TDI Gwen X Male Reader

By RealMemey

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(Please Note This Is My First Ever Story. So If The Quality Isn't That Good, Sorry!) [You will be replacing... More

[Chapter One] Beginnings
[Chapter Two] Great Heights, Greater Falls
[Chapter Three] A Snooze Fest
[Chapter Four] Unsportly Sportsmanship
[Chapter Five] Total Drama's Got Talent!
[Chapter Six] Summer Time Camping
[Chapter Seven] Challenging Fears
[Chapter Eight] Up Creek Without A Paddle
[Chapter Nine] Campers Unknown Hunting Grounds
[Chapter Ten] Kitchen Drama Nightmares
[Chapter Eleven] Trust Issues
[Chapter Twelve] Boot-Camp
[Chapter Thirteen] Haiku Conflicts
[Chapter Fourteen] Gender Wars
[Chapter Fifteen] Wheel Of Misfortune
[Chapter Sixteen] Homewrecker Ahoy!
[Chapter Eighteen] Moto-X Star
[Chapter Nineteen] Thursday The 12th
[Chapter Twenty] A Wild Duck Chase
[Chapter Twenty One] Uncomfortable Bonds
[Chapter Twenty Two] Daily Life, Daily Strife
[Chapter Twenty Three] Castaway Campers
[Chapter Twenty Four] Forest Frolicke
[Chapter Twenty Five] Done By A Dare
[Chapter Twenty Six] The Last Chapter, Really!
[Epilogue] Campers Clash, and a lot of Cash!
[Bonus Chapter] Totally Incorrect Quotes
[Bonus Chapter] House Flipping Freakshow!

[Chapter Seventeen] Hide And Go Seek

2.9K 49 8
By RealMemey

[It's a new day on the island as Lindsay and Heather are sitting on the steps to the right side cabin, Lindsay eating a bag of chips and drinking grape soda while Heather is looking at a tattered cloth.]

Lindsay: "I am so glad they included Grape-tastic pop in your reward last night Heather! It's totally my favorite. It's the only thing I've really been craving on the island."  

Heather: "I cannot be-lieve that Leshawna shredded my clothes! She is so gonna pay for this!"

Lindsay: "Well, you did try and kiss Gwen's boyfriend, that's pretty major.." 

[Heather turns to Lindsay with an annoyed look.]

Heather: "Shut up!" [Heather then rips the pop out of Lindsay's hands as she takes a swig and immediately spits it out.]

Heather: "How can you drink this sugar water!?" [She throws the bottle as it shatters off camera as Lindsay gasps.]

*Confessional Booth*

Lindsay: "Heather is my best friend on the island, I mean sure she steals my food and borrows my clothes and calls me names, but that's what BFF's are for! Best female friends!"


Heather: "Who cares about friends in this world there are shepherds and there are sheep and Lindsay is a major sheep." [She puts her hands to the side of her head to make her fingers look like horns as she baahs like a sheep.]


Lindsay: "I think she really respects me and my strategical ideas!"


Heather: "I've got flip-flops with more brains than her, but hey, she's useful right now so I'll keep her close, and when I don't meet her anymore, I'll dump her!"


[You wake up to Gwen sound asleep right beside you, you're confused for a moment and then realize that you're both still outside in the same spot you were last night, you pick her up bridal style and carry her back to her bed. As you open the door you see Leshawna combing her hair.]

Leshawna: "Oh, hey (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Morning Leshawna." [You say with a tired voice as you lay Gwen down on her bed.]

Leshawna: "Looks like you were both exhausted from last night."

(Y/N): "Yeah, you could say that."

Leshawna: "I assume you're still mad about Heather not getting the boot?"

(Y/N): "Of course I am. Of course because of Chris and his dumb show, Heather now has more time to plan something and get even more people out. Who knows what that snake has up her sleeves."

Leshawna: "You've got a point, but I swear if she tries anything on you or Gwen again, she'll be hearing from me!"

(Y/N): "Thanks for the reassurance Leshawna, hopefully we can boot Heather out sooner rather than later though. I'm gonna head back to my bed so I can get some sleep in before the next challenge, see you later."

