Every Crime, All Crime, Any C...

By Shaze321

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This sequel to my story Omega involves around Alex's daughter Lexi who's completely out of her mind, she's a... More

Chapter One: I never fail
Chapter three: Uncle (Alex's POV:)
Chapter four: She knows (Lexi's POV:)
Chapter five: I was born in a city that never sleeps
Chapter six: A dinner with all the ghosts and the drug addict leads to madness
Chapter seven: I'ma let you in on a little secret Sometime later:
Chapter eight: The new beginning (Lexi's POV:)
Chapter nine: Manifestation
Chapter ten: Who is she?
Chapter eleven: Surgery
Chapter twelve: Bloodlust
Chapter thirteen: The beginning of an end of an era

Chapter two: I'm tired and angry, but someone else should be

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By Shaze321

The voice continues to taunt Lexi she starts crying. She goes to the bathroom , turns on the sink faucet the blood from the knife mixes with the water in the sink. She winces at the sting of the rubbing alcohol on her cuts. She inhales and exhales as she continues cleaning them. She wraps bandages around her hands.

(Alex's POV:)

A man walks in the council building while all the alpha kings have a meeting. "My, my. We have a spy," Alex comments.

The assistant whispers to him," Your majesty, it's Thuja Sillis from Sillis Laboratory. He came all the way from Japan to see you,"

Alex closes his eyes to communicate with the ancestors through his crown. Alex opens his eyes. "We're fine to let him in, but my ancestors and I want to take extra precautions." He looks at his guards. "Guards, please bring Mr. Sillis to my throne room."

The guards come back with Thuja. He bows bows down. "It's pleasure, your majesty." He cues his daughter to say something.

"Oh. Um, hi." Zay greets

"As well with you, Mr. Sillis." "And you are?"

"I'm Cleo."

"Well, nice meeting with you, Cleo," Alex replies with a smile. Zufall jumps on Thuja with his wagging tail.

"Zufall, down, boy."Zufall obeys Alex's command. "Sorry, he's usually very excited when someone comes over which is very rare these days."

Thuja smiles. "I understand. My daughter has a dog at home."

"His name is Ghost," Zay adds.

"Ghost. I have to say that's a lovely name," Alex compliments.

Zay smiles shyly. "Um, thanks."

"Now, what did you want to tell me, Mr. Sillis?" Alex asks.

"Can we go somewhere more private and talk?" Mr. Sillis requests.

"Yeah," Alex says.

"Zay, honey, why don't you explore the high school and make some friends, so it won't be hard when we move here?"

Zay sighs. "Okay."

Alex holds up his pointer finger. "We'll continue this after I'm done." He leads Mr. Sillis to another room Zufall follows them. "Before we start, I need to ask you. Did Jack Wester send you here?" Alex questions.

"What? No. I'm not working for someone I actually want to help the supernatural beings. Although Jack Wester's work was uh, very interesting I would say," Thuja replies.

"Help us? How?"

Thuja pulls out a briefcase and opens it then holds up an injection. "I wanna start by offering  you and your tribe a cure."

Alex growls and his eyes glow red. "Lycanthropy may be a permanent disease, and yes, on the full moon we're the monsters that everyone thinks we are, but I'm not doing it." Zufall growls too.

Thuja calls in his security. Hair starts growing on Alex, he breathes heavily as the familiar pain hits his body. Zufall whimpers as hair starts growing on him. A blond wolf stands before Thuja's eyes and one angry protective dog. "So, you are real." Thuja backs up, the wolf follows him. It yelps when a bullet goes through it then attacks the security. The other kings transform and help Alex and Zufall out. Alex transforms back into a human and tries to regenerate his wound.  Zufall  runs to Alex and helps him clean his wound Alex smiles and pets him. "You're a good dog."

(Zay's POV:)

The lunch bell rings when Zay arrives at the high school. She pushes past the hundreds of kids running to the cafeteria. When Zay goes in the cafeteria she decides to sit at a table all by herself, write her novel on her computer, put her headphones on to listen to music and block all the noises in the cafeteria. A short haired blonde, light blue eyed, slender girl with bags under her eyes. She's in a baggy AC/DC T shirt, red plaid pants,  Dr Martens, also with a lot of earrings and black nails walks in the cafeteria. 

Zay sees the girl talking to a dark skinned boy with  black short hair in dreads, he also has a full beard, he's in a black tank top with an unbuttoned purple flannel, dark jeans, farm shoes, and is wearing military dog tags. Little does Zay know, he's Kai Ramey, son of two farmers who own a famous medical Marijuana dispensary and dairy farm. Kai's expression when he hands the girl the bag of weed. "Thanks Ramey! I promise I'll have the money by the end of this week."

