Vader's second chance


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An incident on Malachor sends Darth Vader through time and on the path of redemption. Will he use this chance... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Temple system
Sith Order code
Empire system
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (x2)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 7

5.6K 161 21

On Naboo, Vader is formulating plans for the coming Clone Wars when Padme enters his qaurters. Turning to face her, Vader bows in respect. "Your Majesty, I wasn't expecting you until we left for Coruscant."
Padme giggles. "Please I should be bowing to you. I wanted to thank you personally for everything you have done for my people."
Vader rises and waves her off. "That is not necessary. You have already made your appreciation known."
Padme persists. "Known, but not shown. I will be personally funding the procedure to have you moved into your new armour."
Vader is surprised. "No, that is far too much, I couldn't possibly allow it."
"I insist." Padme fixes him with a stern glare.
All is silent, bar Vader's breathing apparatus, and he concedes defeat. "Fine."
Padme smiles victoriously before leaving. "Have a nice day Lord Vader."
Vader watches her leave and thinks to himself. 'Good to know she was always that stubborn.'

On Coruscant, Maul follows Vader and his entourage on his new prosthetics (the ones he has in rebels). When they reach the steps of the Jedi temple, Mace Windu is waiting for them. The shaved Jedi looks over the new dark side user, or at least what's left of him, and turns to Qui-Gon. "You and your padawan have certainly made it a habit of bringing in unwanted visitors."
Qui-Gon shakes his head. "Visitors perhaps, but not entirely unwanted as it would seem."
Padme strides forth with a scowl. "I should say so. Let it be known that these individuals are under the protection of Naboo, so I suggest you watch your tone."
Windu is taken aback before nodding. "As you wish, your highness." Padme nods, seemingly satisfied with the response and leaves to deal with whatever political nonsense is taking place. Windu returns his gaze to the group. "The council wishes to speak with all of you." The force users look at one another before following the Jedi master.

"We shall train young Anakin."
The ensuing chaos and negotiations fades into the background as Vader and Yoda stare one another down. Unknown to those present, the force powerhouses were probing one another through the force, gauging their intentions. Finding no ill will towards one another, they relax.
Ki-Adi-Mundi speaks up from the din. "Master Yoda, surely you cannot agree to keep these Sith here of all places? Think of the younglings."
Yoda hums in thought and looks intently at the dark force users. "Sense harmful intentions, I do not. Stay, until found other residence, they have."
The council is on shock while Vader bows in respect. "Thank you for your hospitality grandmaster." The dark side users leave while the Jedi stay behind wlth Anakin to discuss his training.
When they are far enough away, Vader turns to his apprentice. "Spar with me. I wish to gauge your abilities ." Maul gives him a curt nod and they continue through the massive hallways.

When they reach the training area, several masters and their padawans see the Sith pair enter and quickly avert their eyes before leaving. Maul scoffs. "Pathetic."
Vader can't help but nod in agreement. "Indeed. Opposite side of the courtyard. Draw your saber." Maul assumes his position and ignites his dual blades, Vader following suit. All is still for a moment before Maul charges with a battle cry. Although Maul is fast, Vader is more experienced and more skilled, rapidly parrying with ease despite his disabilities. "You leave yourself open too often, and you choreograph your moves terribly. It makes you predictable, easy to counter." Maul growls and makes to charge again, making a wide swing. That turns out to be a mistake as Vader simply side steps him and kicks the back of his knees, forcing him to the ground and hovering his saber an inch from the Zabrak's neck. "Try again."

Many hours later, Coruscant's sun has set and Maul hes yet to even faze his master. Maul is left panting while Vader's presence looms around him. "The problem is your anger."
Maul looks at his master woth a scowl. "I am a Sith. My anger is my source of power."
Vader shakes his head. "That is not what I mean. Stand tall." Maul straightens himself out and brandishes his lightsaber. Vader assumes his fighting stance and they start circling one another. "You use your anger but you lack focus. You have no goal."
Maul steadily approaches his master. "I have a goal. Kill the one who has forsaken me."
Vader scoff. "Vengeance. Such poor motivation." He suddenly attacks and locks sabers woth his apprentice. "Vengeance is temporary. What do you want, not now, but for the future? What do you fight for?" He force pushes Maul against the courtyard wall, effectively pinning him.
Maul growls again. "I want, and fight, for blood." Vader pushes harder, causing Maul's body to strain against the pressure. "I want... I want... family."
Vader decreases the pressure to allow Maul some breathing room. "Go on."
Maul's expression softens slightly. "I want to know who my family is. I want to know what they're like. I want to know who I am. I want. To go. Home!" With a primal cry, Maul manages to call upon the force like never before and relases himself from Vader's invisible grasp, a large gust of wind forming between master and apprentice from the opposing powers. However, Maul isn't use to calling upon the force woth such intensity and loses his grasp on it and falls to his metal knees in exhaustion.
Vader nods, seemingly satisfied, extinguishing his saber. "Consider that your first lesson. Hate is not a Sith's only weapon, nor is it always their most powerful. Now come. It is late, and you need rest."

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