By aries1854

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800 years ago, 3000 dimensional gates opened across the entire world. In that moment, it was as if 3000 diffe... More

1401 - 1420
1421 - 1440
1441 - 1460
1461 - 1480
1481 - 1500
1501 - 1520
1521 - 1540
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1581 - 1600
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1621 - 1640
1641 - 1660
1661 - 1680
1681 - 1700
1701 - 1720
1721 - 1740
1741 - 1760


152 5 0
By aries1854

Chapter 521: The Black Rock's Odd Activity

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Reborn Card: After activating this card on the specific monster, there's a possibility for the Monster Card to obtain a powerful bloodline.

"Remark 1: The higher the rarity of the Monster Card, the higher the probability of obtaining a powerful bloodline."

"Remark 2: If the monster has thin bloodline genetic particles in its body, there's a high possibility to awaken the bloodline."

"Remark 3: New type of monster, which source is unknown, has a low probability of obtaining the bloodline."

After reading the effects of the Reborn Card, Lin Huang locked his eyes on the Witch eventually. To be exact, she was now the Wicked Witch. The Sanguine Overlord 1 's Punishment Chain was a powerful control skill. However, using the card might not grow that particular skill. Meanwhile, the Wicked Witch (Witch) had more control skills. Using the card could, more or less, give a portion of her skills a boost. No matter which skills would be boosted, her control ability would increase as a whole.

Lin Huang decided to use his last Reborn Card on the Wicked Witch after thinking thoroughly. As he confirmed his targets, he recalled the Sanguine Overlord (Sanguine Skeleton Spirit) and Malachian 2 after they were upgraded. He then summoned Ghastly and Bloody. Bloody knew why it was summoned. Although Ghastly was uncertain, looking at Tyrant and the rest were wrapped in cocoons, it could guess what was happening.

"I have five Reborn Cards in my hand which could give you a boost in your bloodline. Besides the one that's reserved for Lancelot, the remaining four are for you," Lin Huang said to the four monsters.

"Whether you can get the bloodline boost depends on you guys."

Bloody was calm but anticipated as it could guess what Lin Huang was up to. Ghastly stared at him with burning desire while the Wicked Witch seemed to be puzzled. The only one who had no change in expression was Kylie as she did not care about it at all.

"Uh... May I know what does this Reborn Card do?" The Wicked Witch looked at the three of them and raised her hand, asking softly after some hesitation.

"I'll explain to you in the future when we have the time. The only thing that I can tell you now is that all of you are receiving treasure that could boost your bloodline. But of course, it's not 100% guaranteed," Lin Huang explained the concept of the card.

"Alright, the four of you, follow me. Don't disturb their mutation."

Lin Huang then brought the four monsters couple of kilometers away. When he saw Tyrant and the rest were now the size of ants, he nodded.

"This distance should be good enough. Stand apart from each other so that you don't interfere with the process."

After the four monsters spaced out accordingly, Lin Huang instructed Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, use four Reborn Cards on them."

"Are you sure you want to use Reborn Card x4 on these four Monster Cards?"


"Consuming Reborn Card x4 on the four specific Monster Cards..."

A golden glow shone down from above and covered the four monsters. Soon, the glow shining on Bloody faded away while the remaining three monsters were wrapped in cocoons of different colors. Kylie's cocoon was made of golden lightning bolts and looked extremely dangerous. The Wicked Witch's cocoon was a cloud of black fog that seemed to be unstable. Meanwhile, Ghastly's cocoon was colorful, and its shape was changing rapidly.

"The Reborn Card failed on Bloody!"

Bloody knew that the card had failed on it as it watched the rest wrapped in cocoons, so it could only return to Lin Huang in disappointment.

"Don't be sad. It's normal that this doesn't work," Lin Huang comforted Bloody while patting it. It was now a purple ball of jelly with great texture.

"Oh..." Bloody remained upset while it floated next to Lin Huang while watching the monsters' transformation.

Suddenly, a black glow shot up to the sky and the isolation space shook. Lin Huang took up at the source of the black glow. A huge black glow had shot from the ground to the sky, dyeing the sky black. Soon, the sky rumbled. It lasted for a while before fading away, but dark clouds filled a small portion of the isolation space. However, the black glow shrunk vigorously. Within seconds, it went from covering millions of square kilometers to a ball of haze that was smaller than an adult's fist.

Lin Huang watched the dark sky carefully. Although he could not see the forming of the ball of haze as he was too far away, he could feel that the terrifying aura did not disappear. It was getting more and more intense. As the ball of haze formed, it stayed in the sky for a while. It seemed to lock on its target in an instant and dashed towards where the target was at an alarming speed. Its destination was where Lin Huang was.

Soon, Lin Huang saw a black meteor coming for him. He frowned and pulled out his battle sword while looking at the black glow dashing towards him. He did not want his monsters' upgrade to be interrupted by this unknown object.

"Don't worry. It's nothing bad," Xiao Hei said calmly.

"What's that thing?" Lin Huang asked immediately. Although Xiao Hei had asked him not to worry, he still had his guard up.

"Do you remember the black rock in this isolation space? The rock that contains the energy source. It's coming for Kylie. Her mutation must have triggered it.

"Is this something good?" Lin Huang asked.

"It should be."

Xiao Hei did not sound sure, so Lin Huang was not relieved at all.

"Don't worry. It depends on Kylie herself. If something goes wrong, I'll try my best to control it," Xiao Hei added as it sensed Lin Huang's concern.

"Alright then..." Since Xiao Hei said that, Lin Huang put his sword away helplessly while watching the black glow that was hurtling in their direction at breakneck speed.

Chapter 522: Batch Transformation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The black streak of light fell from the sky like a meteorite from hundreds of kilometers away. Without Xiao Hei's reminder, Lin Huang would have swung his sword at it from the beginning. Within seconds, the black ray of light had traveled hundreds of kilometers, heading towards Kylie. Before Lin Huang could catch the movement of the light, it penetrated straight into the golden cocoon that Kylie was wrapped in.

The cocoon's surface trembled slightly as its golden glow that was shining brightly remained. However, ever since the black ray penetrated into the cocoon, it had dimmed. The initial golden color had become completely black within seconds. On the black surface were lightning bolts that were covering the cocoon, the black electrical arcs spreading out. The cocoon was now a few times bigger than before.

Lin Huang watched the cocoon's odd transformation without blinking. After confirming that the cocoon was now dormant, he spoke to Xiao Hei again, "Is this a good or bad change for Kylie?"

"It's a good change. It's now stable. She completed her double mutation from that rock since the beginning. Due to the condition of the card, the black rock has officially integrated with her."

Lin Huang was relieved after confirming that Kylie was alright. He was excited to unveil all of the monsters' transformations as he looked at the colorful cocoons. He looked at the remaining cards that he had.

"Lancelot and Thunder are the only epic-level cards left. I must fulfill Lancelot's secret condition and upgrade him to legendary-level in the meantime. It would be great if he could get a boost of bloodline right away so that I can give the card to the Sanguine Skeletal Spirit. For Thunder... It'll have to wait for the next time I get an Advanced Card again."

Thunder had a minute amount of phoenix blood in it since it was unsealed. Although it was not a pure phoenix now, it was still powerful. Unfortunately, as Lin Huang treated it as a flying mount, he ignored its powerful ability. Lin Huang might have appreciated it more if it could evolve into full phoenix blood or some other powerful ancient monster in the future.

After looking at Bai, Charcoal, and the Regal Sword Killer that was half-sealed, Lin Huang snapped out of his zone. He had summoned the maximum number of monsters that he was allowed to. The only thing that he could do now was to wait for the transformation of the nine monsters patiently. To kill time, Lin Huang lay on the field while chewing on grass and patting Bloody as he stared at the sky.

It had been a long time since he had nothing to do like this after arriving in this world. He spent most of his time on training for the past year. As more and more incidents happened, he had less time for Lin Xin, let alone himself. His thoughts were flying everywhere as he stared at the fluffy clouds.

"If I didn't have Goldfinger and my Life Wheel was perfect when I traveled here, I'm sure I would just be an ordinary person, living an ordinary life under the protection of others. Perhaps the furthest place I would have traveled in this world would be the two B-grade footholds, the Bamboo City and Xiagong City... Thinking about it now, living an entire life of ignorance isn't necessarily a bad thing...

"Unfortunately, my fate seems to have been set since I traveled here. A powerful Goldfinger... a broken Life Wheel... It feels like someone is controlling everything somewhere I can't see. Yang Ling, Xia Hao, Qi Muxiong, they're all travelers like me. There must be more travelers in this world, but what is the meaning of us being here?"

Just when Lin Huang was pondering the meaning of his existence, a portion of Qi Muxiong's memory was unsealed and released. He was attracted by the content and looked at it immediately. A few hours passed. As the glow from the sky faded away, the cocoons started breaking, revealing the transformed monsters. As Lin Huang had fallen into a deep sleep, they did not disturb him and stood guard next to him. Three hours passed. Besides Kylie, the remaining eight monsters had broken out of their cocoons and stayed near him. Some of them were staring at Kylie's cocoon, lost in their thoughts.

Lin Huang did not know that his thoughts had resonated with Qi Muxiong's which triggered the release of more of his memories from when he had first achieved holy fire-level. Almost all of the content below imperial-level was now open to him. He indulged himself in the memories. He was shocked when he realized that more than six hours had passed and that the monsters were surrounding him when he woke up.

As Kylie's cocoon did not show any sign of breaking anytime soon, Lin Huang looked at the monsters that had been transformed. Tyrant looked more like a human now. The armor that enveloped his entire body was now gone; it was replaced by a burnt golden armor. His hair was now a crimson red, and his eyes were dark brown. The only thing that remained the same was his messy beard. As compared to before, he looked exactly like a human, but a much bigger human that was over 2.5 meters tall.

"Which bloodline is this?" Lin Huang asked in anticipation.

"The Celestial Giant bloodline from the archaic period," Tyrant replied with confidence, proud of his bloodline. Although Lin Huang had no idea how powerful the celestial giant's bloodline was, he nodded anyway and looked at the rest. Ghastly had not changed much. He was garbed in a luxurious golden robe with a crown on his head. He had lilac waist-length hair, and he smiled mischievously at Lin Huang with his long, narrow eye slits. The difference was that the golden mask that had covered half of his face was now gone.

"Ghastly, how about you?"

"Master, can I please get a new name? I don't like being called Ghastly..." Ghastly was unwilling to accept his name. However, since Lin Huang did not say a word while staring at him, he answered accordingly, "I've awoken the title 'Deceiver', but I didn't awaken the bloodline."

"Awoken a title?" Lin Huang was puzzled, but since he had learned about titles from Xiao Hei earlier, he did not ask further.

"It's possible to awaken a title," Xiao Hei affirmed after hearing what Ghastly said.

Lin Huang looked at the Wicked Witch. The two horns on her head were gone. Her complexion was rosier than before. With her long, black hair, she looked like a human lady in a black dress.

"I've awoken the Ancient Witch bloodline..." The Wicked Witch said softly, seeming not to want to have eye contact with him. Lin Huang nodded at her and looked at the Inferior Imp. He had a pair of bat wings on his back and a black tail.

"I've leveled up to Hellion Imp," it said without expression.

Lin Huang then looked at the remaining two giant snakes and apes. They were now much smaller than before. The two snakes were still black in color. They were now less than three meters long and looked identical. Their four bloody eyes were now down to two, and their eyeballs were now an emerald green like two green precious stones mounted on their heads. Their abdomens had a shade of white that was different than before.

"We've awoken the Dark Crescent Snake bloodline," the two snakes hissed at the same time.

Lin Huang nodded and looked at the last two apes. Both of their scales had now become hair of a completely different color. One of them had golden armor sitting atop its golden hair, while another one was completely white in color whereby a part of its body seemed to be covered in white flames. It was clear that their transformations were on different paths.

"I've awoken the Ancient Mighty Ape bloodline," the gold-haired ape said.

"I've awoken the Ancient Frost Flame Ape bloodline," the white ape said.

Besides Kylie and Bloody, the remaining eight monsters had transformed, and most of them had awoken powerful bloodlines. After recalling all of them into card forms including Bloody, Lin Huang looked at Kylie that was still in the cocoon.

"Xiao Hei, how long will Kylie take to come out of the cocoon?"

"Looking at the progress, she'll take at least three days."

"Three days?! But I have class on Friday..." Lin Huang thought that he would have enough time since he came on Tuesday, but he did not expect this to happen to Kylie.

"Never mind, I shall wait until Friday afternoon. If she's still in the cocoon by then, I'll have to get Bai and the rest to keep an eye here, and I'll come back after class."

Chapter 523: Part of Qi Muxiong's Memory

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The flow of time in the isolated space was the same as the world outside. It was past seven in the evening, and the sky was getting dark. Lin Huang was hungry. He started reading the detailed description of the Blood Thickening Card while he munched on snacks.

"Blood Thickening Card: It can be used on monsters that have their bloodline awoken to increase the thickness of their bloodline.

"Remark 1: The higher the level of the bloodline, the more cards are required. Only one card is required to increase low-level to mid-level. Two cards are required to increase mid-level to high-level. Five cards are required to increase high-level to pure blood.

"Remark 2: Ineffective on pure blood monsters.

"Remark 3: Consumable. Each card can only be used once, and many cards can be used at once."

"Five cards to increase a high-level to pureblood? That's ridiculous! I only have seven cards now." As Lin Huang had obtained too many cards earlier, he had missed the description of this card.

"I initially thought that only one card is required to increase the bloodline, then I could upgrade Bai and Charcoal to pureblood monsters while considering which monster to use the remaining cards on. It seems like I was too naive..."

He then summoned Bai and Charcoal while explaining the function of the Blood Thickening Card roughly. Charcoal was excited. As the cards were limited, he could not upgrade Charcoal to full dragon blood. The most he could do was to upgrade it to high-level dragon blood, but that was good enough for Charcoal. Meanwhile, Bai was calm, but Lin Huang could tell from his eyes that he was thrilled as well.

"Alright, stand away from each other."

Lin Huang got the both of them to stand tens of meters away from each other while taking out the five Blood Thickening Cards. He crushed the cards and targeted Bai and Charcoal.

"Use three on Bai to increase his bloodline from low-level to high-level god's blood and use two on Charcoal to increase its bloodline from mid-level to high-level dragon's blood."

The crushed cards transformed into two glimmers of light and penetrated Bai and Charcoal's bodies respectively. A while later, cocoons wrapped around their bodies. Although there was no glow shooting down from the sky, the both of them were soon completely shrouded in black, bloody cocoons.

"Who should I use the remaining two Blood Thickening Cards on?" Lin Huang thought about it for awhile and summoned Tyrant. He used one of the cards on Tyrant after explaining it to him. Tyrant was soon wrapped in a bloody cocoon too. Since the last card could not be used on Ghastly or Bloody, he thought he would keep it for Kylie.

