lied and told them how I worked a little here and a there, jumping from place to place.

"How nice you two look! And Mike, so fun to see you darling," Mom hugged Mike hard. "How's it going to live with Ryan?"

"It is great, Anne. We're like brothers."

"Oh, I know. And your mother?"

"She's fine."

"Good to hear. I hope you two will have a fun day here today. Your costumes are so good."

"Thank you," Mike smiled. "Ryan is a noble prince while I'm his noble knight."

"I can see that," Mom snickered before turning to me. "Your sister is already in there with her friends."

"Becca?" I asked and mom nodded while handing us our wristbands. "Vendela and the others then?"

"Luka has a cold with a fever so they stayed home."

"Oh, so sad."

"Well, have fun you two! Maybe we'll see each other later during the tournaments and can have lunch together?"

"It sounds great!" I called back to her as we were led on by the crowd behind us who were eager to enter as well.

Mike and I always makes a competition of all the games and challenges that you can do during the fair. The one who wins most of the challenges wins and the loser must pay for next year's tickets.

I clapped my hands enthusiastically when the first thing we saw was a stand where you with a big sledgehammer would hit a block so that another block flew up to a bell. If you succeeded, you won a prize. None of us used to win at this game, but we competed against each other about who was closest and then Mike always won since he's stronger than I am.

"I begin!" I burst, giggling amused as I hurried to the sledgehammer and lifted the heavy tool. "I have done some exercise and practiced hitting! Now you will see some raw strength!"

"A result of all the heavy books, huh?" Mike crossed his arms over his chest while observing me and I grinned widely before I aimed... and hit. The block went almost halfway up... Or who am I kidding, it barely left the ground. "Wow, you surprise me."

"Stop being a sarcastic bitch! Try for yourself if you can!" I handed him the sledgehammer and watched as Mike got it almost to the top, higher than he has ever made it go. I gaped at him. "You must be cheating!"

"How can I cheat on this?!"

"I warmed it up for you!"

"You can only acknowledge me as stronger!" Mike grinned and I shoved him with my elbow. The man standing by the stand laughed as he received the sledgehammer.

"I wish you both an excellent day, my young gentlemen."

"Thank you sir!"

What I loved about the medieval fair was the wonderful music, the atmosphere and all the sweets and dancing. There was an area where you could dance around a pole while holding a silk ribbon. Maybe it was mostly for kids, but I loved it! However, no matter how much I wanted to dance, Mike dragged me away from the pole.

"No Mike! I wanna dance!"

"We won't do a repeat from last year, remember?"

I chuckled at the memory of when I accidentally happened to pull up my ribbon in the crotch of a very irritated man who claimed that I did it on purpose. But how could I know that he was just standing there to observe his daughter and didn't want to be part of the erotic medieval dance I was trying to produce. People in this town have no sense of humour.

"It was fun!"

"It was embarrassing!" Mike led me to a challenge with apple bobbing instead.

"Can you beat a champion?!" he chuckled, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I won last year!"

"But I won the three before!"

"Two, two before. This is my area! You were just lucky back then."

"Yeah; sure!"

"I do magic with my mouth! Sadly you're missing it out Mike," I grinned with a wink teasingly.

There was a queue and we competed against three others. We had to get on our knees with our hands behind our backs with a wooden bucket each with apples floating in them. First to fish up all or as many as we could before the time was up and this by biting the apples, wins.

A small crowd gathered around us and when I glanced up I saw a handsome man. I cannot describe him better. It was a handsome man and his at least as beautiful wife. The woman had a young girl beside her who looked at me curious. They all had distinctive brown eyes and when I smiled at them, they smiled back.

"Those who're voting for me, I promise I'll make you proud!" I burst and people laughed.

"If you vote for me, however, I will give you my sword and will protect your land!" Mike chuckled.

"The first with the most or all the apples from the water wins. You have 45 seconds," the woman in charge of the apple bobbing said before she hit a gong, and everyone drove their heads into the water.

I'm not strong, I'm not that athletic. But I'm agile when it comes to using my mouth and I quickly got my first three apples before the others were a struggle. I grinned as I glanced at Mike who frustratedly struggled with his apples. I didn't care about the other competitors, the most important thing was to beat Mike!

When the audience counted down until the time was up, I fought for the last two apples in a panic, fishing up one of them just as the time ran out. I jumped to my feet and cheered as I clapped my hands, grinning at Mike teasingly. He couldn't help but smile as he wiped the water from his face.

