By tmbm12

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By tmbm12


— As the Winter–Wolves were sent onwards to fight against the Lannisters army, Lucerys began packing to return back to his mother.

"I'll miss you, Luke." [Y/N] sat on the end of his bed, watching as he took his time to pack his stuff.

"Surely, you'll survive, dear [Y/N].." Lucerys smiles. "We'll see each other soon, I hope. As soon as this war is over and my mother is on her rightful Throne, Kings Landing is yours to visit, I'll make sure of it."

[Y/N] smiles at the boy. "You're the sweetest boy, I've ever met, Luke."

Lucerys smiles even brighter. "It's like you want me to stay."

[Y/N] laughs, standing up and hugging the boy.

Someone clears their throat. Jacaerys stood by the doorframe, like he did all those years ago.

"I heard you're leaving for home, brother." Jacaerys greets his brother with a smile.

"Yes, until mother decides to ship me off like she did with Joff, Aegon, and.." He didn't dare speak the name of Viserys the Younger.

The youngest of two was unsure if his brother was aware of the news speculating the boys kidnapping and murder.

"He'll return.. Viserys has always been a smart boy." [Y/N] sighs. "I must tend to Sarra.. she's been teething recently.."

"Truly a wolf." Lucerys whispers to her, earning a chuckle, as she walked off.


Sarra, now six moons old, her hair becoming a darker shade. Her lips fuller, her cheeks rosy, and a laugh that would even make a Mad King smile.

She sat on her Handmaidens lap, amused by the young girl and her enthusiastic movements with a wooden horse figure.

"Hello, dear Lauryn." [Y/N] greets the young Handmaiden, whose ginger curls shook as she looked up from the babe.

"Hello, m'lady." Lauryn smiles.

"My dear, you're free to go on about your day, I'll take care of Sarra for now."

Lauryn handed the girl back to her mother, and bowed her head slightly.

Sarra's sweet smile beamed throughout the room as her mother swaddled her up in furs for the short walk to Ethon.

Ethon, the magnificent beast, had grew into a lovely one. His once lazy mood, had now grew into the leader of the pack.

As Alysanne wolf had popped out a few pups.

So, Sarra had a choice. A Dragon or a Direwolf – her Dragon egg yet to be hatched – Lucerys had once said he'd pray to the Seven for her egg to hatch.

Ethon, now standing around the height that Cregan once stood, laid beside his pups, as the shes of the litter laid beside him, and the hes wrestled with one another.

Sarra immediately squealed in happiness seeing her favourite she-wolf, Kiren.

The wolves fur matched her mothers – ginger, with hits of grey, and bright orange eyes. The pups only born a week prior and yet have grown to look as if they were moons old.

Kiren, following her fathers footsteps, was one of the gentlest pups ever. She didn't pounce, growl, or bite. And enjoyed Sarra patting her head, even though it must give her a headache afterwards.

The stable-boy sat playing with one of the pups stopped doing what he was doing when he noticed [Y/N].


[Y/N] chuckles. "It's alright. Play with them all you want. Sarra just wanted to see Kiren.

The boy smiles. "Can i be excused? I'm in desperate need to.."



"Good Gods, boy, no need to ask me."

The boy ran, as Sarra giggled when Kiren licked her chubby palm.

"You let all the stable boys run to piss?"

"If I were mistaken, Jacaerys, I would've guessed you were a true Northerner."

Jacaerys gives a dry chuckle, as he kneels behind his sitting daughter, supporting her back.

"Luke is gone."

"Good, surely he missed his mother."

"Yes, he hasn't spoken to her a few moons."

[Y/N] nods.

The two sat in awkward silence. The truth about Tobin threatened to spill out.

"How are the Dragonstones.. are they any good?" [Y/N] asks.

"A few of them are rude cunts.. but what do you expect." Jacaerys shrugs.

"I noticed your scar.." They make eye contact. "One on you, and Vermax."

"Stupid archers. Came out of nowhere, went for me first." Jacaerys explains. "I got out alive, but we had to leave one behind."


