family // bnha

By elisimone_

549K 19.4K 8K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


2.8K 107 30
By elisimone_

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

Domestic Story 1: New Parents

Setting: Present 

Shouta and Hizashi had no idea how to be parents. 

Granted, Shouta had watched Eli raise her brothers, but he never actually SAW the process. He didn't see the staying up all night with them because they were sick or the last-minute runs to the store to get supplies for a school project. 

Most importantly, he didn't see their lessons. 

For the most part, Hizashi and Shouta's experience has been as the tired/loud gay uncles. Hizashi was the best friend who knew how to have fun, Shouta was the best friend that was always down to take a nap, and Nemuri... 

(Cut to Nemuri waking up in bed with Mrs.Joke)

How to be something other than that stern heroic teacher, then that fun Uncle that brings wine with 35% alcohol content to family dinners and cookies for the kids...

That was something Eli had to teach them. 

Well, not that she knew she was teaching them. 

Eli woke up around 8 am with a red feather sticking out of her hair. Keigo was to her left and Kota was clung to her side with Izuku in Himiko's pink sleeping bag on her right. She was almost positive that the girl had no clue that idea her beloved sleeping bag was in use. 

So, with a yawn, she unhooked Kota and sneakily slid him into Keigo's arms before moving from her spot on the bed. She shivered as the morning air hit her back, making haste to put on some warmer clothing.

Soon, she made her way downstairs, yawning as she heard the TV in the living room playing ever so softly. Peaking from the stairs, she hummed silently as she saw Touya with Shoto and Katsuki on the couch, all asleep of course. Touya's legs were spread out off the couch and his arms were crossed. 

Shoto had his head against the man's shoulder, and was sleeping soundly with a blanket tucked firmly around him while Katsuki was sprawled out across both of them with a blanket half tucked under him, half crumpled up near his torso leaving his feet sticking out at the end of the couch. 

With a smile, Eli walked over and straightened out Katsuki's blanket before she took another that was folded neatly behind the couch and put it over Touya. 

Early morning cartoons were playing, so, Eli decided to keep the TV on as she made breakfast. 

She started with coffee, making a fresh pot for Hitoshi and the others who enjoyed coffee in the morning. She also heated the kettle for tea for herself and Himiko and Kota's hot chocolate. 

She washed some rice and decided on simple eggs and whatever meat was in the fridge for breakfast. Luckily, four brown-paper wrapped pieces of fish were sitting nicely in the bottom of the refrigerator waiting for her. A large bowl of miso soup sat beside it with cut-up, and already fried cubes of tofu and green onions were in a separate container on top. 

Eli almost began to cheer as she pulled the things from the fridge. Leftovers were a common occurrence in the Midoriya house simply because of how much food they were always making. Plus, cooking every single day was a wild dream to have with so many mouths to feed. 

The fish was cleaned, seasoned, and in the oven in under 20 minutes. The eggs were sitting in a pot on the stove waiting to be boiled, and Eli sunk into the other side of the couch with a cup of tea perched on her lap. 

As Eli sat, watching Avatar, she heard stirring to her right, looking over to see Touya stretching out as he began to wake up. He breathed deeply and squinted his eyes from the morning sun peaking from the kitchen. 

"What you cooking?" was the first thing he asked as he began to shift in his place between the two boys. 

His morning voice tickled a particular part of her brain and she didn't answer as she let him try to wake up. 

And so began their morning. Touya fell back asleep soon after he said something and as the smell of food began to permeate the house, kids began to descend the stairs one by one. 

Himiko was first and she went over to the kitchen to make her hot chocolate with the water Eli had already heated. She sat beside Eli on the couch and now bwatched Danny Phantom with her.  

Izuku was next, and he came down the stairs in the arms of Keigo because he was still snuggled into Himiko's sleeping bag with sleepy eyes. 

"Hey!" Himiko said before Eli wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a look. 

"We'll get him his own," she told her with a reassuring nod. 

