fantasy ~ ghost x reader

By candynouis

510K 11K 13K

y/a/n - hello. militaryghost - hello sweetheart. More

author note


14.7K 313 1.3K
By candynouis

warning ; some spicy content🌶🌶
be prepared👹!!


you woke up the next day at 11:48am and sat up almost instantly - last nights events clouding your thoughts.

rocco wasn't in the bedroom anymore so you just assumed that he must be downstairs with ghost.

you got out of the bed and quickly freshened up - styling your hair and adding a little bit of makeup before putting on matching pyjamas which were fluffy shorts and a matching fluffy crop top.

you put on your ugg slippers before padding downstairs, listening out to see if you could hear anything. but there was nothing - even rocco wasn't in sight.

you quickly went back up stairs and grabbed your phone to see where his location was on the tracking app but as if on que the front door opened and there was an echo of excited barks. 

you quickly ran back down to see what the commotion was - ghost was bent down taking off rocco's chain lead.

"where have you been?!" you exclaimed, watching ghost's head snap over to you. he wasn't wearing his usual mask now - it was just a black balaclava.

"taking your mutt for a walk," he remarked, hooking the lead back up in it's usual spot. "all while you've been asleep."

"a mutt?" you asked, one of your eyebrows were arched up - clearly pissed off by the remark.

"i'm joking, sweetheart," ghost exclaimed, kicking off his black boots. "he's great. he doesn't pull on lead and he's a good lad - i can see why you'd feel safe with him."

you looked ghost over and he was wearing the same clothing as he was last night - all except from wearing a white t shirt instead of the black one that he previously wore. he must've gone and grabbed some more clothes at some point through the night.

"well i better get him fed!" you said, turning around to walk towards the cupboard where his food is kept.

"already done," ghost said, lightly grabbing your arm to stop you in your tracks. "your house is quite predictable, it only took me a little while until i got myself familiar to where everything is kept."

"so you've been peeking at everything?" you asked, eyebrow raised again.

"something like that," ghost shrugged. "you should be grateful i took him out."

"i am!" you insisted, giving him a quick smile. "so have you got a plan for today?"

"no, sweetheart," ghost shrugged. "thought we'd just get to know each other more. it's nice to just chat - don't you think?"

you nodded - you was surprised he hadn't tried anything sexual with you yet. maybe he was truthful, he didn't just come here for sex, or as he says - 'to fuck.'

you motioned for ghost to sit on the sofa in the living room as you went to get two bottles of water out from the fridge. you then returned to amused looking ghost looking up at you from his place on the sofa. you noticed that his skull mask had now returned to his face.

"thank you, sweetheart," he said, taking the bottle from your hand. "so what else would you like to know from me?"

"what's the actual reason for you coming here?" you asked, taking your seat next to him, leaving a gap between the both of you.

"i haven't got anything else better to do," ghost shrugged. "plus, we have been talking for a few weeks now. wouldn't you rather see me in the flesh?"

"so i'm just some entertainment?" you argued, raising your eyebrow. "will you still want to keep in contact with me when you go back?"

ghost's mask moved around his lips - proving he was either smirking or smiling at you. "depends, sweetheart. i don't want you to catch feelings for me." he murmured, his hand placing itself upon your bare leg.

you instantly scoffed and went to move his hand away, only for him to grip onto your leg, not allowing you to move it. "i wouldn't catch feelings! especially for someone who won't even show me there face!"

ghost slowly reached up to his mask and lifted up the top half, stopping when it revealed his rosey coloured lips. "at least we're on the same page then."

your eyes were fixated on his lips as he spoke - the pit of your stomaching was bubbling up with arousal. he was such a tease.

"my eyes are up here, sweetheart," ghost said, his smirk now clear as it was uncovered from the material. "anything else you'd like to ask me?"

"have you ever had a girlfriend?" you asked, your eyes prying themselves off of his lips and back onto his dark eyes.