"That is how you do it! BAAM!" I giggled and the crowd snickered.

"It seems we have a winner. The noble prince in purple velvet!" The woman pulled me to her side and held my arm high in the air to my amused cheers. I grinned proudly. Mike huffed in mock grumpiness.

"It was just pure luck. Your apples had rougher peel."

"Yeah, sure! Not at all my talent that did it!"

The crowd gathered around us participants, congratulated me and the woman handed me a golden apple in Styrofoam. The beautiful man and woman with their assumed daughter clapped their hands lightly before backing away and disappearing into the crowd.

I looked after them, something making me wanna follow them. But when Mike shoved me with his elbow, I stuck out my tongue at him before we continued away among the market stalls.

"What do you think about your slave driver now, after some time in his grasp?" Mike asked when we sat down at a table in a tent to drink mead and eat some medieval bread. I snickered low, finding myself blushing. "Oh, that way..."

"Shut up! You know what I think."

"And?" Mike asked teasingly as he raised his mead stoup. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" We drank large sips and I coughed, almost choking. "And..."

"What else?!"

"He's a grumpy twat. He thinks he's better than everyone else and is so bossy."

"You nag about that!"

"Because it's true! I'm not allowed to go where I want, not eat what I want and fuck if I go out in bad weather! He thinks I am fragile or something."

"That you're not allowed to do what you want falls well under the criterion of slavery," Mike said without looking up from the hard bread he broke pieces off and dipped in the mead.

"But bad weather, Mike. What kind of nonsense is that? There are no bad weather,"

"Only bad clothes." We both grinned. It was something my mom used to say when she forced us outside to play even if it was raining. And THEN I was a teen. We didn't play! "But it actually stormed quite badly this week."

"And he forced me to stay there until 9pm just to be sure I could drive home!"

"Wow, so awful."

"If you had met him, you would understand!"

"And that detail that you think he looks good and blushes just by hearing his name?"

"I do not!" I burst.

"Reed..." Mike taunted me, and I blushed. He grinned triumphantly. "Exactly. Just like every night when he texts you."

"That he's handsome is neither something you nor I can deny! He's handsome, and that irritates me."

"Because it would have been easier if your slave driver was ugly so you could really hate him?" I sighed and took a bite of the bread... and I wanted to vomit.

"This is rock hard!"

"It's made of bark."


"You feel that you shouldn't like the man who holds you captive in his castle."

"Yes! Then a noble knight could have come and saved me! Climbing up to the highest tower and giving me a kiss."

"Why not let the lord of the castle himself kiss you?"

"Yuck! Mike, Reed must be straight."

"Are you really sure about that?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"I get another feeling."

"Just by hearing me talk about him?"

"I need to meet the guy. By meeting him I will be sure."

"Even though I feel like Belle in Reed's library, a prisoner for someone else's crime... He's not my prince covered in fur, wearing fangs. He's a cranky and boring twat."

"Who makes you blush."

I chose to ignore Mike and looked around the tent. A troubadour played his lyre in one corner and almost everyone in the tent was dressed up. Even the handsome man and his wife who had now come to the tent. They took a table in one corner and ordered mead and bread just like we did. Their daughter looked curious in our direction, and I waved at her when I caught her eyes.

"If you don't want to catch your slave driver on... the hook," We both chuckled at that. "Have you thought about throwing yourself into the jungle of men again?"

"You mean Tinder?"

"Or that gay app you use to have."

"Grindr," I sighed, leaning back. "There's no fun men there, Mike."

"You haven't looked for a while. Admit it, you need some dick."


"You do."

"I do... I need some dick. No, cock! I fucking need some cock!" A family next to us glanced weirdly at me. "Fuck, why couldn't I like girls like you? Or better, why couldn't you be gay?!"

"Like you would be my taste!"

"Who can resist this dashing face?!" I exclaimed with my hands under my chin as I blinked frantically at him. "Jokes aside. Would I even have time for a boyfriend now that I barely have any free time?"

"What do you mean by boyfriend? Find a fuck-buddy."

"A fuck-buddy?"

"Yes. We both know that it's mostly about you having to get your needs met. You haven't been that relationship kind of guy this far."

"Because I haven't find the right one."

"You have to lessen your demands!"

"No! I think it's good that I have high demands."

"So, what are your requirements?" I took another chew of the rock-hard bread and was forced to chew in what felt like several minutes before I could rinse it down with mead.

"You know... Understanding, responsible... Someone who can stand me. He should be confident and like to lead."

"Have money, live in a ghost castle..."