Since Tyrant and the rest would take some time to complete their transformation, Lin Huang proceeded to eat after using the upgrading cards. Ten minutes later, he put the snacks away and started organizing Qi Muxiong's memories that had been released earlier. In the memory, besides the memory of before his leveling up to imperial-level, a portion of them was about him communicating with the other travelers. From what Lin Huang saw, the other travelers were unfriendly. Although they were powerful, they were selfish. Some of them even bullied travelers who were weaker. As Goldfingers could overwhelm each other, most of the travelers had their guards up when they came in contact with others.

In Qi Muxiong's memory, he had a good relationship with only one traveler. The traveler seemed to be like Lin Huang who was from Earth. However, Lin Huang did not naively think that the traveler was not a threat to Qi Muxiong despite their amicable relationship. Although he had the traveler's contact details, he decided to not contact the person. Of course, he was not even sure if the traveler was still alive.

Besides the travelers, there were many Supreme Geniuses that could fight humans that were one level higher during that time in Qi Muxiong's memory.

"Although the number of Supreme Geniuses now are much lesser than then, there should be some of them who are on the same level in the core zones. Their abilities must be much more powerful than mine. This world is pretty dangerous..."

A couple of hours had passed as Lin Huang indulged himself in Qi Muxiong's memory. Tyrant was the first one who got out of the cocoon, followed by Charcoal. It was almost midnight when Bai broke out of the cocoon. Tyrant looked the same, but his aura was much more terrifying now. He was like a human beast with an invisible suppressive effect when people stood around him. Charcoal had significant changes. Its scales were now clear, black crystals. Although it was still black, it looked more like a quaint piece of art now. Its appearance did not change much, but it was so much better-looking now.

"It's true that good skin plays a big role in appearance!" Lin Huang exclaimed after taking a close look at Charcoal. Meanwhile, Bai looked the same with his silver hair, but there was a light pattern on his forehead. There were red patterns on his black robe, making it much more vibrant than his boring, plain black robe before. Bai looked more confident now.

After the observation, Lin Huang recalled the three monsters into card forms. He shook his head as he saw Kylie's progress was still stagnant, so he built a tent in the isolated space.

The next morning, he summoned Bai to practice sword skills after breakfast. Now that he knew more about other travelers, he was eager to upgrade his abilities. He would not attack the other travelers. However, he would be in trouble if his identity was revealed to other travelers. He did not want to lose Xiao Hei, which was a powerful Goldfinger, so he needed to have the ability to protect himself.

It was quite impossible to reveal his Goldfinger to other travelers, but if his performance were too absurd, it would definitely gain their attention. He might not be busted immediately, but he might be suspected.

"I have to be more low-key now. I can't be afraid. I'll try not to bring trouble to myself." Lin Huang initially thought that not many people could be a threat to him since he was a holy fire-level now. However, it seemed like he was too naive.

Chapter 524: Army of Nephilic Judges

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Soon, two days had passed.

"It's past noon now, but nothing is happening..."

Lin Huang stared helplessly at the golden glow on top of Kylie's cocoon that did not seem like it was fading any time soon. There was no sign of any cracks in the black lightning cocoon that was bathed in the golden glow.

"Bai, I'll leave for a few hours. Please keep an eye on her for me here. I'll be back around 5:30 p.m." Lin Huang had no other solution but to instruct Bai to stand guard. It was Friday and he had to be back at the Martial Hunter College to teach in the afternoon. Although Bai had no idea why Lin Huang had to leave, he nodded anyway. Since it was still early, Lin Huang munched on a piece of dried meat from his snack bag before leaving.

Seeing that Bai was staring at the bag that he was holding, he passed the bag to him.

"These are the snacks that I bought online. They have raving reviews. Try them."

Bai took out a piece of dried meat, took a bite, and returned the bag to Lin Huang.

"It's not good."

"Alright then..." As Lin Huang was taking the bag from Bai, a black glow suddenly shot out of Kylie's cocoon like a wave coalescing out. The wave passed through Lin Huang and Bai's bodies immediately, but the both of them did not sense anything odd. However, the isolated space started shaking later. The both of them flew into the air and studied Kylie's cocoon.

Black mist surrounded it and soon, the mist engulfed the golden glow that was sent from the sky. Within seconds, a third of the golden glow was covered by the mist, and it proceeded to climb further.

"Xiao Hei, what's happening?!" Lin Huang asked immediately as he witnessed the odd occurrence.

"The black energy source should be a godly phenomenon. It seems to be doing something with the Blood Thickening Card although I'm not sure what," Xiao Hei answered.

"It is affecting Kylie?"

"No, Kylie's transformation is basically completed, but the energy source is acting this way now."

Lin Huang was relieved to hear Xiao Hei's answer. He waited for the process to finish patiently. The ground was still shaking, and soon, the black mist engulfed the entire golden glow. Lin Huang and Bai stared at the dark clouds, curious about what would happen next. Within the clouds, thunder rumbled.

"Is it going to rain?" Lin Huang asked as he looked at the dark sky and heard the thunder.

Suddenly, a black thunderbolt blasted into the ground. It was targeting the black rock. Soon, second and third thunderbolts shot down. More and more thunderbolts were fired towards the same direction. Lin Huang and Bai were puzzled by what was happening. It finally stopped after hundreds of thunderbolts rained down from the sky.

Soon, the dark clouds disappeared. The black streak along with the mist had also faded away. Although they had no idea what just happened, they had their eyes fixed on the black cocoon in which Kylie was. Lin Huang looked closely without blinking as a light cracking sound was heard. He knew that it was a sign that Kylie was coming out. More and more cracks were heard, and there were fissures all over the black cocoon.

Lin Huang smiled to himself as he looked at the time that was projected from his Emperor's Heart Ring. It was not even 12:30 p.m.

"Looking at the progress, Kylie should be out of the cocoon in a couple of minutes. Then, I won't have to come here again after class."

The ground stopped shaking. Lin Huang and Bai waited patiently as they flew in the sky.

After two to three minutes, the spherical black cocoon finally broke completely and the pieces transformed into black lightning bolts that penetrated Kylie's body. This time, the half-red, half-blue mask that covered half of her face was replaced by a black one. Her once-silver armor was also now black. It looked like it had been painted with a layer of black piano paint. It was so shiny that you could see your own reflection in it. The 12 black wings on her back had faint white lightning patterns. The purple spear in her hand was now black and was surrounded by detailed purple patterns.

Kylie's aura was just as powerful as Bai's.

"Kylie, which bloodline did you awaken?" Lin Huang headed to her and asked immediately.

"Dark Angel, high-level," Kylie replied.

Lin Huang was shocked to find out that she had gotten the high-level bloodline right away. It must have been the work of the black energy inside her body.

Just when Lin Huang was thinking of keeping the last Blood Thickening Card for Lancelot, Kylie flapped her wings and flew far away.

"Hey, where are you going? I must leave now. I have class later!" Lin Huang shouted immediately. Although his voice could not catch up with Kylie, what Lin Huang said was sent into her conscience.

"I need to stay here for a while. You guys can leave first," Kylie's voice entered Lin Huang's mind.

"Where's she heading to?"

Lin Huang realized that the direction Kylie had left in was the same direction where he had found the black rock. He headed there together with Bai. He knew that Kylie had her reasons for staying, but he could not just leave her be without knowing what was happening. Moreover, he was curious about the secret related to where the hundreds of thunderbolts were aimed at.

A few minutes later, Lin Huang and Bai arrived where the black rock was. All that was left in place of the rock was thick, black dust. What shocked Lin Huang was not the missing black rock, but the hundreds of cocoons that were covered in purple thunderbolts...

"These cocoons..." Although Lin Huang could guess what was inside the cocoons, he failed to get a hold of what was happening.

"These are the Starlight Beasts that you saw the last time. They're in the midst of transforming into demigods, and they'll be a part of my army in the future," Kylie told Lin Huang honestly.

"Do you mean all of them will evolve into how you looked like when you were the Nephilic Judge?" Lin Huang was puzzled.

"All of them will evolve into the Nephilic Judge, but they won't look like me. Although they'll be in masks, they'll look different under the masks," Kylie explained.

"Besides them, this piece of land will be my mini world. I'll keep them after they've completed their evolution. I'll be the only one who can access this space. Let me know when you need to come here."

"Sure! I'll only need this space whenever the monsters need to be upgraded. With you, it'll be much more convenient as I don't have to run around anymore." Lin Huang nodded and looked at the hundreds of purple cocoons.

"It seems like they won't be coming out anytime soon. You stay here then. I'll get Bai to stay here with you. I'll leave for class now. Let me know when it's done." Lin Huang thought Kylie would be lonely here alone and that it would take days for the Starlight Beasts to complete their evolution as they were not in card forms. Without waiting for Kylie to object to his suggestion, Lin Huang activated his double acceleration and flew out of the area.

Chapter 525: Lin Huang's Cousin Sister?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was past 1 p.m. when Lin Huang arrived at the Martial Hunter College from the Meteorite Desert. He returned to his dorm, took a shower, and headed to the office after changing. Although it was unnecessary for him to shower since his Life Power would be released from his body automatically together with any dirt while preventing foreign elements from entering his body when he achieved holy fire-level, he desperately needed the shower after sleeping in the tent for three consecutive days.

He arrived at the office at 1.30 p.m. Qin Tianxing chuckled as he strolled into the office ten minutes later as Lin Huang was looking at his teaching material.

"Sir Lin, you've been missing from the college for a week. I went to your dorm, but you weren't there."

"Oh, I was out running errands. I just got back today." Lin Huang did not bother explaining that he had been back in the college for more than an hour on Tuesday.

"Is there anything that you needed me for?" He asked as Qin Tianxing had a funny expression on his face.

"It wasn't me who was looking for you. A hot lady has been waiting for you for days." Qin Tianxing winked at Lin Huang. "We're so close. Why didn't you tell me that you have such a hot older sister who looks like a goddess?"

"Hot lady? My older sister?" Lin Huang had no idea what Qin Tianxing was talking about.

Just when he was going to explain that he did not have an older sister, an alluring lady in a black dress walked into the office.

"Oh, little brother, it's only been a year, and you can't recognize me anymore?" The lady in black looked at Lin Huang with her head tilted to the side. The high slit at the side of her dress only increased her sexual appeal. Although her small eyes were not impressive, they added a mysterious touch to her face when all of her features were put together. Her eyes were especially seducing. Those were definitely irresistible to men. The most attention-seeking part of her was her red lips that made every man want a piece of her.

Lin Huang was shocked to see the lady. Never had he thought he would see her again in the Martial Hunter College. Although half of her face was covered, revealing only her red lips, Lin Huang recognized her immediately. She had not changed any part of her appearance.

"Hong Zhuang from the Purple Crow... Why is she here?!" Lin Huang took a while to snap out of his thoughts. Although she was not in the Purple Crow's signature coat, he could tell who she was right away. He then glared at Qin Tianxing who was star-struck by Hong Zhuang.

However, Lin Huang soon noticed that Hong Zhuang's aura was only blue flame-level.

"Did she seal her combat level? No wonder she could enter the White Capital..."

If she were on her normal immortal-level, Lin Huang would have to hide her. However, she had sealed her combat level instead of suppressing it just to enter the White Capital.

This world did not have the same concept of capitals like Earth did, but the White Capital was like the capital of Division 7 with more than one imperial-level guardian. The guardians would find out if an immortal-level person entered the city. There were many holy fire-level persons in the White Capital, at least tens of thousands of them, so the guardians could not be looking for them one by one. That was probably why Hong Zhuang had sealed her combat level so that the imperial-level guardians could not get her.

However, such behavior was risky as sealing her combat level would mean that there would be many restrictions on her abilities. As soon as her identity was busted, she would face more risky consequences than entering as an imperial-level. The sealing of her combat level could not be unsealed immediately. It would take a couple of minutes. She would be dead if she encountered someone powerful when her combat level was sealed.

"Xiao Lin Zhi, do you really not remember me, Sister Hong?" Hong Zhuang grinned when she saw Lin Huang in shock while she walked towards him.

"Sister Hong, how could I forget you? I was a guest at your place last year where I stayed for some time." Lin Huang was relieved as he confirmed that Hong Zhuang was not a threat to him at the moment since her combat level was sealed.

"Sister Hong, are you here for me?" Lin Huang asked in a friendly tone.

Hong Zhuang stopped in her tracks as she was surprised to find that Lin Huang was talking to her like nothing had happened.

"You left without saying goodbye the last time. I've missed you throughout the last year, but I'm not here to visit you. I'm here to be a teacher." Hong Zhuang smiled.

"A teacher?" Lin Huang was stunned. He had no idea what she was trying to do.

"Yeah, Miss Zhuang Hong passed our teacher assessment on Monday and she's now one of us in the Martial Hunter College." Qin Tianxing was excited as he thought Lin Huang and Zhuang Hong had a close relationship.

"Miss Zhuang Hong has been asking about your whereabouts from the two Vice Presidents since Monday. The Vice President couldn't get to you, so he got her to look for me. I've brought her to your dorm two to three times, but you weren't there. Since you guys are cousins, why don't you guys have each other's contact details?"

Lin Huang was cursing Qin Tianxing secretly in his heart for his recklessness. It was funny that Qin Tianxing did not find it suspicious that both of them did not have each others' contact details.

"It's my fault. I lost all of my contacts as my Emperor's Heart Ring was broken last year. I lost many of my friends' number," Hong Zhuang explained. Lin Huang now found out that Hong Zhuang was pretending to be his cousin. Since she managed to deceive the two Vice Presidents, that meant she had obtained a fake identity about him for herself.

Lin Huang was not in a hurry to expose her real identity. He wanted to know why Hong Zhuang was really there in the White Capital.

"I'll head to class now. Let's talk when we're free." Lin Huang ended the conversation as it was almost time for class. Although he had many questions for Hong Zhuang, he did not have the time to talk to her right now.

"Can I sit in your class if you don't mind?" It was clear that Hong Zhuang had managed to learn about the college rules within the short few days to come up with such a request.

"Sure, if you're willing to. Please don't make fun of me if I'm not good." Lin Huang nodded and accepted Hong Zhuang's request.

It was not even 1:50 p.m. Lin Huang brought Qin Tianxing and Hong Zhuang to the Class 2 Sword Dao class.

The students were familiar with Qin Tianxing as he was teaching Class 1 and he would always sit in during Lin Huang's class. However, they were curious when they saw Hong Zhuang, especially the boys in the class. They could not get their eyes off her svelte body. Meanwhile, the girls were gossiping among one another, guessing whether Hong Zhuang was Qin Tianxing's or Lin Huang's girlfriend or if they were in a love triangle. Some of the girls were coming up with absurd stories in their head...