Leshawna: "See ya later marshmallow!" 

[She waves as you leave the cabin, as soon as you leave you bump into someone, you look up and see who it is, Heather.]

Heather: "Ohh (Y/N)~ Aren't you just glad to see me again?~" [She says with a sly look on her face.]

(Y/N): "Go jump in the river and swim with the sharks again you snake." [You say with a cold glare and tone.]

Heather: "Glad to see you too." 

[You just push her out of the way as you walk past her and Lindsay as you go back into the guys side of the cabin and slam the door behind you.]

*Timeskip* *Gwen POV*

[I wake up in a daze, I look around to see that I'm inside the cabin with Leshawna sitting next to me, she notices me as she sees my dazed expression.]

Leshawna: "(Y/N) carried you back in about 20 minutes ago, he went back to his side of the cabin to get some sleep."

[I nod as I sit up and sit on the edge of the bed.]

Leshawna: "Still thinking about Heather too?"

Gwen: "Yeah, that snake tried to kiss my boyfriend and she got off basically scott free!"

Leshawna: "I feel you sister." [She then gets an evil look on her face.] 

Leshawna: "How about we get revenge on her, you me and (Y/N)."

[I can't help but smile at the idea.]

Gwen: "Of course, what's the plan."

Leshawna: "I'd rather talk about when all three of us are together."

[Chris's voice then comes over the loud speaker.]

Chris: "Everyone please meet at the dock of shame in 30 minutes for today's challenge!"


[Everyone is gathered at the dock of shame for Chris's explanation, all the while Gwen and Leshawna shooting glares at Heather.]

Chris: "Today's challenge is a good old-fashioned game of Hide-And-Seek, you all get 10 minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you." [He says that last part with a malevolent look on his face.]  "With his military background and advanced degree in manhunting, he's uniquely qualified to make this game, excruciatingly hard." 

[Chef pulls a water gun out from behind his back and pumps it a couple of times.]

Duncan: "What's with the water gun?" [A laser pointer appears in the middle of his forehead as he looks at it in surprise.]

Chris:  [He gestures over the the lifeguard chair.] "The lifeguard chair is home base, when he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape his blast, you can try to run to home base." 

[Chef walks up to Duncan, water gun pointed straight at his face as he looks at him with an evil look.]

Chris: "But if, he catches you on your way he'll douse you!" 

Duncan: "Whoo~ So we're gonna get splashed by a bit of water, now I'm terrified." [He says with a mocking tone as Chef stares him down.]

Chris: "Why don't you demonstrate Chef?~"

[Chef pumps the water gun a couple times, points it straight at Chris, and releases a powerful stream of water right at him, sending Chris flying back as Chef immediately realizes his mistake as he looks up scared."

Chris: "NOT ON ME DUDE!"

Heather: "So how do we win this game?"

[Chris walks back to where he was standing previously while he wipes some water off his shirt.]

Chris: "You've got three options; One, don't get discovered in your hiding place, two run to home base before Chef blasts you, three once you've been caught, help Chef find other campers do any of those and you win invincibility! All clear?" 

Lindsay: "Ah-?" [She raises a finger and is about to ask a question, that is until Chris just cuts her off and resumes speaking.]

Chris: "You get 10 minutes to hide, go!"

[Everyone immediately runs off, leaving Lindsay the only one standing on the dock, confused on what to do, after a few seconds of looking around, she just runs off screaming and flailing her arms.]

*Scene Change*

[Leshawna needed you and Gwen for a little bit, you three hide in the cabin for a while as you see what she needs.]

Leshawna: "Okay, to make this brief I wanna get revenge on Heather, and I think I might know how to do it!"

(Y/N): "Lay it on us!"

Leshawna: "Okay, so the plan is-" [She whispers the plan to you and Gwen as all three of you get a mischievous look on your faces.]

Leshawna: "We do it tonight!"

*Scene Change and Timeskip*

[Chris finds Lindsay hiding under a blanket only covering her upper half as Chris speaks up.] 