"Mike!" I laughed.

"It sounds like Reed!"

"No, just because he falls under some of those criteria!"

"Which one does he not fall under then?"

"He has to put up with me." Both laughed.

"Okay, look around then!" Mike waved around us. "Do you see any handsome guy in here you would like to be fucked by?"

Yet again the family next to us glared in our direction. I looked around and fixed my eyes on the handsome man with his family. The heterosexual man. I shook my head.


"Let me find someone I think might be gay!"

Whatever guy Mike pointed out, no one was of interest. And even though I refused to admit it to Mike, it was 90% because of me having a bit of a crush on my boss. Not that I'm in love with him or anything! But... There's something about that man that catches my interest. Not just his looks or demeanour. But he kind of smells so good! I dunno. It is captivating, and those eyes...

After we had managed to eat all our bread we continued our competition by going to the bows. The purpose of this game was to get three arrows to hit as close to the centre of a round straw board as possible.

Mike is handsome, I know that too. And when he stretched his bow and fired his first arrow, I could see several of the girls around us almost drooling over him. He smiled contentedly, turning to me with a smirk when he hit two rings from the middle.

"Maybe my noble prince wants to try to beat that?!" He bowed deeply before handing me the bow. I huffed at him.

"You're just a simple knight. Of course my arrows will surprise the audience!"

I took position and raised the bow. I felt like Robin Hood when I aimed, and I squinted with one eye to look more badass. I pulled back the arrow, my elbow as far back as I could... Then I let go.

"Wow, surprise us you did." I glared at Mike.

"It blew too hard!"

"It's windless!" Mike laughed as we both stared at my arrow that was wedged in the grass less than a few meters from me. "You've lost your mojo!"

"I didn't want to strain my noble hands!"


"I will beat your ass with my sassiness. Wait and see, this prince will make it!"

My other two arrows actually hit the strawboard, but Mike had all three near the middle and thus won a golden arrow. We had now equal number of points when we headed towards chopping firewood.

Since it isn't my thing to wave around axes or sledgehammers, Mike also won that challenge, but I surprised both of us by getting full points on throwing horseshoes. I've never been good at aiming, but I was so stubborn to beat Mike that it made me focus extra hard.

Since we were equal, the winner would be decided during the tug of war that came after the tournament. Together with many others we huddled on wooden benches in the stands around the large arena in which riding knights would soon fight for the hand of a beautiful maiden.

"Why don't they fight for the hand of a handsome prince?!" I burst when a knight chose the girl next to me to fight for. "What's so funny with a maiden?! I can be a helpless boy who needs a noble knight to fight for me!"

"She sure is hot," Mike mumbled when we saw the girl being led away to a raised scene opposite us where the great nobility would sit. She would be allowed to sit on a special throne next to the royals, that is, the main sponsors of the harvest fair.

"Probably bad at carding wool!" I looked away with a snort, trying to hide my grin.

"Hey, look over there," I looked at Mike before following his gaze towards the stage. "It's Mr. Cranky!"


I could see Reed. Fucking Reed! He sat there together with who must be his brother since they were basically identical. Maybe Reed was a little taller and his brother had more of a beard than just stubble, but both looked equally grumpy. He was sitting there between his brother and a girl I didn't recognize. I frowned, what was he doing here, really?!

"He came here anyway."

"How is that even possible?! He's never been here before!"

"Or we haven't thought about it?" Mike suggested, but I shook my head.

"It's always the sisters who sits there, with the mayor and the others!"

"Well now it's the brothers. They look so fucking badass."

"Bah! They doesn't even have proper costumes!" I glared in Reed's direction, but he was busy talking to the girl next to him. "If they're here as representatives of their company, they should give it all!" I fished my phone out of my purse.

"What are you gonna do now?" Mike looked at me, but I ignored him. "Ryan?"

"He cannot come here and think I don't intend to point out how he's here when he hasn't mention it to me!"

"Is it written in your slave contract how he has to tell you where he is?"

"No, but he should understand that I would come here since I nagged about it the last few days!"

Me: What are you doing here?!

Before sending the text I stared at Reed to see if he noticed me texting him. To my surprise, he already looked at me. And then I mean straight at me.

He fished his phone out of his pocket without breaking eye contact. As if he knew I was sitting here, texting him, before he even got the text.

I waved my phone at him, giving him an ugly grimace while sending the text. He looked down, and it took barely a few seconds for his respond to reach me.

Reed: Represents Hook Enterprise.

