The Dokutah is a Operator!? (...

Von Ghuzt_D_Bloodedge

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Basic Info
Arise from Slumber
True Power
New Purpose
Married Blade
The Girl and the Key
Escort Mission
Separated Hearts
Stinging Shock
Operator Info (Update)
Iron-Blooded Orphans
Temporary Respite
Raid & Rescue
Arrival of the Yeti Princess
Necessary Solution

Death and "Rebirth"

2.5K 83 11
Von Ghuzt_D_Bloodedge

3rd Person P.O.V

Time waits for no man; the only thing that can be done now is to continue to act. After detecting Reunion's location, Rhodes Island and the L.G.D. split up to launch separate operations.

When news about Skullshatter's death has spread to Misha's side, she mourned for him and observes her depressing surrounding carefully.

All she sees are people losing their loved ones and dying just to protect the Infected. After deep meditation, she makes a call to Amiya via W's phone to inform her that she has decided to side with Reunion.

In the meantime, she wishes to have a private time with his brother's corpse and vows to bring Skullshatter back to life.

The joint Rhodes Island-L.G.D. forces pins down the Reunion forces.]

Franka, Liskarm, and Hoshiguma all display their talents on the battlefield.
After joining forces with Amiya's team that had successfully broken through the front entrance, the only obstacle that remains in front is-

Franka We've broken through the first defensive line!

RM: What are the casters doing?! Even though there's only one enemy in the vanguard... Why are they just watching her tear us apart?! Hurry, hurry! Take her out!

The Reunion forces returned fire.

Liskarm: Franka! You're getting out of range! I can't... give you cover from here!

Franka: Do I look that reckless to you?

Liskarm: Watch your four o'clock!

Franka: Liskarm, it's time for your debut! Be a sweetie and block the enemy's ranged attacks, won't you?

Liskarm: Tsk...

RM: Quick! Faster! Focus down the one with the sword first!

A Reunion soldier strikes Franka, but was intercepted by you as you sliced every bullet sent towards you.

RM: Did we get her--?...Huh?

(Y/N): .........

RM: Woah!! Wh-where'd this one come from?!

However you caught them off guard, when you threw your twin swords at the Reunion forces, cutting through them like some razor-sharp disk before returning to you like boomerang.

(Y/N): Hey, Franka are you alright- Whoa!!

You suddenly felt a hand tug your lab coat, dragging you down. As you meet eyes with Franka, that's currently underneath you, while looking at you, seductively.

Franka: Oh my, Doctor... How sneaky of you~ pinning me in such a dire situation... Such a bad doctor, you are... fufu~

(Y/N): Errr..... That wasn't--

However you felt an ominous aura, behind you. seeing Liskarm is not amused.

Behind her, is Amiya who's looking at you with the same for before with Knuckle cracking sounds.

Amiya: As a medical company, we need to treat the disease of society that is a pervert scum.

(Y/N): A-Amiya...

Amiya: I am about to "Heal" the shit out of you, Dokutah.

(Y/N): Chottomate!!

(Y/N): Ow... Why did I do to deserve this...

You complain while rubbing, your cheeks.

Then Hoshiguma arrived only to witness what happened.

Hoshiguma: You never cease to amaze me, with your crazy ideas doctor.

(Y/N): Thanks for giving me, a boost. I wouldn't have reached Franka in time.

Hoshiguma: My pleasure. Doctor. However, Franka, your task was to launch a feint attack.Instead, you fought your way all the way here. You have a huge target over your head now. Is that fine with you?

Franka: Sure is, after all, I have a trusty partner after all! Besides my knight-in-shining-armor just arrived in time after all. Fufu~

She said, while looking at you, rather seductively.

(Y/N): This girl is totally, a bad news...

(Y/N): Let's just focus on our, enemies right now.

R.I.-L.G.D: Yes/Roger!

The joint R.I.-L.G.D. forces continue to advance.

Liskarm: Ugh... Gahh...Franka! You charged way too far ahead!

Franka: See? She caught up to us.

Liskarm : I'm not used to this kind of stuff...! Why are you making me charge headlong into the enemy? I don't get it!

Liskarm: Anyway, thank you for saving, Franka. Doctor.

(Y/N): You're welcome...?


RM: Curses... L.G.D. and Rhodes Island are working together! There's no way we can defend this place...We can't afford to hesitate. It's do or die. Everyone, chaaarge!

