Memento Mori - Sirius Black

By valentinallmusso

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๐™Š๐™˜ ร— ๐™Ž๐™ž๐™ง๐™ž๐™ช๐™จ ๐˜ฝ๐™ก๐™–๐™˜๐™  Marauders era ๐•ธ๐–Š๐–’๐–Š๐–“๐–™๐–” ๐•ธ๐–”๐–—๐–Ž: ๐•ฝ๐–Š๐–’๐–Š๐–’๐–‡๐–Š๐–— ๐–™๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐–ž๐–”๐–š ๐–’๐–š๐–˜... More

Cast and notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Capitulo 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 3

243 14 14
By valentinallmusso

September 4th 1975.

Morgan was in the library waiting for Remus Lupin, it was the last day before they had to hand in the assignment, and they had both avoided the whole ordeal until last minute when that morning on breakfast Morgan had asked him if he wanted to meet up to write the essay so they could be done with it.

She was in a corner table reading one of her books on dark artifices she had brought from the Gaunt's library beneath her house. After she had proved to her parents in first year that she was responsible-ish, with them, they let her take whatever she wanted to school.

When she felt someone sitting in front of her, Morgan shut the book down in a swift movement and looked up with a forced smile, "Morning, Lupin"

They decided to meet on their free period, because apparently he was busy that afternoon.

He looked horrible.

Well don't get her wrong, he was hot, but looked as if he was on the verge of death or something. Still she didn't comment on it, that would be rude, but still someone should.

Morgan had never really had a conversation with him, only when he was with the rest of his friends. And half that time she was insulting him, because being friends with those dimwits was reason enough to do so.

He had messy sandy hair and light brown eyes, taller than the average and looked strong too. He had a couple of scars that Mor had never figured out what they were from, but it made him look badass.

From what she had seen, he was the brain of the group most of the time and probably who had kept them from being expelled all this time.

She realized she was staring and shook her head. Sometimes Morgan got lost just analyzing people, "ok so how do you want to do this?"

"What if you read and I write the argument with whatever you give me?" Asked Remus pointed out all the books he had brought for the assignment.

Morgan looked at them wrinkling her nose. She loved reading, sure, but when it was a matter of importance to her. She didn't give two fucks about the protego maxima charm, it's history and creation. Gaunt just needed it to stop her from getting killed. And she had mastered that part at nine years old.

"Or... you read, I write?" Asked the girl, sending a sweet smile his way.

"Fine whatever, let's just do it quickly please, I have a terrible headache" well she did say he looked terrible before.

"Just that? You look half dead", countered the girl, curiosity killed the cat people said. Good thing she wasn't one or by this point she'd be six foot under.

Remus gave her an annoyed look and started flipping through the pages.
Morgan was going to propose they don't even bother with the assignment altogether, but knew Lupin would definitely not agree.

So she started copying the things that Lupin was signaling in the books and trying to make it look as if it wasn't all cites adding things like, "we believe that wizard was terribly wrong", "the charm actually should be better after all this time", and so on.

Morgan knew she was going to be at the top of DADA, as she had been all the previous years anyway, so why care.

Fifteen minutes later she was rudely interrupted by the boy in front of her with a cough. She ignored it. Then he coughed again, "Do you want to go grab a tea or something? Add honey, it'll help" Asked the girl clenching her teeth.

"Maybe later, but you're doing it.. wrong" stated the boy looking at the parchment she was writing on.

She rolled her eyes, "Well enlighten me, what would you change?"

He shut his mouth and raised a brow.
Morgan got the memo.

"No way I'm doing it again" she shook her head no.

"Are you joking? You practically just copied the books, we might as well give the original ones to the professor and be done with it. It's wrong, let's do it again" Remus was losing his patience.

She scoffed, "Your face is wrong", it most definitely wasn't. "Do you know how to cast the stupid charm? You do, and that's all you need, so drop it"

"Gaunt for fuck's sake give it to me" he tried to grab the parchment, but Morgan went for it too, and it ripped in half.