Chris: "Uhh- Lindsay. Couldn't you do better than hiding under you covers?"

Lindsay: "Fooled you! This isn't even my bunk!"

[Chris now looks puzzled as he questions her logic.]

Chris: "Oooohhh Chef Hatchet!"

[Chef kicks open the cabin door, water gun ready as Lindsay screams in fear, dives out the window and runs off.}

*Scene Change*

[Leshawna is seen looking around with her swim suit on while on the dock, she climbs down the ladder, looks around one more time, pulls out a straw made to look like a lily pad, and ducks under the water.]

*Scene Change*

[You're looking around for hiding spots until you stumble upon a cave, you take a quick look around to make sure no one followed you and head in, inside it's practically pitch black as you feel your way along the cave wall, you suddenly trip over something. You stand back up and pull out a lighter that you borrowed from Duncan and look to see what you tripped, much to your shock- it's Freddie, he just looks at you with a tired look as he just lays his head back down.]

(Y/N): "Heyyy so- no hard feelings, right-?"

[Freddie just huffs as a response as you sit down on the floor of the cave.]

(Y/N): "You mind if I hang out here for a while then, I promise it'll only be for a while."

[Freddie just glances at you and shrugs, laying closing his eyes and going back to sleep as you close the lighter and close your eyes as you wait for the challenge to be over.]

*Scene Change*

[Chris walks into the stalls where he can see Lindsay's head poking out from over the stall, he knocks on the door.]

Chris: "Knock-knock."

Lindsay: "Who's there?"

Chris: "The entire viewing world."

Lindsay: "The entire viewing world who?"

Chris: "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that if you wanna avoid capture.."

[Lindsay throws open the stall door and runs past Chris while screaming.]

Chris: "My guess, she's a goner."

*Scene Change*

[You're suddenly awoken by footsteps as you slowly rise, you can't tell who's there but you get a plan, you quickly stick out your foot and feel the person trip over it as they fall to the ground.]

???: "Ow! Who's there!?"

[Wait- you quickly pull out your lighter and flick it on, only to reveal Duncan lying on the ground with DJ and Geoff standing a little ways behind him.]

(Y/N): "Oops, sorry dude, didn't know it was you, also I recommend keeping it down." [You say as you gesture over to a sleeping Freddie.]

Duncan: "Well it's at least I found you, all four of us need to talk."

[All four of you take a seat on the floor as Duncan speaks up.]

Duncan: "We're in trouble, there's six chicks on the island and only four dudes."

Geoff: "I know! Nice odds!"

[Duncan slaps Geoff on the side of the face.]

Duncan: "No butt brain bad odds! If I noticed it, chances are sooner or later they're gonna notice it too and when they do they're gonna pick us off one by one! We've got to do something about it."

DJ: "It's not like they're exactly getting along, remember this morning?"


[DJ and Geoff are standing outside of the restrooms visibly uncomfortable as inside Heather's applying lipstick while  Leshawna is applying eyeliner, Heather reaches over to Leshawnas sink and turns on the hot water while Gwen's in the shower.]

Gwen: "Arg! Who turned the hot water on!?" 

[Leshawna looks over to Heather as she feigns surprise.]

Heather: "Oops, sorry~"

[After a few seconds Leshawna smacks Heather upside the face causing her to drop to the floor, she gets up off the ground as the camera pans outside of the cabin, whilst on the inside you can hear a fight between the two as DJ and Geoff just stand outside smiling. Suddenly things start to shatter as things grow more intense as the two guys just slowly move away from the restroom.]

Geoff: "Uhh I don't know dudes, Bridgette and me, we kinda hooked up! I don't feel right about joining an alliance without her."

(Y/N): "Same, I'm with Gwen and me and Leshawna are great friends, besides, they're too focused on getting Heather and Lindsay out right now, so if we just sit back and go with the flow, eventually things will even out."

Duncan: "Let me tell you the truth about women, they're all sisters, and when push comes to shove they're gonna stick together, haven't you ever seen a chick-flick before?"

