By tmbm12

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By tmbm12


— Three moons had passed since the letter was sent to [Y/N].

She had had time to gather her army. Twenty thousand men – including the Vale and Riverlands – under her name.

With King's Landing now protected by Borros Baratheon and hismen, the Riverlands immediately planned to go ahead and fight.


[Y/N] turned to the voice, meeting Alysanne's kind eyes.


Alysanne smiles and hugs the girl. "Oh, sweet girl. How have you been?"

[Y/N] grins. "As well as I can be.."

The black–haired girl sighs. "I am to fight with the Riverlands.. I cannot wait. I've waited too long and I've watched too many men injure themselves while training."

She takes [Y/N]'s face into her hands. "I have waited and prayed for our reunion, sweet girl."

"I have missed you, Alys."

"We must hold back the tears for now. When we win this war we may cry together for years to come!"

[Y/N] chuckles.

Alysanne places a kiss on her head. "Send my love to Sarra, won't you?"

She leaves like that and rushes to grab a horse to follow the men.

[Y/N] wrapped herself tighter into her fur cloak. Men behind her sharpening their swords and doing final practice.

The dreadful feeling that that was the last time she was to see Alysanne ever again held her still on her feet as she watched the men disappear around the corner.


The next day the camp where all the men had been gathered was busy.

[Y/N] walked about her tent, gathering water from the bowel in the corner and washing the sleep off her face.

[Y/N] brushed her hair, before tying it up, and walked out.

A man walked forth.


He handed her a letter, the familiar seal burned her eyes.

She opens it, her eyes flashed upon the page.

"Lady Stark,

King Aegon has died. In his death, I have named Aegon the Younger, King.
There will be no need for more bloodshed, Lady. I beg.

Your husband has been injured, though he is been looked after by the Maester within our walls.

I will try to see if the Baratheon army will fall back, though I doubt they will as Lord Borros has been defeated. Many men of his are angry and await for you, Lady.

With regards,

Lord Corlys Velaryon."

[Y/N] could laugh. Men feared her?

Just because her husband is injured and the rightful King sits on his throne, does not mean all these well trained men shall go to waste.

[Y/N] will make sure of it.

She looks to the man who had given her the letter.

"Ready the men, prepare them for bloodshed."

The man bowed his head. "Yes, m'lady."


It took a day to meet up with the Green army.

[Y/N], Stefon and Ethon stood in front of the black soldiers as a man in yellow, Baratheon robes rode up to meet them.

"Lady of Winterfell. I have awaited your arrival!"

[Y/N] shrugs. "I have been told."

The man cackles. "The men sent here before you fought a good battle, Lady."

"Of course the did.. being lead by Lady Alysanne and her men is a great advantage."

The man looked behind him as a skinner boy walked forth with a bag, blood leaking out of it.

"Perhaps my men became her disadvantage..?" His eyes full of mischief.

[Y/N] looked at Stefon, who was equally confused.

"I'm sorry, Lord. But Riverland did kill Borros, did they not?"

"But we killed your dear friend.."

[Y/N] scrunched brows heightened in shock.

"She is dead, Lady Stark." The man smirks.

"You bastard, I will have your head!" [Y/N] exclaims.

The man shakes his head. "You may have hers instead.."

[Y/N] watches as Alysanne's head rolls out the bag and at her horses hoof.

[Y/N] felt her eye twitch in shock and anger.

She slowly looks up from her sister's head and towards the yellow man, who was laughing with his fellow soldiers.

"You will soon join your Lord, as will the rest of his men, in hell!"

"As if we are afraid of a little Lady like you!"

Ethon felt his owners anger, as his hazel eyes turn dark, his growls echoing throughout her head.

The man glanced between Ethon and [Y/N] before bringing his sword up; "Charge!"

Stefon was quick to follow, raising his own sword and screaming to them to charge onwards.

[Y/N] was quick to jump off the horse, letting it scurry off as she runs on through the already bloody field.

Cregan's sword becomes bloody with each slice and with each man falling the ground.

Ethon's fur grew a dark crimson as Green men fell to the floor with a mauled face.

It wasn't long before [Y/N] was met with a dagger to the throat. She gasps in shock.

Her eyebrow cut, blood flowed freely into her eye. She tries to turn, to move to see her captor.

She finally came to a realisation. Tobin and his promise.

"Tobin, please!"

Tobin laughs in her ear. "I will bring you and my bastard down!"

