Andy the Multiversal Crusader

By neetnooter

135 8 4

This is a rewrite of my best work. I am doing what I can to make it as good as possible. There will be a more... More

Prologue: the Makings of a Crusader
Andy visits another universe and breaks an old dudes window.
Bar Fight!
Meeting some new friends
Mini Quest and Meeting an old Friend.
Training arc
Prison Arc
You Thought the Other Power ups Were Bullshit?
Re-Arming Andy
Crossover Episode

Let's revisit the past, shall we?

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By neetnooter

God sighed as he watched Andy go. So far he had killed 327 satanists, at this point his rampage was fueled entirely by his anger. He should have bled out ages ago but his system was barely keeping up with automatically buying healing potions and using them. Then one very pissed off Satan showed up next to him.

"What the fuck, bro?" Satan yelled. "You sent your crusader against me? I mean most of these guys deserve it, but still it's hurting my numbers." God absentmindedly nodded. Before turning to face his brother.

"And yet you have ordered all of your higher tier satanists to leave him alone, why is that?" Satan froze, it was a challenge and he knew it. He also knew that his brother knew the answer to his question.

God sighed again. "Brother, I know you gave him the chaos attribute to see what would happen. In fact he has been affected by all three of us, isn't that right?" A being of infinite complexity walked out of the shadows. It was one of the voids avatars.

"I simply mixed his soul with a small part of myself, his self was simply too strong to assimilate him as a voidling. Quite a shame too, he would have done well as one of mine." the void spoke with a voice that only those in the room could hear without going insane. Part of the reason the void never talked with its underlings was due to its unkowable nature, it was insanely difficult for it to take on a form that would not harm anything of a lesser power.

The three ultimate beings of the omniverse sat watching the slaughter of the crusader for a moment longer before God finally decided to end it.


Andy was completely incoherent by the time God showed himself to him. However despite this, and beyond all possibilities he recognized him as the Almighty. And with what little self control Andy had left from his rampage he kneeled and the blood loss finally knocked him out.

God sighed, "Little system, take him somewhere safe. I will speak to him within his dreamscape."

[Yes, sir.]

Andy was standing in his old home, from before he reincarnated. From before he even enlisted, even. He was sitting in his old swivel chair with a game of Halo Reach up and running. Or, that was what the subconscious was doing. His full consciousness was in a separate part of the dreamscape, one covered in blood and death. And before him stood God, his gaze was full of infinite wrath and love, and Andy was terrified.

"You always do something stupid, no matter which incarnation you are, Andy." Andy hung his head low, he knew that his actions he took in the name of God were selfish.

"However, I know you meant well, for now take your time recovering and use this to grow stronger. The chains around your arm are punishment enough, let them be a reminder of your actions."

"Yes sir." There was nothing else Andy could say, no defense, nothing.

God moved to leave, and took a pause. "Remember that everything has its purpose, every action you take will only take you to greater heights. No loss is truly a loss, simply a way to gain more." And with that, he left, and Andy woke.

Andy first noticed that he was in a bed, then when he tried to get up he noticed he was in intense pain. The room he was in was dark, and there was no one else there. He tried to sit up again but was visited by the same intense pain once more. So instead Andy just closed his eyes and let sleep take him again.

When Andy woke up again his room had several people who were vaguely familiar to him. There was a man leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, a girl sitting at a table with her head in her arms, asleep, and a woman sitting next to his bed, changing his bandages. She looked like... "Yang?" but more... mature, older. She looked up and glared at him.

"If I had a lien for every time you tore your own arm off to escape prison, I would have two lien, which isn't a lot but I'M PISSED THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE!" she yelled, Andy put his arms up defensively as she slapped him, completely breaching his defenses because... he forgot he was missing an arm.

"I would be angrier but I have no idea how this reincarnation stuff works so I don't know what all you remember." she sighed, as she continued to reapply his bandages. Andy couldn't really do much else but stare at her.