"This is Miss Zhuang Hong. She's a teacher that we have just hired this week..."

"Miss Zhuang Hong is Sir Lin's cousin," Qin Tianxing added before Lin Huang could finish what he was saying. Hong Zhuang smiled lightly while Lin Huang was speechless. Hearing that Hong Zhuang was Lin Huang's cousin, many students started asking questions about Lin Huang's childhood since the class had yet to start. Hong Zhuang made up stories that never happened, including Lin Huang wetting in his bed until he was 11, being scared of bugs when he was already 13, and being beaten up by a petite girl sitting next to her in class when he was 12...

Besides the students, even Qin Tianxing was shocked to hear those stories. Lin Huang did not expect Hong Zhuang to use her fake identity to come up with these, but he did not bother to explain. He frowned as the stories she made up were getting more and more ridiculous.

"Alright, return to your seats. Class starts now!"

Lin Huang slammed on the podium when it was 2 p.m. sharp. The sudden impact turned the entire podium into dust, and a terrifying aura spread out in the classroom. The classroom became silent.

Chapter 526: A Tough Lady

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was 5 p.m. when the class ended, and the students left the classroom. However, Hong Zhuang remained sitting at the back of the classroom. She did not look like she was planning to leave.

"You guys should sit down and catch up since it's been a year since the last time the both of you saw each other. I shall make a move first!" Qin Tianxing said.

He then left immediately as he did not want to bother the both of them.

Seeing that Qin Tianxing had left, Lin Huang anchored his eyes on the classroom door and shut it immediately with Telekinesis. He then looked at Hong Zhuang solemnly.

"Alright, the top management staff of Purple Crow who risked her life by sealing her combat level to enter the White Capital, what is your intention of being here?"

"I'm here... To look for you, of course." Hong Zhuang's eyes lit up as she sensed Lin Huang's confidence that had grown over the year. She was even more interested in him now since he had experienced a significant change, especially the Telekinesis that he had just performed. He could not do that a year ago.

"Really? I'm using my own identity to join the Martial Hunter College. I've never disguised myself since day one. That means the Purple Crow would know that I've been teaching here since 1 September. It's the end of September now. You're only here after more than two and a half months. If you're here really here for me, you would've been here more than two months ago." Lin Huang knew very well that she was lying.

"I've been busy for the past two months. Didn't I come here for you once I had the time?" Hong Zhuang remained smiling.

"Where's your partner? Did he join the college as well?" Since Lin Huang changed the subject since he could not get anything out of her.

"This is my personal mission. Why would I bring any partners?" Hong Zhuang remained calm as she answered.

"You might be able to trick others but not me. The Purple Crow would send two persons even if it's a personal mission. Even if your partner isn't joining your mission, he would definitely be in the same foothold as you are."

Lin Huang knew the Purple Crow's rules very well whereby it was mandatory for two persons to be on the same mission. If it were a bigger mission, they would even bring teams of holy fire-level members. Even if it were a personal affair, the team would still consist of two persons. Basically, no matter where the partner was, the other person would follow, so it made sense for the other person to be in the same foothold.

"What if I told you that we've changed the rules in partnering? Would you believe me?" Hong Zhuang smirked.

"Who would believe that!?" Lin Huang thought to himself.

"Alright then, I shall change my question. Since you're here for me, tell me what you're here for," Lin Huang demanded after a moment of silence since he failed to get anything out of her.

"It's simple. We want you to join us." Hong Zhuang opened her arms wide, looking innocent.

"I refuse to. If that's your intention here, you can leave now." Lin Huang stared at her, hoping to look for any loopholes, but there was none.

"That's not possible. If you don't join us, I'll have to stay in the college to annoy you until... You come with me." Hong Zhuang winked at him.

"Your combat level is being sealed now. Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" Lin Huang squinted as he exuded a terrifying vibe.

"Please do that if you can, but think about the consequences..." Hong Zhuang turned around after glaring at Lin Huang.

"What a happy bunch of young kids, so full of energy..." She looked at the students downstairs.

Her threat was obvious. Lin Huang then retracted his aura. He knew very well what the Purple Crow was capable of doing. If he killed Hong Zhuang, all of the teachers and students might become the sacrifice that would end up being buried together with her dead body. Lin Huang soon noticed that Hong Zhuang was not the biggest threat. The biggest threat was her partner who was hiding somewhere that he was not aware of. There were also Purple Crow teams in the foothold that could destroy the White Capital.

Lin Huang had the thought of reporting her to the Union Government or the Hunter Association. However, the thought did not linger long in his mind. He knew that the Purple Crow would usually have two groups in every mission or even three groups when the mission was a big one. If group A's operation were interrupted, group B would be sent to cover them immediately. If group B were to be interrupted as well, group C would come and it would take one or two hours, at the most, to finish what group A and group B could not manage to complete. It was futile to report Hong Zhuang. As soon group A, which was probably led by her, noticed that something was wrong, they would retreat immediately and be replaced by group B that was hiding somewhere. By then, things could go out of hand as Lin Huang would not know who group B was even if they bumped into each other.

"Actually, it feels good to be a teacher. I've never attended college before. Although I've only been here for a couple of days, I've fallen in love with the environment here," Hong Zhuang said out of nowhere.

"These kids are completely different from those in the Purple Crow. They're much more pumped up. Sometimes, I feel young just by watching them."

"It's weird to hear that coming from you," Lin Huang teased.

"I don't want to interrupt your work here in the White Capital, but if you're targeting the college, I advise you to stop or else, you'll definitely regret!" He added.

"I've made it clear that I'm here for you. Why can't you just believe me?"

"I'm going for dinner now," Lin Huang interrupted Hong Zhuang.

"Oh, let's go! I'm hungry as well." Hong Zhuang stood up slowly.

"I don't feel hungry anymore. You go ahead yourself. I'm going to read at the library." Lin Huang helplessly turned around and headed to the entrance.

"Ah, I don't feel hungry anymore too. I shall head to the library." Hong Zhuang smiled at Lin Huang.

"You go ahead then. I'm going back to my dorm." Lin Huang walked out of the building, heading to the dorm, and Hong Zhuang followed.

"Can you stop following me? The library is in the other direction." Lin Huang stood still and glared at Hong Zhuang as he pointed at 10 o'clock from where they were.

"Nobody's following you. I'm going back to the dorm as well. We're going in the same direction." Hong Zhuang walked a few steps ahead and stopped.

"Oh yeah, my dorm is just next to yours. I got your neighbor to move out on Wednesday, so we're now neighbors. I'll be visiting you often!"

"This woman..." Lin Huang was speechless.

Chapter 527: Hong Zhuang's True Ability

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Instead of heading back to the dorm, Lin Huang went to battle training ground No. 101 directly after dinner. He called Mr. Fu immediately after locking the door. As Hong Zhuang was there, he could not ignore the threat that the Purple Crow might bring.

"My dear apprentice, what trouble are you in this time?" Mr. Fu knew Lin Huang well enough that he would not ask for help from anybody if he could solve the problem on his own.

"Uhh..." He was speechless by Mr. Fu's straightforwardness but he updated Mr. Fu about Hong Zhuang immediately.

"Oh, the Purple Crow's operation! I know a little bit about it. It's a game between them and the Union Government. There's no need for you to involve yourself in this; you won't be able to anyway," Mr. Fu smiled and said.

"Don't worry. It has nothing to do with the Martial Hunter College. Hong Zhuang must have used the teacher recruitment to enter the White Capital. She must be interested in you since she chose to join the college. That girl has great talent and ability. If you're interested in her, I could talk to the Purple Crow and try to matchmake the both of you." Mr. Fu grinned slyly.

"Please don't! I don't want that." Lin Huang waved his hands vigorously.

"Alright, be serious now. Luckily, you didn't do anything to her by taking advantage of her combat level being sealed. If you did, you would be dead by now. The leader of the Division 9 Purple Crow branch has a unique monster skill whereby he can perform aa pseudo seal on other people. It can unseal a person's combat level to his or her original combat level. Even a person who's on demigod-level would be able to find out about such a skill in close range.

"In reality, the immortal-level human used the same way to enter Haitian City last year. Without the skill, it was impossible to send his management staff into an A-grade foothold as it's very risky. The normal seal would take a couple of minutes to unseal. If the management staff entered the White Capital just by performing the normal seal, they would die immediately if any of them were exposed," Mr. Fu shared in all seriousness.

Lin Huang was dripping cold sweat when he heard about the pseudo seal.

"Also, Hong Zhuang isn't as simple as you think. She has become the Purple Crow's core member in Division 7. I heard from the Purple Crow headquarters that they're planning to train her to become a Crow Spirit..."

"A core member... Crow Spirit..." Lin Huang was fixated on the two keywords.

As he had been to the Purple Crow training camp, he knew what the two terms meant. There was no elders or executives in the Purple Crow. The core members referred to the core group of the organization. Members who desired to become a core member of each branch in each division would have to be at least an imperial-level. It was the basic standard. Most of them were at least immortal-level rank-9; there were hardly any of them who was a rank below.

Since Hong Zhuang had managed to become a core member, that meant even if she was not imperial-level now, she had the ability to fight imperial-levels by herself!

Meanwhile, the Crow Spirit was like the Holy Son in the Saint organization and Virgen in the heretics.

They were deemed the highest level in the organization and were on the same level as the Crow Leader in the Purple Crow headquarters. However, the Crow Spirit did not have the authority that the Crow Leader commanded.

Of course, Lin Huang got another piece of information from what Mr. Fu said.

"So, you mean they have at least two imperial-level core members in this operation? Looking at their usual formation, they'll have at least ten immortal-levels and up to a hundred holy fire-levels... What are they trying to do?!"

"Not two, but four core members. I have no idea about the formation," Mr. Fu shook his head and corrected him.

"Don't involve yourself in this. Just pretend that Hong Zhuang isn't here. Just do whatever you do as usual. As long as you don't offend them, they won't do anything to you," Mr. Fu cautioned in all seriousness.

"I understand." Lin Huang went silent for a moment and nodded.

"Oh yeah, I have something up these few days, so I might leave Division 7 for a couple of days. Take care of yourself when I'm not around. If I could, I wouldn't leave during this period of time. Division 7 has been chaotic recently. With your abilities, you'll get yourself killed if you offend someone by accident. Especially when it comes to a major organization like this, even an imperial-level person could barely do anything," Mr. Fu sighed.

Lin Huang fell into deep thought as he hung up the phone. Mr. Fu was adamant that it was just a game that the Purple Crow and the Union Government was playing. It had nothing to do with the Martial Hunter College or himself. However, Mr. Fu refused to reveal what was the Purple Crow's intention as he did not want Lin Huang to get involved in this.

"Never mind then. I shan't overthink since it's not a threat to the Martial Hunter College." Lin Huang decided not to dwell on it.

However, he was worried that the Purple Crow would harm Lin Xin if her identity were exposed since Hong Zhuang was in the college now. Lin Huang thought about it and put on Ye Xiu's Emperor's Heart Ring to send Lin Xin a message.

"Someone from the Purple Crow has gotten into the college. Let's not contact each other at the moment. Don't come to my dorm. Pretend that you don't know me if we see each other. Also, don't tell anybody about this. Delete this message after reading it!"

"Shouldn't we inform the dean?" Lin Xin replied soon, aware that it was Lin Huang's other identity.

"No, I'll handle that," Lin Huang responded. He knew that the more he revealed, the more Lin Xin would overthink and that might bring unnecessary trouble.

He was relieved as Lin Xin did not reply anymore. He then started practicing his sword skills after deleting the messages that he had sent Lin Xin.

He ignored Hong Zhuang completely for the next two to three days. He would go to the library in the day and practice his sword skills at night as usual. Hong Zhuang followed him wherever he went every day, but Lin Huang ignored her existence and read his books. Luckily, she would disappear at night, probably to handle Purple Crow matters and did not interrupt his practice.

"Your sister is such a control freak!" Qin Tianxing commented after seeing them together all the time for the past few days, which irritated Lin Huang. If it were not for him bringing Hong Zhuang to the office the other day, this would not have happened.

On the fourth morning, Lin Huang was relieved as Hong Zhuang did not follow him this time. Qin Tianxing was having breakfast when Lin Huang got to the canteen, and he waved at Lin Huang immediately. Lin Huang then sat across him with his breakfast.

"Isn't your sister with you today?" He asked.

"No, I think she has some stuff to do." Lin Huang guessed that the operation was starting soon.

"Oh yeah, there's an update on the purge the Union Government performed towards the Saint that you asked me to keep an eye on for you earlier," Qin Tianxing said as he munched on a fried bun.

"What update?!" Lin Huang lifted his head immediately.

"The hiding place of the Saint's first and second elders were exposed today at 6 a.m. The Union organizations are performing the last kill now!"

Chapter 528: Kylie's Mini World

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Why does the exposure of the two Saint elders coincide with the Purple Crow's operation?" Lin Huang fell into deep thought after hearing what Qin Tianxing said.

"Hong Zhuang isn't here today. The Purple Crow's operation must have something to do with the Saint! What do they want from the Saint? Or maybe they're attacking the Union Government's headquarter when it's empty..."

Lin Huang had his mind occupied with what Hong Zhuang and the Purple Crow could be up to. He was absolutely distracted when he was reading in the library. When it was around 10:30 a.m, Kylie's voice came to his mind.

"It's settled."

Her message was short and sweet. It was clear that the triple mutation and the awakening of her bloodline did not change her cold attitude.

"I'll recall the both of you if you're sure that everything has been done," Lin Huang informed before recalling them.

"Everything's done." It was Bai who replied.

Lin Huang recalled the two Monster Cards after hearing Bai's reply. He finally managed to distract himself from the mystery of the Purple Crow. However, he felt an invisible pressure from the Purple Crow's operation. It also triggered him to want to be more powerful. He was irritated by the thought that he might be killed anytime. However, since he had just leveled up to white flame-level, his Life Fire was still unstable. He could not level up his combat level within a month. He would have to look for alternatives to upgrade his abilities. He then looked at his Monster Skills slots. There were still eight empty slots out of twenty slots.

"Besides Lancelot and Thunder, all of the cards have been leveled up to legendary-level. Besides Dark Shield, the remaining Monster Skills in my body have been transformed. I'm only left with the Mighty Ape, the Frost Flame Ape and the two Dark Crescent Snakes whose skills have yet to be extracted... Let's see if there's anything that's useful."

Lin Huang then placed the four cards in front of him and went through the skills one by one.

"The Mighty Ape's Superhuman Strength and Warrior Body are pretty cool. They can increase my body strength tremendously. The Frost Flame Ape's Frost Flame isn't bad, but it's not very useful for me. Its Frost Armor is redundant to me as well since I already have Absolute Defence and Dark Shield... The Dark Crescent Snake's Crescent Flame isn't too shabby either, but it doesn't suit my style..."