Geoff: "Well, yeah but-"

Duncan: "Look man now's the time while they don't see it coming while we have the element of surprise!"

(Y/N): "If 'sticking together' means them not being able to stop pummeling each other, I think you may've been watching the wrong kinds of films man. Any who I believe that things will be just fine if we let things happen."

Geoff: "Yeah, I side with (Y/N) here dude, I'd say let them tear each other apart first then strike."

(Y/N): "Not what I said but whatever."

*Scene Change*

[Duncan is holding Geoff over an edge by his feet.]

Duncan: "Are you sure now?"

Geoff: "I am I am!! Just put me down dude!"

[Duncan lets go of his legs as Geoff just falls on the ground as the drop was only about an inch of the ground.]

Geoff: "Jeez dude, juvey made you a scary guy bro."

*Scene Change*

Duncan: "Good, now that we're all agreed, guys unite and save out butts from elimination!"

[Duncan and DJ put their hands in the center, Geoff hesitates for a second before putting his hand in to, Duncan looks over to you as you sit there, arms crossed with a bored look on your face.]

Duncan: "Uh, are you in dude?"

(Y/N): "I'm not joining an alliance with you guys, I already have my own with Leshawna and Gwen. We've even made plans this morning to get back at Heather for almost kissing me."

[Duncan looks at you with an annoyed look.]

Duncan: "Look, I know you and Gwen are together, but who knows, sure she loves you too but she might be willing to sacrifice you if it means getting the $100,000."

[You shoot Duncan an angry look.]

(Y/N): "I know Gwen better than that, there's no way she'd be willing to throw out our love just for some stupid money. At this point, I don't care about the money anymore, so yes, I wouldn't mind Gwen voting me out if it means her getting the money, because I know that she would just put it toward both of our futures."

[The other guys look shocked, but Duncan then gets mad.]

Duncan: "I see how it is, well, don't be surprised if you're the one going home next dude all because you decided to choose love over winning."

(Y/N): "What's that supposed to mean!?" "What do you plan on voting me out just because I didn't join some dumb alliance?"

Duncan: "I never said that! Quit putting words in my mouth, all I'm saying it don't be surprised if they end up turning on you just to get what they want, lets go guys."

[DJ shoots you a disappointed look and walks away to follow Duncan, Geoff stays behind for a second.]

Geoff: "I see where you're coming from dude, I only joined the alliance out of pressure, I'm sure Duncan's still upset about Courtney being voted out and its just paranoid, don't let what he said get to ya man."

Duncan: "Let's go Geoff!"

[Geoff looks at the entrance of the cave where Duncan and DJ are waiting as he looks back at you.]

Geoff: "Good luck brah." 

[You both fist bump as Geoff walks off with Duncan while you close the lighter and sit back down on the cave floor, pondering about what Duncan said, would Gwen really throw you under the bus to get the money, you knew she had her own personal goal, it's just you didn't know if she'd really go that far just to obtain it.]

*Scene Change*

[Chef is walking through the forest with Izzy tailing behind, unbeknownst to him of course, as she mimics every move he does, whether it be the way he walks or him practicing his aim, and every time he turns in her direction she quickly ducks behind a bush.]

*Scene Change*

[A squirrel is seen scampering underneath a tree, when suddenly it is boned in the head by an acorn. The camera and squirrel pans up to show Geoff at the top of a tall tree, holding on for dear life as the tree sways back and fourth, the squirrel angrily looks at him and kicks the tree, causing it to rumble, thus causing him to fall to the ground.]

*Scene Change*

[Gwen is seen wearing a blanket of grass as she camouflages herself into the ground, a squirrel hops up beside her as she punches it away.]

*Yet another Scene Change*

[DJ wanders for a while until he stumbles across the main lodge, he jumps up and grabs ahold of the edge of the roof and hoists himself up, little does he know Geoff had the same idea, as they both go toward the center of the roof, Heather runs up and goes into the main lodge as Lindsay follows behind. She peeks through the kitchen door and looks around for Heather, she finds her hiding under the table.]

