Every Crime, All Crime, Any C...

By Shaze321

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This sequel to my story Omega involves around Alex's daughter Lexi who's completely out of her mind, she's a... More

Chapter One: I never fail
Chapter two: I'm tired and angry, but someone else should be
Chapter three: Uncle (Alex's POV:)
Chapter four: She knows (Lexi's POV:)
Chapter five: I was born in a city that never sleeps
Chapter seven: I'ma let you in on a little secret Sometime later:
Chapter eight: The new beginning (Lexi's POV:)
Chapter nine: Manifestation
Chapter ten: Who is she?
Chapter eleven: Surgery
Chapter twelve: Bloodlust
Chapter thirteen: The beginning of an end of an era

Chapter six: A dinner with all the ghosts and the drug addict leads to madness

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By Shaze321

(Alex's POV:)

Alex walks upstairs to his room to see a gift box that says:

To my beloved owner Alex

Love Zufall

It has a paw print on it too. Inside, Alex picks up Zufall's collar, racing vest and muzzle. Alex feels his collar and tears drop down to the ground. A puppy that looks just like Zufall comes out of the gift box with a paper in its mouth saying: Please keep away from the mean girl

Alex looks at the scruffy looking long haired black and white puppy with his big brown eyes. Alex chuckles sadly. "You do look like him. I miss him," he pets the puppy.  "I know he made you to protect me and love me like he did, but ya know, it's not same as it was."

The puppy whines then lays his head on Alex's lap like he understands that. Alex keeps petting his new dog. "Thank you for having me on your side and being the best dog there ever was," he says to Zufall's ghost who's watching over his owner and son.

Alex looks at his crown and sighs. He holds it and the gems glow. "Welcome back, king," the ancestors say. He walks back downstairs to his throne.

Alex doesn't say anything. "Oh, that's what you want to act? Just moping around about your companion when you have duties as a king to do?" Vladimir comments.

"Vlad, don't be so hard. Give him time to grief if he wants," Zurich replies.

The ancestors stop when they hear Lexi mumbling while she's working in her room. "I-i-I don't understand!  He just appeared after I killed him. He's supposed to be dead. Sunsyn is medicinal, not a drug of immortality, right? I have to be right. I have to be. I never failed, but I did this time!" Lexi stops, she quickly rummages through her stuff, making a lot of noise.

Lexi's POV:

Lexi puts gloves on and gets the container of mercury then gets Alex's pouch of Sunsyn needles and three empty needles. She opens the container of mercury, puts it in the three empty needles and empties out the Sunsyn needles then puts the Sunsyn with the mercury. She puts the needles back in the pouch. Lexi's pump makes a beep alerting that she needs her Sunsyn, she  puts the blueprints and loose robotic parts away in a drawer. She takes her goggles and gloves off and puts the needles away in the pouch. She rummages again to find her little machine, when she finds it, she reads the directions Zay gave her. Lexi hooks the cord up to the little patch on her stomach. She turns the machine on and it adjusts the dose of Sunsyn she needs and it injects the Sunsyn in her. Everything's moving at a fast pace.

Lexi picks up her phone. "I would like to rent the private dining room please."

"At what time?" the event planner says.

"Make the reservation at 6:00."

"Okay, that will be 800 dollars."

Lexi gets her wallet and starts counting her cash. "Can I pay you in cash in person?"


"I'll be right up." Lexi hangs up.

Lexi goes to the place and gives them the money. She calls the neighbors.

"You finally called us," the boss says, he doesn't have his mask on at the moment, his long half up dreads are a little down to his shoulders. His muscular body is dressed in clothes with a trench coat and gloves from head to toe "What are our jobs?"

Lexi  smiles. "Ah, you remembered, excellent, but for now your only job is to help me set a family dinner." "Your people can cook?"

"Yeah?" the boss's voice changes skeptical.

"I never got a name," Lexi says.

"Ehren Kendrick," he replies. They teleport to Devil Town and go to Ehren's car.

Ehren looks at the sigils on Lexi's arm. "Did you steal my sigils?"

"What if I did? You didn't do anything about it and you still won't 'cause you trust me," Lexi comments.

Ehren exhales deeply in annoyance then lights a cigarette."You smoke?"

Lexi takes one and lights it. Gray thick smoke fogs and stinks up Ehren's car as it's being blown out. The rest of the members follow Ehren and Lexi in a line of cars.

They arrive at the house where Lexi made the reservation. "A'ight, crew. Get to work, start cleaning," Ehren tells the other members, he looks at the time on his watch. "You have five hours to clean then cook dinner."

The men nod their heads simultaneously, not saying a single word just obeying their boss. They get cleaning supplies and a vacuum then start cleaning.

Ehren grabs one of the available recipe books and flips through recipes. "Spaghetti. You can pick the sides." he gives the recipe to one of the men.  "Lexi, we will call you when it's ready."

"Okay," Lexi says.

Five hours later:

Lexi's phone rings. "Hello?"

"It's done, the boys did a really good job if I do say myself," Ehren compliments.

"Excellent. Now I have the real job for you. Help me bring the guests," Lexi tells him.

"Okay, we can do that," he replies.

Lexi starts giving him addresses. "You got all those?"

Ehren answers, "Mhm,"

"I'll bring the king."

"Okay, bye."