"You always say that, but I never get the money," Kai complains.

"I'm sorry! I'll pay you asap," Lexi replies.

"Just don't let me down this time."

As Lexi walks away from Kai she looks at Zay quickly but continues walking.

(Back to Lexi's POV:)

"You're late again, Zummer," the teacher says. "Is something bothering you?"

"All is fine," Lexi replies, not showing any signs of assurance or happiness. Her tired blue eyes just makes eye contact with the teacher's.

"Ohh...okay." "That's everyone, so let's begin the exam. Remember: Anyone caught cheating must suffer consequences." The teacher announces. "You get 20 minutes to complete this exam. Nothing more or less."

Lexi drops her pencil in the middle of her test, her head throbs and her ears ring again. She groans as she holds her head trying to ignore the voice. "Argh! Just leave me alone!" she tells the voice.

The teacher notices her. "Lexi, is everything alright?"

Lexi comes back to reality. "Yes."

The teacher comes up to her desk and Lexi looks at her. "I said I'm fine." Lexi holds her head again and starts mumbling.

Later that evening:

Lexi comes down to the basement where Ben's bar is, she roughly puts her backpack on the floor. "Hey Will!" she greets the bartender.

"Aren't you a little too young coming here without your dad and to drink?" he asks.

"This can be our little secret and if anyone finds out..." her face beams in full of energy. "I'll hurt you." She chuckles.

Will gulps. "Well, what do you want?"

"Something strong, I can handle it. I already had paramedics jumpstart my heart before when I had Vodka and weed. They said it wasn't a pretty sight." Lexi lays lazily on the table, she chuckles again.

Will gives Lexi her cup. "Thanks Will. I 'preciate it."

Someone walks down to the basement, Lexi gets startled, then in her hidden out she realizes that it's just the girl she caught a quick glimpse of. Lexi's expression quickly changes to annoyance. "Oh, it's you again, stalker."

"Stalker? I wasn't stalking you, you were looking at me when you were walking out," Zay defends herself.

Lexi holds Zay's chin. "Now tell me the truth unless I'll knock you out and kill you 'cause I know you were watching me buy my weed pretending to be on your computer." Lexi accuses.

"Me being on my computer does not mean I was secretly stalking you."

"'Cause you were!" Lexi's voice gets a little louder. She calms down a little bit, groaning. "I never got a name."



Zay gives Lexi a contact card and Lexi looks at the contact info. Lexi inhales deeply. "I only have talked to you for a little and I already feel betrayed. You should go my father doesn't like scientists.

Zay frowns. "Okay...I will leave. Just don't kill me."

Lexi looks at her. "You're just lucky I haven't killed you yet. I will think about it."

Just when Zay is about to head out the door Lexi has followed her with a gun pointing at Zay's head. "Go..." she demands.

After Zay leaves Lexi leans on Alex's throne, moping, not in her usual moon that Alex sees.

Alex turns his head, scoots over, pats his throne. "Bad day at school?"

Lexi lays her head on Alex as she sits with him. "No...it's just—" she stops. "You wouldn't understand." Zufall whines.

Alex smiles at his daughter. Ah, got it. Just tell me or Papa when you're ready." Zufall licks Lexi's face and she smiles. "I love you, my baby girl." Alex kisses Lexi's forehead.

The next day:

Lexi sits up in bed as she hears her dad speak in a stern voice. "Lexi...we need to talk."

She groans loudly then she gets dressed and brushes her teeth then walks downstairs. "What?" she asks rudely.

Alex shows her the contact card. "What's this?"

"You stole it from me while I was sleeping, didn't you, pops? Don't worry, I'll make sure that you won't steal from me ever again."

Lexi walks out of the door with her backpack and phone. She notices a flyer for a engineering/mechanic position  and takes the flyer off the pole. When she arrives at the school, she goes to Kai's locker and shows him the flyer. "I'll get this job and give you the money for the weed, okay?"

"Yeah, right," he jokes. He gives her a little laugh.

Kori comes up to Kai's locker. "Hiya!" she greets.

"Hey," Lexi replies.

"Hi," Kai says.

"Are you guys going to my party?"

Lexi chuckles teasing her a little. "Cute,  your birthday party. How old are you?"

Kori blushes. "Lexi, you could've been a little nicer," Kai tells her.

"Sheesh...I was just playin'," Lexi replies. She elbows Kori as she looks at her playfully.

Lexi notices Zay walking to the locker when the warning bell rings, looks at her quickly, but ignores her.

"Alright, I'll see y'all later," Lexi says.

"Bye!" Kai replies.

Kori notices what Lexi does to Zay, but just lets Lexi walk to her locker and says bye to Kai, then she goes to her locker.