Jacaerys shrugs. "Never talked much.. the boy, he stuck by Nettles side. She never stopped talking, Seven Hells."

[Y/N] found herself laughing, lightly. "So was it worth it?"

Jacaerys shook his head. "While it was successful.. I didn't find any satisfaction from it?"

[Y/N] laughs. "Were you expecting whores when you landed?"

Jacaerys hazel eyes glanced at hers. "No.. I expected a bit of pride.. but here I am, with a wife who is ready to rip my head off."

[Y/N] gives a pathetic grin. Her eyes spoke words to him that her mouth was too stuck up to say.

She settled with, "I have my reasons."

"I know you do-"

"Then why must you make it an argument?" She went headfirst, asking the question that was begging to spill.

"Why must my justified reasons to rip your head off cause you to act as if I never was at your side to support you, and your mother's claim."

Jacaerys sat there as Sarra babbled away. It was silence from his part.

"Jacaerys, if this causes disturbance with our lo– our marriage... then Sarra will be heir to Winterfell."

Jacaerys looked at his wife. A woman he once yearned to hold. Yearned to kiss, every moon he was gone.

He felt everything still there. But yet, her eyes no longer held the passion they once had before he left.

"If that's your wish, then so be it.. but [Y/N], I.." He hesitated. "I do love you.. even if you believe our marriage is no longer love and just duty.. I love you."

"I know you do, Jace." [Y/N] nodded.

She stood up. "I'm sure you can look after Sarra, I'm off to find Alysanne."


[Y/N] watched the men who decided to give their life up to the war, who have decided to leave their wives, their children for the true Queen of the Seven.

She wondered if these men thought about their sacrifices. If it was everything they thought about, or was it in the back of their heads..

She didn't dare to ask the man, feared of their answers, feared of their own fear.

Tobin had no family waiting for him, no one to mourn his death if it were to occur – surely enough he wished [Y/N] would shed a tear, but she had her daughter and husband to worry about.

All his thoughts were if there was any wine and women rewarded at the end of the battle.

To which [Y/N] had promised anything towards the men whom returned.

[Y/N] found his green eyes and sneaky grin across the yard ever since their shared night.

She still thought about him. But he was the one to rush off. Her heart still remained in Jacaerys' hands – a man who would give up anything for her and their daughter.

Her monthly bleed had yet to return. Alysanne – whom she hadn't told anything about Tobin – believed it to be because of stress.

But [Y/N] had a gut feeling, and every so often would rest her hand upon her stomach.

Tobin just seemed to be everywhere. His grin mocking her.

He stood beside her on the balcony. He was tall, he had black curls, and a broad nose.

Tobin reached for her hand, which was hidden underneath her fur. His calloused fingertips heated her up.

[Y/N]'s body jumped at the touch, she goes to move but his hand is quick to catch her wrist. His other hand moved the hair to her back, he leaned forward.

"I'm not one to offend a Lady, but would you look at me?"

[Y/N] did such and immediately felt sick to her stomach. Tobins once soft gaze has turned threatening.

[Y/N]'s mouth was sewn shut as she wished to cry out for Jacaerys.

Tobins mocking grin returned, his hand reached up and cupped the side of her face.

"I thought the prince has died..?"

His once soft touch turned hot, burning the side of her face he had in his palm.

Y/N scrunched her brows. "It must've been a rumour..."

Tobin scoffs. "So I'm one of your whores..?"

"I do not want to be a whore, [Y/N]. Especially yours."

[Y/N] wants to laugh in his face, but fear rested upon her shoulders.

"Tobin.. it was one night."

"It meant a lot to me, Lady."

It was her time to scoff. "You're the one whom ran off with his tail between his legs."

[Y/N] could've sworn she saw red in his eyes. His fingers would surely leave bruises.

Tobin scoffs, and removes his hands, she immediately felt a cool breeze her way, as his coat rushed past her as he walked away.

[Y/N] could finally breathe, and her fearful sobs choke her.

"So, no whores for me, but you're allowed all the lovers in the world?"

She closes her eyes and silently curses the God's, praying for her tears to dry up. She turns and faces her husband.

Sarra not in sight.