He was only satisfied with the Mighty Ape's skills after looking at the four monsters thoroughly. It would be great if he could possess more Monster Skills. However, as he only had a limit of eight savant slots for Monster Skills, he had to get rid of whatever was not useful to him. It was better to declutter instead of keeping stuff that one did not need even if it was free.

Besides the Mighty Ape, Lin Huang recalled the other three Monster Cards and summoned Kylie. To avoid attention from the skill extraction, he got Kylie to bring him into the isolation space where the Starlight Beasts were. He detected a major change as soon as he entered the space with Kylie. There were endless meadows before, but now there were meadows, forests, mountains, and rivers... It had changed completely.

Lin Huang was stunned at the change and only snapped out of it after a while.

"Did you do all these?" Lin Huang asked Kylie.

"It's my mini world now. I can change it however I want it." Kylie nodded.

Lin Huang had read about the concept of mini-worlds in novels before, but it was his first time witnessing one. After Kylie's revamp on the place, the mini world looked the same as the real world except that it had no creatures.

"Wait... What's that?" Just when Lin Huang was thinking that there should be no other creature than Starlight Beasts here, he saw a giant beast which seemed to be running away from a predator.

"A Black Tusk Elephant. Bai and I brought it in here. Our army needs food." Kylie's reply was simple.

"I'll need to hunt for more food for them after this batch of food is finished," she said after a pause.

Lin Huang realized that he had overlooked the point that Kylie's army consisted of normal monsters that were not in card forms. Unlike Kylie, they needed food to survive.

"Sure, just let me know ahead. I'll bring you wherever you need to go," Lin Huang replied.

"Although the Black Tusk Elephant is huge, you have more than 300 monsters in your army. That should last them for only a couple of days."

"Bai and I brought back all seven holy fire-level monsters from the Meteorite Desert. That should be enough to feed them for half a month," Kylie replied without any expression.

Lin Huang was surprised to hear that she and Bai had captured all the Transcendent-level monsters in the Meteorite Desert. In such a huge desert, it had been downgraded from a moderate danger zone to a grade-4 wild zone just because Kylie's army needed food. He was not sure if he should laugh at that.

"The most powerful holy fire-level monsters that you and Bai captured should be at least purple flame-level... What's the combat level of the Starlight Beasts after they evolved? Can they kill purple flame-level monsters?"

"They're the same as me. They're all gold flame-level. Their combat level will grow together with mine. They're kind of like... clones," Kylie replied shockingly.

Just as Kylie said this, a couple of monsters in silver armor flew across the sky and caught up with the Black Tusk Elephant in an instant. The monsters looked exactly like Kylie before she had completed her triple mutation. The only difference was their size. Suddenly, one of them flung its purple spear into the air. The spear was transformed into a purple lightning rod and pierced through the 50-meter thick Black Tusk Elephant's skull. It died on the spot, brain juice and blood spilling all over the place.

After the Nephilic Judges killed the elephant, they soon noticed Kylie and Lin Huang, then ran over to them immediately.

"Master." They bowed their heads, standing ten meters before Kylie.

"Don't bother us. Go do your own stuff." Kylie waved her hand, behaving very much like a queen.

"Yes!" The Nephilic Judges left with the Black Tusk Elephant immediately.

Lin Huang could sense how powerful the Nephilic Judges were when they had gotten closer earlier. It was a powerful army. A single Nephilic Judge alone might be able to kill an immortal-level rank-1. His passion surged as he thought about Kylie's army that was made of more than 300 monsters. He was one step closer to his dream of building a monster army!

He then recalled his intention of getting Kylie to bring him into this mini world.

"Xiao Hei, extract the skill now!" Lin Huang instructed Xiao Hei as he looked at the Mighty Ape Monster Card that he held in his hand.

"Performing skill extraction... Randomly picking a skill... Skill extraction has been completed!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained the skill - Warrior Body!"

Chapter 529: The Second Skill Extraction

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Congratulations, you have obtained the skill - Warrior Body!"

Just when the notification came in, Lin Huang felt a change in his strength. It clearly came from the Warrior Body skill that he had just obtained. As he sensed his body thoroughly, he was surprised to find out that the skill matched the Undefeatable Warrior that Mr. Fu had given him earlier. He thought the upgrade in his body strength was not efficient ever since he leveled up to Transcendent, so he desired this skill intensely. It seemed like the skill had exceeded his expectations.

"This skill is awesome!" He nodded in satisfaction and looked at the remaining seven vacant skill slots.

"I'm only left with seven slots, but I have twelve Skill Extraction Cards. It's not enough for me!"

He then looked at the detailed description on the Skill Extraction Cards.

"Skill Extraction Card: Once activated, you can randomly extract a skill from a Monster Card.

"Remark 1: The skill extraction will exclude the skills that you have extracted before.

"Remark 2: You can only use this once on each Monster Card.

"Remark 3: The activation will not affect any of the skills that the Monster Card possesses.

"Remark 4: Please do not activate this card if you don't have any vacant slots! If you do, the extracted skill using the Skill Extraction Card will disappear if there're no vacant slots within 24 hours. A second extraction of the same Monster Card is prohibited after that."

"Hmm, a random extraction again and only once for each Monster Card... That means if there's one particular skill that I want, I won't have the opportunity to obtain it anymore if I don't get that skill during the extraction," Lin Huang frowned as he thought.

The Skill Extraction Card was the card that he had always desired as he wanted to extract skills from some Monster Cards that he owned. For instance, Charcoal's Element Immunity, Bloody's Supreme Intelligence, Ghastly's Deceptive and Spiritual secret skills were skills that he desired.

"I have so few vacant skill slots..." Lin Huang mumbled to himself as he looked at the remaining seven slots. He would have to pick wisely for the skill extraction. The first Monster Card that he took out was Charcoal. Element Immunity was a skill that he lusted for as he looked through Charcoal's skills. It was already at an advanced level now where it could provide 99% immunity to elemental damages.

Aside from increasing Lin Huang's survival ability tremendously, the skill would also give him the advantage whenever he was fighting close-range with a person who was talented in elemental attacks. Just like his encounter with the Fiery Swordfiend earlier, it was difficult for him to fight it at a close distance as he would be burnt. However, with Element Immunity, it would not be an issue anymore. He would not need to worry about getting burnt. All he needed to do was to slash the monster with his sword.

Naturally, aside from Element Immunity, the Draconic secret skill, Dragon Power, and Dragon Realm were great additions too. He would be happy to extract any of the skills. Lin Huang then crushed the Skill Extraction Card after some thought.

"Targeted Monster Card - Charcoal.

"Activating skill extraction... Excluding Absolute Defence... Randomly extracting a skill... Random extraction has been completed!

"Congratulations, you have obtained the skill - Elemental Immunity!"

"Elemental Immunity!" Lin Huang was ecstatic to hear that since it was the skill that he wanted.

"Elemental Immunity (Advanced): Passive skill, 99% immune to most elemental attacks."

It took him a while to get over his excitement after reading the skill's detailed description. He then recalled Charcoal and took out the second Monster Card, which was Bai, and laid out his second Skill Extraction Card at the same time.

The skill that he desired most from Bai was the Blood secret skill. As he already had Vampire Particles, if he obtained the Blood secret skill, he would not have to spend time figuring out how to use Vampire Particles. Instead, he could just use the Vampire Particles directly like how Bai did. He crushed the second Skill Extraction Card immediately.

"Targeted Monster Card - Bai.

"Activating skill extraction... Excluding Vampire Particles... Randomly extracting a skill... Random extraction has been completed!

"Congratulations, you have obtained the skill - Holy Power!"

"Oh!" Lin Huang was surprised when he found out that Holy Power was extracted.

"It seems like I'm still not European. It was just a coincidence that I obtained the Elemental Immunity just now."

Although it was not the Blood secret skill that he wanted, Holy Power was a great skill as well. Once the skill was activated, many would fear him. It was a pretty cool skill.

He got over it as he thought about that. He took out Bloody's card together with his third Skill Extraction Card after recalling Bai's card. What Lin Huang desired the most from Bloody was Supreme Intelligence. His Leech Pods had now been upgraded to the Parasitic secret skill as Bloody had leveled up. He had all of the parasitic skills that Bloody possessed. Therefore, besides Supreme Intelligence, there was nothing else that he wanted.

He then crushed the third Skill Extraction.

"Targeted Monster Card - Bloody.

"Activating skill extraction... Excluding Parasitic secret skill... Randomly extracting a skill... Random extraction has been completed!

"Congratulations, you have obtained the skill - Absolute Control!"

"What the hell?" Lin Huang was annoyed when he heard Xiao Hei's notification.

Absolute Control was a skill to boost parasitic control. To be honest, the skill was useful to Bloody but not to Lin Huang. He did not have such a powerful brain as Bloody did. If he was to control a creature, the most he could was one or two at a time. The skill was not useful for a wider coverage of parasites. Unlike Supreme Intelligence, Bloody could control tens of thousands of monsters with the Absolute Control skill.

Out of three extractions, Lin Huang had only gotten one skill that he was satisfied with. He was thinking if he should wash his face. Then, he took out Ghastly's card and the fourth Skill Extraction Card after recalling Bloody. Ghastly had Supreme Intelligence in its list of skills as well.

"It'd better be Supreme Intelligence this time! If not, I wouldn't mind getting the Deceptive or Spirit secret skill," Lin Huang mumbled to himself as he read the skills descriptions at the back of the card.

"Targeted Monster Card - Ghastly.

"Activating skill extraction... Excluding Doll secret skill... Randomly extracting a skill... Random extraction has been completed!

"Congratulations, you have obtained the skill - Telekinesis!"

"I've already gotten Demonic Telepathy. Why would I need this Telekinesis?! Isn't it just a repetition? Xiao Hei, I think there's someone pranking me behind your Skill Extraction machine. I'm protesting!"

"I'm glad to hear your customer feedback, but there's nothing that I can do!" Xiao Hei replied.


"However, I could give you a helpful suggestion. Integrate all the similar skills so that you can get more skill slots."

"That's right. Since they're both the same skills, I should be able to integrate them so that I can extract one more skill." Xiao Hei's suggestion calmed Lin Huang down. He then took out a Skill Combination Card immediately.

"Activate Skill Combination Card!"

"There's only one set of skills to be integrated."

"Integrate psychic skills: Telekinesis, Demonic Telepathy"

"Are you sure you want to integrate them?"

"Please do." Lin Huang nodded.

"Skill Combination Card has been consumed. Monster Skills Telekinesis and Demonic Telepathy have been consumed. Producing new Skill Card...

"Congratulations, you have obtained a new psychic card: Divine Telekinesis (Pseudo)

"Divine Telekinesis (Pseudo): A powerful telekinesis that only demigods can activate, comes with all telekinesis functions.

"Remark 1: The strength of telekinesis depends on the user's spiritual strength.

"Remark 2: Can be used together with Holy Power for better boost.

Lin Huang was not completely surprised as he looked at the new Skill Card. He looked at the card thoroughly and tried using it. It took him a while to calm down from his excitement.

"Sigh, it would be perfect to have Supreme Intelligence. My spirit strength could get a boost as well as the strength of this Divine Telekinesis..."

He then proceeded with the skill extraction, full of disappointment.

Soon, the skill extraction ended. Lin Huang obtained the Purification Light from Kylie and Enhanced Regeneration from Tyrant. He used another Skill Combination Card to integrate the Demonic Regeneration with the Enhanced Regeneration. He obtained Divine Regeneration (Pseudo), which was a surprise to him. He got a useless skill, Revival, from Sanguine. He had extracted skills seven times in total. However, due to the two skill integrations, he was left with two out of seven vacant slots. He decided to save the two slots for Lancelot and the Regal Sword Killer.

After extracting the skills, Lin Huang then looked at his personal exclusive card.

"Host: Lin Huang

"Gender: Male

"Age: 16

"Combat Strength: White Flame-Level

"Inheritance: Demigod's brain, One Page Sword Scripture

"Secret Skills: Superhuman Strength, Seraphic Speed, Substitute, Medium Territory, Demon Hand

"Sword Skills: Star Dome, Wildfire, Thunder Sting, Great Sword Scripture, Hundred Flowing Blades, Mountain Blade...

"Gunfighting Technique: Thunderstorm, Sandstorm, Torrent...

"Movement Skill: Thunder Steps, Cloud Steps, Spectral Snowsteps

"Minor: Fatal Tactics, Heaven's Wrath, Omniscient Nature

"Monster Skills: Divine Telekinesis (Pseudo), Divine Regeneration (Pseudo), Holy Power, Element Immunity, Absolute Control, Purification Light, Revival, Warrior Body, Vampire Particles, Advanced Disguise, Immense Strength, Parasitic secret skill, Absolute Defence, Lightning Control, Dark Shield, Doll secret skill, Punishment, Witchcraft)

"Summon Authority: Activated (Legendary Level)

"Available Number of Summons: 10

"Remarks: Considered on his way to proper cultivation."

Chapter 530: The Ugly Truth

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the skill extraction was completed, Lin Huang did not stay any further in Kylie's mini world. He recalled her after she sent him back to the library. He then walked out of the library cubicle like nothing had happened as he proceeded to read. Hong Zhuang did not appear at all during the day. After dinner, Lin Huang went to battle training ground No.101 alone as usual to train with Bai.

His Emperor's Heart Ring vibrated when it was past 11 p.m. It was a notice from the Union Government.

"The Union organizations led by the Division 7 Union Government branch has killed all Saint members in Division 7 at 10:58 p.m. tonight. "The operation took a total of 49 days. The Union organizations have destroyed the Saints' headquarter and 67 branches in Division 7. More than 130,000 Saint members have been killed, including the first and second elders in Division 7 and more than 300 Transcendent-levels..."

"They even killed the first and second elders!"

The Union organizations' operation surprised Lin Huang as he never thought that they would kill the elders who were relatively unimportant. Those who were sitting on top or even the senior members would know the secrets of the headquarters and would usually leave whenever there was a crisis. However, Lin Huang soon noticed that there was something fishy behind it.

The Union Government had only mentioned the first and second elders getting killed but not any of the other elders. That could possibly mean that none of the other elders were captured. If that were true, it would be fishy. If the other elders managed to escape, theoretically, the first and second elders should have been able to escape as well.

Lin Huang estimated that the first and second elders were sent out as sacrificial lambs. The Saints knew very well that the Division 7 Union Government would not give up just like that if they did not do so. If the matter were brought up to the Union Government in the core zone, the purge would not only involve Division 7 alone. What the Saints did was to wipe their record clean with the Union Government.

"Such a bold plan! The messenger of the Saints must be someone powerful!" Lin Huang exclaimed.