"no," he shook his head. "i don't want attachment! and i don't like having distractions for when i'm at the base. if i've got some woman on my mind during a mission then it would only hold me back - i can't be taking any risks in my work!"

you gave him a small nod. "so you are here just to get into my pants then?"

ghost threw his head back and made a groan, clearly starting to get frustrated. "look, you aren't going to be my girlfriend!" he exclaimed. he sat upright again and turned his whole body towards you. "i just wanted some companionship before i go back to base. if we ended up fucking then i'm sure the feelings would be mutual - but, you were never intended to be anything more than that! i thought that was clear!" his tone had risen and his eyes just bored into you.

you moved back a little from him, his tone taking you off guard. "okay, ghost. i've heard you loud and clear! let's just forget about it."

you grabbed the television remote from the arm of couch and flicked the television on - you couldn't stand the silence in the room.

rocco padded over and got onto the couch, curling up in the space in between you and ghost. to your surprise he laid his head on ghost's lap instead of coming straight over to you.

ghost's mask was once again covering his whole face, only his haunting eyes being visible.

you flicked over some channels before just leaving it in the channel that was showing  friends. you didn't really care about what was on the television - as long as there was background noise.

you felt your eyes become heavy - being disturbed the night before had a knock on effect for you. before you knew it you had curled up in the corner of the sofa and quiet snores were escaping from your lips.


"sweetheart, wake up."

you slowly opened your eyes to allow them to adjust to the light in the room. as your vision adjusted you see ghost's face close up to yours.

"oh, i fell asleep!" you gasped, sitting upright. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to. i just aren't used to being disturbed throughout the night. it makes me sleepy the next day."

"it's fine, sweetheart." ghost exclaimed. rocco wasn't in view anymore and ghost had closed in the gap between you both.

"princesses need their beauty sleep don't they." he chimed. his words caused you to blush viscously.

"w-what h-have you been up to?" you asked, wanting to change topic. you didn't want to seem vulnerable to ghost's sweet talk.

"nothing much, sweetheart. i've ordered us some food for dinner. it's almost 6pm already! i can't believe you've slept all evening." he said, his fingers playing with the shiny dog tag.

"you should've woke me up," you said, a quiet laugh coming from you. you found it cute that he didn't mind that you slept. "what food did you get?"

"just two pizzas, a margarita one and a meat feast," ghost answered. "i thought it'd be best to play it safe."

"no,no - that's fine with me" you nodded, flashing him a genuine smile. "i like most pizza toppings."

"well which don't you like?" ghost asked, his eyes staring back at yours. his eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement. was he really that interested in what you have to say to him?

"hmm.. probably the veggie! i like having different toppings but you can't just have loads of veggies. you need to keep it equal with the meat toppings too!" you answered him.

"i agree with that," he nodded. "well i'm glad you like what i picked out, sweetheart."

"how much do i owe you?" you ask.

"nothing. just call it my treat since i messed you about yesterday by turning up so late." ghost offered. he reached out and placed his hand on your bare leg again. he began drawing circles on your skin.

"well, thank you! that's a very nice gesture of you, ghost." you said, genuinely taken back by his kindness.

as if in que the doorbell was rung and rocco came out of hiding as he ran for the door.

"i've got it." ghost said as he took his hand away from your leg and got up from his spot to go for the door.

it was strange to see how natural he acted in your house. he didn't look out of place.. it was nice - it definitely felt like he'd been here a lot longer than just a day.

ghost returned with the two pizzas boxes in hand. he sat back down next to you and placed a pizza box which contained the margarita on your lap.

"just grab some of this one when you fancy it, sweetheart." ghost said, the meat feast pizza in his lap.

"this is amazing!" you said after taking a few bites of the margarita pizza slice.

"only the best for you, sweetheart!" ghost said. his mask had been lifted up again to allow him to eat his pizza. his jawline was so sharp and defined and with every bite he took it tensed up - the sight made you feel some way. he was so sexy.

you both ate the scrumptious pizza's in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence. - it was comfortable. you were both thoroughly enjoying the food.

"will you be sleeping on the sofa again?" you finally speak up.

"i don't do hugs and cuddles, sweetheart," ghost replied, his eyes not leaving the television screen. "and this sofa is actually pretty comfy. rocco came and joined me last night - don't know if you noticed."

you was surprised by that, rocco usually never left your side during the night.. maybe you wasn't the only one getting a soft spot for this masked man.

"he's took a liking to you pretty quickly." you said. ghost's eyes were still on the television screen so you leant over to him and took a few slices of the meat feast pizza that are in his box, giving him some of your margarita in exchange. his eyes flicked over to you - you hadn't realised how close you'd actually gotten to him.

"you smell so good..," ghost's words trailed off - a small pause before he continued talking. "i wish i was eating you instead."

your cheeks instantly heated up and you backed up a little. "m-maybe there will be some room for d-desert." you stuttered, your cheeks becoming a lot hotter at your failed attempt to flirt back.

ghost immediately put his pizza box on the coffee table and also took yours out of your lap, placing it on top of his own. he grabbed your legs and twisted you to him and opened up your legs so he could get between them. he came up to your neck and pushed your hair away - smelling your sweet perfume. "you're making my mouth water." he whispered as he started to press small kisses down your neck. his mask was still up half way so you could feel his stubble scratch lightly against your skin - it felt amazing.

