Restart of GOD Tempest


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It's been already 25 years since the great tenma war ended with the victory of The octagram and tempest over... More

Return of God Tempest
STORY ORDER (Table of contents)
CHAP7: [Ogre]
Intermission: [MILIM'S WARNING]
Concept Explanation.
Author-kun Message.
Intermission: [DL Biggest Fear]
To my readers...................
ENT: 3rd Round
Intermission : World Recognition


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Back from my trip to Sarion, which went well, even if I wanted to stay a little longer with the elv.... uh I mean with Elmesia to discuss future relations. When I came back, Testarossa was waiting for me. It was rare to meet Testarossa in Tempest. After all, she was our foreign representative.

"Welcome back my Lord." Testarossa said while bowing.

"Testarossa nice to see you." I respond shortly.

"It's my outmost joy to be in front of you my Lord" She said.

"Oyi stop it now you are embarassing me." I said with a smile.

I then took Testarossa in my office to discuss about the matters. If she is in Tempest, she surely have in intel to share or a news. When I sat down, as usually when she is with me, Testarossa made her tea that I loved so much. It had an exceptional smell and a delicious taste.

"Ah Testarossa your tea is really something else. Really amazing" Rimuru said.

"I'm glad to hear you like it my Lord". She respond.

"So Testa do you appreciate the mission I have entrusted to you?" I asked her.

"A lot my lord, manipulatio..... I mean discussion is always the best way to deal with a problem, just like you taught us" She said.

"Oyi you wanted to say manipulation right ?" Rimuru asked her.

"Not at all my lord." She said while turning her head away.

"I see. So Testa, I suppose if you are here, then there is something you have to tell me right ?" Rimuru asked.

"That's right my Lord. We received an invitation for the next human council in Ingrassia that's why I am here." She said.

"One of the things I really like about you, is your insight. I can figure out that you already knows how you are going to deal with it."

"That's why I need your permission first my Lord. I charged Moss to spy on them and what we discover is totally awful."

"Tell me more. I want to hear it." Rimuru said.

"Understood my Lord. Moss come here" Testarossa.

The beautiful blonde child with golden eye appear in front of Rimuru and Testarossa, and instantly kneel. He dare not raise his head cause in front of him, there is not only his Master but there is also the Master of his master. Two of his superior. The amount of pressure he felt, couldn't be described. He knows that Lord Rimuru was kind and usually, he doesn't waste his time on how he is addressed. But with Testarossa there, the master he served for centuries, word towards Rimuru, means his very existence would be suppressed

"Greetings Milady and Milord." Moss said respectfully.

"Moss it's nice to see you. I hope you are doing great" Rimuru said to him.

"Thank you for your attention Milord." Moss respond.

"Moss share the information you have collected with Rimuru-Sama" Testarossa said.

"Right away Milady."

"So Milord, the Humans of Ingrassia are planning a kind of council that will bring Western countries together. The main objective of this meeting is to discuss the possibility of an alliance between these countries.".

"Is that so ? At first glance, it looks like a normal meeting right, but I guess there is something behind right ?" Rimuru asked.

"Absolutely my Lord. In fact, they intend to take advantage of us. We have rapid economic growth, moreover they see us as subraces devoid of intelligence".

"I see so this meeting is just a trap. Well we are not going to let them bash our honor and country like this".

"What's your plan Milord" Testarossa asked.

"I have none. I am leaving everything to your care. After all you are the most suitable to deal with this kind of problem right?".

"I am going to tortur...... I mean I am going to find some agreements between us" Testarossa said.

"Oyi don't kill them okay?"

"At your command my Lord".

"Bring Moss with you. I know what you are able to do, but I'll feel more confortable if there is someone with you. In case of great danger call me okay ?".

"Even if I don't need bodyguard, I am still happy that Milord is worry for me. Thank you" she said while bowing.

"Now go and I hope you will bring me good news" Rimuru said.

Red Demon.................

The Ice continent, at least what's left of it was still the Domain of the Lord of Darkness. Since Velzard's departure, the ice began to melt. It was thanks to her overflowing aura that allowed to maintain such low temperatures. Guy wasn't happy about it either. For centuries and centuries he had lived with her. Because of his pride he could not properly express all the affection he had for her. But now that she is no longer a part of his life, he began to feel the lack she had created in him.