Lexi hangs up and gets the pouch of mercury Sunsyn. She goes downstairs and sneaks on Alex who's sitting on his throne. She sticks a rag in his mouth, puts him in a head lock, Alex makes muffled screams and his new puppy barks. Lexi injects the poisoned Sunsyn into Alex, the puppy is trying to bite Lexi but its teeth aren't sharp enough yet. Alex tries to transform, but he can't. Lexi puts a CPR mask on Alex and teleports to Devil Town then to the dinner place. She sets him up with the others and goes to the kitchen, picks up the dinner on the silver platter. The Neighbors go behind everyone in each seat and take their masks off. "They should be waking up any moment now," Ehren tells Lexi. Lexi forcefully sets the food on the platter then sits in the dark, patiently waiting,

The ancestors, Danla, his brothers, Tomas and Rocky and their dad Jack wake up first. Jack makes eye contact with Lexi first, staring into her tired devilish red eyes Lexi stares at him too. Jack lets the three brothers introduce themselves to Lexi, they say their much needed 'Hello's' and 'Sorry's'  then they all bro hug one another as if they are distant relatives. After long awkward staring and avoiding, Jack finally says,  "Hi, Lexi." He tries his best to smile.

His voice becomes muffled by Lexi's ears as her head is already full of  voices. Jack tries to give her a fatherly touch, Lexi quickly flinches when she hears and feels Jack. . "W-w-who are you?

Sadness filled Jack's heart like a gloomy, depressing, dark rainstorm. "Dear, you don't remember me?"

"No, sorry, I don't remember much about you."

"Dad, just let it go. Clearly, she doesn't remember you," Tomas tells him.

"No, son, I won't just let it go. Lexi has to remember me," Jack insists.

Tomas just rolls his eyes. Jack kneels down and shows Lexi pictures of her as a baby and Jack holding her. "Lexi...I'm your dad, your real dad. Jack Wester."

"But real father left—then h-h-he died and didn't keep his promise," says Lexi.

"Lexi, I-I-I," Jack stalls.

"No save it. I'm in no mood to hear your lies."

Jack frowns as he sits in his seat.

The others wake up, Lexi's eyes glow as she catches a glimpse of Magdalena. Magdalena hisses at Lexi, showing her fangs and her eyes glow red. "Quit it!" Danla yells.

Magdalena fixes her posture, Lexi blows a raspberry. "I don't understand why Jack made this demon child."

"At least I'm not a leech," Lexi scoffs, chuckling.

Everyone gasps then awkwardness fills the room. Magdalena hisses again. "Aww, you can't even think of a comeback. Go guzzle garlic or somethin'," Lexi mocks.

Magdalena just rolls her eyes, ignoring Lexi, getting some food. Once the tension eases, more people start getting food.

"I heard you're using Sunsyn now, Alex," Magdalena comments, she laughs a little. "Heh. You have no reason to be using that unless you're in the Pro-Abilities."

Danla laughs in Alex's face. "Hah. I remember using that when I was in the Pro-Abilities. Why are you using for? It's a medicinal sports drug. Just like your momma, just using anything so you can get your "high"."

Alex stands up,  bucks up to him, growls with his one eye glowing red and the other yellow. "We don't talk about Zandra nor compare me to her."

Danla chuckles, pushes Alex. "Coward. C'mon fight your old man like a real alpha werewolf...or you just don't have the guts to?"Alex just goes back to his seat.

Danla and his brothers shake their heads. "Isn't he even your child, Danla? He looks like a skinny unnourished boy without a fight in him," Rocky comments

Everyone stop their bickering and making fun when they hear footsteps. "Sorry, I'm late, am I?" The long haired blond with his hair in a ponytail looks at his little brother, Jack sobs in his arms. "It's alright, I forgive you, my brother." He gets a plate of food. "Look at you, all grown up," he says with a smile, looks at Magdalena.

Magdalena smiles back. "You didn't change even a bit, Scott."

"Thank you, darling," Scott replies.

"Great, another blood sucker," Lexi says.

"Ah, a demon werewolf hybrid. Very clever, my brother," he tells Jack.

Jack nervously laughs.

"Isn't it because I'm?— I may be Jack's disgusting lab rat," Lexi answers, clearly offended.

"He didn't make me the monster you see 'cause he's dead, you did. After all, you did give him your DNA, didn't ya? I thought I was like everyone else, but I should've known better. I'm not even human. None of us aren't even human, aren't we?"

"Lexi...No!? What made you even think that? He took my DNA without my knowledge." Alex replies.

The loud footsteps catches everyone's attention even Lexi's. "Ehren! What are you doing?" she asks.

"This dinner has lasted too long, Lexi even for the dysfunctional family. So you have the choice," Ehren says, approaching her closer.

Lexi nervously chuckles with her hands up, her red eyes doing the puppy eyes. Ehren points his gun at her head. Jack has tears in his eyes. "Lexi...why?"

Ehren yells, "Shut it, old man!"

Alex growls, grabbing him by the collar. He puts him in a choke hold, Ehren gets purple as a swollen broken leg and blue as a bright sunny day when the sky's blue.

Some of Ehren's men come to duct tape Jack and Alex's mouth and to tie them  to their chair, they put them with Ehren in front of Lexi.

Lexi starts hysterically laughing. "You really think them watching me get shot will do anything? Go 'head shoot me I dare ya!"

Ehren repeatedly shoots Lexi, Lexi holds her stomach, wipes the blood pouring out of her mouth. The holes are bleeding. She falls, Alex and Jack try to get up from their seats. Lightning starts to crackle out of the sigils on Lexi's arm, all is heard is a giant boom from the sigils and Ehren is hit in the heart, all the ghosts leave. Both Lexi and Ehren are hit. 

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