Usually, she'd just let them argue it out, but Shoto and Katsuki were still dead asleep and it was too cold to go outside. So, Keigo sat Izuku on the floor in front of them and went to go get a cup of coffee before returning and sitting in between Himi and Touya. 

Hitoshi was last and he came in his own sleeping bag, jumpsuit? It was purple, and even though it was a sleeping bag, they had pants so he could walk around. 

Nobody questioned it and soon the fish was done and breakfast was served. 

Well, until Shouta and Hizashi burst through the door with Eri in his arms, wrapped in blankets. 

"ELI! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, HELP ME," Shouta shouted. 

Footsteps came from upstairs and little Kota descended with Shoto's stuffed bear in hand. 

"Why are you so loud Uncle Sho?" he grumbled before walking over to his mom and sitting on her lap. 

Shouta stared as the Midoriya family, just kind of stared at him with wide eyes, none moving to help him. Eli wanted to be concerned, but considering that Shouta and Hizashi were new parents, this kind of thing was expected. 

Putting her empty bowl of miso soup to the side, Eli stood from the couch with Kota in her arms and walked over. She felt the child's foreheads and poked at her neck to check for fever. She was a little warm, but it could've been from the blankets surrounding her. 

But, the girl's face was a little red and she seemed to be in some type of pain. 

"Hm, is she coughing, sneezing?" Eli asked as she put her ear down to see if she could hear if the girl was breathing heavily or not because that could indicate a sore throat or maybe some congestion. 

Hizashi nodded earnestly, looking equally as panicked as his husband as his hands itched to take Eri from Shouta to give her some type of comfort. 

"Hm," Eli hummed. 

Eri getting sick wouldn't be odd. I mean, the girl lived in an ultra-clean lab underneath a house so it wasn't like she could be exposed to all the necessary bacteria in order to build up her immune system. 

"Sounds like a common cold. You're gonna want to keep her wrapped up in this blanket, give her some tea. A little lemon and a lot of honey, and drop a cough drop in there for some extra benefits. I'll give you some miso soup for her, but I'd suggest rice porridge because it's more filling and easier to eat since there's no telling if she'd going to want to eat and uh... OH children's Tylenol for any body pain or headaches and ooh!" Eli said before jumping to the kitchen to retrieve a small orange box. 

"These are vitamin C tablets, I usually mix them with water, but for the little one, it wouldn't hurt to drop it in some orange juice," Eli said with a small smile and a nod as she handed the box to Hizashi. 

Shouta was slack-jawed, staring at the woman before him who gave him simple instructions. This morning Eri didn't come to the kitchen for breakfast, so Hizashi went to check on her only for him to rush back with little Eri in his arms and tears in his eyes. 

The first thing either of them did was panic. 

"Anything else?" she asked them. 


"Um... how do you make rice porridge?" Hizashi asked. 

And thus the Yamada-Aizawa began cooking classes. 

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

Domestic Story 2: Touya & Eli 

Setting: Present

When Dabi met Eli, everything changed. 

Suddenly he was getting packed red bean paste buns and spicy ramen in the cold months. Suddenly he was laughing under blankets as they made each other laugh so hard they farted. Suddenly he was drinking hot chocolate with her and Mama Inko. 

It was funny, he liked to say that he got revenge for Eli on those who were complicit in her death, but it was partly for himself. 

A laugh suddenly came tickling his lips, and suddenly he realized. 

He could understand why Eli reacted that way towards his mom after meeting her, after getting to see some of the qualities in Inko that his mother had as well. 

Touya couldn't believe his situation. 

Here he was sitting beside Eli as she folded some of her hero suits on the bed. They were in need of washing, especially after they'd been completely swamped with soot, ash, and debris from the building that fell on her about a week ago. 

He listened to her go on and on about how Shoto decided he wanted to start wearing crocs like Kirishima, how Himiko wanted everyone to get a pair of 'I survived generational trauma' t-shirts, Hitoshi wanted to add eyeliner to his hero costume after watching The Batman in the hospital 4 consecutive times, Katsuki decided that his siblings were going to be his sidekicks in the future and already began to call them the "Bomb Squad", and Izuku almost beat the shit out of Katsuki for that alone. 

