A Second.. Chance To Live(as...

بواسطة 1234abczane

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What if someone in our world gets reincarnated as fresh sans??.. What if that someone..... Is...an..INSANE PE... المزيد

Run, Away Prisoner
Run Away Prisoner Part 2
A.. Second Chances..
Is This Me??
Meeting Fgod! Error
Yns Past
not part of the plan to fall
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
shattered dreams, and betrayal..
(save)the lost soul
CHAPTER 22 : " shattered frienship"
chapter 23 :

The Ends Near

659 29 3
بواسطة 1234abczane

Yn pov :

Its been a few years since I've got reincarnated and meet everyone... I was always at the star sanses hanging out with them but what they dint know is that I'm also friends with the bad sanses honestly I dint care I was more of a neutral person..... Although I never actually cared about this war that they been doing for years now....
But one thing I know is that error is getting even more tired....about this and just wanted to end this already and I already know what he will do one day..... I must stop him before that happens... But then again I keep asking myself why? Am I always thinking about him. And why do I care? I don't want error to fall into the void because... If he did fall that means it's the end.... And that just mean I Wil die also along with them!! But then again there something else.... I can't seem to answer.... Why am I always worried about the destroyer getting hurt...... Like last time when the star sanses and bad sanses fought ink were fighting error..... And error almost fainted by inks attack... He look like he was about to collapse.... It must have been faith..... Cause he seems to have trouble at his magic....
I was hiding at that time enjoying the view.... But then when error got hit... I felt my heart ache and I wanted to crush ink.....

*flash back *
The star sanses and bad sanses are fighting at an au that was half destroyed

I watched and hid behind a tree enjoying my time the star sanses and bad sanses were fighting at an au that error almost destroyed... I sat at the branch making sure that I will prepare myself to teleport when needed... I open a portal and grabbed a bowl of popcorn I could hear people shouting through the portal... the portal then closed and I made myself comfy before eating.... It was like I'm watching a movie or something...

Ink and error were fighting since ink were the only one that can defeat him blue, dust,horror were quite taking it slow I know that those two didn't wanna hurt blue .... Dream killer and nightmare.. Fought....

Everyone were trying to dodge each other's attacks... And one of horror bones hurted blue... Dust stared at horror giving him a sharp glare..
Heh well that something! I thought then look at ink and error

Ink dodge errors strings...
But something were wrong... Error were struggling his own attacks hitting himself....
He seem to in pain like as if something were trying to interfere with his magic.. I stand up worried dropping the popcorn..

Wait why am I worried?
I mean his a friend of mine but then still...i never cared.... About our friendship... Cause that's not part of the plan... Of caring for the destroyer..
I then felt my soal ache and angrer.. towards ink... Error dint had enough time to dodge inks attack and got hit by his paint brush making error hiss at the pain.... He tried to stand up but the paint then turn into strings and tied error up... I then feel like I want to go there and save error and break inks bones bit by bits! But I stayed calm

Before ink can blow another attack towards error... I prepared myself and teleported at the sky falling towards ink....

I shouted ink then look up his attention only towards me he then jump and catch me bridal style I saw error stand up and open a portal signalling it was time to go and look at me and ink.before going. .... dream and blue were exhausted... Dream shouted at his brother but it was too late the portal closed.....

I look up at ink his eyes changing shapes and color everytime he blinks I then fake smile still pissed of what he did to my belov-.....

THANK YOU!! Inky brahhhh!!!!

Ink nodded his skull and pretty soon we were at the ground... He then put me down... And i dust myself... Blue came running towards me worried... But I could tell that wasn't the only thing that he wanted....


I rubbed skull and apologize...

Well sorry bout you broskie,s sudden disappearance!! But you broskie were busy at some thin!!!

Blue then spoke up. Understanding my reason....


I nodded my head and smiled at him dream then collapsed to the snow and immediately blue panicked worried for his friend.... But ink just stared.... His eyes weren't changing colors and shapes anymore everytime he blinks.. Except it was white and quite thin and small..... (sorry I don't know how to explain that😑)


ink snapped back to reality blinking a few times his normal self then came back... He then tilted his head confused at what's going on

Ummm tell me why am I here again?? And ohhh my!!! What happened to dream!????

He then run towards dream and blue helping him carry dream... I then open a portal and we all walked through it....

*ends of flash back *

I opened a portal to an au it was a copy of underfell.... Today I needed a new host... I went through the portal and I was at Snowdin but monsters were gone... It was rather empty... I then saw the human walking towards me we made eye contact I then saw some dust at her clothes and a bloddy knife... I Grin probably a genocide route... I thought the human then tried to attack me... I summon a gaster blaster and blast it in front of her.... She quickly dodge .... She swang her knife and I dodge it..   my hands still at my pockets.... before she could turn around.....I summon a few bones underneath her... Hitting her.... I summon two more bones going through her both arm and... I pull her soul shattering it with my hands... And making sure that she could never reset again....(I'm so sorry but I'm bad at fighting scenes)

Welp that's done! Time to go to the judgement hall.! I thought and teleported....

Copy of fell sans pov:

The kiddo,s doing another genocide route again..! I thought groaning pissed at the kid... For making me do some work... I yawn exhausted.. I want this to be over already... Just then I saw a shadow... Coming towards me.. I stand up preparing myself for the fight...

Heya kid!! Doin, another genocide route again Huh? You sure were havin fun!! Out ther-

Before I could finish my sentence... A bone went through my chest... My eyes widen... At the bone... Going through my ribs... And immediately felt chills going through my spine... At the laughter that echoed through the hall... The bone disappeared and I fall to the floor with my knees... Hand at my chest.. Coughing blood....

Wha- the f-fudge!
I said.  Then.... The person showed himself.. And I couldn't believe my eyes.. It was him... The one that ink told us..... About... The mysterious skeleton... That suddenly appeared.. With no au.. And wasn't created by ink...

Hey hey hey!!! Broskie!!! Don't tel me yor..dyin already??

Y-you little b-bits! I knew I-it y-you can't! Be trusted!! Jj-just you wait! When I-ink f-fines out! *cough *About t-this!!

Ohh~ don't worry ~ he won't! Cause he will never fine out! When your dead!

J-just what do you want -from m-

Before I could finish...I was already dusting....i flop to the floor... Miserable hopeless... That I couldn't tell them..the last I saw was him grinning... And something purple cane out from his shades....

Fresh pov:

Aww man!! HE died already!! I was in a mood tho!!... Welp I only need the soul anyway... I thought and grabbed his soul... Heh!

??? : they seem to be having fun! What do you think? Is it worth it? Giving them this new life that there just gonna wasted in the end!faith must be pissed by now...

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