Linday: "Hey Heather!" [Lindsay's sudden appearance causes her to smack her head off of the bottom of the table.] "We're just like destined to hide together."

Heather: "What!? What are you doing in here! Can't you find your own hiding place? This challenge his called hide and seek, not hide in groups and seek!"

Lindsay: [Tearing up] "But-"

Heather: "Dig yourself a hole, disguise yourself as a canoe, I don't care! Just do it somewhere else!"

[The lights flick on as they both look over to see Chef standing there with a grin on his face as they both stand there in disbelief.]

Chef: "This is my kitchen! Also known as forbidden territory!"

Heather: "Take her!" 

[She shoves Lindsay into Chef as she books it out the door, Lindsay manages to get away as she follows Heather while screaming, Chef kicks the front door open and chases after them, they're about to make it to the safe zone as Chef pumps up the water gun and fires, hitting them both and getting them out of the game.]

*Scene Change* 

[You're still sitting in the cave as you hear Lindsay and Heathers screaming suddenly get cut off, you decide that it's too close for comfort so you decide to move hiding spots, you sneak out of the cave and creep into the forest, you're walking for a few minutes thinking about where to hide, when you suddenly trip on something.]

(Y/N) and ???: "Oww!"

[You look and see a lump in the ground, suddenly the lump stands up to reveal that it's Gwen making herself look like part of the ground.]

Gwen: "Who the-!? Oh hey (Y/N)." [She looks mad for a moment until she notices you still on the ground, her expression changes to happiness as she helps you off the ground.]

(Y/N): "Thanks babe, and sorry, I was too busy thinking of a good hiding spot."

Gwen: "Well, at least you proved that I blend in well." [She says as she shrugs her shoulders and chuckles a bit.]

(Y/N): [Chucking]  "Yeah, guess so." [Suddenly you remember what Duncan said and wanna make sure it isn't true.]  "Hey, Gwen. Can I ask you something serious for a second?"

[Gwen notices your worried expression and gets a bit worried herself.]

Gwen: "Of course (Y/N), what is it?"

(Y/N): "It's just- If it came to you needing to vote me out for the money, would you?" [You say with a pained expression as Gwen is taken back.]

Gwen: "I- no! Of course not babe! That money is nothing compared to our love! Heck, your smile is priceless, if not more! I don't know who told you that but no, I'd go down with you if it came to it."

[You can't help but tear up a little from happiness, Gwen notices and looks at you.]

Gwen: "You- really thought I'd choose money over you-?"

(Y/N): "N-no, it's just Duncan said something earlier and it kind of stuck with me is all."

[Gwen goes from pained to annoyed.]

Gwen: "What kinds of things was he saying?"

[You tell her that he said that the girls would team up and vote all the guys out, and how eventually her and Leshawna would turn on you to vote you out so they could get the money, all the while Gwen keeps a straight face.]

(Y/N): "And I just had to make sure it wasn't true, ya know-?" [You look over to her with a saddened expression as she wraps her arms around you tightly.]

Gwen: "Duncan's probably just upset that Courtney is gone, he probably didn't mean it, and I'm sure that Leshawna would never think about betraying me and you."

[You return the hug as you rest your head in her hair.]

(Y/N): "Thanks babe, it means a lot to hear you say that. And just so you know, I don't care about the money anymore, all I care about is making it out of here with you." [You pull away and smile at her as she returns it.]

Gwen: "Thanks hon."

[Suddenly you both hear Izzy and Chef screaming from afar, Gwen quickly goes back to her camouflage as you quickly climb up a tree. They sound like they're heading toward the dock, away from where you both were, as you look down and see only Gwen's eyes staring up at you, you smile at her and jump down from the tree as you kneel down.]

(Y/N): "I'm gonna go back to the cave." [You point over to the cave you were hiding in before.] "If you're found first, make sure they don't check in there, and don't worry I'll keep them away from you if they find me."

Gwen: "Sounds good! Good luck, I love you."

(Y/N): "Good luck, I love you too." [You blow her a kiss as you run back to the cave.]