Me: And you couldn't have mention it to your simple slave? That you were going here too?

Reed: I assumed it was obvious. My family sponsors this event every year.

Me: You're never here! It used to be your sisters. By the way, you never mentioned that your brother is your twin!

Reed: You're observant.

Me: Look up.

Reed looked up at me and I gave him a death glare and a one finger salute. He frowned and looked down at his phone again.

Reed: I have no twin. Angus is like a year younger.

Me: You who are so incredibly good at getting involved in things and who have the power to influence. Why cannot the knights fight for a noble prince's hand, huh?! Why only girls?!

"What is he writing?" Mike asked curiously with a chuckle, glancing over my shoulder. "Oh, give him all you've got!"

"Welcome to this year's tournament!"

We looked up when the speaker, the mayor, stood at the microphone to greet everyone.

"This year's tournament will offer fire, danger and courage! As most people know, the knights are fighting for the maiden's hand!" He gestured towards the chosen girl who blushed with a shy smile. "And together they become Rosevalley's Lord and Lady for a year and are celebrated during tomorrow's harvest dance! In the tournament knights meet from every corner of our noble city to measure their powers and show off virtues such as strength and bravery, but also mercy and fair play."

Reed: Enjoy the tournament now.

Me: You missed the point with the costumes. You look more like Dracula's grandfather than a medieval nobleman!

Reed ignored me and smiled at the mayor when the mayor turned to face him and his brother. They both rose slowly. Reed extended his arm to the girl next to him who hooked her arm with his before both of them approached the microphone followed by Angus with another girl by his arm.

"For the first time in many years, the Hook nobility is represented by the eldest sons, Lord Reed Ramon Hook and Lord Angus Anthony Hook!" Everyone cheered and applauded.

"I knew it, Mike! They haven't been present for as long as I can remember!" I showed Mike with my elbow, nodding at Reed. "He's here to fuck with me!"

"Seriously? Maybe it's you who has a crazy crush on him rather than him being obsessed with you?"

"Something weird is going on!" I hissed. "Who is that girl by his side anyway?"

"It's Fisherman Felix's daughter." I frowned.


We could see how the mayor gave the microphone to Reed who looked proper and straight in the back. He smiled at the audience cheering before he smiled at the fisherman's daughter.

"He's so handsome!" I heard a girl behind me say. I wanted to tell her that he's taken, until I realized... He wasn't. At least not by me. And the thought made me feel uneasy somehow. I watched the girl practically cling to his arm.

"Yes, he's dating that top model, right?" Another girl behind us answered.

"Then why is he here with Bianca?" Bianca... My eyes narrowed when I stared at the fisherman's daughter. He's mine! I frowned. What?

"My brother and I are happy to be here with you today to celebrate our harvest fair, but also to witness this noble tournament. Like every year we sponsor the harvest fair but also donate money to the city's young people. This year we specially want to pay tribute to our young basketball team, which has fought their way to the district finals."

Everyone applauded.

"Let us now enjoy this tournament before the glorious tug of war begins. Let the warriors ride forward!"

I didn't pay any attention to the knights who rode into the arena at full gallop since I was completely tranced by Reed's deep voice from the microphone.

My cheeks flushed red when I could see that Bianca girl pawing at him. Even if he didn't seem to care, and even if I shouldn't care. It bothered me. My mate! Wait... mate?

When he returned to his seat he let his eyes fall on me and I just stared back at him, breathing heavily. Did his eyes glow? Did they fucking glow in the sunlight or was it just me imagining things?!

I could see him discreetly fishing up his phone again and I felt my own phone vibrate in my lap. But angrily I ignored him and turned my gaze to the knights who, with drawn lances, rode towards each other.

Mike and I sat at the bottom of the stands next to the arena, which meant that we were in the firing line of tufts of grass and broken lances.

At one point when a horse made a sudden braking, a tuft of grass flew straight towards me and hit me in the face so that I fell back against the knees of the one who sat behind me. Mike burst out laughing along with some around us, and I spat grass and dirt while rubbing my sore forehead.

"Bull's eye!" he teased, and I pushed him, glaring at him.

"You're my knight, my fucking bodyguard Mike! You should have taken that tuft in my place!"

"My face is more valuable!"

"It could have been my eye!"

"What a luck you have two then!" My phone vibrated again, and I looked down at it.

Reed: How did it go?! Are you hurt?!

Me: Shouldn't you be busy with your clingy fisherman's daughter?

I looked up at Reed who cocked a questioning eyebrow at me before narrowing his eyes.