He was now on his chair, his mind away thinking about the recent events. A platinum hair man out of nowhere beat him, he then took his partner with him. And now he is thinking about a plan to at least have a little fun.

"Misery come here". Guy said.

"Hai I am here Guy-sama". Misery as usually

" Misery how does Tempest develop?" Guy asked her.

" Guy-sama at a really fast rate. Day by day new départements are created. I don't doubt in the future, this country will be th first one." Misery respond.

"I see did you have some information about their military power ?" Guy asked her.

"Absolutely not Guy-sama you can't even find a single information about it. When you ask the people, they will answer you honestly and they don't even know if there are military forces in the country." Misery said.

"Is that so ".

"But Guy-sama, I continued my research and discovered something else. There may be no military forces in the country, but there are high-ranking and very powerful executives according to the locals."

"I see, I am sure the two girls he took with him during the Walpurgis were part of them too." Guy said.

"Probably Guy-sama" She answered.

"I heared that in Ingrassia they are going to hold a council of western countries right ?" Guy said.

"That's right Guy-Sama" Misery respond.

"So what if you made an intrusion among them just scare them a little ?" Guy said with a smirk.

"Guy-sama do you think it's wise from you to challenge it ? I mean some Tempest representatives will be there too ?"

"Are you perhaps saying that we are weak ?" Guy asked with a little anger. Of course in front of Rimuru, their power meant nothing.

"I am sorry Guy-sama I didn't want to." Misery said while bowing.

"It's fine, after all you are not wrong but still I think whe have to do it" Guy said.

"Understood Guy-sama, so what's the plan ?"

"It's simple, you just have to appear in front of them and scare them a bit. You can destroy some buildings, and kill some people too, I don't mind".

"Understood Guy-sama but what if Rimuru-Sama is not happy with this ?" Misery asked.

"I will deal with him don't worry about it".

"I will take my leave then Guy-sama". She said respectfully.

Despite the fact that she was against the idea of doing such a thing, Misery could not disobey her master. She knew that Rimuru was a nice person, and she didn't like the idea of harming him, but she had to obey...............................


The capital was in turmoil, representatives of the various countries of the West were present. It was a very big event, because it was aimed at strengthening relations between these countries. Some participants really wanted alliances in order to form a bloc to prevent an invasion from the east. Especially the Empire of Nasca.

In the meeting Room, a large rectangular table was placed. 4 seats were arranged at different ends. They represented, Tempest, Ingrassia, Farmus and Western Holy Church. The various protagonists were already present except one. Tempest's representatives. Hinata followed by Fritz were present to represent the Western Church. The brother of Edmaris for Farmus side and Ingrassia's King. Voices began to rise, for the humans here, it was a blatant lack of respect for them. They were all present but these monsters were not there.

"Tchh who do they take us for, these damn monsters ?" Ingrassia's King complain.

Hinata didn't utter a word, She knew it made no sense to rally lost causes.

"I am tired of waiting now let's star........" Edmaris brother wanted to say.

The moment he wanted to finish his sentence, the two large door of the meeting room suddenly opened, everyone present turned their eyes to the people who had just entered. For some, the person who had just entered was the personification of the perfect being. For others, this person was the living embodiment of terror. When Hinata saw her, it was like her soul was going to leave her body. This person was a beautiful woman to others. Her wonderful red eyes, beautiful white hair, and mesmerizing face were worthy of divine qualification. In contrast to this angelic face, she was in a strict military uniform that left no opening. Behind her, a little boy was following her.

" Kings and Representatives of the powerful Western Countries, I sincerely apologize for being late in this important meeting." The girl said while bowing.

" Tch, will you make us wait again, take a seat and let's start". The King of Ingrassia said.

"First who are you ? You are not Rimuru the Leader of Monster right ?" Edward asked.

" I am not, that's right. My name is Testarossa, I am the foreign affairs representative for Tempest." She said.

"And why is it you who is there now instead of Rimuru Tempest ?" King of Ingrassia asked.

"Unfortunately My Lord was not able to come. He has important things to deal with. He sincerely apologizes". Testarossa respond.

"Tchhh this damn monster dare look down on us ?" Edward said in anger.