He knew how the organization worked and he was clear about the fact that the highest member was not the first elder, but the messenger. However, most people did not know that about the underground organization. They thought that the first elder was the leader of the organization in Division 7, hence to them, killing the first elder would be the end of it. The Union Government did not plan to explain further on that as they would hope the people would have such a misunderstanding.

"I remember Wu Fa mentioning that the one who was burnt in the Mist Forest was the second elder's grandson. Now that the second elder is dead, it seems like I don't have to worry that anyone from the Saints will come for me anymore." Lin Huang recalled Wu Fa mentioning the second elder to him. Now that the second elder was dead, everything was over.

"Looking at the notice, the Saint elders and some of the core staff must have left Division 7 since the beginning. The Union Government's operation should have gotten rid of the Saint's base in Division 7 and there's no way for the Saints to rise any time soon. Whether they'll rise again in the future... The other underground organizations must take advantage of the opportunity to take over the Saints' territories. Once the territories are wiped out as well as the resources, many businesses will be replaced. It'll be difficult for them to make a comeback."

The more Lin Huang analyzed the situation, the more relieved he was as he recalled the things that the Saints had done. He recalled the first encounter with a Saint member last year with the team which Du Feng had led and with the lady called Liang Qian.

"Liang Qian will be happy to hear about this..."

As he thought about Liang Qian, Lin Huang looked down at his left arm. He shook his left arm softly, and a black metal box the size of half a palm slipped out from his sleeve. There was a conical cube sitting in there. It was the ruins key that he had gotten from a Saint member last year.

"Since the Saints have left Division 7, I shall find time to visit this ruins soon and see what I will find." He closed the cover slowly after looking at the key for a while. He then summoned Kylie and got her to bring the box to her mini world. Since the box could not be kept in his storage space, he had been bringing this box around with him for the past year.

It was almost 11:30 p.m. He then recalled Kylie and Bai since he did not have the mood to train anymore. He left the battle training ground for his dorm and went to bed after he took a shower. He was rolling in his bed and could not sleep, so he then started reading the news on the Heart Network.

All the websites were talking about the Union Government's purge on the Heart Network. Most of them were complimenting the Union Government and the Union organizations. The people bombarded discussions and forwarded news on social media platforms. Lin Huang thought they were too many people in this world who did not sleep normal hours. It was already past midnight, but the Heart Network was still chaotic.

It proved that most of the people did not know about the Saints organizational frame and thought that the first elder was the leader. Nobody saw anything fishy behind this. Some of the people who could see the truth to it chose not to say anything. The Union Government took this advantage to win themselves a favorable rating. To Lin Huang, what the Union Government did was understandable as they had really put in the effort to kill many Saint members. If they did not do that, the Saints would still be carrying on with their ridiculous doings. Moreover, it was apparent that the Saints had left Division 7. Whether they left on their own after sending the elders to be sacrificed or whether they were being chased after, the fact that there were no more Saint members in Division 7 remained. No matter to the Union organizations or the people, it was a big victory.

However, as Lin Huang scrolled through one of the social media platforms, he saw a person's post revealing the truth. It said that the Saint leader was not the first elder but the messenger was. It even wrote about the two elders just being a sacrifice. There were only a couple of users who shared that post but many bombarded the user with negative comments.

"Not sure if this guy is trying to tell the truth or he's from another underground organization that's creating a scene." Although what the user wrote was the truth, Lin Huang could not tell the real intention behind this.

"Theuglytruth... This username..." Lin Huang chuckled and shook his head when he saw the person's user ID. Just when he was going to turn off the page, 'theuglytruth' released another post. Lin Huang peeked at it and could not keep his eyes off it.

"In the following three days, two underground organizations will fight the Union Government together. Location: The White Capital!" The post wrote.

Chapter 531: A Prophet?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang raised an eyebrow when he saw the post published by 'theuglytruth'. As Mr. Fu had reminded him in their video call earlier, the Purple Crow had been up to something with the Union Government in White Capital recently. However, the user had said that there would be two underground organizations going against the Union Government in the White Capital. Lin Huang suspected that the user might be telling the truth.

"What does this person know?" Lin Huang started reading the older posts that 'theuglytruth' had posted.

"The registration date of this user is 28 September and the first post was published on 30 September. That's the day before the Martial Hunter College's assessment for the new students..."

"The Martial Hunter College will be attacked by the heretics in the following days!" That was the user's first post. There were only three persons who commented on that post, saying that the user had predicted it wrong.

The second post was published on 3 October, the day before the Union Government announced war on the Saint organization.

"The Union Government will announce a war against the Saints and fight them together with the other Union organizations!"

Many people forwarded it and commented on the post, gushing about how the prediction was finally accurate.

The third post was published on October 4, after the Union Government announced the war.

"The Saint's core members will leave Division 7 entirely and two core members will remain as scapegoats."

"This fella predicted that one and a half months ago?!" Lin Huang frowned after he read that.

The fourth post was published just now, past 11 p.m. after the Union Government had posted the notice. The user revealed that the first and second elders that were killed were just scapegoats for the Saints. The fifth post was a prediction about the war that would break out in the White Capital. Lin Huang read it thoroughly and realized that besides the first post that had been wrongly predicted, all the subsequent posts actually came true while the last one was still unconfirmed. In reality, the first prediction was not entirely wrong as the Saint really did disguise as the heretics and attacked the Martial Hunter College.

"Is this really a prophet or a game played by an underground organization?" Lin Huang could not tell but he thought the latter was more likely. The person must have gotten some information from the black market and released the news on purpose for some unknown reason. It also proved that the person had advanced access in the black market.

After some hesitation, Lin Huang commented anonymously, "Then, do you know which two underground organizations will fight the Union Government?"

Lin Huang waited for a while after commenting. It was almost 12.30 p.m. Seeing that there was no reply, he then shut down the page and went to bed. The next morning, there was a notification on his Emperor's Heart Ring, so he turned it on casually.

The social media platform, Surf Net, that he was looking at last night popped out. He saw a reply from 'theuglytruth' on the post that he had commented on.

"It has something to do with the Saints." The reply was sent at 1 a.m.

"It seems like the person really does know something..." Based on the person's reply, Lin Huang was sure that the person knew what was happening.

Humans would always be curious about the unknown. Lin Huang was eager to ask the person which organization would be fighting together with the Purple Crow. However, he recalled that Mr. Fu had asked him not to get involved in the matter, so he switched off the page forcefully.

Just when he was ready to head out for breakfast after washing up, he saw Hong Zhuang standing not far from his door. She was wearing a t-shirt with a cartoon rabbit print and short jeans with a dark blue trench coat. The trench coat was less than 10 centimeters longer than her jeans, displaying her long legs.

"Morning! Did you miss me?" Hong Zhuang smiled at him seductively as he opened the door.

"No," Lin Huang gave a determined answer.

"You're cold as usual," Hong Zhuang complained but she soon smiled again.

"Aren't you curious about where I went yesterday?"

"No, it has nothing to do with me." Lin Huang looked at her sternly and walked towards the canteen.

"Weren't you curious about why I'm here in the White Capital? Why are you not interested anymore? Did you hear about it from somewhere else?" Hong Zhuang followed him. She sounded like she was testing Lin Huang.

"I don't have the time to do that. It's your business even if you're bombing the Union Government. I won't be questioning you as long as it has nothing to do with the Martial Hunter College."

"Alright then, I understand now." Hong Zhuang was satisfied with his answer. Although she had no idea what he might know, at least she knew that Lin Huang would not intervene in her operation.

"Hmm, why do I sense that your vibe is even more powerful now after a day?" Hong Zhuang asked as she trailed after Lin Huang.

"It's all in your head." Lin Huang's heart skipped a beat when he heard that but he turned around to glare at Hong Zhuang without an expression.

She did not say anything but she looked at Lin Huang suspiciously. It was clear that she sensed the changes in him but she could not tell what it was.

"What secrets are you hiding? I really want to know," she thought to herself as she licked her lips after Lin Huang turned back to walk ahead.

When they got to the canteen, Lin Huang got his breakfast and sat down at an empty table. Soon, Hong Zhuang sat across him with her breakfast. Lin Huang ignored her and proceeded to eat his meal. A while later, Qin Tianxing joined them.

"Good morning, Miss Zhuang and Sir Lin!" Qin Tianxing shamelessly sat next to Hong Zhuang after greeting the both of them.

"Good morning, Sir Qin!" Hong Zhuang did not seem like she minded that as she smiled at him while eating her bread.

"Did you guys see the news? The Saints have been completely wiped out! I personally think that all of the underground organizations should die! After killing the Saints, the next should be the Purple Crow!" Qin Tianxing discussed the hot topic with sheer excitement.

"Brother, can you not? The Purple Crow's soon-to-be Crow Spirit is just sitting on your right!" Lin Huang screamed internally. He thought Qin Tianxing must be a dead man to Hong Zhuang now.

"The Purple Crow is the same as the Saints. None of them are good. If I see any of them, I'll definitely kill them." Qin Tianxing seemed to be showing off his male ego in front of Hong Zhuang. He could not stop talking about the underground organization.

Lin Huang peeked at Hong Zhuang but she seemed calm. What Qin Tianxing was talking about seemed to have nothing to do with her...

Chapter 532: The Underworld of The White Capital

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the middle of the night, there were purple and red full moons in the sky. The world was veiled in a mysterious color under the moonlight. It was late, and the crowded White Capital was now quiet. Although the lights were shining brightly, there was nobody on the street. However, not everybody was sleeping at such an hour. Some people were still working hard. Not many people in the White Capital knew that there was an underworld hiding hundreds of meters under the massive city.

Outside an underground building in the White Capital were holy fire-level guards and patrol squads issuing a stern warning that no outsiders were allowed in. The building was like a giant metal beast that was tempered from a special metal into the design of a creature. It seemed like the perfect existence in the underworld which did not seem absurd at all as it gave one the feeling that it had existed since tens of thousands of years ago.

The black glass material on the surface of the building blocked out all the light from the outside. From the outside, it looked like the entire building was completely black. However, the inside of the building was as bright as day. In a room, there were two dead male bodies lying stark naked on two white beds. One had silver hair and was skinny and old. Meanwhile, the other one was big with dark hair and a beard. He looked like a hunk.

The two dead bodies belonged to the first and second elders of the Saints. Both of their skulls were cut open, displaying their greyish-white brains. A middle-aged woman wearing a white contamination suit was standing less than a meter from the second elder's head. She was observing his brain, and black sigils were rotating quickly in her eyes. A while later, she closed her eyes slowly and walked out of the room.

"How is it?" Men in suits walked to her as she opened the door. The leader was a lanky, middle-aged man who was more than two meters tall. He had a mustache on his face that seemed like he had not shaved for days as he looked at the woman in anticipation. The woman took off her contamination suit, revealing her long, black dress.

"I'm sorry, I could only retrieve information other than the demigod's knowledge. It seems like someone has erased the memory of the demigod from their brains." The woman smiled awkwardly.

"Again..." The tall man frowned. He seemed to be disappointed by the result.

"Zhou Ju, are the rest the same as well?" The woman asked.

"Yes. Besides you, we have hired 13 people who are experts in retrieving memories and tens of professionals in brain research for the past two days. There's no progress in the sealed memory zone at all." The middle-aged man was still frowning.

"If there's no progress, we'll have to get the experts to further examine Lu Yuan's brain..."

The woman nodded as she knew that any further examination might destroy the brain.

"Let me extract the memories that I've retrieved. Maybe there's something that's useful to you."

"Please do." The middle-aged man named Zhou Ju nodded.

"Bring Madam Wang for the data collection," he then said to the man in the suit next to him.

"Madam Wang, please follow me."

Lao Zhou frowned as he looked at the two dead bodies behind the glass as the duo left.

"Why is it always like that when it comes to information about the demigod? Could this really be the data isolation?" He mumbled to himself.

"I still think the concept of data isolation is just ridiculous. If nobody can access the demigod information, then where did the Saints get it from? I think the Saint must have deleted the memory of the demigod in these two sacrifices, that's why we can't retrieve anything." A man in a suit who was in his 20s opened the wrapping of a lollipop that he retrieved from his storage space as he spoke casually.

Lao Zhou glared at him because he was interrupted as he was just going to speak.

"Do you want one?" The man in the suit passed him another lollipop.

"Wu Sheng! We're working now. Please be serious!" Lao Zhou scowled at him.

"You know I have low blood glucose levels and I can't work if I don't eat candy." Wu Sheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Who are you blaming since you could've actually cured this by entering the bloody sugar correction pod years ago?" Lao Zhou scolded.

"You know I hate doctors. I'd want to break the heads of those in the white coats. If I see them in their white coats and glasses, I might not be able to stop myself from killing them... You know very well that this is the side effects of what happened. There's nothing that I could do to control myself..." Wu Sheng shrugged again.

"You can buy the blood sugar correction pod online. There's no need to go to the hospital. What excuse is this?!" Lao Zhou knew what Wu Sheng meant by the side effects but it was obvious that he was trying to distract him.

"Nope, it's too troublesome. I think God wants me to eat more candy, that's why he gave me this illness. Why should I cure it? It's such a wonderful thing to be able to eat candy whenever and wherever I want!" Wu Sheng declined him again.


Lao Zhou and the rest gave up on their attempt to stop Wu Sheng from eating too much sugar since he was full of nonsense anyway.

"Oh yeah, please be on alert, you guys. The black market has been too quiet these few days. The underground organizations might be coming up with something. Beware," Lao Zhou changed the topic.

"It may not be necessary that something is happening. Maybe our attack towards the Saints the past few days scared the black market. Many underground organizations are afraid that we might target them next, so they're hiding." Wu Sheng thought that Lao Zhou was being too sensitive.

"Moreover, there are 33 floors here. Even if any of the organizations wanted the two dead bodies, how would they know which floor we're on? Unless... There's a spy among us."

"Never underestimate the underground organizations. Some of them are so powerful that they're no less than the Scarborough Workshop. They might even be more powerful!" Lao Zhou looked at Wu Sheng knowingly when he mentioned the Scarborough Workshop.

"The Scarborough Workshop... Don't tell me where these people are hiding right now!" Wu Sheng's pupils shrunk as he clenched his teeth.

Chapter 533: Building 33

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Two days ago, in the middle of the night, in an old, dim warehouse in the eastern suburb of the White Capital, three people appeared out of nowhere when there was usually hardly anyone.

The three of them wore black robes that had no logos on them. They hid their faces under the hood. Under the dim light, their masks under the hood could be faintly seen.

"Let's wait for a while. The Purple Crow will be here soon." The leader's voice was gentle and deep under the voice-modulating shell. The other two persons stood there without saying a thing as they waited patiently. Soon, another four people appeared in the warehouse. The four of them were dressed the same as the three. They were wearing black robes with hoods and masks of different designs on their faces.

"Alright, since everyone is here, let's get straight to business," the gentle voice was heard again.