"She's with your handmaiden." He responded to her silent question.

The God's turn against her, as the tears pour down.

"Jace, I can explain.." Y/N breathes out, her speech shuddering.

Jacaerys walks closer. Concern etched across his features. His own hand, softer and comforting touch her throbbing hands.

Y/N felt goosebumps all over arms, even though she was covered in her furs.

"It was one night. I was an emotional mess, especially after having Sarra. I would never make it anything serious, Jace. I–"

Jacaerys cut her off, and moves her face to the side. Her cheek already bruising.

He brushes a finger over the yellowing skin. She flinched back.

"He didn't force you?"

"No.. I– I enjoyed it if anything."

"So, you enjoyed it, knowing you could have a bastard?"


[Y/N] swiftly placed a hand on her stomach, where Sarra once was.

"When did he start acting like this?" Jacaerys asks.

[Y/N] sighs. "Since you came back.."

Jacaerys nods. "He used you, thinking he could be your husband due to my apparent death, [Y/N]. He just wanted to be a Lord."

"I didn't think about that." [Y/N] looks down.

"Look me in the eyes, [Y/N]."

She didn't.

His own calloused, softer, hand reached forward and forced her to look up and make eye contact.

"I'll make sure he comes nowhere near you nor Sarra. If that bastard hurts you once more, I–"

[Y/N] shook her head. "Jace.. i–"

"Shush, silly girl." Jacaerys murmurs before connecting their lips, passionately. His lips chapped, and his hands on either side of her face, one his thumbs rubbing her flushed, bruising, cheek.

[Y/N] found herself wrapping an arm around his neck, as they continued the kissing, not leaving one another to breathe.


Within moments the two were back in their room, conjoined as one. The warmth between them was so familiar, comforting.

Jacaerys sat near the headboard as [Y/N] sat on top of him, taking in every inch of him.

Their room smelt of sex and sweat.

Jacaerys' head rested in the crook of her neck, his whiny moans echoed, as his scarred hands had a bruising grip of her hips, thrusting his cock deeper than [Y/N] knew could happen.

"I love you, Jace–" [Y/N] gasps out.

Jacaerys chuckles into her skin.

"I love you more, silly girl." He took a breath before leaning back on the bed, thrusting up into [Y/N].

"My. Girl." He spoke, a thrust for each word.

[Y/N] near fell over as he continued, she held on to his shoulders, letting him go on as she felt the coil in her stomach return.

She could feel the sweat on her collarbone and the back of her neck. Their mixed arousal shined on Jacaerys' base.

"I'm.. fuck.. Jace." [Y/N] felt her stomach tense up, and her thighs clench together.

"Let go, [Y/N].." Jacaerys took her face into his hand, pressing a kiss to her open mouth, dragging his lips to her neck, then collarbone.

"I have you, sweet girl."

And within a split second, [Y/N] felt her release. She moans and leans back on Jacaerys' legs, letting herself catch her breath, as Jacaerys spilled his load inside her.

"I'm sorry, Jace." [Y/N] felt the guilt wash over her.

Jacaerys was quick to get down from his high, and shush her. He kissed her head, and rocking her back and forth.

"I missed you, so much." [Y/N] sobbed.

"Impossible to how much I missed you, silly girl." Jacaerys whispers, his own eyes tearing up.

He kissed her bare shoulder. Both their eyes grew heavy as Jacaerys helps her to lie down beside him. She could finally bring herself to grow comfortable when his arm wrapped around her bare waist.


In the next week, Jacaerys and Y/N finally acted like the happy couple they once were.

But it sadly didn't last long when a raven returned with a letter, Jacaerys' name the only thing written on the back of it.

The man took it, and came back his eyes rimmed with tears.


"Luke is dead."

The letter was sent a day after Luke had died, and Rhaenyra had made no other form of communication with her eldest child.

So, Jacaerys wrote two pages worth of a letter to his mother, immediately sending it to a raven.


And when the raven finally arrived back from Rhaenyra, whom announced that she had finally been given her Throne.

But Y/N couldn't help but think what consequences waited for them.


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