"g-ghost?" you squeak, there's something you wanted him to know before he continued.

ghost pulled away from your neck and looked straight at you, waiting for you to talk.

"i've only ever had one boyfriend .. i've only been with one person sexually.." you trail off, breaking the eye contact and turning your head away to look at the pictures that you had hung on your wall.

"i won't do anything you aren't comfortable with, sweetheart," ghost whispers, his fingers coming to your cheek as he gently moves your face back to him so he could look you in the eyes. "i don't want to rush this either. i'll be happy just seeing some more of this body.. i never expected us to do anything of the sort." his fingers were now underneath both straps of your crop top as he slowly pulled them down from your shoulders.

you just gave him a nod - you wasn't the most confident about your body appearance but in this moment, you wouldn't mind if ghost kissed every inch of your skin.

ghost lifted both of your arms up in the air as he lifted up the crop top and took it off, revealing your bare boobs. you were glad you decided to go bra-less again today.

"you're perfect." ghost mumbled, his tone coming out as rough. he leant down and caught one your nipples in his mouth. he started to softly suck and you couldn't help but let out a shaky breath - it had been so long since someone had touched you in this way.

ghost's eyes flicked up to catch yours. his hand came up and his fingers caught onto your other nipple - his mouth still sucking on the other.

"t-that feels s-so good." you breathe out, your head laying back as you began to close your eyes.

ghost takes his lips away from your nipple, "keep your eyes closed, sweetheart. think about me fucking that little pussy of yours. giving you the best time of your life." he says, before going back down and catching your nipple again - his fingers still playing with the other.

you didn't need to picture ghost doing anything as what he was doing was already amazing. you knew what his aim was and he was definitely going to meet it if he carried on.

you started to let out quiet moans and this spurred ghost on as he began sucking harder, giving it the occasional gentle nip with his t
teeth and his fingers kept rubbing the other nipple in different rhythms.

"g-ghost," you moaned out, knowing you wouldn't be able to let out much more. "keep your eyes closed, sweetheart. imagine me eating you out from behind. how good i could make your body feel." he said, his hand coming down to cup your pussy while his he blew out onto your sensitive wet nipple.

his thumb was pressed up against your clit through the material of your fluffy shorts and that was enough to send you over to edge.

you gripped onto the back of the sofa and let out a loud moan as you finally cum, your legs instantly shaking from the pleasure.

ghost slowly took his hand away from your pussy and his sucking came to a slow stop, to let you ride out your high. he then came back up to eye level with you, his eyes looked so dark - as if they were almost black. "you go get freshened up sweetheart, i'll stay down here.. take rocco up with you."

you nodded quickly and grabbed your crop top, pulling it back onto your body. "it's getting late and i want an early night tonight .. so i'll probably just get ready for bed. you know you can join me, ghost. i won't make you cuddle me or anything ... it'd just be comfier for you rather than sleeping on on the sofa." you told him as you got to your feet. he turned to you and spread his legs, pulling you in between them. "i'll think about it - but don't wait up for me. i like it down here." he said, his hands rubbing up and down the back of your thighs.

you looked down and saw how hard his cock was in his cargo trousers. it looked massive.. and that was while it was covered - you couldn't imagine how big it would be without the clothing.

"i'll see you tomorrow then," you said, taking ahold of his hands and placing them on your arse cheeks. "put the pizza in the fridge if you don't manage to eat anymore. good night, ghost." you gave him a small smirk before stepping back.

"goodnight, princes." ghost said. he watched you shout for rocco as you exit the room, his eyes never leaving you.

as you made your way up you couldn't help but smile - he didn't demand anything from you and he seemed to really enjoy making you cum .. you didn't feel anxious with him.

you got a hot shower and did your nighttime routine before getting into your bed with some baggy pyjamas - ditching the lacy sexy ones. you just wanted to be comfortable for tonight.

you cuddled up with rocco and started to drift off, wondering if ghost would change his mind and maybe come up to your room at some point throughout the night..


how are you all enjoying this so far?❤️‍🔥ur comments mean so much to me and motivate me to keep on going!! xo

do you think ghost is starting to soften up? or does he just want a fuck?

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