Among the Purple Crow members, the man standing on the second left spoke, "What I heard is that the Union Government has brought Gong Sunhai and Lu Yuan to Building 33, but I'm not sure which floor they're on. Nobody knows that at the moment." His voice was also deep but was huskier than the leader's voice.

"In reality, aside from the first floor, we have no idea where the remaining 32 floors are at."

Building 33 was the Union Government's underground department that was scattered everywhere in 33 different locations beneath the White Capital. Although the depths of the levels were different, the floors were not arranged according to the depth of ground but to the build order instead. Aside from the first floor that was under the Union Government's office building, the remaining 32 floors were scattered everywhere under the White Capital where nobody can pinpoint. Only some of the top management in the Union Government know where the exact locations of the 32 floors are and a couple of them were privy to where the bodies of the two Saints elders were hidden.

"That's not a problem. We've found someone who knows the locations of Building 33 these few days. It's not difficult to get him to tell us the building's exact location. I'll try to find out which floor the two elders are on," the gentle voice spoke and looked at the four of them.

"Have you guys tracked the number of guardians?"

"Yes, there are six of them on imperial-level in the White Capital now. However, aside from the six families including the Shangguan and the Li families that we know of, there are at least two powerful humans of the same level. Therefore, there are at least eight imperial-level guardians in the White Capital and that's just an estimation." It was a voice that was slightly high-pitched. Although the person used a voice-modulating shell, it was not difficult to distinguish that it was a lady.

"I heard that the one guarding Building 33 are their director, Zhou Xiong, and deputy director, Wu Sheng. I'll try to distract two of the eight imperial-level humans these two days. But the most I can take care of are those two, or else, the Union Government might suspect that something is wrong," the husky voice added.

"Do you mean Zhou Xiong and Wu Sheng..." The gentle voice trailed off with a sigh.

"Why? Do you know them?" The husky voice asked.

"Nothing. I heard that Zhou Hou is powerful, so it might be tough." The man with the gentle voice shook his head.

"Zhou Xiong is really powerful. Even if we get the exact location, it's inevitable that we will face him when we get to Building 33. One of us will have to go in while the other one would have to watch the entrance," the husky voice said in all seriousness. He was clearly one of the leaders in the Purple Crow with strong power.

"Then, you'll stay at the entrance and I'll go in. I'd like to see what the forensic room in Building 33 looks like," the man with the gentle voice decided without thinking twice.

"As long as you don't take too long, or else, I'll leave you behind," the husky voice from the Purple Crow warned.

"I like how straightforward you are."

"Please don't, I'm not interested in men."

"Let's talk about the details. Since it's our first time working together, we have to cooperate so that we miss nothing," the man with the gentle voice said.


It was 1 a.m. on the 19th floor in Building 33. Zhou Xiong sat in the room next to the mortuary while staring at the two bodies across the one-way mirror. Nobody knew what he was thinking about. Wu Sheng seemed to be bored while he put another colorful lollipop into his mouth.

"I'll take a look at the monitoring room," he said to Zhou Xiong.

"Go, I'll be here. Let me know if something is up." Zhou Xiong nodded.

Wu Sheng went to the top floor slowly by taking the elevator and walked to the monitoring room. There was only three staffmembers working in the massive monitoring room. Since they could not sleep as they were on shift, the three of them started playing cards. Wu Sheng opened the door as they were playing. The three of them were shocked to see Wu Sheng as he was the deputy director of Building 33. They should not be seen playing instead of working.

"Deputy Wu!" The three of them stood up immediately and greeted him while covering the cards behind them.

"You don't have to cover. I saw what you guys were doing." Wu Sheng smiled wryly as he walked towards them.

The three of them looked even more upset after hearing that.

"I'm so bored too. What are you guys playing? Count me in," Wu Sheng smirked at the three of them.

They were stunned and the one who looked the oldest responded immediately, "Deputy, we were just playing Beating the Tycoon. The both of them will play with you while I'll go back to work."

"Alright then, let's play." Wu Sheng nodded.

Beating the Tycoon was a card game that was similar to the game called Fighting the Landlord on Earth. It was two against one but instead of a total of 74 cards, there were five more cards to be drawn in this game. On Earth, poker had 13 cards in a group with four groups of suits and two trumps. However, the game here needed 18 cards in a group, four colors, and two trumps.

Although Wu Sheng hardly played, he was familiar with the rules as the three of them started playing. The man who had left the game was observing the screen at first, but soon he could not help himself but join the game while he peeped back at the screen occasionally. Just when they were getting engrossed in the game, four black shadows appeared somewhere near the 19th floor quietly...

Chapter 534: Invasion!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"We've been attacked!"

As the four shadows appeared on the 19th floor, the guard standing outside of the building charged at the four of them immediately. An immortal-level leader of the guards ran as quickly as he could to the entrance, attempting to ring the alarm but he was blocked by a person in black robes who teleported himself right before the guard leader.

"I'm sorry, this road is closed!" A voice came from a voice-modulating shell.

The leader of the guards attacked with his sword without thinking twice and a black streak slashed in the air. However, the black-robed person grabbed the black streak and it disappeared. The immortal-level head guard's neck was broken as well. By the time the head guard fell to the ground, the tens of the other guards were dead.

"The guards at the Union Government are useless," a cold voice said softly.

The quad team in black robes spread out immediately. Two of them were guarding the entrance while another two headed into the building for a round of purging. By then, the building alarm had started ringing, echoing throughout the entire building. The four of them in the monitoring room just realized that something was wrong while Wu Sheng was stunned. He looked at the screen and saw that all of the guards outside the building were dead while two black-robed silhouettes who could not be identified were guarding the door. The other two who went into the building were in black robes as well.

Wu Sheng thought to himself, "How funny. It's always the shorter person who attacks."

All the black-robed attacker did was move his fingers on his left hand slightly, and black beams shot out as fast as lightning and pierced through the guards' bodies. They were so fast that nobody could stop them.

Suddenly, the assailant in black robes casually removed the Surveillance Snail at the corner of the wall and placed the camera right on his mask.

"Good evening. Everyone, we're here to... shut down the party!" A deep voice came out of the voice-modulating shell.

The camera blacked out as the person said that.

"Inform the director! I'll settle these two."

Wu Sheng walked out of the monitoring room furiously. He had just assured Zhou Xiong that nobody knew about the two Saints elders' bodies being on the 19th floor an hour ago, but he was soon proven wrong.

"There must be a traitor among us! Else, it's impossible for them to know the location of Building 33 and that the two bodies are here!" Wu Sheng stomped and broke the ground while descending swiftly to the floor below.


Zhou Xiong who was on the -3rd floor frowned as he heard the alarm.

"That's an... invasion alarm!"

He then switched on his walkie-talkie and set the frequency to speak to Wu Sheng.

"Wu Sheng, what's happening? Reply me if you hear this!"

There was just white noise coming from Wu Sheng's side. He then set the frequency to the monitoring room's but he failed to contact anyone.

He then turned on the communication page on his Emperor's Heart Ring and realized that the network and signal had been disconnected.

"No wonder..."

Just when he was thinking of how to communicate with the outside world, there was a crackle coming out of the speaker of the monitoring room.

"Attention! The 19th floor is being attacked right now. There are four of them in black robes and they are wearing masks on their faces. There are two of them guarding the entrance now while another two have invaded the building. The four of them seem to be on imperial-level..."

Zhou Xiong's pupils shrunk when he heard that.

"Four imperial-levels! They're definitely here for the two dead bodies!" He looked at the two dead bodies through the one-way mirror as he was certain about their intention to attack.

"But... How do they know that the bodies are on the 19th floor? How do they know our location? Could Wu Sheng be right about a spy among us?"

As he had doubts in his mind, he did not slow down as he walked into the room and kept the two bodies in his storage space after packing them into separate bags. He then walked to the elevator immediately.

Meanwhile, a shadow came from the top of the first stair of the 19th floor, blocking the way of the two figures in black robes. It was Wu Sheng who always traveled the road less taken. To be able to get to them quickly, he had broken through more than 30 levels and landed on the first level from the top floor.

One of the robed persons laughed when he saw the ceiling that was now a gaping hole.

"What an entrance, brother."

"Who are you?" Wu Sheng did not attack right away. Instead, he took out a lollipop, removed the wrapping and put it into his mouth in front of the guy. He was worried that he might experience low glucose levels during the battle.

"What do you think?" A cold voice said.

"That's not important. I asked that question to buy myself some time to eat the lollipop. Since the both of you will be dead men soon, I'll just bring your heads to the black market, then I'll know who you guys are." Wu Sheng became terrifying when he had put the lollipop in his mouth.

"What an arrogant kid! Let's see what you've got!"

"Filthy villain, I'll kill you, then I'll kill the one next to you." Wu Sheng dashed towards the person without hesitation.

As the both of them collided, it was hard to tell that who was winning. Loud thumps of impact echoed, and the entire building was shaking from the impact. Meanwhile, the other black-robed person noticed an elevator coming up from the basement. The person grinned and disappeared from where he was. When he appeared again, he held one arm of each of the duo who was fighting. The deep-voiced person was shocked and before he could respond, he was flung out by an immense strength. Wu Sheng attempted to attack with his other hand but the black-robed person managed to grab his other arm and pressed him into the wall entirely.

"Wake up, my loyal dog..." Just when Wu Sheng was trying to break away from the person, the person said gently into his ear. Suddenly, Wu Sheng's mind went blank. The voice sounded insignificant, yet it was echoing in his ears. Soon, new memories were flooding out of his brain while old memories were playing like they were on a reel. His bright eyes were now blank. An insignificant voice whispered into his ear just when he regained consciousness... At the same time, the arms that were holding him down were released.

"Hey, what the hell?! Why did you attack me?" The deep-voiced man shouted. He was not a Purple Crow member, so he was disrespectful to his leader.

"You're too slow. Zhou Xiong is here," the gentle voice came out of the voice-modulating shell.

Just as he said that, the elevator bell rang and the doors opened. A tall shadow walked out of it.

"Since you've done this to my office building, there's no need to pay the compensation. Just hand me your dead bodies!" Zhou Xiong said to the two black-robed attackers as he looked at the destroyed building.

Chapter 535: Plan B

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A giant ax measuring almost three meters long appeared in Zhou Xiong's hand. It was much taller than he was. Its body was like a double scythe with sharp spikes on the back. The gigantic weapon had three attack modes. One was the ax itself, the other was a double scythe with a sawtooth edge while the last one was two steel balls on both sides of the ax handle.

It was a powerful weapon that made the pupils of both the people in black robes shrink. The both of them knew that the relic that Zhou Xiong was holding was a terrifying prehistoric relic. It could only be obtained from a special triple mutated imperial-level monster. The fact that he could retrieve this weapon only proved how powerful he was.

As Zhou Xiong held the ax in his hand, his aura was rising tremendously while golden Life Power boiled out of every pore of his body. He looked like he had transformed into a Super Saiyan; even his hair was gold now. His ax was also covered with a layer of golden Life Power.

"You're just showing off now! What's the meaning of this fight then?" The deep voice complained.

"Go to hell!" Zhou Xiong shouted while the ground below his feet cracked. He was like a golden lightning bolt as he dashed towards the short man in black robes who was further away. His plan was simple. He wanted to kill the weaker of the two in one hit to avoid being surrounded by the duo. Since they had come as partners, they might be skilled at combo attacks. Therefore, killing one of them could reduce the threat to himself.

Seeing Zhou Xiong charge towards him with a heart-stopping aura, the shorter man's pupils shrunk as he knew what Zhou Xiong was planning to do. He fathomed the threat of Zhou Xiong's ability as well, so he backed off without thinking twice. When he retreated, a circle of black cloth appeared in front of him. It was the same Dark Shield Monster Skill that Lin Huang had. At the same time, he performed a sigil quickly behind the Dark Shield. Layers of colorless waves rippled behind the shield.

Zhou Xiong smirked as he saw the Dark Shield that was forming. He slightly rotated his ax, which was then transformed into steel balls with spikes. He then swung the steel balls towards the Dark Shield. The shield shattered like a piece of glass. Although the invisible waves managed to deflect the impact of the golden ax, it did not completely defend him from the attack. The short man then swiftly placed a metal shield in front of him.

The metal shield cracked under the blow while the man shot off like a cannonball and passed through a couple of walls behind him, heading outside the building. Zhou Xiong knew that three defense layers had blocked his attack, thus the impact had not killed the man. Although he did not die, he might not be able to participate in the fight anymore.

Zhou Xiong looked at the walls that the short assailant shot out through. He did not bother to go after him and turned around to look at the other black-robed person. He frowned as he saw Wu Sheng being held hostage by the enemy. His body was tied with a flaming chain while the man had a short blade pointed at Wu Sheng's neck.

"Zhou Xiong, two dead bodies for one man," the black-robed person said in his gentle voice.

"Two dead bodies? I don't know whose bodies you're talking about..." Zhou Xiong did not dare to attack anymore as his partner's life was at stake.

"Stop pretending. Tell me now if you want a new deputy director. I've limited patience..." The black robe person inched his finger slightly and the short blade slashed across Wu Sheng's neck at a terrifying speed. Blood gushed out of his neck like a fountain.

"I've broken the aorta in his neck. I advise you not to put your hopes up on his self-healing abilities as the short blade that I'm holding has a non-curing effect. Looking at the speed of his blood loss, he should have six more minutes to live... Let me know quick if you want him to live or die." The attacker grabbed Wu Sheng's head as his voice came out of the voice-modulating shell again.

Zhou Xiong thought about it and decided to compromise. The golden Life Power around his body disappeared as he dropped the two bags onto the ground.

"You win."

"Open the bags." The black-robed person was cautious.

Zhou Xiong bent down helplessly and opened the bags, revealing the two dead upper bodies.

"Can you let him go now?"

"Great!" The mysterious attacker flicked a black glow towards him.

Zhou Xiong quickly caught the glow and realized that it was a temporary storage ring.

"Put them in and toss the ring back. Thanks!" The black robe person said.

Zhou Xiong frowned, but he did as he was told anyway. After stowing the two dead bodies into the temporary storage ring, he tossed it back.

"Let him go!" Zhou Xiong knew that Wu Sheng could not last any longer.

"Don't worry, I always keep my promises." The black robe person released the Punishment Chain on Wu Sheng and sped towards the entrance.

Zhou Xiong did not chase after him but leaped and appeared beside Wu Sheng. He grabbed him and used his Life Power to seal the wound on his neck.

"All doctors, come to the first level right now!" He shouted into the building.


"Got them?!" The Purple Crow leader asked as soon as the black-robed man got out of the building.

"Yes, get the rest to retreat." He summoned his dimensional relic but soon, he noticed that it was not working.

"Bad news. The area has been locked down..."

"It can't be. So quickly?" The Purple Crow leader summoned his dimensional relic and realized that he could not set the location anymore.