Liskarm: The enemies are rushing straight at us!

The desperate Reunion forces charge towards the joint R.I.-L.G.D. forces.

RM: Dieeeee!

Hoshiguma: If you plan to resist, you leave me with no choice. Don't take it personally.

RM: You...!

Hoshiguma struck down a Reunion soldier with her shield Hannya.

RM: Aaaaaaaaghhh!!

Liskarm: Madam, you're... quite strong. That Reunion fellow... Not his lucky day.

Hoshiguma: They've got some nerve to attack us like that... I feel bad for him. They should apologize to everyone who fell by their hands.

After the battle...

Amiya: Inspector!

Hoshiguma: I'm glad to see that you're all fine.

Amiya: We've collapsed their flank! The next step is to launch our all-out assault.

Hoshiguma: Fine by me.

Texas: Everything seems to be going smoothly.

Hoshiguma: That probably won't last for much longer. The enemies have set up many obstacles, and are doing a good job of staying hidden. Amiya, be prepared for a hard fight.

Hoshiguma: Dr (Y/N), make sure you scout things out thoroughly and protect your squads!

(Y/N): Sure thing, Hoshi... You can count on me.

Amiya: Of course! Everyone, let's go rescue Misha together!

Franka searches the camp, but finds no trace of Misha.

The battle between the joint Rhodes Island-L.G.D. and Reunion continues.

RM: Don't let them get through!!
W should have escaped with Misha...!
We can't let it!

Hoshiguma runs through Reunion soldiers in her path.

Hoshiguma: Out of my way! Do you have a death wish?!

RM: Uaaagh!!

(Y/N): *mental* This feels like their buying time but... For who? W... What the hell are you up to now?

Franka: O-ohhh... That savage fighting style reminds me of someone from Rhodes Island. They do have a lot in common, don't they?

Liskarm: Franka, don't just stand there! Hurry up and do something!

Franka: Sure, sure.

Exusia: Hah, looks like all those legends about Lungmen's Inspector are true...

Texas: Stay focused.

Exusiai: Hey, I'm not just...
...Staring at other people! *Bang!*

Exusiai guns down a Reunion Caster on the roof of a building nearby.

Exusiai: See those enemy squads on the second floor? I found 'em first!

Texas: Good job.

Exusiai: Hehe. Texas ...Let's go.
We can't let our client handle this alone.

(Y/N): I'll take from here, ladies.

You said walking past them, before summoning Bahamut and blasting the remaining reunion forces with a single swipe.

Amiya: Franka, have you found Misha?

Franka: I can't find her anywhere.
W probably... already took her away...

An explosion is heard.

Amiya: ...?What was that... an explosion? Franka, gather your squad. We have to back up the L.G.D.!

Then Another explosion is heard.

L.G.D. Agent : Rhodes Island, watch out! Th-this enemy... They...

Amiya: What happened...? Talk to me!
The enemy... ...What?! That's...? H-how is that possible...?!

(Y/N): It can't be...

Ch'en: ...What? Tsk... Is this some kind of trick?

RM: ...It's a miracle! It's a miracle!

Amiya: ...Why...?

(Y/N): Amiya!

Ch'en: Tsk! Don't just stand there! Take cover!

A grenade launcher round explodes close to Amiya, but she managed to take cover in time.

RM: We've been sent a miracle!! Is that you...? It's really you!!...He's fine!!
H-he's fine again! Skullshatterer is still alive!! Skullshatterer! It's really you!! Hooray!!

(Y/N): Something is off...

Amiya: ...Could it be... ...No...

Ch'en: Reunion's morale has been boosted since the reappearance of their leader. It'll be more difficult to suppress them now.

RM:...Skullshatterer, things are looking dire.But at least... you've come back to us. I'm so relieved... I'm so, so glad... Misha should have made it out of here as well.

Skullshatterer: ...

RM: Now, we can fight without any regrets!

Skullshatterer: ...I will stay here and hold them back. You should all go. I'll protect you all...

RM: What are you talking about, Skullshatterer...Didn't you promise that'd we go back to Ursus together? We still have to teach them a lesson!

Skullshatterer: Take care of yourselves. Don't die.

Amiya: No... Impossible...

Ch'en: Hurry up and move it!
Hoshiguma, contact the L.G.D. forces stationed outside immediately! We've neutralized most of the traps and ambushes. The enemy leader, W, and the target are still missing.
Right now, we're changing the mission objectives! All squads, move in and take out Reunion!