The room went quiet. Some people started to collapse in the meeting room. others had the feeling that the sky was going to collapse on them. Some without knowing it, were unconsciously on their knees and looking for air. Those who have reached a high level of existence immediately knew that the cause of these phenomena is exposure to an extremely ferocious aura. They immediately searched for the origin of this energy. when they turned to Testarossa, those red eyes became even sharper. She kept releasing an intense aura of rage. If she wanted to, she could have killed them all. But thinking back to Rimuru's instructions, she instantly resigned herself and calmed down.

" Like said, My Lord sincerely apologizes for not being here. I strongly recommend that you watch your mouth while talking about my Lord. Understood?" Testarossa's beautiful smile that she had worn from the beginning had disappeared and given way to a completely different person.

"Y-Y-you don't have to put yourself in such a bad state T-Testarossa-dono we are here to form an alliance isn't it." King of Ingrassia said.

"H-He is right no need to be angry. Now let's move on" Edward was trying to say.

" We are all gather today, to discuss about our future. I am Edward King of Farmus. At my left, Ingrassia's King, at my left Tempest representative Testarossa-dono and in front of me, the captains of the HolyKnights Hinata Sakaguchi"

"Since the Western Holy church is already a member of the Council, we are We will present to you the obligations that you will have to honor in order to be clearly part of this Council, Testarossa-dono". Ingrassia's king said.

"If I feel that you clearly want to exploit us, we will put an immediate end to this Council. I hope I made myself clear". Testarossa said.

"O-Of course." They said while giving the contract to Testarossa.

Tempest's obligations for the Council

1- 35% of Tempest Economy shall be given to the council members per month.

2- Farmus and Ingrassia scientist shall be include in Tempest research.

3- Monsters of Tempest are only allow to enter human city under special derogations.

4- Rimuru shall visit each king once every month.

"O-of course we can we can make some changes some if it doesn't suit you." Edward said.

When they gave the contract to Testarossa, Hinata felt that the worst is about to come. It's not even near what some people would call a contract. In fact, people have a contract while both parties come out advantageous. But this is one-sided exploitation. When Testarossa finished reading the contract, a smiled appeared on her face.

"Excuse me, but what is this ? " Testarossa asked keeping her smile on her face.

"T-Testarossa-dono it's the contract we prepared for tempest. O-Of course we could discuss and change some things.".

She silently stand from the chair. When Moss saw this, his instincts screamed at him to move away quickly. He has served her for millennia, and knows what she can do. Testarossa then took the contract, she showed it to everyone, and began to tear it apart.

"Testarossa-san why ?" Hinata asked.

"Hinata-dono I have a lot of respect for you but this," She said that while showing the contract, she was tearing up. " My lord must not even know that his country, which he loves more than anything, has been soiled in this way by some insects." Testarossa said.

"Y-you how can you address us by such an impolite way ? Do you just know who we are, we could easily destroy your miserable monster countr....." Ingrassia's king wanted to say.

"Shut up you lowly being. How dare you speak to Milady like this and even threaten our lord's country?" Moss said while grabbing Ingrassia's king by his neck.

Despite his small size, his strength was comparable to that of an awakened DL. He used his ability to fly, in order to compensate for his size.

"Moss since when did I give you such an order. You sure think high of yourself to move without my permission." Testarossa said.

And instantly, Moss release his hand and appear while kneeling in front of Testarossa.

"I am deeply sorry Milady I couldn't accept the fact that he insults Milady and Milord" Moss respond while keeping his head down.

"I understand, but let it never happen again" Testarossa said coldly.

"At your command Milady" Moss respond. It would have been really dangerous for him if his master was really in a murderous mood.

Everybody in the room were frightened by what they just saw. They couldn't even move a bit, they were paralyzed.

Testarossa then sat down and started to talk. "This contract, is just a shame. You don't even consider us a country but as a reserve that you can just enter and serve yourself. You have greatly disrespected our country and our king. Unfortunately, I have taken the decision not to include Tempest in the Council. I hope you will understand" Testarossa said respectfully.

"T-Testarossa-dono we understand what you are saying. But could we please discus.................." Edward wanted to say but was interrupted by something.

BOOM, a huge explosion was felt and heard. In a rush, a guard appear in the meeting room.

"Edward-sama, your Majesty we are attacked" The Guard said.