[Y/N] grabbed the dagger on her hip, and turned around, ignoring the pain on the side of her neck and immediately stabs Tobin in his own throat, twisting the dagger.

His eyes grew empty and dull before he fell to the ground with a thud.

[Y/N] didn't think twice before heading back into the battle.


[Y/N] stabbed the last Green man that suffered on the ground. His heaving breaths grew silent.

"Lady," [Y/N] turned around.

Stefon stood behind. "I have known you since you were but a babe.. and I have seen the woman and soldier you have become."

[Y/N] smiles at him, ignoring the stinging pain on her eyebrow, she wrapped her arms around him.

He rested his head upon hers. "Cregan would be proud. As would your father and mother."

[Y/N] felt the tears prick her waterline, she immediately pulled away from the hug. "I need to find Al–"

"She was found.. your men have her body wrapped up and ready for the ride home."

[Y/N] nods. "Tell them they have my thanks. Tell them the fallen ones will not be forgotten, and once back home they'll be given whatever they wish."

Stefon nods. "Where will you be heading?"

[Y/N] sighs. "I need to find my husband. His home is the North as well."


Kings Landing was quiet, some grieving the death of the King, some celebrating to which [Y/N] laughed.

Her horse rode through the almost empty streets, some people that walked bye greeted her.

Finally making it to the gate, she jumped off the horse and Knights escorted her inside.

Little Aegon, not very little anymore, sat upon the throne.

"Lady Stark." His face lightened up with shock and happiness to see a familiar face.

"Lord King," [Y/N] bows.

Aegon giggles. It makes [Y/N] wonder how can anyone let this little person look after Kingdoms.

"You don't have to bow." Aegon grabbed her hand let her stand up, still holding her hand.

"Are you here to see Jace?"

[Y/N] was quick to nod. "Yes.. we have defeated the final Green army.. Lord."

Aegon smiles. "Well, come, I'll bring you to Jace."

Aegon did such, with childish excitement, and opened the door for her and let them have privacy.

Jacaerys, stood in front of a window, his leg wrapped up from the knee onward.


Jacaerys turned around, his eyes widen at the sight of his wife, he was quick to her side holding her in his arms.

She immediately let out a sob, and Jacaerys rocked her back a forth, petting back her bloodied hair.

"[Y/N]," He lifted her head and stared into her eyes. "I love you."

[Y/N] sobbed again and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, too, Jace. I'm so sorry."

"Shh.. no need for that, my silly girl." He pulled her back and rested his forehead against hers, no worry about the blood.

"I had to come see you as soon as I could. I was.. Alys, she's dead. They killed her, I had to–"

Jacaerys kissed her head. "I'm so proud of you, [Y/N]. You made it out alive, didn't you?"

"But my men.. they had families, wives.. I let them down."

Jacaerys shakes his head. "With you alive, you have the chance to avenge the fallen.."

[Y/N] hadn't thought about that. She sighs. "I missed you, Jace.. Tobin, he.."

Jacaerys' eyes grew dark. "What–?"

"He tried to kill me.. but I got him first. His dead." She cuts him off, she smiles.

Jacaerys nods. "I seen you've met our King."

[Y/N] shakes her head. "He's just a boy, Jace."

Jacaerys nods. "Corlys has asked me to sit on the throne until Aegon is properly educated in political matters.."

[Y/N] sighs. "I just got you back."

Jacaerys smiles sadly at her, his fingers playing with the hairs that escaped her hair-do.

Jacaerys placed a kiss upon her lips, before [Y/N] had the chance to return it, the door opened.

Aegon smiled at the two. "Lady Stark, there was a matter I wished to speak to you about."

Jacaerys and [Y/N] looked at one another.

"I'll let you rest, Jace."

Jacaerys smiles and winks. "Be quick back."

[Y/N] felt herself grow red as she scurried to follow Aegon.

The two walked into the gardens, the conversation was dry until Aegon turned to her.

"I do trust you, Lady Stark. I've been told all Starks are worth trust. Do you believe that?"

[Y/N] sighs. "I believe that, Lord. My uncle was not one of those Starks. Some Starks can use the trust against people."

Aegon nods. "I hope you don't become one of those Starks because I've been advised to ask you to be my Hand."

[Y/N] coughed in shock. "Excuse me, Lord King.. Hand of the King?"

Aegon nods and smiles. "Yes. I believe you are the perfect fit. You fit all the perfect qualities of a good Hand."

