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Chapter 1261: Newborn Calves are Not Afraid of Tigers

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang had an odd expression on his face after reading the thread.

Among the Top 10 Most Deceptive Missions listed, there were three that suited him very well.

Apart from the Wine Ant Queen mission that ranked No.1, there were two other similar missions.

One was the Spider Empress mission in the No.2 spot, while another was No.4, the Tyrant Bug King mission.

The situation with the Spider Empress was more or less the same as that of the Wine Ant Queen. However, the tribe that the Empress produced was smaller. Despite that, preliminary estimation put the number of the tribe at about 50 million spiders.

Not only that, there were countless spider web traps all over the Spider Empress’ lair. Many of the spider fighters harbored deadly toxins in their bodies. Overall, hunting the Spider Empress was no easier than hunting the Ant Queen.

The Tyrant Bug King on the No.4 spot was a male Bug King which could not reproduce.

However, this Bug King possessed powerful abilities and could face off in battle against a first-rank True God when it went into berserk mode.

It had conquered dozens of powerful Bug Kings on its own and formed an army with over 30 million bugs.

Although it could not reproduce to replenish its army, this Bug King had the tyrant’s divine ability. Under its God Territory coverage, all Protoss fighters would go into berserk mode. Their combat strength would elevate at least two ranks higher, while some could even elevate three ranks higher.

Apart from the Tyrant Bug King itself, the 30-over bug kings under it were all high-level Virtual Gods, including seven first-rank True Gods.

Other people had no second thoughts about skipping over these three missions. After all, bug hordes were no joke. Even a True God would die on the spot if he was smothered in the bug horde with his Divine Power exhausted.

However, Lin Huang was secretly elated.

His main goal in coming to the great world was to hunt a great many virtual god-level monsters so he could retrieve Godheads and refine a sea of them to elevate his combat strength. At the same time, the spiritual energy that he gained from killing Virtual Gods could be given to the Combat Souls of the God’s Figurines within him.

“I’m imperial-level grade-3 now. I’ll need at least ten Virtual God rank-4 monster Godheads to elevate to imperial-level grade-4, which means I need 10,000 Virtual God rank-1 Godheads. If I calculate it like that, even if all Bug Tribe fighters are on Virtual God rank-1, 100 million Bug Tribe fighters are sufficient to get me to imperial-level grade-8…”

The reason Lin Huang calculated things this way was not because of the 1,000-fold difference in power between Virtual God rank-1 and Virtual God rank-4 Godheads. It was because the effectiveness of the conversion rate for lower-level Godheads would drop each time his combat strength elevated a rank.

If not for the conversion rate, the most that could happen was that he experienced threefold more Godheads exhaustion each rank he elevated, instead of the current tenfold.

Naturally, Lin Huang based his calculations on the most conservative estimate possible.

It was unlikely that all the Bug Tribe fighters under the Bug Queen and Bug King would be at Virtual God rank-1. It was even more unlikely that they were all at beginner-stage virtual god-level. There must be at least quite a few mid-level Virtual Gods and a lesser number of high-level Virtual Gods among them.

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