Amiya: Why... ...Why is this happening... No...

(Y/N): *sigh* Do things have to end this way... Misha?

[Small Timeskips]

The thoughts of the two sides are like parallel lines. Though they both run straight, they will never intersect.

Even if Amiya recognizes "Skullshatterer," there is no path forward from here.

RM: Ugh! They're still fighting back!

"Skullshatterer" fires a shot from her grenade launcher...

RM: Skullshatterer! As long as we can push them back, victory will be ours!

Skullshatterer: Yes... Right now... we have no choice but to fight.

"Skullshatterer" fires at Hoshiguma, who deflected it with her shield Hannya.

Hoshiguma: These guys... are pretty tough!

RM: Gaah-! Damn, that shield of yours... Sh-she's the one from the L.G.D...!

Hoshiguma: It's not too late to put down your weapons and surrender...
Unless you want to die in vain right here.

RM: You'd expect us to believe you?
Liar! Ursus... they've said the same thing before. But they executed those Infected, one by one... I hid beneath the bodies of the slain, holding my breath, in order to survive.

RM: There are no depths to which your kind won't stoop... in order to exterminate us. Aren't you just trying to round us up so you can kill us faster? Very well. You've made your choice then.

Franka: You're not getting through to them, big fella. They won't listen to reason. They can't even distinguish between good and even, Lungmen and Ursus. In that place... No, in many places... Only hatred exists between those who are infected and those who are not.

Hoshiguma: It seems that because of that... all communication has broken down. Even though there's another path in front of our eyes.

Skullshatterer: Another path?
What... could we possibly do?And what could you accomplish?

RM: Don't waste any more time listening to their lies! Skullshatterer, let's get rid of them together!

Explosions are heard.

Hoshiguma: Explosions?

L.G.D. Agent: He's planning to surround us from multiple directions!

Ch'en: Our flank will collapse if we can't seize the initiative... Prepare to counterattack!

RM: Skullshatterer! I'll cover you! Just kill them, and the battle will be over!

Skullshatterer: I have to go back... with all of you...I have to...!!----------

The Reunion soldiers mount one last push against the joint Rhodes Island-L.G.D. forces.

Franka: Amiya! Stay away from the enemy...!

Amiya: Th-that's... I... Doctor... Doctor, what should I do...

(Y/N): You know what you have to do, Amiya.

Amiya: But I don't want to... I'm sorry, Doctor... I...

Skullshatterer: ...A-...Amiya...?

Amiya: Why... You... Why did you become like this...

Skullshatterer: Amiya... I guess this was our fate all along.

Ch'en: Amiya! What are you doing? Hurry...

Amiya: I...

Ch'en: Tsk...

Amiya: Madam Ch'en? I...

Ch'en: That's enough.It's put an end to this.

(Y/N): Ch'en, wait!

Amiya: Madam Ch'en...

Ch'en: There is one thing I must tell you.From now on, you'd better treat all Infected the same way... your enemies.

Amiya: ...

Ch'en: Life is unfair.If you want to hate someone, then hate me. L.G.D.! Attack!

Ch'en finally finishes off "Skullshatterer" once and for all and The joint R.I.-L.G.D. forces did finally emerge victorious in this bloody battle.

As "Skullshatterer" collapses once more, but not a single person is smiling.

Ch'en has no words of comfort for Amiya, but shares some of her seldom-spoken sentiments.

With conflicted emotions, everyone begins their journey back home.

You're currently standing in front of the remnants of the once battlefield, lost in deep though, until you feel someone tap your shoulder.

Ch'en: Hey...

(Y/N): Inspector...

Ch'en: You know, from the beginning it, was her... didn't you?

(Y/N): Yes...

Then Ch'en then stands beside you and look at the same view...

Ch'en: *sigh* This world... has enough, lies, betrayals, bloodshed and many more... Is there really a safe heaven for the innocent in this hell...?

(Y/N): Maybe or maybe not... But this why where fighting for a better world...

Ch'en: Hm... Perhaps you're, right doctor...

Meanwhile somehow around Lungmen...

W: Tsk... Peoples' fates always have a strange way of intertwining.

W : They cross with each other, and they clash with each other. Even a grandmaster can be put in check by unexpected developments. But in the end, all is still well.

W : For at least... I can look forward to what the future has in store for us. Heh.

To be continued...


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