"Maybe the outside world is trying to contact them, but since we have sealed the signal, they noticed that something was wrong after a couple of failed attempts. If I'm not mistaken, the entire White Capital has been locked down," the gentle voice analyzed.

"If that's the case, we'll have to exit by force!" The Purple Crow leader turned around and looked at the short man in black robes that had been attacked by Zhou Xiong earlier.

"Are you alright?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. Zhou Xiong's attack was powerful, but I prepared for that and blocked most of the impact. Besides, with my Enhanced Regeneration skills, I should be alright. It's just that my Life Power is drained." The short man nodded.

"Alright then, let's carry out plan B!" The Purple Crow leader affirmed and instructed after confirming that his partner was alright.

"Everyone, listen up! We're carrying out plan B!" The man with the gentle voice conveyed into his device, informing his group.

Chapter 536: Destruction-Grade Monster Horde!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was 2:30 a.m. The buzzing of his Emperor's Heart Ring woke Lin Huang up from his sleep.

"It's 2:30 a.m. now. What could be up?" Lin Huang frowned after checking the time. Nobody would be happy to be woken up in the middle of the night. He frowned even deeper as he looked at the notice. It was a... mandate.

A mandate was a request for help sent by the Union Government to all the Union organizations' members, recruiting for help in battle when a foothold was in a crisis or came under attack of a large-scale monster horde. Most of the members who received the mandate were either in the foothold of the crisis or somewhere near.

The content of mandate was simple.

"A large-scale monster horde is approaching the White Capital at an alarming rate. Looking at the situation, the monsters are all at the destruction-grade! All members of the Union organizations that are above iron-level, please head to the south border of the White Capital as soon as possible and prepare to fight!"

The simple message was disseminated thrice.

"A destruction-grade monster horde!" Lin Huang's eyes narrowed when he read that. He had experienced how disastrous such a grade of monsters could be. What was scary about the monster horde was not the powerful monsters, but the overwhelming amount of monsters that did not seem to stop barraging, which was suffocating.

The monsters were graded from low to high from the violent-grade, the nightmare-grade, the disaster-grade... and the destruction-grade was the highest rank. For the violent-grade monster horde, most of the monsters were just on iron-level and bronze-level while some of them were on silver-level, but there were hardly any gold-level and Transcendent-level monsters.

For the nightmare-level monster horde, most of the monsters would be on silver-level and gold-level monsters in the beginning, and there would be some holy fire-level monsters as well. The disaster-grade monster horde would have more gold-level monsters with at least five Transcendent-level monsters as well as immortal-level monsters.

As for the highest grade, which was the destruction-grade monster horde, aside from a massive amount of iron-level to gold-level monsters, there would be at least hundreds of holy fire-level monsters and even more the ten immortal-level monsters. Sometimes, there would even be imperial-level monsters. Such a spine-chilling monster horde could easily destroy all of the A-grade human footholds. Of course, to an A-grade foothold such as the White Capital, such a monster horde was threatening, to say the very least.

"There are 23 B-grade footholds around the White Capital. Any monster hordes that are approaching the White Capital will pass by the other B-grade footholds. If it has already happened in the B-grade foothold, it's impossible for them not to inform the Union Government who'll definitely notify us. Since there's no news about a monster horde in B-grade foothold, the monster horde must have occurred between the White Capital and near the B-grade foothold. Perhaps there's a Virtual Eye opening?!" The first possibility Lin Huang thought was that, but soon he thought of the prediction 'theuglytruth' had made online.

"Could this be an attack by the Purple Crow and the other underground organization?"

As he thought of that possibility, his mind could not get over it any longer. It was not important how the Purple Crow and the other organization drove the monster horde any longer. Lin Huang sat up from his bed and changed immediately. He headed to the south immediately after washing his face. Before he left, he looked at the dorm building. Besides Hong Zhuang's room and the other two dorms were dark, but the other dorms were lit up.

As Lin Huang headed to the south from the Martial Hunter College, he saw many houses that were also lit up. Under the streetlights, many hunters from iron- to gold-level were riding on their flying mounts, heading to the south while some of them were running on their feet. The scene stirred Lin Huang. In this world, humans were in a bad place. If they had not protected each other, they would have died since the beginning. The common people in this world were weak. Even an iron-level monster alone could kill tens of people, and the lowest grade monster horde could kill millions.

Without the protection of the Union Government and the other Union organizations, humans would be living in a much worse place. That was the reason why many would choose to join the Union as they could give everything they had to protect their families and friends from being harmed. However, not everyone in the Union organizations was selfless. Most of them joined with the heart to protect others as they were living in such a cruel world. Therefore, whenever there was a monster horde, they would join the battle without thinking twice.

They did not want to be heroes. They did that to protect their home. When they joined the Union organizations, they knew very well that if they chose to escape or hide, those who died under the feet of monsters might be their parents, wives, or kids...

Lin Huang was born on Earth during a time when there was no war. He learned all the knowledge he had slowly when he was living in this world. Li Lang, Yi Yeyu, and the other hunters who had helped him along the way contributed to his mentality as well.

If he had not known much about this world, there was a 99% chance that he would have joined the Purple Crow when he had been captured by Hong Zhuang earlier. His perspective of this world would have been so different by then. Besides the importance of the first meeting between people, the first impression of an unfamiliar environment was important too. Just like a city that exuded different feelings to different people. Some people might see the messiest part of the city, and some might be robbed so they would not want to visit the city ever again. However, some would see the beautiful side of the city as well as hot babes with long legs on the streets. That would make them want to visit the city more.

Lin Huang's perception of this world was more of the latter. Although this world was a broken one with many monsters, he had a cute sister with him as well as a bunch of good friends that he had made. His heart was peaceful.

"Since Hong Zhuang is away, she must be one of the participants of this chaos... But what's the purpose of the Purple Crow and the other underground organization for starting this monster horde?" Lin Huang did not know what had happened in the White Capital underworld, so it made sense that he was clueless about the objective of this monster horde.

Chapter 537: Border Post

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As Lin Huang released his Life Power to double his acceleration, the light white glow he emitted made him look like a meteor in the night sky. It would not be visible if he were flying during the day. However, he looked like he had a white tail behind him as he flew at night. What he was doing which seemed like he was showing off, making many iron to gold-level hunters on the ground envious.

"Wow, I'm so envious of that Transcendent-level who can fly!" A young man in his 20's in the team made of gold-level hunters looked enviously at Lin Huang who soon disappeared in the night sky.

"What is there to be envious about? With your talents, you'll reach Transcendent-level, the latest by next year!" A middle-aged man riding on a monster's back comforted him.

"We're old now, so we don't expect to break through anymore, but you guys are so young. Your future is endless."

"Uncle Li, what level do you think the person who flew across was? He's so fast!" The young man smiled at the middle-aged man's compliment and asked the leader who was well-experienced.

"Looking at his flying speed, perhaps he's at least an immortal-level," the middle-aged man sighed as he looked at the direction where Lin Huang had disappeared to.

"Immortal-level..." The other members of the team were impressed.

The middle-aged man, who was called Uncle Li, had made the wrong assumption about Lin Huang's combat level. However, judging from his flying speed, his double acceleration had surpassed the holy fire-level standard and was even faster than many immortal-levels. Although Uncle Li had been around for a long time, it was normal for him to come up with such a wrong judgment. Of course, Lin Huang would not know about that, and even if he did, he would not bother to explain.

White Capital was huge. It was 1.5 million square kilometers wide. If it were placed on Earth, it was large enough to be the second largest country on the planet. The White Capital looked like inverted stairs with a wide upper region and a narrower lower part on the map. However, the four borders were of an organic shape. The biggest part in the north was more than 5,000 kilometers while the distance from the north to the south was more than 4,000 kilometers.

The Martial Hunter College that Lin Huang was at was located at the center of the White Capital. It was more than 2,000 kilometers from the southern border. With his flying speed, it only took him less than half an hour to get to the southern border. He looked around for the border post. The southern border in the White Capital was more than 3,000 kilometers long whereby nearly a third was flat land. If the defenses were not activated, many monsters could step into the White Capital easily. That was the reason where there were many posts at the border for the Union Government's guards.

Some ordinary people would ask why would the hunters from the Hunter Association or the adventurers from the Adventurer Paradise were sent there whenever there was a crisis in the foothold instead of the army from the Union Government. The reason was simple - most of the army was placed at the borders of the safety zones while the remaining ones were placed at the borders of the A and B-grade footholds. The guards at the borders protected the human homes when most of the people were unaware.

Lin Huang was looking for a post as most of the Union organizations volunteers would usually choose to gather near the post to fight the monster horde together with the border guards. Although it was 3 a.m. and the sky was still dark, Lin Huang's powerful vision managed to pinpoint a post that was not far away. He headed there immediately to gather with the rest.

A moment later, he landed next to the post. There was already a small bunch of 20 people gathered. Besides them, many others were scattered around other posts. Those who managed to arrive at the border before Lin Huang did not have as fast a flying speed as he did. Instead, they had the location pinned before, and some of them lived nearer than Lin Huang did. He was always a lone wolf who preferred to go solo as he did not want others to see most of his abilities.

However, as a destruction-grade monster horde was arriving, Lin Huang did not think that fighting on his own was a wise thing to do as he had witnessed how terrifying it could be. Moreover, besides the monster horde being 'destruction-grade', he had no idea what exactly was happening as he did not gather more information from the rest.

Many of them peered at him as he landed from above. Most people did not bother than he was a white flame-level, but he looked way too young to be this powerful. After all, most of the people who managed to get to Transcendent-level usually came from royal families. Lin Huang was only 16 years old and he looked like he was, at the most, 17. However, this bunch of people thought he simply had youthful looks and that he should be at least 19 or 20.

Lin Huang glanced at the people. They were all holy fire-level, and none were on immortal-level. He ignored the way they were studying him and walked straight into the post. Many of them were giggling as he entered the post. There were a man and lady as well as a couple of staff chatting in the post hall. Lin Huang frowned as he saw the duo as he could sense that they were immortal-level. Under normal circumstances, white flame-levels could only determine blue flame or purple flame-levels. However, Lin Huang had killed many immortal-level monsters, so it was not difficult to sense the combat level of the duo.

The duo peeked at him as Lin Huang walked in, but they did not bother about him. It was a border soldier who walked to him.

"Our directors are speaking to the two masters. You can come back later."

"I just want to know what's the situation right now. Just get someone who is aware of it to talk to me." Lin Huang did not plan to leave, so he gazed calmly at the soldier.

Most of the border soldiers' combat level was on gold-level. Even the directors were mostly complete gold-level; there were hardly any holy fire-levels. Those who managed to get to holy fire-level would usually achieve gold flame-level as long as they were given enough time. None of them would waste their time there. The soldier soon noticed that Lin Huang's aura was undetectable and he suspected that he could be a Transcendent-level. Looking at his age, the soldier starting guessing his identity as he thought that Lin Huang might have Holy Power on him. He did not dare to delay him anymore.

"If that's the case, Sir, please follow me to the guest room..."

Chapter 538: Partners at the Bonfire

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang sat on a chair as he listened to the border soldier who was talking to him in the guest room.

"There're a total of 32 posts in the southern border of the White Capital. The post that has been discovered is the South Beacon. It's the biggest post in the south, and there's a detective supreme relic."

"There supreme relic has to be activated using energy crystals. Under normal circumstances, it'll be randomly activated once a week. It can detect a radius of up to a thousand kilometers which covers half of the southern border. It'll alert us whenever something is wrong. Of course, an alert will be sent if more than a thousand monsters appear within three hundred kilometers."

"Around forty minutes ago, the relic was triggered. When the alert was sent, the South Beacon staff spent a massive amount of energy crystals to activate the relic. That was how they confirmed the monster horde. They informed all of the posts as well as the Union Government headquarters as soon as they found out. After the Union Government confirmed that it's real, they sent all of you the mandate. You already know the rest..."

"How did they confirm the scale of the monster horde? Was it with that relic as well? Also, who gave the final say of the destruction-grade monster horde? Is it confirmed that there'll be many immortal- and imperial-level monsters this time?" Lin Huang asked the questions that he was eager to know after hearing about what had happened.

"All of them came from the relic. Not only can it calculate the rough number of the monsters, but it can also differentiate the monsters' aura. As soon as it detects transcendent-level monsters, it can come up with the exact number and combat level. It has never made any mistakes before."

"According to the results sent from the South Beacon, the monster horde this time is massive. There are over 1.5 million monsters from different sources. I heard it's not the opening of Virtual Eye, but the South Beacon has yet to identify what the cause of the monster horde is. They label it a 'destruction-grade' monster horde not because there're so many monsters, but the relic has detected that they are more than three thousand transcendent-level monsters this time with more than a hundred immortal-level monster as well as three imperial-level monsters..."

Lin Huang was shocked when he heard what the border soldier said.

"Thee thousand transcendent-level monsters... More than a hundred immortal-level monsters... And three imperial-level monsters?!"

Lin Huang had never expected such a huge scale of monsters. He started doubting if this was the work of the Purple Crow. If the Purple Crow had really gone out of their way to drive such a terrifying monster horde, the Union Government would have been replaced by them since the beginning of time.

"How wide does the area of the monster horde cover?" Lin Huang snapped out of his thoughts and asked.

"According to the South Beacon, more than 80% of the southern border is within the range of the monster horde. The monster horde will take an hour and a half to reach the border, but there're already some flying monsters at some of the posts..."

Lin Huang got up and left the guest room after obtaining the information that he needed from the border soldier. The two immortal-levels had just finished their conversation with the directors when he got to the hall. The duo peeped at Lin Huang again as he walked out while Lin Huang glanced at them as well. He then walked out of the post, trailed by the duo.

"The monster horde will take an hour and a half to arrive here. Should I stay here or should I get to the place where the monsters are already to help?" Just when Lin Huang was deciding, the two immortal-levels flew into the sky and headed to the east. Looking at the duo who disappeared into the sky, he decided to stay. If there were no immortal-level at this post, it would definitely be destroyed once a chief-level [Author means imperial-level] monster appeared. Since the two immortal-levels had left, the post lacked an immortal-level, so he decided to stay.

Many people started talking about the two immortal-levels who had left while a majority of the holy fire-levels were concerned. They knew about the situation from the border soldier as well. Not only would there be chief-level monsters that were as powerful as immortal-levels, there were even king-level monsters that were comparable with imperial-levels. There were only three imperial-level monsters, so the probability of encountering them was low. However, there were more than a hundred immortal-level monsters. If those were to be divided among the 32 posts, there would be at least three of them at every post on average. Without any immortal-level person there, the post was in crucial danger.

