Heaven Is You- EJ Caswell hsm...

By LilaJane02

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Lila Jane and Ashlyn Caswell made a friendship pact with 5 rules. But what happens when Ashlyns green eyed co... More

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Lila Jane Stewart
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Loverboy Lake

147 6 2
By LilaJane02

Author's Note : Thank you so much for 500 views guys. Hopefully I can do justice to this amazing character.

The Caswell cousins were currently seated in EJs car waiting for Lila. Ej was their ride back home, while waiting for the brunette, Ashlyn told her brother that she will not be stealing Nini's phone for him, at the mention the Caswell boy took out the said phone from his back pack leaving Ashlyn stunned.
" when did you do that?" She asked her cousin. "I didn't, Gina gave it to me, she said something about wanting the same things"

"What's that supposed to mean? You know what doesn't matter you need to give this back" Ashlyn said trying to put in some sense into her brother.
"Here check out the Instagram archives" EJ said placing the phone in his sisters hand.

I guess I'm saying I don't not love you...you know you know...

"Since when does he get a song" EJ asked annoyed about the fact that Nini had confessed her love for Ricky in a song.
" Doesn't matter it was 4 weeks ago, she's with you now" as if right on cue, Nini's phone starts ringing and it's Ricky he left a voice mail.

Ashlyn tries her best to warn EJ, but his jealousy got the best of him, so inspite of his sisters warning who by the way had walked out of his car, claiming to walk back home.
EJ Caswell decided to play the voice mail left on his girlfriend's phone by her ex-boyfriend.

Few moments later

EJ sat in his car his head in his hand when he heard a knock on his car window. He looked towards it to find Lila there with a sweet smile on her face, her smile dropped when she realized he wasn't returning it. In fact EJ looked devastated as if he had seen a ghost. Lila walked around the car and took the passenger seat.


"Eej, Where's Ash?"
"Uhmm she said she's gonna walk, something about clearing her mind" EJ replied.

"Uh ok" I know somethings wrong with EJ but I'm not sure if I should I ask. He starts the car and for the next 5 minutes neither of us says anything.
"Eej can we take a different route I need to pick a few art supplies".

"Yeah sure", he said and I began to guide him towards the location. "Stop right here, we'll have to walk the rest of the way" I began walking towards the destination without waiting for him, I knew he was confused and he had a lot of questions.

"Hey LJ, uhm why are we walking into the woods? I'm pretty sure you won't find art supplies here", EJ asked a little confused just as I expected.
"This is where I get all my victims Eej, perfect spot no ones gonna find you, I mean your body" I said looking him straight in his eyes trying to sound as creepy as possibly.
"Ha Ha very funny, seriously Lila where are we? " he asked looking around. I walked towards him, I held his hand and walked in the direction of our destination, once we made it I sat down, I turned around to find a mesmerized look on EJs face he turned towards me and smiled.

We were currently at a lake close to town, my dad and I would come here when I was little, it's a beautiful little hike through the woods to this absolutely divine location, the water in the lake is so clear and fresh there's a nice warm breeze that hits your face. There's all kinds of shades of green around, it's heaven on earth.

" Get down here Eej the water is so warm come on!"
We sat down at the lake with our feet in the water, I watched as EJ soaked in every little details about his surrounding, we were here for a good 45mins. When I decided to break the silence.

"So did it help?", I asked him. "Did what help?" He said confused. "You looked like you needed to clear your mind, like you needed to get away. So I brought you to my secret hideout. My dad used to get me here when I was little its my favorite place I come here when I'm upset and this place calms me down, I've been coming here a lot lately" I looked down remembering how shitty things have been lately.

"Anyways, so did it help?"
"Yes! Yes it did " he said giving me a warm smile. He turned around to look at the lake while I took in every little detail of his face. EJ was naturally beautiful he had a nice sharp nose that sat above his perfectly pink lips. But this eyes, the ones that were shimmering from the sunlight reflecting off of the lake. They were my favorite, one of the many reasons I loved this lake was that it reminded me of Ejs eyes. It was the same color as those beautiful orbs, I swear eveytime he smiles I see the same shimmer in them, like the one that's on the lake. And I love being the reason of that shimmer.


EJ turned towards Lila when he noticed she was already looking at him. "Uhm LJ, you said you come here a lot, why is that?" He was curious about what's been going on in her life.
"Just to get away from the demons" she replied, he furrowed his eyebrows at that response, what demons?
"What us pretty angels have demons too ok?" She said teasing him about the time he called her an angel. He began laughing out loud, that hearty laughing fit you break into, the one where you're naturally happy and glowing, the one that comes out only when he was with Lila.

"How did you know I needed to get away" he asked he was getting curious about the girl in front of him, he wanted to know what went on in her head, how she understood him so well when the people closest to him never could.

"It's simple you have a tell, you start picking your nails or scratching your right brow when your upset ".
"Do I? And how do you know that?" he asked.  "Oh Im just very observant ".

"LJ how do you always seem to do the right thing. I wish I could do that too. Every decision I make either ends up hurting me or someone close to me. How do I always end up doing the wrong thing" he said placing his head in his hand.

"Hey hey don't be so harsh on yourself ok" Lila began saying she placed her hand on his back and began tracing circles trying to comfort him. "You do the right things Ej. Well most of the time. But sometimes you do the wrong things but for the right reasons. What I'm trying to say is that...you are a really passionate guy you go to great lengths for things and people you care about and sometimes, just sometimes you take the wrong path. Don't be so harsh on yourself loverboy. She'll come around".

"How'd you know its about Nini?" Ej asked
"Well lately everythings about her" Lila said rolling her eyes."Don't get me wrong we used to be friends but I dont trust her anymore. I have my personal reasons" she said staring at her hands trying to avoid this conversation.

"Also did you just call me lover boy ?" EJ asked with a smirk, sensing her wanting to end the conversation.
"Ah ha that I did" Lila said getting up "what you gonna do about it LOVERBOY", he got up too and started chasing her around, they were laughing their hearts out running around. Until Lila was out of breath and Ej caught up to her. He held her waist and looked her in the eye.

Lila POV

This right here I wish I had it for life, in his arm lost in his eyes, as cheesy as it sounds its all I want, is it too much to ask for?

His phone rang but he didnt let go of me completely. he used his right hand to get the phone while his left hand was still on my waist. Can you tell that my cheeks are buring red right now. I hope he doesn't notice it.
Wait that's not his phone that's Nini's.
So he did steal it after all.

I moved his left hand from my waist and walked towards the car, as reality sank in, it's her it's probably always gonna be her.
He came back after 5 mins, He sat in the car and started driving neither of us said a word to each other, I spent the ride home looking any where but at him and within 10 mins we were at my driveway. I said a quick thank you and walked towards my house, once I was at my door I turned around and he was still there he looked sad, I went inside and shut the door and I heard him leave.

Next: You're not second best

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