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Chapter 41: You Did Such A Great Job!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang was swamped with work for the next two days.

All the people that were sent to him by Yi Yeyu had not been disqualified. They were at least iron-level rank-2, some of them were even iron-level rank-3.

To make matters worse, they were unhappy when they found out that they had to listen to Lin Huang’s orders for the next two days. It seemed ridiculous to them because Lin Huang was not even iron-level.

Not knowing what else to do, Lin Huang summoned Tyrant to beat some of them up when they disobeyed him. Only then would they listen to him.

Although Lin Huang did not have powerful abilities, his identity as an Imperial Censor was a rare enough occupation for others to fear him as soon as they found out. When some of them heard that he had two monsters and he was a genius by Imperial Censor standards, they had to bite the bullet and listen to him regardless of the what they thought.

Meanwhile, Yi Yeyu was even busier. There was a limit to the summoning of her green wooden door, and she could only use it 10 times per day. There were 70 to 80 people who were not disqualified since the assessment started and they were scattered in different locations on the map.

She had to get the staff to gather the members who were close to each other and bring them all back within three days.

Yi Yeyu rented the meeting room on the hotel’s first floor and gathered all the participants there.

Seeing that some of them were badly beaten, she knew it was Lin Huang’s doing to get them to listen to him. As everyone showed up, Yi Yeyu now had a better impression of Lin Huang and his methods.

After quick glances to ensure everyone in the room was in fact not hurt too severely, she started to speak.

“I bet you all have many questions with regards to what has happened the past few days, about why I have gathered all of you here and why you are not allowed you to leave. Let me explain the reason now. Please do not be worried.”

“This is what happened. We noticed that the monsters from the desert area to the grassland on the east of Snowy Mountains Town which covers a few thousand kilometers have been acting strangely for the past few days. They have been savagely attacking humans, and are unafraid to fight to the death. After some investigation, we think there is a possibility that a transcendent monster from a with abilities to charm other monsters has appeared nearby,” she said calmly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard what Yi Yeyu said.

A transcendent monster was no joke. The reason why a C-grade medium foothold needed a transcendent to guard the foothold was the existence of other transcendent monsters.

A transcendent monster could lead an army monsters and destroy a medium foothold with a population of millions of people, within a night.

“However… Don’t worry. The association has sent us a transcendent human. He should be here sometime today. He will investigate the situation in the areas nearby and look for the cause of this unusual occurrence. When the problem is solved, I will talk to the management authorities to get the assessment going or perhaps pass everyone who was halfway through the assessment. That said, please be patient and wait inside the foothold,” she said. By the instant ease of tension in the room, Yi Yeyu’s words had comforted the people.

Everyone was here with the goal of becoming a Reserve Hunter. It would be like striking a jackpot win for them if the management was to pass all of them straight away.

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