Lin Huang did nothing as he watched the insecure people. He could not tell them that he was powerful enough to kill immortal-level monsters. Even if he did, nobody would believe him. As time passed, no immortal-level person arrived. Many of them were in despair, and some of them were even thinking of running to other posts. A few of them decided to leave after giving it a thought. Some of them did not stay as they did not see any immortal-level coming.

An hour had passed, and the post was only left with 19 holy fire-levels, including Lin Huang. Apart from Lin Huang, most of them had no expression on their faces. Some of them looked gloomy. Although they know they would die if they stayed, they decided to stay anyway because if there was nobody left here, the monsters could invade right away. If they stayed, they might be able to buy some time for the soldiers.

Lin Huang became upset as the atmosphere thickened. He knew that those who decided to stay would probably die. It was the end of November, and despite being the southernmost part of the White Capital, it was winter there. As the sky turned bright, a layer of snow had accumulated on the ground. The 19 of them surrounded a burning bonfire, and the heavy atmosphere was even colder than the weather. Looking at the crackling bonfire, an indescribable emotion mustered in his chest. Lin Huang could not help but breathe out a cloud of white mist.

A tall, bearded man sitting on Lin Huang's left peered at him and the other couple of young men.

"Guys, I bet all of you know that this post is at high risk as there's no immortal-level here. I'm not trying to discourage any of you here, but there's something that I must say." The bearded guy looked at the young men and said after hesitating. After he had gotten everybody's attention, he started speaking.

"We have three young men here. I'm guessing the oldest of them isn't even 25. They have the potential to level up to immortal-level or even imperial-level. You shouldn't waste your lives here. I think you guys should leave and get to a post with at least an immortal-level."

What the bearded man said made many of them fall silent, but soon grunts of agreement were heard.

"The bearded guy is right. There's no difference if we have the three of you here anyway. Let the three kids go," another old man with gray hair said.

Lin Huang did not say a word. He could see that the two other young men were pausing.

"Kids, leave. You guys still have a long way to go. You shouldn't waste your life here. We're old, so there's no hope for us to get to immortal-level anymore. But you guys are different..." The bearded man patted Lin Huang's shoulder.

Lin Huang kept quiet for a moment and shook his head while smiling wanly. "I'm staying. If I leave, nobody will kill the immortal-level monsters for you guys."

The people were stunned but soon many of them laughed out loud.

"You didn't look like a funny guy." The bearded man patted Lin Huang's shoulder hard again and grinned. It was not an insulting smile, but a humorous one.

The two young men seemed to be much relaxed now and one of them said, "I'm staying. If I run away this time, I'd be guilty for the rest of my life."

"I'm staying too. I've never seen how an immortal-level monster looks like. I would like to see it." The other young man forced a smile.

"Since you guys are so determined, we shall be life and death partners. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ai De." The bearded man raised his wine pot high, took a big swig, and passed it to Lin Huang.

"Hi, my name is Lin Huang. Nice to meet everybody here!" Lin Huang was surprised at first, but he then took the wine pot and raised it up. He took a sip like the bearded man did and passed it to the middle-aged man on his right.

"My name is Wang Long!" The middle-aged man accepted the wine pot, introduced himself, and passed the pot along...

All of them then started passing the wine pot around as they surrounded the bonfire. They drank while they introduced themselves. Even the young man, who was not good at drinking, took a big gulp and his face was flushed. Everyone was guffawing at him. Lin Huang remembered all of their names. As the wine pot returned to Ai De's hands, he took a few sips again and howled hard.

"From today onwards, no matter dead or alive, we're all partners!"

Lin Huang was moved as he had never thought having life and death partners could bring such power to him. Suddenly, a horn was blown very loudly as someone shouted from the top of the tower, "The monster horde is here!"

"Hahaha..." Ai De walked to the bonfire and spilled all of the remaining wine into the fire. The flames roared a couple of meters higher as Ai De took out an ax and smirked, shouting to them, "My brothers, it's time to party!"

Chapter 539: Commander Ai De

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

They gazed far into the sky as they saw many monsters flooding in from 20 to 30 kilometers away. The number of monsters was countless; it was just an endless stream of them flying towards the post. The sight of it was suffocating. The people who had been high on their pride earlier became devoid of expression as they gaped at the monsters that were coming their way.

Lin Huang looked at the hundreds of monsters in the sky and identified three chief-level monsters. The most powerful one was an immortal-level rank-5 while the other two were immortal-level rank-1 and rank-3. The remaining monsters were all commander-level and their numbers were almost five times more than the number of holy fire-level people posted there.

"There's an immortal-level rank-5 monster... It seems like I can only kill it by transforming myself." Lin Huang was still thinking about trying his best not to reveal his abilities. However, it seemed like it was impossible to kill the immortal-level rank-5 monster now.

"Those who plan to fight from a distance, get ready. As soon as the monster horde enters the range, work with the border soldiers to fire the Demonic Crystal Cannon! Don't attack the transcendent-level monsters first. Try to minimize the number of monsters below transcendent-level!" The bearded man named Ai De seemed to be experienced in being a commander as he assigned tasks to everyone.

The Demonic Crystal Cannon was a cannon that could be activated using a variety of energy crystals. It could kill any creature below transcendent-level easily, and could even threaten many holy fire-levels. The fire attribute energy crystal was the most effective as it could easily kill white and crimson flame-levels in a single hit. Of course, this could not compare to the range that the cannon on Earth could fire whereby the furthest the Demonic Crystal Cannon could target was only thirty kilometers. It was most accurate and effective when the target range was within twenty kilometers.

There were only nineteen transcendent-level monsters there, and none of the Union Organization members below transcendent-level had arrived yet. There were more than thirty border soldiers on gold-level. They had their own tactic of battling as they would fire the Demonic Crystal Cannon from a distance. However, there were not many Demonic Crystal Cannons at this post - just twelve of them. While operating the cannon did not need rocket science knowledge, the border soldiers were the best when it came to aiming at the target. Furthermore, there were limited Demonic Crystal Cannons, so there were no extras for Lin Huang and the rest to use.

Ai De was once a soldier of the Union Government who had fought monster hordes before, so he knew how important teamwork was in the battle. That was the reason why he wanted the Demonic Crystal Cannon operated by the border soldiers while the rest were to work with them.

"Those who aren't skilled at fighting long-distance, go on to kill the Boulder Beasts that are good at long-distance attacks among the monster horde. After killing the Boulder Beasts, go for the giants that are good at defending. Try not to fight the transcendent-level monsters. Just do your best to buy time as there'll be rescue teams coming. The more time we buy, the better for us!"

The people became calm as they became confident in Ai De as their backbone. They started getting busy as they obeyed Ai De's orders. Lin Huang gave up on his plan to kill the transcendent-level monsters when he saw everyone following the instructions. After he targeted a Boulder Beast among the monster horde, he started running towards it. Apart from Lin Huang, two other people among the 19 holy fire-levels, who were skilled at long-distance attacking, dashed into the monster crowd.

As they dove into the monster horde, Lin Huang summoned Bai, Tyrant, Kylie, Ghastly, the Witch, and Lancelot. He had summoned the six of them as they looked like humans, so the rest would not mistake them for monsters and attack them. He was not so much as worried that the rest would hurt his monsters; he was more concerned that they would offend his summoning monsters and get themselves killed instead.

"Kill as many monsters as you can, but don't bother the transcendent-level monsters in the sky yet. Also, try to avoid the humans and don't fight them."

After his instructions were issued, the six of them dashed into the monster horde as Lin Huang fixed his sights on the Boulder Beast not far away.

The Boulder Beast was a psychic monster which was born at gold-level. It was made of black, gigantic rock, and resembled a thirty-meter tall giant man. It had powerful strength and defense abilities with a unique ability to throw rocks to attack from a long distance. When it was ready to attack, it could create a giant rock that was two to three meters in diameter in its hands and fling it up to ten kilometers away. The impact was comparable to that of a cannon's.

Such a monster would usually attack the Demonic Crystal Cannon during the monster horde, so Boulder Beasts were their first priority. The Boulder Beast's defense level was difficult to break to the average gold-level, but it was nothing to Lin Huang. As he was checking out the Boulder Beast, the monster noticed him nearby. It attempted to stomp on him immediately. He grinned and shook his head, then he pulled out his sword.

A white glow shot up into the sky, and the Boulder Beast split from its foot to the top of its head, breaking into two. He had not attacked right away as it was his first time seeing this monster after reading the monster encyclopedia. Furthermore, they were so close to each other, so he had decided to check it out first. He did not expect the Boulder Beast to attack himself and had killed it in an act of defense.

After killing the first Boulder Beast without any sweat, Lin Huang flew up into the sky to look for the second one. The Boulder Beast was easy to spot among the monster horde due to its size. Soon, he found the second one and sped towards it like a lightning bolt. This time, there was no delay as Lin Huang killed the second Boulder Beast easily. He then turned around and headed towards his third target...

In two to three minutes, Lin Huang had killed tens of Boulder Beasts. The transcendent-level monsters that had been observing from above soon noticed him.

The leader, which was an immortal-level rank-5 monster, stared at Lin Huang for a while and only started speaking after watching him killing a couple of monsters, "This white flame-level human is powerful. Who would like to kill him?"

"He's just a white flame-level human. I'll go!" A blue flame-level bird initiated.

"Alright, go then. Be careful, this fella might not just be white flame-level." The monster leader cautioned.

The bird monster flapped its wings and left the group of transcendent-level monsters while darting towards Lin Huang's direction.

Chapter 540: The Appearence of Strength

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang raised his eyebrow as he saw a green bird was dashing towards him. He did not want to offend it but it came to him instead. He looked at it and knew which breed the green bird was. It was a Malachite Feather, a double mutated monster with ancient blood. It had green feathers on its entire body besides its black eyes and blue crest. What could not be overlooked were its giant claws that were half a size bigger than its ratio to its body.

From the Malachite Feather's aura that was completely revealed, it was clearly a blue flame-level. The monster was much smaller than the Fire Phoenix that Lin Huang encountered in the ruins. However, it was not difficult to tell that its amity was much more powerful than the Fire Phoenix. The Malachite Feather's ability was nothing less than the Fire Phoenix. As it was two ranks higher, it made sense that its ability was much more powerful.

Ai De and the rest soon noticed the Malachite Feather that made its sudden landing. Ai De dashed towards Lin Huang's direction immediately as he saw the Malachite Feather that was dashing towards Lin Huang. He did not think that Lin Huang who was only white flame-level could fight the double mutated blue flame-level monster.

"Lin Huang, run!"

Seeing that he could not catch up to the Malachite Feather's speed, Ai De shouted at Lin Huang.

"It's too late to run now!"

The Malachite Feather scoffed as he got to Lin Huang. It then landed its claw on top of him, its mind was playing the scene where Lin Huang would be all messed up from its claw. However, Lin Huang looked up and smirked at the Malachite Feather.

Seeing his odd smirk, the Malachite Feather's heart skipped a beat. It then saw a white glow before it as a young man shouted.


Lin Huang leaped and slashed his sword from its bottom all the way to the top. A crescent moon-shaped white glow shot up to the sky and pierced through the Malachite Feather. The Malachite Feather's body broke into half like it was torn by invisible hands. Its green blood splashed all over like it was raining heavily, a thick blood mist lingered in the air, disgusting blood stench spread everywhere.

The Malachite Feather that was coming strong fell onto the ground like two pieces of meat. Lin Huang stood where he was in the air, there was not even blood on his body. Everyone was shocked to see what just happened. Many were concerned when the Malachite Feather was dashing towards Lin Huang, they were worried that the young man would be killed. They did not expect this to happen.

"Killed in a swing of the sword..."

Ai De and other gold flame-level people thought it was unbelievable, they knew very well that the Malachite Feather was a double mutated monster. Although it was just a blue flame-level, its ability was above purple flame-level. Even the gold flame-level people would take some time to fight that monster. Even Ai De who was stuck in gold flame-level was not confident to say that he could kill the monster in one hit.

Meanwhile, the transcendent-level monsters that witnessed that were shocked. They soon realized that Lin Huang was much more powerful than he appeared to be.

"Human genius... Three of you gold flame-level, kill him!" The immortal-level rank-5 leader looked at Lin Huang furiously before turning around to look at the bearded man to give its second instruction.

"All holy fire-level attack, kill all of the mice that are hiding in the monster crowd!"

The hundred of transcendent-level monsters spread out as they heard the instruction and dashed towards where the transcendent-level human was. As Ai De wanted to get to Lin Huang as he noticed that the three gold flame-level was dashing to Lin Huang, he had to stop as a couple of gold flame-level monsters were dashing towards him.

"Don't force yourself if you can't fight them!" He did not forget to remind Lin Huang.

As he shouted, he was blocked by four gold flame-level monsters while Lin Huang was surrounded by three gold flame-level monsters. The three monsters that surrounded him was the Triheaded Hound, Ox Fiend, and Witch, the same one before Wicked Witch leveled-up. However, Lin Huang soon realized besides the Witch, the other two monsters were peculiar. The Triheaded Hound and Ox Fiend were different from the ones that he saw on the monster encyclopedia. They seemed like they did not have complete self-conscious. They reminded the monsters that he encountered on Enigma Island where they were only left with killing instinct.

Without waiting for him to complete his thought process, the Triheaded Hound and Ox Fiend attacked at the same time while Witch tried to stop Lin Huang with shadow. Lin Huang moved and disappeared from where he was. The Witch's shadow lost its target while the Triheaded Hound and Ox Fiend dashed into nothing.

As Witch was looking around looking for Lin Huang, a voice came from behind.

"You guys are... too slow." Before he was done speaking, Witch noticed that her upper body slide to the ground.

As Witch was killed, the Triheaded Hound and Ox Fiend seemed to lose control and went into frantic.

"That's what I thought..." Seeing the two monsters' condition, Lin Huang was sure of where the monsters came from - The Scarborough Workshop. When he was on Enigma Island, He encountered many monsters that lost their self-conscious like this where all they could do was killing monsters blindly. The two monsters seemed to be controlled by Witch, that was why as Witch was dead, the two of them revealed their true color.

"So Scarborough Workshop is the one working together with the Purple Crow?" Lin Huang finally got a clue of what was behind this. As he recalled the prediction of 'theuglytruth', he was almost sure that the two underground organizations that the user meant were Purple Crow and Scarborough Workshop. However, he was not sure what the Scarborough Workshop was called now.

As Lin Huang was deep in his thought, the Triheaded Hound and Ox Fiend attacked him at the same time. The Triheaded Hound opened its mouth while the Ox Fiend swung the giant ax in its hand. The two of them attacked him on both sides. Lin Huang's sword transformed into a white glow and he swung twice towards the monsters. The both of them stopped moving, four gigantic heads shot out before they could even make a sound. Red blood shot out as far as tens of meters away like a fountain from the monsters' necks. Lin Huang appeared tens of meters away to avoid getting splashed by the blood, there was no blood on his body at all...

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