Reed: I asked how it went!

Me: I saw that. I can read, Reed.

Reed: Answer the question.

Me: I survived. Some grass and soil never take a toll on me, sir.

I smiled at him haughtily, and he narrowed his eyes even more.

Reed: I want you to move higher up in the stands so that you don't get hurt.

Me: Too bad I like my place! By the way, it's full of people there.

Reed: Move more to the side then, there is plenty of space to your right.

I glared up at him before I shook my head, leaning back while crossing my legs.

Me: I'm fine sitting here, thank you!

I avoided meeting Reed's gaze again since I knew he would just give me his determined stern expression. Instead, I focused on the knights who tried to catch rings with their swords and split melons into two parts.

Although my instinct kept telling me to look up at Reed, I did everything I could NOT to look at him.

But with a gasp I turned my gaze back and realized how he was still staring straight at me. And I shivered. A deep shiver which went up my spine. Not in an unpleasant way, but... different.

He wrinkled his forehead slightly, squinting at me sternly. And I swallowed hard, fumbling with my hands. Maybe I should move to another seat? I... Did I feel the urge to?

"Watch out!" I flinched before Mike's arm flew out in front of me when another tuft of grass came flying. With a proud grin he turned to me. "Don't say I won't save you! I have reflexes like a hawk!"

"Thank you, my noble knight!" I snickered, somewhat startled.

After the second turf almost hitting my face I refused looking in Reed's direction, I even ignored my phone when it began to ring. I just muted it without looking down, blushing badly since I understood how it was Reed who tried to reach out to me.

When the last two knights were left and rode against each other for the last stroke of mercy, I dared to take a quick look at Reed. Now he didn't look at me, but I could see that he was pissed! And it made me at least as grumpy.

He has no right to be pissed at me for not wanting to give away this awesome spot! It isn't like I'm in the middle of a... fight. Okay I am close to one but not a real one. And it wasn't that bad.

"It looks like we have a winner!" the mayor exclaimed to the audience's cheering when a knight on a white horse made the rider on a brown to fall off. "This year's lord of the harvest fair is Knight Pluto, of the southern lands!"

"He deserved to win!" Mike laughed, standing up to applaud him. "It's Braden, you know."

"Braden?!" An old classmate of Mike's.

I watched him as he rode to the stage and with the help of the others got the chosen maiden behind him on the horse. She laughed lyrically when she received a crown and a bunch of flowers.

"He's fit!"

"Now he has great Armor, but yes. I usually meet him at the gym." I smiled, waving to the girl when they rode past us in a lap of honour. "Wow, Mr. Cranky looks pissed!" I looked up at the stage and could see Reed staring straight at me again. For how long had he done so? "Is it you he's staring at?!"

"No, absolutely not," I objected, looking away.

Together with the others in the audience, we headed out into the arena when the horses had left the place and the volunteers moved away the tournament props.

It was time for the annual tug of war. It consisted of two teams, the red against the blue, and volunteering participants had to stand on either side of a line and grab a large rope.

Mike and I always took different teams since we competed against each other. I always took the blue one while he took the red team, claiming how red was more badass. I myself explained how blue was the colour of royalty and thus the team for me.

"May the best man win!" Mike grinned before hurrying off to his side of the rope.

"See you on this side when we have pulled you over here!" I yelled after him, snickering. I took place at the rope and bent down, grabbing it.

"Are you always this disobedient?!"

I jerked before straightening, feeling someone solid behind me. I didn't have to look back, his deep voice and his sweet scent speaking for him. I glanced back over my shoulder while blushing badly.

"Reed! What are you doing here?!" But he ignored my question.

"I asked you to move so you wouldn't get hurt!"

"And I didn't want to move, and I didn't get hurt."

"Thanks to your friend, yes."

"Why does it concern you?! I'm free at the weekends, you don't rule over me then!"

Someone blew a whistle and those who were to take part in the competition took their places by the rope. Reed grabbed the rope behind me, and I looked back at him sceptically.

"Move away, your crankiness disturbs my mojo!"

"I will also participate."

"This is my team! It has no place for cranky pants!"

"This is my team; my brother is on the other side."

"Then join him!" I hissed.

"Those of us representing the family always compete in one team each."

"Then switch places! He seems less grumpy!"

"Stop that."

"Force me." But he didn't say anything more.

I turned my gaze forward and focused on the back of the woman in front of me, clenching my jaws tight.