[Y/N] sits on the bench and Aegon was quick to follow.

"Aegon.. I have Winterfell to worry about. With men of mine injured and dead, I have to show them I can still be trusted. My children–"

"Children? Jace told me you have had only one babe?"

[Y/N] nods. "I am carrying his child again.."

Aegon smile brightens. "Oh, that's  wonderful!"

[Y/N] smiles back at him. "What do you want me to do as Hand? I will be no good, I have no been educated in that half of our politics."

"Good," Aegon laughs. "Neither have I! We can both be clueless children running Kingdoms."

[Y/N] grins at the boy. "Aegon, I will be of no use."

"[Y/N], I do not mind. I will be a useless King."

"I have heard Jacaerys is to hold your throne until you have been more educated?"

Aegon nods. "He has disagreed.. he wished to be reunited with you before his choice. But I believe he will be settling in the North."

[Y/N] smiles at the boy to ease his disappointment. "I believe you will be a good King, and I pray for your reign."

Aegon smiles. "I pray for your pregnancy, Lady Stark, and your fallen soldiers."


After days, arguing with herself, [Y/N] decided to become Hand of the King, only to end this dreadful war and for revenge of Alysanne.

Her first doing of Hand – execute traitors, all twenty–two of them.

Ice had been freshly sharpened and ready for the bloodshed. She stared at the sword as Jacaerys walked in, holding Sarra – who was moved up to Kings Landing as Stefon looked after Winterfell.

Sarra's eyes brightened as she saw her mother sitting, and immediately wanted to be beside her.

[Y/N] welcomed the girl into her arms, and Jacaerys sat next to her.

"My love, I understand your need to avenge your men.. but is it necessary to kill twenty–two of them?"

[Y/N] looked at her husband. "Jacaerys.. my men died to Green bastards.. any Green living needs to be removed, they're like a disease."

"And I share your disgust for them, my girl. I would avenge my mother, but the man who killed her is dead now. Just like the army that took down your men."

[Y/N] sighs, as Sarra played with her mothers hair. She closed her eyes and tears began to roll down her face.

"Oh, [Y/N]." Jacaerys took her into his arms, and kissed her head.

"She was my sister." [Y/N] sobbed.

Jacaerys kissed her head more, rubbing her back. "She would not have wanted bloodshed for her name. You and I both know this."

[Y/N] looks up at him. "What am I to do?"

Jacaerys wipes at her tear–stained cheek. "You can have them become mens of the Nightswatch. That way there is no way of them having freedom."

[Y/N] nods. "What would I do without you..?"

Jacaerys smiles and kisses her lips. "I don't want to find out."

[Y/N] chuckles, she looked down at Sarra – who looked up at her in confusion about the tears.


He hums and looks up from their child.

"I'm pregnant."

Jacaerys eyes widen. "Again?"

[Y/N] laughs and nods. "Yes, afraid so."

Jacaerys shakes his head. "I wouldn't mind another one.. or a couple more."

[Y/N] laughs grew quiet. "I do not know if this one is yours, Jace.. if I'm being honest."

Jacaerys shakes his head. "I grew up and was loved by men who were not my father's and yet they took me under their wings as their son.. I do not care if this child comes out with firey red hair, they will be my child."

[Y/N] smiles at him and softly kisses his cheek. "I love you, dearly, my silly Prince."

"And I, you, my silly girl."


The crowd before her was huge, everyone in Kings Landing awaited the execution of the traitorous men.

Aegon agreed to some of the men be moved to the Wall. All who remained was  Gyles Belgrave from the Knightswatch and Larys Strong, a man who had too many words to share.

After their execution, Aegon held a feast to celebrate the ending of the War.

His wife, Jaehaera, a quiet girl, sat beside him throughout the night.

Aegon smiles at his brother and [Y/N]. "Well, Lady Stark, have you thought about staying here much longer?"

"I have, Lord King."


Jacaerys smiles at his brother. "My wife believes that you should stick to your own affairs."

[Y/N] rolled her eyes. "What he means, Lord. Is that I don't believe being Hand of the King a fitting role for me."

Aegon nods. "I understand. When will you be leaving for Winterfell?"
[Y/N] took a sip of her wine before answering. "Tomorrow, if that's okay with you, Lord King?"

Aegon nods. "Then I hope you visit in the future, brother," He nods his head towards and Jacaerys.

"[Y/N]." He nods his head towards his brothers wife.



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