Touya shook his head as he watched and listened before he looked down at his own pajamas that consisted of one of her big ass shirts and a pair of his own sweats... and there she sat in his own shirt. 

"E?" Touya called. 

"Hmm?" she hummed, not even taking a peak at him. At the foot of the bed was her phone which was radioing in all the crimes in the Keigo's area. He was out on his own tonight, and waiting for that call was never something she wanted, that knock... 

Eli shook her head. 

She couldn't stand it. 

So, with a huff and a shake of his shoulders, Touya folded his arms behind his head and laid back, closing his eyes as a smirk settled on his face. 

"Can we talk about how you like me now?" Touya asked. 

A gasp rang from his left, and suddenly a pillow was flying smack into his nose. He roared in laughter as he playfully put his hands up in surrender. 

"You could've just brought it up normally, creep," Eli grumbled as she continuously fiddled with her utility belt. 

"Oh? Now I'm the creep?" Touya laughed only to be greeted with a set of annoyed eyes before she flicked his forehead. 

She rolled her eyes and sat her belt down before sitting back against the headboard with a huff. 

Looking at them, they were so close. His elbow and forearms were basically touching her thigh, and they were adorned in each other's clothing. 

"Well, I guess with the whole 24/7 child in crisis alarm constantly going off, can't be too mad that its taken us this long to even bring it up," Eli spoke with a huff. 

"That's fair though, I mean, losing over half our child population is pretty crazy.." Touya said with a shrug.

Eli sighed. She'd given this a lot of thought actually. I mean, she couldn't just act like Touya wasn't sleeping in her bed every other night, just like she couldn't pretend Keigo wasn't either. She couldn't ignore the close relationships they were forming with the household nor the obvious dedication and loyalty they had for her. 

It left Eli with a rather simple question to ask herself. 

Was this what she wanted? 

Right now? Touya had been in Eli's life for so long that she couldn't find a morsel within her body telling her not to. Her mind jumped to the future, but her spirit snatched it right back, settling itself inside her to grow a loving smile on her face. 

Touya quirked an eyebrow as he watched her hand go up and touch the side of his neck and cheek. His cheeks began to burn an obvious red before one of her arms reached around him and hugged him. 

Touya smiled just a little before returning the sudden hug, grinning stupidly, completely forgetting about his supposed question. Leaning back from the hug, Eli looks at Touya.

"Our?" she asked. 

She watched as a cheeky grin appeared on his face and he nodded with a small wink.

Given the strange relationship he had with everyone, it had been hard to accept, but Touya had indeed gone soft. Don't get him wrong, he'd still fry and serve whoever on a platter when it came to his people, but that was exactly that. If any of them asked, he'd be there to spark fear into the hearts of any brave soul who dared to try any one of the Midoriya siblings. 

So yeah, our.  

Eli saw the bit of purple scarring on his cheeks and neck, saw the way his hair went from black to white to red, and saw the little piercing-like devices in his cheeks. She remembered how he held her when her mother died. She remembered how he held her when Katsuki and the others had been taken. 

She remembered his cold hands and his soft skin. She remembered his gentle touch...

"I don't think I just like you Touya," she told him honestly. 

For a second Touya stopped breathing. 

The next thing Eli knew, Touya's lips were on hers. His hands grabbed at her back and waist, holding her so tightly that Eli was nothing if not but bound by his arms. Years of pent-up love and desperation oozed from the two, and suddenly Eli's hands and arms were free. 

Her hand reached out and roughly pulled him closer to her and she felt one of his hand travel down to the back of her thigh. Touya began to sit up as Eli pulled him even closer to her until Eli released the kiss to swing her leg over his legs. 

Only a single breath was taken before they were back in each other's clutches as if they'd ever really left them before they were once again impossibly close to one another. Eli's hips rolled, as if on instinct, resulting in a satisfying groan echoing into her mouth. 

Touya's hands didn't discriminate in any sort of way and they grabbed at everything she allowed him to. His mind was hazy as the kiss once more stopped briefly, allowing air before Touya lurched forward, desperate for more. 