When the signal whistled and everyone began to pull, I tore in the rope as hard as I could and felt how I pressed myself back against Reed who stood there solid, as if he didn't have to make an effort. Frustrated I glanced back, annoyed at how he didn't seem to bother.

"You have to realize that you need to be careful," Reed leaned in and his breath hit my cheek. I shivered with pleasure, losing focus for a second. Something that didn't seem to affect the competition. And the knowledge of how my efforts didn't seem to matter made me annoyed.

"Stop chatting and start tugging! The rest of us are making an effort here, Reed!"

"I want you to be careful. It's important to me."

"But something I myself don't care about!" I chuckled angrily when we with a jerk made Mike's team fall in our direction before they pulled harder in their direction again.

"Next time I ask you to do something,"

"Seriously Reed? Now?!" I burst with a heavy breath. The sweat made my headpiece slide down over my eyes and surprised I felt how Reed pulled it back up. "Pull with both your hands!"

"You don't understand why it's... Why it's important. But," I ignored him and exclaimed in a happy cheer when we pulled Mike's team across the line, winning.

"HAH! That's how it should be!" I let go of the rope and clapped my hands wildly. "Lock at us noble ones!"

"The winning team is team blue! Congratulations!" exclaimed the mayor and the cheers of the audience filled the arena once again.

I threw an annoyed look over my shoulder at Reed while dancing away to Mike who looked unaffected by his loss. We hugged and I pushed down his hood over his eyes with a snicker, happy to be this year's winner.

"You simply have to recognize me as the best of the harvest fair fighters!"

"You were,"

"Not at all just lucky!"

"Skilled, I would say!" Mike exclaimed. "Congratulations, man!" I instinctively turned my gaze back and could see Reed slowly move towards us.



"Ryan!" I looked up when Becca came hurrying towards us. "Hi!" She threw herself around my neck and I hugged her hard.

"Hey, where are your friends?!"

"They thought the tournament was boring so they left, but I promised Mom I would join you guys for lunch."

"Are they here somewhere?" I looked around.

"Over there!" Becca pointed to the exit where Mom and Dad were waiting for us.

"Sweet, I'm hungry!" Mike hurried away toward them.

"Are you coming?" Becca smiled at me, and I nodded.

"Soon!" I looked after her with a sigh.

"Ryan..." I rolled my eyes when Reed caught up with me and slowly turned towards him.

"What?" He stared at me for a long time before he raised a gentle hand to my forehead. Wide-eyed, I stared at him as he caressed his fingers over my quite sore skin.

"You have soil on your face," he mumbled, wiping it off.

"Oh," I rubbed my shirtsleeve over it. "Better?" He nodded. "Um, sweet." I rocked back and forth on my feet, looking down.

"You know I just mean well."

"I do."


"But you have to stop being so overprotective. It's weird when it comes to someone like me."

"Someone like you?"

"A practical a stranger."

He took a deep breath and instinctively I did the same. The scent I smelled made me almost dizzy, smiling. His scent. I... I fucking loved it for some odd reason. It gave me a feeling of safety, joy?

I could se the fisherman's daughter waiting for Reed by the scene. I grinned at her smugly, and she squinted at me. Mine! What? I looked back up at Reed who's face was hard to read.

"When it comes to someone like you, it isn't weird."

"And with that you mean?"


I looked up when his brother Angus approached. His yellow eyes looked into mine and he got a hard-to-interpret expression before he scowled. He observed me for a while, and it made me feel uneasy.

Instinctively I moved closer to Reed. When our arms bumped into each other he threw a glance down at me, then back up at his brother. I did the same, unable to tear my eyes from his. When Angus finally looked away, I breathed out the air I held in.

"We have to go."

"Angus, this is... Ryan." I looked between them.

"Oh, um; hi," I smiled nervously. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Hi... Ryan." His voice. It was full off... I dunno what. He looked almost confused, troubled in a way.

"Do you live in the estate?" I asked in an attempt to thaw the tense mood.

"The mayor wants a picture of us with the winner," Angus didn't answer and my shoulders slouched slightly.

"Um, it's okay. I have to go to the others anyway." Reed looked divided, as if he didn't want to go... or that he didn't want me to go.

"See you on Monday," he finally said, and I nodded, then grinned at him.

"Yep! Less noble but more eager to work!" I giggled. And he smiled, that kind smile which made the butterflies in my belly to flutter. "Nice to meet you, Cranky's brother!" I then grinned at Angus before I turned and hurried away towards my family and Mike before it got too awkward. Two cranky pants I couldn't deal with!

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