Girlfriend Project (Hee-Ram x...

By _ryjii

1.4K 11 1

How Hee-ram met her first girlfriend. I unpublished this and publishing it again I didn't change anything so... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15 (Last)

Chapter - 3

105 0 0
By _ryjii

When Hee-ram got home she immediately got dressed and texted Ga-in.



Hours had passed and Hee-ram's message is still unread. Hee-ram got bored so she called her bestfriend Yo-jin (Just a random name)

*hm? What do you need?*

"Nothing. I'm just bored."

*what do mean? I thought you have-*

"AGGGRRHH yes i have. But that girl- i still don't know her name maybe i'll ask later. Anyway, SHE hasn't texted yet!"

*oh,oh calm down Hee. Wait for her respond okay? Be patient. Go and just eat and watch.*

"I think you have an a good idea. Okay. See you ar around."

*okay. Bye*


Hee-ram ended the call and get some food. "AGRH. I think i should still message her untill she respond." Hee-ram thought to herself.


Hours has passed and it's already nine in the evening. Hee-ram is peacefully watching something in her loptop when her phone 'beep'

"Oh? I've got a message. Finally."



Hee-ram putted back her phone in the table and continue what she was watching. But she took it again and opened the message box.


"It's so hard to get in touch with her."

Hee-ram let out a sigh and putted her cellphone back on the table.


Hee-ram woke up and when she looked at the clock. It was 8 in the evening. She hurriedly cook dinner for herself. And one hour later she got bored now. She was just staring at the television while playing with her favorite stuff toy, when her cellphone 'beep' so she immediately took it to look who texted.




Hee-ram closed her phone and let out a deep sigh. And leaned her back on the sofa.

"Wow, she's so selfish."

"Does she think i'm at her beck and call?"

Hee-ram got dressed and went to the place where Ga-in told to Hee-ram. Hee-ram stared at that one place that she thinks Ga-in's talking about. "This is a must-eat place?" Hee-ram asked herself. She entered that and roamed her eyes at the place. There's a lot of people dancing and there's a dazzling lights. Hee-ram is looking for Ga-in. Hee-ram turn around her eyes to find Ga-in. And after some minutes Hee-ram finay spotted Ga-in dancing. "Oh damn where is this place?" Hee-ram asked herself. Hee-ram is staring at Ga-in while dancing. "Why do i found this hot- oh no. She's staring at me now." "But why she isn't stop dancing?" "What the fuck?" "Why is she smirking at me?" "Can't she see me???!" Hee-ram mummbled. 15 seconds later Ga-in went to Hee-ram and brought her to one empty table.

"You didn't get lost."

"This place is a freaking restaurant?"

Ga-in just chuckled and poured a vodka alcohol to a small wine glass. And putted it infront of Hee-ram

"This is your drink."

"I don't drink much."

Hee-ram answered while slowly shaking her head.

"That's boring."

Ga-in said and drink the drink in her small wine glass. Hee-ram is just watching her. After Ga-in drink her alcohol Ga-in stared at Hee-ram. So Hee-ram nothing to do and drink the alcohol that Ga-in gave her. After Hee-ram drink, Ga-in went beside her closely and stared at Hee-ram again.

"What are you doing?"

Ga-in didn't reply instead, she wrapped her arm around Hee-ram's arm.

"No, what are you doing. You wanted to take a picture."

Ga-in took her phone out and raised her left arm to take a picture of the two of them.

"Mission complete."


"Taking a pictures at a famous food place."

Ga-in said and showed the picture of the two of them.

"Are we done now?"

"Let's go dancing."

Ga-in said and snorted the people who's dancing.

"I..i don't know how to dance.."

"Of course you can."

"Come on."

Ga-in said while smiling and brought Hee-ram to the crowd. And forced Hee-ram to dance with a happy face. And now Hee-ram is dancing shyly with Ga-in. They are dancing happily when someone has a plan to dance with Ga-in. And now Min-su (just a random name again.) is between Hee-ram and Ga-in. Hee-ram was embarassed because of that. So she covered her face. She went to their table and sat while watching Min-su and Ga-in dancing together. Ga-in and Min-su are so close together and Hee-ram got annoyed so she poured an alcohol at her small wine glass. Hee-ram drinks the alcohol while watching the two. "Did she forgot me already??" Hee-ram thought to herself. While Ga-in is dancing she realized something. "Wait. Where's Hee-ram?" Ga-in asked herself and slowly turned back, and then there, she saw Hee-ram drinking. So Ga-in stopped dancing and excuse herself and went to Hee-ram. Her gaze went to the vodka bottle and looked at Hee-ram again.

"You said you didn't drink much."

"Why do you care?"

Ga-in looked to the empty bottle again that Hee-ram drink.

"Did you drink the whole bottle?"

"I can drink. I just don't drink often."

Ga-in sat opposite Hee-ram and stared at her.

"What are you doing? Come and dance with me."

Min-su said between Hee-ram and Ga-in. Hee-ram looked at him with a annoying face.

"Okay. Later."

Ga-in replied but Min-su didn't leave them

"Don't say that."

"There's no alcohol here."

"Let me buy you a drink."

Min-su said and tries to grab Ga-in's wrist but Ga-in let his hand go.

"Stop it."

"I said i'll join later."

Hee-ram got so really..jealous? Annoyed? Hee-ram don't know too. Hee-ram crossed her arm and gave Min-su a death glear.

"What's going on?"

"You were quite into me."

Min-su said and Hee-ram just gave Min-su a annoying smirk.

"Okay, i'm sorry."

"Come here."

Min-su said while smiling and grabbed Ga-in's wrist. But Hee-ram already held Ga-in's hand. Hee-ram grabbed Ga-in's hand in front of Min-su which indicates that they are lovers. Ga-in is really shocked of what Hee-ram did. Hee-ram is looking at Min-su with a blank face while Ga-in is staring at Hee-ram.

"What are you two?"

Min-su asked while looking at Hee-ram. Hee-ram just gave him a death smirk.

"She's my girlfriend."

Hee-ram replied and stood up still holding Ga-in's hand. Ga-in couldn't do anything so she followed Hee-ram.

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