Remus grabbed his things and looked at her ready to kill her. At least that's the vibe Morgan received. "Write it, and it better get approved"

"That spoiled little brat" she heard him mutter under his breath.

She was this close to jumping at him, and not in a sexy way. "YOU DO IT, I'M DONE"

Remus left and was about to punch a wall when he came across Sirius, "Oi Remus!"

"You know I'm starting to get the hate" said Lupin without stopping and kept walking, leaving a very confused Sirius.

Truth be told, the full moon day gave him a good dose of anger issues, he would probably feel guilty for being an ass to her in the morning. But Morgan Gaunt was not easy to deal with anyways.


That afternoon Morgan went straight to the boy's dorm after finishing her last period hoping to find Rosier.

She knocked and waited until someone came to the door, "Mor, everything good?" asked Nott.

She smiled at him and tried to look past him to see if Evan was there. He was. "Yeah just great, came to tell you that Ophelia was looking for you, it seemed urgent"

Nott and Ophelia, much to Morgan's dismay, had liked each other since forever, so he didn't think twice before getting out of the dorm to find the girl.

Morgan waved at him and got into the room, locking the door behind her and turning to look at Evan leaning against the door with a smirk, "Busy?"

He dropped his books and smiled at her from the couch, "For you? Never"

"Good" she walked to where he was and sat on his lap with her legs at each side of him, "You didn't come see me during the summer" said the girl with a fake pout while unbuttoning his shirt.

"Yeah sorry, Mor, it's just that after last year I thought-" he didn't get to finish because she started kissing his neck, making him swallow with some difficulty.

"Let's not talk about that now" whispered the girl in his ear and proceeded to kiss him.

With that he got loose and complied to her every need.


Later they were both in the bed talking about stupid topics.

Their relationship was like that. They fucked, they went back to being normal friends minutes later without it being weird. Or that was the original plan at least.

Morgan had his jumper on and was drinking from a flask she knew he always had in his bedside table.

"Hey, do you think I should try out for the quidditch team?" She passed him the flask so he could take a sip.

Evan raised a brow at her, "You? Don't get me wrong you're an amazing player, but I didn't think you'd want the responsibility"

She sighed, "You're right I'm not great with those, but I wanted to do something fun this year, plus most of you guys play, we'd spend some time together, if Flint lets me in that is"

The boy shrugged, "He would let you in, you'll have to convince him, but he won'tsay bo to you, but what do your parents think?"

Mor just laughed, "I don't really care what they think, it's not like I plan on asking them anyways. They would say that it's unladylike and unprecedented for a girl like me" said the girl imitating her mother's voice, "But that if I'm determined to do it, at least I'll get to kick some Gryffindor's ass"

"You're lucky, my sister wanted to play, they didn't allow her" he took another sip from the flask and Mor took it from him to do it herself.

"Maybe me playing will convince them"

"Hey so I was thinking, what if we go together to your family's ball?" Asked the boy but pretending like it was no big deal.

Morgan just shook her head no, "You know I never take a date with me to my own ball. It's about showing power, a game, and me hanging off of a man's arm would ruin the effect"

Morgan hated that about the pureblood society. The fact that she couldn't enjoy a night with someone she liked because it would make her look weak. Not that she liked anyone but still, it wasn't fair.

Every girl got a date, but she had decided years ago that she would rather die. It was her party, and they should be talking about her and her family, not about who she was dating.

Morgan was supposed to continue the legacy all by herself, she wouldn't ruin it just because she was horny. People should see her as the Gaunt's future, not her partner.

Plus England had a woman by queen, wizards should get over themselves.

"Yeah I know, I just thought.. nevermind, I get it" Morgan saw his disappointed face even though he tried to hide it drinking from the flask.

Morgan knew she was probably being selfish by coming to him when she wanted sex and the rest of the time being friends. But that was the whole point. She loved him, as she did all the rest of her friends, she thought he was hot and felt safe with him.