*Scene Change*

[DJ and Geoff are still hiding on the roof, when a bird comes and lands on the tip, they both crawl toward it, but when they get to the top, they notice each other.]

DJ: "What are you doing in my hiding place man!"

Geoff: "Your hiding place? It's mine!" 

[They both stand up. not realizing the roof is about to give way.]

Geoff: "Do you have like, any idea how hard it was for me to get up here?"

DJ: "Look we're tight and all, but-" 

[Suddenly the roof gives out as they both fall into the main lodge, they both stumble out the front door as Heather walks up.]

Heather: "You guys are so busted!"

Lindsay: "Hey, I've got an idea! Since there are two of them why don't I bust one of them so we both get invincibility!"

Heather: "Hey I've got an idea! Find your own!"

[Lindsay gasps as Heather storms off to go turn DJ and Geoff in.]

*Scene Change*

[Chef is patrolling the area as he look behind him to see a defeated Izzy and Bridgette following behind, Chef steps on a lump on the ground when suddenly Gwen shoots up in pain.]

Gwen: "Ow!"

[He taps Gwen on the shoulder as she looks down in defeat.]

Heather: "I found DJ and Geoff in the lodge so I guess I have invincibility now, my job here is done." [She walks up to Gwen who is still wearing her disguise.]

Heather: "Gwen, looking fetch as always."

*Scene Change*

[DJ and Gwen are looking for you, Duncan, and Leshawna.]

Gwen: "I wonder where Duncan is hiding?"

DJ: "How should I know, it's not like the guy's are forming a guy's only alliance or anything." 

[DJ realizes his mistake as he freezes up in fear as Gwen just looks at him.]

DJ: "Okay the guys are forming an alliance but I'm not apart of it!"

[Gwen just keeps staring at him as DJ just breaks down.]

DJ: "Okay you broke me, there is an alliance and I joined it but I'm not supposed to tell you, but I did! There are you happy!" [He says as he gets on his knees and hangs his head in shame as Gwen just sighs.]

[Chef comes back holding Duncan by the back of his shirt as he flails around.]

Geoff: "Well that's everyone."

DJ: "But what about Leshawna and (Y/N)?"

Chef: "L-Leshawna and (Y/N)!? The cave and water!"

[Everyone books it to the cave as Chef turns on the flashlight, only to reveal you standing next to a very angry Freddie, everyone screams in fear as Freddie chases after them while you take the chance to run to the lifeguard chair, Heather sees you and chases after you, Chef shoots Freddie with the water gun as he chases you as well, trying to hit you with the water as you duck and weave from the trees and bushes, once you reach the dock you run as fast as you possibly can, you see Leshawna sitting on the chair as she cheers you on, Chef pumping up the gun for a big shot, he fires it right as you're diving for the chair, the water hits you at full force, but when the water disperses, you're seen clinging to the leg of the chair for dear life as Leshawna and Gwen cheer for you.]

Chef: "Hold on, that doesn't count!"

[Suddenly Chris appears out of nowhere, scaring Chef a little.]

Chris: "Why yes it does count! He managed to touch the chair right as the water hit him, so he is safe! Meaning you both have immunity!"

[You both celebrate and high five each other as Gwen runs up and hugs you.]


[The girls are all gathered in the cabin, well, all except Bridgette.]

Leshawna: "Can you hear us okay out there Bridgette?"

Bridgette: "Yeah!

Leshawna: "Sorry we had to keep you outside girl, we just can't stand that smell."

Bridgette: "That's okay, I understand."

Heather: "The guys are teaming up against us and as much as it makes me want to yak up my lunch, we have to vote as a group if we want any chance at winning."

Bridgette: "Well, I say we take out Duncan, he's mean and I'd tell him that to his face!"

Gwen: "Sounds good to me! He told (Y/N) that I and Leshawna would betray him and vote him out for the money! And just for the record, (Y/N) told me himself that he isn't apart of their alliance."

Leshawna: "Ohh that dirty rat! I knew he wasn't to be trusted!"