Thuja's POV:

Thuja stops the recording on Lexi's tracker and looks at other different recordings. "I'm impressed. That kid already has a lot more of power than the devil and her demon father," he comments. Thuja's black cat jumps and gets on the desk. The cat meows and Thuja pets him, he purrs. The cat watches the two men talk.

"Yes, incredible, isn't she," Howard Breezy comes in the room with a cigarette in his mouth. "I was only her age when Jack Wester was creating her."

Thuja turns around. "Ah, Biologist, Geneticist and Engineer Howard Breezy. What brings you here?" Thuja asks.

"I'm just keeping an eye on you, making sure you do your job correctly and making sure you don't do anything to the  population of the supernatural beings," says Howard

"What made you think that?"

"Well, a little birdie told me that you were offering him and this tribe a cure." Howard blows out smoke.

"That werewolf's a snitch."

Howard takes a puff. "I'm asking you for a favor. They know they're murderous creatures, but they also might not want to be cured, so don't be a salesman trying to sell, I don't know, random shit people never would buy."

"Fine, I won't try to help them for my own good any longer." Thuja agrees.

"You promise?"


Howard slowly leaves side eyeing Thuja.


(Lexi's POV:)

Lexi's Robotics teacher introduces someone new. Lexi recognizes the girl from anywhere,  the one and only Cleo with her jet black hair with it dyed purple in the bangs, olive skin,  wolf T-shirt with a green jacket, gray beanie, jeans, a dog necklace, brown boots. "Welcome. You must be Cleo Gray."

Zay nervously chuckles. "That's me."

After the teacher gives all the instructions she decides to pair up Lexi and Zay. Lexi secretly groans when the teacher isn't looking. Lexi continues working on her project and ignores Zay. When the coding of the project has a mistake Lexi would get frustrated then would tweak it or redo it entirely, she would do that over and over again for the majority of the class until Zay chimes in. "Ugh! That stupid thing won't work!" Lexi complains.

"It's called patience. Heard of it?" Zay comments as she begins tweaking the Python program.

Lexi stays in silence with annoyance then cracks a little smile when the robot legs start moving. "Um, thanks."

They continue tweaking the legs. "What made you do robotic prosthetics?" Zay asks as Lexi gets the charger out of the workshop.

"My pops...he doesn't have his legs anymore. He has prosthetics, but I-I figured that I would make him legs wouldn't give up on him and would help him live longer, like make him a cyborg. I love him very much." Lexi smiles again with a little laugh. "It's my very very overdue Father's Day present him. These are actually just the prototypes, I'm just in a high school Robotics class, but one day I hope to be a great engineer and give pops his robot legs."

"Have you always been interested in this?" Zay asks.

"Yeah. You actually thought I'm doing this because of my dads? They were pretty surprised, too when I told them I wanted to do this. Why are ya here? I just think you wanted to be with little old me, did ya?"

"N-no i-I my dad wants the best education for me," Zay stutters.

Lexi chuckles. "Liar. I think it's cute that I have my own stalker following me and it's actually fun talking to you. I have my friends, but they all think I'm crazy, maybe I am, but just a little, but you have to be pretty crazy to be following me. I'll continue this little game of yours if you ask my question."

"What is it?"

The voices try to mess with Lexi. "No, you're lying!" she tells the voices.

Zay looks at her blankly. "Excuse me?"

"It's um, nothing. Sorry." "What are you and your dad doing here in America? Is it to sell Americans a job back in your country or snoop on my kind and the other beings?" Lexi asks.

"My old man offered a cure to yours, but he wasn't having it and I'm there to have a better education and keep an eye on the beings who are my age like you and report every move." Zay tells her.

"Can you not report my every move?" Lexi replies.

"What? You're hiding somethin'?" Zay asks with a smirk on her face.

"I have nothing to hide. I'm a serial killer."

"Wait, what?"

Lexi chuckles. "Oooh, don't be so scared. I won't hurt you."

Zay nervously smiles. "Um, thanks? That makes me feel much better."

The bell rings. "See ya later!" Lexi calls out with the robot legs in her arms.

"Bye!" Zay replies.

On her way home, Lexi approaches a woman and suffocates her by putting a plastic bag over her head and tying it. "It's okay, I'll keep you safe," Lexi whispers with a little innocent smile. Lexi drags the woman to her hideout, she regains consciousness and starts freaking out as she sees  Lexi dragging her down the stairs, Lexi puts her in a chair tying her up as she's straddling her. Lexi finally puts duct tape on the victim's mouth and gets off her lap. She grabs a gas mask out of her emergency kit hanging on the wall, hits a button on a remote control, she waves at her victim with another little innocent smile. Gas fogs the hideout as Lexi heads upstairs and once she reaches outside she throws her gas mask back in the hideout closing it.

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