But she didn't like him romantically, she didn't feel that way, and she definitely didn't want a boyfriend. The girl knew he wanted more sometimes, and that's why they had stopped having these encounters for a couple of months last year.

Most would say she was a horrible person for doing this to him, he was probably hopeful she'd change her mind.

But she wasn't perfect.

"I'll go before the guys come back, see you at dinner" she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek and after getting dressed she went to her own dorm to take a shower.


Morgan had woken up at 5 in the morning and decided that her sleep was ruined.

And that is how she found herself sitting against a tree in the middle of the forbidden forest rolling herself a joint. Going there had a calming effect on the girl, it was quiet and peaceful and allowed her to think without anyone interrupting.

Well right that moment she wasn't thinking much to be honest, she was just pretending she didn't exist and listening to the creepy sounds of the forest.

She had been going there to relax ever since her first year. One day, the girl remembered, she was having trouble with her friends and wanted to be alone, so she thought, what better place than the one everyone is afraid of?

And she was right. No one dared go to the forest. But Morgan didn't have much self preservation.

Well it wasn't that exactly, it was probably just overconfidence.

Either way, all her peace was ruined when she heard some loud noises near her.

Morgan groaned and got up to go see what was going on. If it was another stupid fight between centaurs she was actually going to kill them all as she threatened them last time.

Not great at being cautious, remember?

But what she saw only made her question her sanity.

Bambi, a dog, a wolf and what looked like a rat, fighting. Was it the smoking? Because it was just way too bizarre to be real.

She hid behind a tree and looked from the distance. They weren't exactly fighting, it's as if the wolf was, but the other two just wanted to keep it in check.

The whole thing was turning more aggressive by the second and she gasped when the dog had to bit the wolf in order to keep it from practically killing the stag.

Yep, probably not the drugs anymore, thought the girl to herself. This is happening.

The wolf was badly injured and the other animals, who weren't in great shape, were stepping back from where the wolf was laying, as if waiting for something.

She assumed the sun was rising, given that it wasn't as dark anymore.

When she turned her gaze to the animals again, they weren't there anymore, four boys were.

And they were panicking.

Morgan went running to them and decided to not blame them for their panicked faces anymore when she saw the state the wolf, well not wolf anymore, that Remus Lupin was in.

She kneeled next to him and her hands were covered in blood in seconds, "What are you waiting for, for him to bleed to death? Help me you idiots!" Yelled the girl at the boys who were busy between worrying about their friend and the fact that Morgan had come out of nowhere.

The three of them snapped into action and joined her on the floor, James and Peter trying to do some healing spells, while Sirius and Morgan applied pressure on the wound.

Morgan saw it wasn't working and took out her wand, the blood kept purring out and the mess was greater by the second, "All of you move"

"I'm taking care of the spells" said James defensively, he had tried everything they were ever taught.

Morgan rolled her eyes and pushed his wand out of the way, "It's not working now, is it?"

"Just shut up and try not to kill him please" snapped Sirius at the two of them.

Morgan gave him a look, "Oh no, that was all you, love" replied pointing to the bloody mess, pun intended, Remus was.

Sirius bit his tongue and started pacing a couple meters aside to leave her space, he was clenching and unclenching his fist.

She turned her attention back to the werewolf, took a deep breath and held out her wand over the boy's wound.

"Vulnera Sanentur" said the girl almost in a lyrical way, moving her wand in a circle and repeating those words three times, like a chanting. The wound started knitting itself slowly, with the blood flow already slower for it to be easier.

Once that was done she could see the relief on all of the marauders faces. Morgan, weirdly enough, the voice of reason in the situation started giving orders.

"Let's take him to the infirmary, he needs a blood replenishing potion and probably something to stop all those from scarring" she pointed to the tiny gushes that were all over his arms, "Plus you three should have Mme. Pomfrey give you a check up too, you look like shit".

The boys, too tired to say anything, lifted Remus and went back to the castle with Morgan on their tail.

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