Heather: "Speaking of trust, I don't trust that DJ, he's always so positive about everything, it's creepy and unnatural, I say we lose him, Lindsay?" 

Lindsay: "DJ, yeah!"

Izzy: "But DJ is like Owen, he's one of the nicest guys on the island, along with (Y/N) of course." [She says that last part as she winks to Gwen.]

Heather: "This isn't about how kind someone is, this is elimination in order to stay in the game!" "Hey! Why don't you vote with us Izzy, we'll be like BFF's!" [Lindsay is taken aback as Izzy just stares blankly at Heather.]

Lindsay: "Best female friends-!"

Izzy: "Okay!"

Leshawna: "You know she'll just dump you after the vote-?"

Lindsay: "It's true, she will."

[Heather elbows Lindsay causing her to fall to the floor and spill all of her nail polish.]

Heather: [Looking at Gwen and Leshawna] "You with us?"

[They both shake their heads]

Bridgette: "No!"

Heather: "Fine! Then let the chips fall where they may."

[Gwen looks down to Lindsay who is sitting on the floor crying over her spilled nail polish.]


[Everyone but DJ, Duncan, and Bridgette have gotten a marshmallow, everyone keeping their distance from Bridgette as well.]

Chris: "There are only two marshmallows left on this plate, you each racked up a lot of votes, one of you is going home tonight, the next marshmallow goes to-"

[He pauses for a long time, creating suspense.]

Chris: "DJ."

[He tosses the marshmallow to DJ as he sighs in relief and walks over to everyone else.]

Chris: "The final marshmallow of tonight goes to-"

[He pauses again creating more tension, Bridgette scared while Duncan sits there, uncaring.]

Chris: "Duncan."

[He takes the marshmallow as everyone gasps, saddened to see Bridgette be the one eliminated.]

Chris: "Okay, that was a shocker! Even I'm shocked and I knew the answer!"


[Everyone is standing at the dock of shame as Bridgette walks to the boat with her things, she looks back as Geoff runs up to her, keeping his distance though.]

Geoff: "Bridgette! I'm gonna miss you."

Bridgette: "Me too! So you didn't vote me off?"

Geoff: "No way!"

Duncan: "You didn't!?" [Geoff flinches but looks at Bridgette with an awkward smile.]

Geoff: "I can never vote you off babe! You're my girl!"

Bridgette: "Awww, I believe you!"

[They both start to walk toward each other, they both start to lean in for a kiss, but Geoff smells the skunk spray and immediately runs back.]

Geoff: "Ehh, okay. Byyee!"

[Bridgette looks hurt but walks to the boat and waves as she's taken away, everyone but Heather waving to her.]


[You, Gwen and Leshawna are at the side of the restrooms where you can hear Heather taking a shower, you unscrew the pipe to the shower and hook it up the the sewage line as you three hear Heather scream.]


[You three run away laughing to each other as you run back at the cabins where you see Geoff in a sleeping bag hanging upside down tied from a tree, asleep."

Leshawna: "Whoowee! Now that was what I call revenge!" [She says laughing]

Gwen: "We should totally find more ways to get back at her later!"

(Y/N): "I mean, I have a few ideas of my own." [You say with a sly look on your face] "Any who, I should be heading to bed, I'm exhausted from all that running, goodnight!

Gwen and Leshawna: "Goodnight!" [They both wave at you as they go into their cabin, you go to open your side as it's locked, you notice a note nailed to the door as you rip it off and read it.]


"All of your stuff is on the ground outside. Since you don't want to be in the alliance, you're gonna have to sleep somewhere else."


[You sigh in annoyance as you go and get your things, you walk over to the girls side and knock on the door, Gwen opens it and is surprised to see you, you show her the note as she reads it in annoyance, too tired to do anything she lets you in and closes the door behind you, you look and see that Leshawna is the only other one in the room, passed out in her bed, you just assume that the other three moved to the other cabin to scheme, you get into bed with Gwen, you both kiss and tell each other goodnight, and drift off to sleep.]

[To Be Continued...]

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