"So... where am I?" Yang's look turned from anger to... sadness? She finished wrapping his new bandages and sat back, looking him over again.

"You really don't remember, huh?" He shook his head and she sighed, "well I knew it was coming, Eragon sent us all a message letting us know." She packed up the medical supplies and stood up.

"I know you have no memory of your past incarnation, and I can forgive you for disappearing for a year. Hell it's rather common with you, and you literally have one of the most important jobs in the multiverse, being a crusader and all, But her?" She said, pointing to the sleeping girl, "She's pissed at you. Teenage hormones and all that... I need to go get food ready, you should be able to move around now but no strenuous activities." and with that, she left the room.

Andy sat there, thinking over his circumstances. He really didn't want to deal with any of his past life problems, and fully intended to leave, and got up ready to leave. He grabbed a ticket out of his inventory and was about to crush it when he paused... she was upset with him, yes. But she clearly cared about him, or at least a version of him. The least he could do was stay and try and repay her. So he put the ticket back.

{Secret mission successful: Memories of the past passive now active.}

{New mission: Re-establish your relationships}

{Reward: New arm.}

[Good job, you really almost fucked that up man.]

Well, I don't exactly have a reason to, it just doesn't feel right leaving.

[Ok, now that you passed I need to give you a quick rundown. Everyone here has a connection to your past self, they all know you better than you probably do. This may be a new incarnation but you are still the exact same person, just with a different past. At any rate, the girl over at the table is Seras, your daughter. That version of Yang is... technically your fiance, actually. And everyone else here is a member of team Fallen, a group of extraordinary fighters whom you founded and led.]

Andy took a moment to absorb that info, and then went to leave the room when he heard something move behind him. He turned around and came face to face with Seras, the girl who his system told him was his daughter. And the moment he looked her in the eye he knew it was true. She stood up and stared at him for a moment before walking over with her eyes to the floor. When she got closer she swung her arm out and Andy put his arm up in defense, ready for a slap and instead... he got a hug. After a moment, he returned it as best he could with one arm. She just hugged him for a bit before letting go and stepping into the hall.

"Good to see you, Dad." And she disappeared down the hall. Andy just stood there, absorbing that before grinning.

"I'm a father... that's surreal. I need to recover those memories of mine." And with that he painfully walked out the door and down the hall. He realized halfway down the stairs that he instinctively knew where the kitchen and dining room were. He walked over to help Yang with food and was promptly kicked out of the kitchen. Apparently barely being able to move and missing an arm made him more of a danger in the kitchen than a help. So instead he sat down on a coach in the living room across from Seras.

About 20 minutes after he sat down someone burst through the front door in a blur and rushed over to Seras, blue hair flying everywhere. "SERAS! I was messing with the destabilized energy crystals we got from Eragon and I managed to get one to output energy without exploding!" She glanced over at Andy, "oh, hey Andy, anyways I-" She cut off and did a double take on him before rushing over to poke at him. Literally.

"So you woke up, did you lose the arm we made you? Rude, that thing is literally the only mechanical arm that could ever come close to keeping up with you. Is the arm shit healing up well? What happened to your healing factor? Anyways everyone else will be here soon so be ready to tell them what happened"

Yang walked back into the room to grab the blue haired girl and drag her to the kitchen "Stop bugging Andy, Powder. Besides, I need you to fix the blender." Powder kind of pouted but knew better than to go against Yang so she just kinda let herself get dragged. People filtered through in ones and twos. He recognized all of them, a mature Ruby, Blake, and Weiss. A full grown team FALN, alongside Ren and Nora, who had a child with them. The last to arrive was an absurdly buff Jaune and Pyrrha who looked... mostly the same, just older. And they had with them three kids, all of which had far too much energy.

They all sat down at the dinner table and started eating. It was filled with small talk and inside jokes that Andy vaguely recognized, for the most part it was just a normal dinner with friends.

"Hey Andy, what happened after you jumped ship and went headfirst into that... thing?" And like that, Andy had his first flashback to his past life.

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