"Attacked ? by whom."

"We don't know your majesty. But there are many demons there we don't know how to deal with them" the guard said.

"Moss go and take care of them. I am curious to know who is behind all this mess" Testarossa said.

"As you wish Milady" He sais and disappear.*

"Testarossa-dono are you sure your man could deal with them" Fritz asked.

"Oh it's nothing big, He deal pretty well with demons" Testarossa answered.

When the guard wanted to leave, four large claws pierced his chest. The people in the meeting room, all were overwhelmed by fear and terror. The person who killed the guard finally showed up. The first thing that stood out was her hair color. She had gorgeous green hair as well as bright green eyes. She was in a black uniform with wide claws that was covered with a green aura.

"Greetings Humans." Misery said in a cold voice.

"Y-y-you w-who are you" Edward said in fear while asking her. Fritz was already on his guard. he clearly recognized the difference in level between the enemy and him, but he still had to protect Hinata. Testarossa was there calmly drinking her tea and waiting for this troublesome person to show up.

"My name is Misery I am the servant of the "Lord of Darkness" Guy Crimson and I am here to purge all of you" Misery said while releasing her murderous intent. Her murderous was more than enough to make Edward and Ingrassia's king faint.

"I guess I'll just have to kill everyone in this meeting room" Misery said.

"Ara, what a bad manners you have. Can't you even greet a friend of you ?" Testarossa said with a smirk.

When Misery raised her head towards the person who said this, Her surprise was total that she was forced to take a step back.

"Y-you what are you doing here ?" Misery asked in a total state of panic.

"Ara, is it so surprising to see me here? Like you Vert, I found an unbelievable Master." Testarossa asked her while drinking her tea

"I am not Vert anymore, Lord Guy gave me the name Misery, I will be happy if you call me by this name. Blanc." Misery said.

"Blanc ? Fufu what a sad name Misery. But my wonderful Lord gave me a physical body and a name. From now on, address me as Testarossa." She said while standing up.

The Vert Primordial. During their time in Hell, she was already a good friend with the Bleue Primordial. They use to reign on their territory. In hell among the Primordial, 3 demons were particularly fear by the others. The Blanc Primordial, Red Primordial and Noir Primordial. The white primordial was a person with an excessive ego. Despite this she was particularly strong and had complete control over her magic. One day, the primordial red attacked the primordial blue and green, and beat them. As with demons, the weakest serve the strongest. So the primordial red took them with him to the surface. Blanc was still in Hell and continued to gain power. and now facing Misery, the primordial Blanc was a being who surpassed her on every point. His aura was grandiose but not offensive, but always on the lookout. She had a physical body and a name, which is to say that her power was multiplied. No room for reflection. The only possible outcome is retirement in order to avoid certain death.

"My order was just to cause some ruckus, I won't face you. After all I don't want to die except an order from my master." Misery said.

"Ara, already ? I wanted you to entertain me a little bit, that's not fair Misery-chan " Testarossa said.

"Don't call me chan. Wait if they are four countries here, that's mean you are under R-Rimuru-sama" Misery asked in fear.

"That's correct fufu, and I don't think he is going to appreciate what you have done here after my report" Testarossa said.

Misery then disappear leaving the room silent. They all knew who was this demon, a primordial who is under the DL Guy Crimson. But they were more frightened by the woman who manage to make her retreat just by talking to her.

"Testarossa-dono may we please continue ?" Edward said in fear.

"I don't think so. After all this events, I think all of us should take a rest. I am going to inform my lord about your offer. I am sure we are not going to be a part of this council after that. I seriously recommand you to review it" Testarossa said and then disappear.................

Ice Continent.

Guy was waiting for Misery's return. He was with Rain. They suddenly felt a murderous aura coming near them. Rain in haste went to see who it was. The boy landed in front of her. Rain in fear couldn't help and just kneel in front of such a pressure.

"W-welcome here Rimuru-Sama." Rain said in panic.

"Where is he ?"

"He is waiting for you in the meeting room. I will bring you to him. Please follow me."

Rain then open a large gate and Guy was there, waiting for me.

"Yo Rimuru" Guy said with a smile.

"Cut It already. Guy this time you're not going to get away with it so easily." Rimuru said.....

To be continued....................

Next Chapter: [Festival Planning]................

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