Their tongues danced slowly, then faster, before lips turned to teeth and necks. 

Touya's mouth was cold making Eli shiver as he suckled away at her neck, biting in places that made her back arch and her throat release weird moans. Her legs hugged him tightly and another groan into her neck made her twitch in delight. 

The first opponent was the clothes. Touya's bare chest was dim in the low light, but that didn't matter. The ink against her skin was godly and somehow the weird lamp light did magical things for her body. Touya's upper body was squishier than hers, and she loved how soft he felt against her muscly body. 

Touya had never felt Eli be so rough with him, and man...

But, a fire burned in his chest and suddenly he used his lean body to his advantage. He pushed back and he held onto the back of her knee as he pushed her back. His hand went up to softly touch her neck, poking at the places his mouth just was, gently squeezing and rubbing around them, hearing another moan that send shivers through his soul and down his pants. 

She couldn't even think as her shirt was pulled up and off, revealing a messy cut-up wife beater that was lifting higher and higher as they moved. The feeling of Touya being so close to her, to his lips being on hers made her want more. 

So much more. 

A knock on the door startled the both of them. 

Suddenly, Eli and Touya were moving at maximum speed to throw their shirts back on before she cleared her throat. 

"Y-yea?" she stuttered a bit before wiping her mouth and whatever saliva was on her neck. 

"Mama?" they heard Kota's voice ring. 

With a sigh, Eli readjusted herself on the bed before her now ruined set of once-folded clothes. 

"Come on in baby," she called. 

The door opened and there stood Keigo holding Kota. Only then did they realize that Keigo had gotten home, which stunned them as they realized how long it'd been. Eli's eyes bulged as she remembered a very important factor in all that had just happened. 


'There's not a cap limit is there?' Eli thought. 

"Mama!" Kota said in an excited tone. 

"H-Hey baby," Eli said, holding her arms out for the boy to leap into them. 

She rocked him up and down as she hugged him, breathing in and out deeply as she thought of what had just happened. 

"Nice to see you guys waited up for me," Keigo jested. He must've stopped by his room and changed before coming because instead of his hero costume he had on pajamas, which of course consisted of one of Touya's shirts and a pair of Eli's thick sweatpants. 

A laugh ripped through the atmosphere making Eli look to Touya before he did the same, pointing at Keigo before he looked right at him. 

Touya hadn't forgotten to rule in Keigo as a factor. 

"Yeah, now that I think about it, we need to talk to you later," Touya put it out there. 

In his head it was, 1 down, 1 to go. 

"We?" Eli asked, interest sparking in her tone. Touya gave her a look that made her laugh and nod in agreement. 

"I mean, yeah, we do," Eli concluded with a nod. 

She couldn't help the cheeky grin on her face as she brushed some hair from Kota's face and kissed his forehead softly. 

"Mama, why you looking like that?" Kota asked, a funny look on his impossibly adorable face.

Keigo landed on the bed right between them with a huff, his wings stretching out around the both of them as much as they could as he settled into a comfortable position. 

"Yeah, why are you looking like that?" Touya asked with a snarky grin as he draped a lazy arm around Keigo's neck, who immediately joined in on his teasing even if he didn't know what exactly happened. 

"Oh don't worry about me honey, you're next," Eli made a jab at Keigo which made Touya laugh, and Keigo raise a suspicious eyebrow. 

"I wanna be next!" Kota cheered with a raised hand. 

Laughter roared from the two knowing adults. 

3234 words. 

quick love and kisses from me bc i have to get ready for work

make sure you guys eat and drink water

whole lotta gang shit, love yall <33333333

also, i was planning on releasing a chapter when we reached 200k to celebrate and to thank you all (all thanks to yall fr) but i turned around and now we at 210k so ig imma be crying at work as i thank you guys

you guys managed to get me to 200k on my 20th birthday as well (11/13) so that hit me pretty hard 

like from the bottom of my heart, thank you, it means the world to me fr 

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